Harry Potter Lord Voldemort
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/10/2003
Updated: 07/04/2004
Words: 174,895
Chapters: 16
Hits: 30,459

Harry Potter and the Emerald Sceptre


Story Summary:
Harry Potter is returning to Hogwarts for his sixth year and things are not getting any easier. Voldemort is coming at Harry with everything he has got. What power lurks behind the door in the Department of Mysteries? Can the new DADA teacher be trusted? HP/OC, RW/HG.

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
Harry Potter is returning to Hogwarts for his sixth year and things are not getting any easier. Voldemort is coming at Harry with everything he has got. What power lurks behind the door in the Department of Mysteries? Can the new DADA teacher be trusted? HP/OC, RW/HG. In this Chapter Harry finally confronts Katie about their feelings for each other and just why is it that Petunia Dursley is so anti-magic?

~~~~ Chapter 4 ~~~~


Remus had had the courtesy not to interrupt Harry and Katie; Harry could at least do the same for him. He and Katie retreated out of the front door, trying desperately to stifle their laughter. Only when the door had been quietly closed did they speak.

"Well I never, what a stud," giggled Katie. "Hardly a match made in heaven. Still, if they make each other happy, why not?" Harry just grinned, his amusement ended when he realised that they had nowhere else to go.

"Where to?" asked Harry.

"Follow Me," said Katie, taking his hand and walking away. She led him across the square and down an alley. They crossed the road and turned left ending up in Eastbury Road. Katie led him into number 17. The house was small, well kept. It reminded Harry of the house in which he had been imprisoned for ten years. Its lawn was neatly trimmed; there were flowerbeds on either side of the gravel path, which snaked towards the porch and the front door. Inside it was nothing like Privet Drive. It was warm and cosy. It had a 'lived in' feel, not the cold precision of the Dursley's household, the fact that the pictures on the wall were not of baby that resembled a whale was also an advantage. The entrance hall was bright and inviting, Harry could smell cooking from somewhere in the house. Pictures adorned every wall. They showed a man, a woman and a young girl. Katie had been cute when she was young. Her dad waved back from a beach within another photo. So this was Daniel Bell, the Auror, thought Harry. The figure in the picture waved back merrily, holding his newborn daughter in his arms. Katie herself looked at peace, in the first photo she was still recognisable as the girl he now knew, but the air of joy had evaporated. The sixteen-year-old Kathryn Jessica Bell showed the worries of time and the acceptance of the bitter world to come. This picture was another example of the philosophy Harry often wished for himself. Ignorance is Bliss.

"Kathryn, is that you? Kathryn, I...oh hello" a woman emerged from what had to be the kitchen. She was dressed in a flowery dress and wore an apron around her waist. She froze when she saw Harry, her face lit up. "So you are Kathryn's new boyfriend. I'm Kathryn's mother, call me Amy."

"How do you do Amy? I'm Harry, Harry Potter." The words had their usual effect. The cup she was holding fell from her hand smashing on the carpeted floor below her, she cupped her hands to her mouth, her eyes bulging.

"THE Harry Potter? In my home, dating my daughter? I don't believe it, come in, come in. Would you like some dinner? I can make anything you like. The Harry Potter here, wow, wait until I tell..."

"Mum!" bellowed Katie, "Calm down. He's not a circus attraction!" Mrs Bell froze and went slightly pink. She looked at Harry and then at her toes,

"Sorry dear, I just got a bit excited, it's just that well, you are...you, and I just...well" she trailed off. Harry felt a tingle of guilt at this lady's embarrassment and took the initiative. Putting on his most polite voice he answered,

"No apology necessary, ma'am. Just bare in mind, I am not what you think. The prophet, put me down for two years and then built me up higher than I really am this year. I would advise that you take what you hear with a pinch of salt if catch my drift."

"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" said Katie in a high-pitched voice, executing a superb impression of the Monty Python boys. The three of them laughed at this. Amy recovered her confidence and ushered them into the kitchen, she set a tray of tea down before them.

"It's good to see you eating something here, love," Amy said to Katie, she tuned to Harry. "Honestly, since she learned to Apparate, she comes and goes whenever she pleases. I haven't seen her for three days, though her longest outing was five, I tell you when she didn't come back after the fourth day I was this close to ringing for the Magical Law Enforcement."

"Sorry about that," said Harry. "She has been staying with me, I can't say where; it is protected by magic." He turned to Katie, "You never said you had passed your Apparation test." she blushed.

