Astronomy Tower
Fleur Delacour
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/16/2003
Updated: 07/16/2003
Words: 772
Chapters: 1
Hits: 945

The Dangers of a Desk Job

El Mann

Story Summary:
Bill Weasley was resigned to the boredom of a desk job at Gringott's Head Office. Little did he realise even a desk job can hold some excitement of its own. Bill/Fleur. Set between GOF and OOTP.

Author's Note:
This is a special little offering to the wonderful people sailing on the good ship HMS Fang and Flora, especially the Captain - Lily's Angel, and Kerosene whose heartfelt plea for more Bill/Fleur stories was the challenge I needed to actually write this. Also, thank you to my great beta-readers - Starry Eyed Writer, Bobbi and C Charlotte - for speed, accuracy and great advice. Sit back and enjoy a ride through the mind of one Bill Weasley.

The Dangers of a Desk Job

Diagon Alley is crowded already and I have to carefully maneuver my way between the mass of scurrying witches and wizards. It is not, however, as bad as the magic bazaar in Cairo. Now, that re-defines the meaning of 'crowded'. There it is. Gringott's Wizard Bank - head office. The majestic marble fronted building dominates the street. I wish I could feel a bit more excited, but as I climb the steps it feels like I am approaching my own gilded prison.

I should not feel like this, I tell myself. This is a promotion for me, securing a desk job back here at head office. Many of my fellow curse breakers would regard that as my just reward for years of poking around in dusty tombs, enduring primitive living conditions and traveling to remote places so far from home.

My secret is that I loved it. Seeing and experiencing a life so far removed from the Burrow, Hogwarts and Diagon Alley, was for me the most liberating experience imaginable. Of course, it paid well too.

Ah, well! 'It is a far, far better thing I do'. I think I found that line in a Muggle book my cousin loaned me some years ago. And it is true in my situation. Dumbledore says I can do more good for the Order if I am here at the centre of the commercial world. But it's not fair. Charlie gets to stay in Romania with his beloved dragons, while I get chained to a desk.

The main hall is still fairly empty, mainly just employees, wizard and goblin, arriving for the day. I see Griphook has a couple of new trainees in tow. I wonder how long they will last. He can be a bit of a hard taskmaster.

"Beel! Beel Weezlee!" I turn at the rather unfamiliar sound of my name being murdered by the most musical voice I have ever heard. One of the trainees is moving in my direction. What a vision! She is a tall, slender girl with luminous blue eyes, a cloud of fine blond hair and a figure....well let's just say the view has suddenly improved one hundred fold. I don't recognize her, but if she wants to know me that is definitely okay.

"Er, good morning, Miss...."

She smiles, extends her hand towards me and flutters her eyelashes in confusion. "Fleur Delacour. We met at zee Triwizard Tournament. You were zere to watch le petite Harry."

Of course, she is the part-Veela girl who was Beauxbatons' champion. Bill, you idiot, I curse myself. How could you forget her? Then again, the last couple of weeks have been a bit eventful.

"Fleur, of course I remember you." I take her hand and bend down to brush it with my lips. Man, she smells amazing, all flowers and spice. Rather intoxicating. I smile at her. "How are you, and to what do we owe the pleasure of your company here at Gringott's?"

She giggles. It is such a melodic sound. Like Veela song, I remind myself. I must not forget the voice is a main part of the enchantment.

"My fazzer arranged a traineeship 'ere at Gringott's main office, zo I can eemprove my Eenglish."

I see my big chance to spend more time with her. But now that the perfect opportunity is in front of me can I grab it? I see Griphook advancing towards us to reclaim his latest victim. I mean, trainee. I don't have much time. "Er....Fleur, before you go?"

She looks up at me with those beautiful big blue eyes. "Yes, Beel?"

Oh Merlin! Get a grip, Bill. It is just Veela magic. I know that and knowing it is half the battle to fighting it. I don't feel much like fighting it at the moment. "Er....Fleur?" Last chance, Bill; don't muck it up. "You say you want to improve your English. Maybe I could help. You know, meet you after work and practice conversations, that sort of thing."

She gives me the most brilliant smile I have ever seen. Oh man, am I ever lost. "Beel, zat would be tres magnifique. I mean.... 'ow do you say zat?"

"Bloody brilliant, Fleur. I mean, instead of 'tres magnifique' we say 'excellent'."

"Zat would be excellent, Beel. Shall we meet 'ere after work, zen?"

I nod, unable to say anymore. She flashes me one last gorgeous smile and glides away to where Griphook is waiting. Watching her go, I suddenly get the feeling that being stuck in a desk job is not going to be so bad after all.