"One doesn't like to blow one's own trumpet," she mumbled.

"Fair enough," said Harry, taking a sip off tea, Harry himself couldn't wait to be able to Apparate, but he still had another year before he could even start training for it. Patience it seemed was not one of his virtues.

"Are you staying here tonight?" asked Amy reverting to the original topic. Harry opened his mouth to reply that he would love to but should really be getting back, but he was cut off.

"Yes," said Katie immediately. "Both of us" Harry couldn't really turn that down, it would just be rude and if you are meeting your girlfriends parents for the first time, you do not want to appear rude. Then he had a thought.

"I had better let someone know where I am, if I don't check in, Dumbledore will have the Aurors out looking for me." Katie grinned at him while Amy just looked perplexed. "They are a bit overkill on the whole protection thing, though I would rather this than being housebound all summer," continued Harry.

"He wouldn't do that surely?" asked Amy.

"You'd be surprised," grinned Harry. "I don't know why I'm grinning, it wasn't at all pleasant. Still I had better send him a note."

'Arwen,' he thought, 'I need you to deliver a message.' Phoenix song filled the kitchen as soon as he had thought this. Arwen came flying in through the door from the hall; she circled the room and then settled down on the table opposite Harry. Katie closed the curtains with a flick of her wand.

"Don't want the neighbours to see," she said. Harry kicked himself for not thinking of that.

"Sorry, I should have done that first." Harry wrote a quick note to Lupin letting him know where Harry was and that he would be back tomorrow. Arwen took it in her claw.

"Arwen, please take this to Remus," said Harry. She bowed her head and then flew out of the window. Harry and Katie had by now finished their tea

"Harry, just wait in the lounge," said Katie. "I'll be in, in a minute or so." Harry rose and did as he was asked. A fire was crackling in the grate, a small pot of what he recognised as Floo powder sat atop the mantelpiece. Harry crossed to the mantle, between the powder pot and the Kingfisher figurine sat a small pot, Harry recognised it. He had seen one like it at Privet Drive when Uncle Andrew, his mother's father, had died. It was her father's ashes. On the wall just to the right of the door was a large, 2' by 3' frame, which held seven photos. The first was a man around 21 years of age wearing scarlet robes, a golden badge pinned to his robes. Her father on his graduation day from Auror training, Harry hoped to God that he would one day be in his shoes. Another showed her mother when she was young, in University robes from the day when she had graduated; she stood proudly in front of the Entrance hall to University College London. The next was a marriage photo; to his surprise Harry saw some familiar figures. Among the guests stood Dumbledore, Molly and Arthur, Moody, and to Harry's surprise: Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. His mother was also present along with another woman who Harry did not know. Next came Katie, her first image was in a romper suit followed by one of her on her fist day at Hogwarts. Another showed a Quidditch Match. The last was family photo, it showed the three of them; the caption read, Mum, Dad and Kathryn aged 2. This was just before he had died, they looked so happy, so care free. Harry had spent supper with Amy, he had spent several days with Katie; neither of them now had the sparkle of joy in their eyes. This once blissful family had been torn asunder by one wizard's power hungry wrath. How many more would suffer the same fate? How many more lives would Voldemort claim. Harry looked into the mirror that hung from one wall. He was the only one who could stop him. Responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders. He looked back to the picture of the Auror Graduation. This man had paid the ultimate price for defending what he believed in, would Harry have to do the same?

"You'd have liked him," said a voice behind him. It was Amy. "He was one of the best, always fighting on. I would let him have it for being late home but I know he was doing his best to make it safe for our daughter to grow up in. He was in Dumbledore's resistance group, he was the most loving and dedicated man I ever knew. Now I just have to believe that we will see each other in heaven. Funny how the world works, Good will always overcome they say, faith is all it takes. Now that You-Know-Who is back, well who knows? I pray everyday that we might someday live in a world where Kathryn can do what she wants without me worrying, that people like my Danny will never have to make such sacrifices again."

"And God listens? I know next to nothing about religion, I have always assumed that there is a God, I have never really given it that much thought."

"In times like these, faith is all we have left. And yes God listens, no matter who you are or what you have done, he will always listen, and in some cases he answers."

"Has he answered you?"

"He sent me you didn't he?" she smiled. Harry stood stunned at what he had just heard. She believed in him, yet he was too feeble to do it himself. How could he ever hope to win if he doubted his own abilities? She left leaving Harry to ponder his thoughts. Whether he liked it or not, he was the only one who could defeat him, although he didn't want it, the responsibility was his and his alone. Everywhere he went people recognised him, they believed in him, they trusted him to set things straight, but Harry himself didn't believe. If he didn't believe in himself then there was no way that he could even hope to triumph.

"Given you the old 'Believe in me and thou shall find peace' speech, has she?" asked Katie as she entered.

"Yes," he answered honestly.

"She does that. Magic can explain every fable in the Bible yet she still believes in the divine."

"Maybe she is right. Holding on to some hope of peace and justice, whatever form it takes is enough to see many through. The best of us are those who believe in the cause, and fight for it."

"And what do you believe?" she asked him. A personal question, yes, but that was not what caused Harry to pause before answering, the truth was that he didn't know, he wasn't even sure is he believed in anything anymore.

"I wish I knew," he mumbled.

"I believe in something."

"What?" She pulled him to her and kissed him lightly on the lips,

"You," she whispered and kissed him again. "Come on, she took him by the hand and led him to the sofa. To his surprise he found that there was a television, standing before them.

"I thought that..." he began,

"Squib," replied Katie. "She is a Muggle when I am not here, that's most of the year. She has friends who are Muggle as well as witches. She, and I for that matter, are quite at home in the Muggle world though, I have to confess, their money still confuses me." She took the remote control and flicked through the channels. There was nothing of interest, a western, a quiz, Coronation Street and a documentary on teenage prostitutes in Bangkok.

"TV has really gone downhill," remarked Katie. "When I was younger, Saturday morning children's telly: couldn't be beaten. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, do you remember those?"

"Can't say I do."

"Ingenious. Six American teenagers in coloured PVC beating up unconvincing little aliens who grew to the size of buildings for no apparent reason. It was so corny it was hilarious. And in commercial breaks you had this amazing guy, Mr. Motivator. He would do these aerobic exercises at half six in the morning in ludicrous yellow spandex, dignity went right out the window. I tell you Harry; those were the days. Not this modern stuff."

"I'll take your word for it, hey flick over to the news, see if anything of interest is happening." She took the remote and changed the channel to BBC News 24.

"I hate it when I'm right," muttered Harry.

"Couple die in their home," said the News Reporter. "Police were called to the house at half past midnight last night after a neighbour reported hearing screams coming from the house of Mr. Lovegood in Watford, Hertfordshire."

"Luna," gasped Harry.

"Mr. Lovegood as it happens was out of the country apparently on holiday with his daughter..."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief

"...But sadly the maid and her husband were found dead. A police coroner has issued a statement, detailing the events that led up to the discovery of the bodies. He describes the deaths as being mysterious and as such is being treated with suspicion. The bodies revealed no signs illness, abuse, or foul play. As one official said, 'They appear to have, just died'. The only clue to the events surrounding the deaths was a symbol burned into one wall, depicting a skull with a snake protruding as a tongue. Police are appealing for witnesses to come forward. If anyone watching does have information could they please call Crimestoppers on 0800 999 111.

In other news..."

"So it has already started," remarked Katie. "Poor Luna, I heard she was a bit loopy but I wouldn't wish this on her."

"Don't underestimate Luna. Except for me, and Neville she was the last one standing. There is strength behind her appearance."

"Why do you think they would go after her?"

"Dunno, maybe because she was in the Ministry with me, maybe because her dad runs the Quibbler which is now pro-Dumbledore and ever so popular, since it was the only one publishing the truth last year."

"If it was because she was in the ministry, then won't Ron, Hermione and Neville also be on the list?" asked Katie.

"Remus said that their houses are hidden like this one. They should be safe," replied Harry though he unconvinced.

"This is just depressing, lets call it a day, shall we?" They retreated upstairs; half an hour later they were both asleep, holding each other in their arms.

~~~~ + ~~~~

Three days had passed since Harry had met Katie and he could still not decide if it was him she wanted or to be seen as the girlfriend of the Boy-Who-Lived. He couldn't go on like this. His curiosity was growing. He owed it to not only himself but to her to discuss it. His opportunity came after two days. Remus was once again out. It was just Harry, he was alone in the house, except for Dobby of course. Harry was doing his Tae Kwon Do practise in the living room when the doorbell chimed. Harry heard the crack of Dobby Apparating and the sound of the door being closed. Katie appeared in the doorway.

"Alright?" she greeted. Harry had being playing this conversation over and over in his head. Half an hour ago he knew exactly what to say, now he was lost for words. She looked calm and peaceful. This conversation carried with it some serious allegations and implied a lack of trust. Harry knew this was going to hurt them both, but he had to do it. They had to know where they stood. Harry just hoped that he would not lose her in the process.

"Morning," he replied. "Look, Katie, we need to talk." The smile instantly vanished from her face.

"This sounds ominous, why do I have a feeling that I am not going to like this?" She put her backpack down and sank into an armchair. Harry sat down on the sofa facing her. He took a deep breath and tried to decide where to begin.

"There is no way to say this subtly so I am just going to say it," he began. "Katie, I need to know where I stand with you." She regarded him curiously.

"I believe you are my boyfriend."

"Are you going out with me or the famous Harry Potter?" asked Harry, dreading her reaction.

"What is that supposed to mean?" asked Katie. "Are you suggesting that I am only dating you for your fame?"

"Are you?"

"NO, of course not, Harry," said Katie standing up, her hands shot to her hips and she stood glaring at him. Harry remained seated. He badly wanted to comfort her. Every instinct in him told him to say that he was sorry and hold her, but he had to know. "How can you ask me this?" she continued.

"I have to know, Katie. I'm sorry, but I have to be sure. I am not as naïve as I appear. I know how the world works. I am a midget. I'm not especially good looking, or strong, charming, witty or anything like that. My only appeal is an event which I don't even remember."

"I don't care about all that," replied Katie on the verge of shouting.

"Then what is it?"

"Will you accept love?"

"Unlikely. At our age to say 'I do' or 'I love you' is obviously a premature statement. Teenagers are never ready for a commitment like that. We don't even know what love is yet. At our age it is mostly lust, or so I have read," reasoned Harry.

"So I am a pair of tits with legs, am I?"

"Of course not, it's just..."

"Just what? Lets reverse the question. Why do you want me? We have never been very close, have we, until now? It is just because Hermione won't let you go all the way?"

"No, you're the only person who has the faintest idea about what I am feeling right now."

"There is my answer too. Look, I have never been a girly girl. I don't go around giggling at every poser who passes and discussing lipstick varieties. I lost my father when I was just two, Harry. You are the only one who knows what that is like. All I have ever wanted was for him to be proud of me. That is why I joined the Quidditch team as soon as I was old enough: to be part of something he loved, to learn to fly and to make him proud. Have you ever wondered by I always used to hang around with Angelina and Alicia? That's because I have no friends in my own year. Their greatest worry is their prom dress or their boyfriend's new hairstyle. They are living out their lives ignorant of the danger and wasting their time. With Angie and Alicia I can discuss Quidditch or something more real, something I like. I joined the DA without a second thought; do you know why, Harry? Because I believe in you, because you have lost your parents and still you fight on, you even brought Bellatrix Lestrange to her knees which is more than the entire Auror division have managed." She sat back down. Harry could see tears in her eyes. He knew this was hurting her. It was hurting him too, he wanted to stop this, but Katie was in full flow.

"Everyone judges me. They think I am a year older than I really am because I hang around with the Angie. Hermione even asked me how NEWT revision was going last year. Did you think I was a seventh year last year?" Harry felt guilty. He had known Katie since his first year, yet now he realised that he had never really known her until now. She had just been that girl on the 'Quidditch Team' He was guilty as charged. He had seen her together with Alicia and Angelina so he had assumed that they were in the same year. Katie continued.

"When we met in Woolworth's I was lonely. I hadn't seen Angie or Alicia in ages and no one contacts me. I was desperate to talk to someone about it all, and then there was you. You I can relate to. You have lost your parents and now your godfather but you keep on going, I don't know what drives you but may it never burn out. Harry, I want to be like you, to rise from the ashes of his evil and turn the fight around, to truly make my dad proud. And it felt good to finally be able to talk to someone. I don't even know why I opened up to you, it just felt right. And now you ask me this, I..." That was too much for her, she began to cry. Harry now felt even more guilty. He had caused this by his selfishness. And what was worse was the fact that she was right. They did have so much in common. They both wanted to make their fathers proud, they both wanted to fight and have both been judged all of their lives. Also, Harry had no idea why he had opened up to her as well. It had just happened on the spur of the moment. He just felt that after what she had told him, he had to. He had felt that could trust her, yet he didn't know why. He put this aside. It was in the past. Here, now in the present he had a girl who he really liked, who he needed and who was in tears because of his selfishness. He rose and sat next to her. He put an arm around her, and gently pulled her to him. She didn't resist, she gently let her head rest on his shoulder. He wrapped his other arm around her as well and kissed her forehead. A tear rolled down Harry's cheek as well.

"I'm so sorry, Katie. I..." he trailed off. There was no defence; he had been wrong about her and wrong to judge her. They just sat there, in silence now for she had stopped crying. Inside Harry was still kicking himself, how dare he ask her that. He was also questioning his own argument. Were they too young for true love? How did he feel about her? He really did like her; he didn't want her to leave. He wanted to hold her, to protect her. Did that constitute love?

"Katie, forgive me, please. I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you," whispered Harry.

"I do Harry," she said, softly. She kissed him and then pulled him back into another hug.

'At least that conversation is out of the way,' thought Harry. He hoped that he would never have to repeat it.

"Am I interrupting?" asked a voice. Harry didn't even turn around.

"Sorry, Remus. I didn't hear you come in," replied Harry.

"Not at all, Harry, Katie. Anyone for tea?" Harry turned to face his friend.

"No thanks, Remus. One thing though, can I go back to Surrey?" There was a pause. Whatever Remus had been expecting it evidently was not that.

"I thought you would be glad to be away from there," he said with a perplexed look on his face.

"I was, I mean I am, it's just that it's been over a week since we were attacked. I need to check in on them, to let them know I'm ok and let them know that I won't be back until next year."

"They are being watched by the Order."

"I know, but I think I should pay a visit. They need to know what is happening." Lupin thought for a few seconds.

"As you wish."

"Great when is the soonest we can go."

"When do you want to leave?"

"How about now?"

"Let me have a cuppa first, Harry," sighed Lupin he made his way towards the kitchen.

"Katie, I have to go," said Harry.

"I know. I'll be here when you get back."

"He went upstairs and changed. After a few minutes he returned downstairs in Muggle clothes. Harry wore all black. Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror he realised that that was all he ever wore nowadays. He looked as though he were off to a funeral. Sirius had never had a funeral. Harry scolded himself for starting along that route once again. Remus met him at the foot of the stairs. He was wearing jeans and a tartan shirt, to Harry he looked like a lumberjack only without the axe and hardhat.

"Ready?" he asked. Harry nodded.

"We are going by Floo," said Lupin, "straight to Mrs. Figg's house." He led him to the fireplace. "It's 44 Magnolia Crescent"

"I know."

"Just making sure."

He followed Remus through the fire and emerged at Mrs. Figg's house. The place hadn't changed. There were cats everywhere; three on the sofa, one on the windowsill, two on the coffee table and one on the bureau. The house still smelt of cabbage. No, not cabbage: potions. How had Harry never noticed it before? He had always thought it was just bad cooking, he had been doing potions for five years and still it had never clicked. She may be a squib but that doesn't stop her making potions. Harry could have kicked himself for being so stupid.

"Ah, the fragrant whiff of potions," muttered Lupin. "I am surprised that Muggles don't notice that." Harry went red but said nothing.

"Ah there you are," called Arabella Figg as she came in, "I thought I heard you arrive. Next time you have a bright idea like this would you be so kind as to give me more than 15 seconds warning before you arrive."

"Sorry, Bella," said Lupin. "We are just passing through."

"I can see that. What time can I expect you back?" she asked.

"I couldn't say, to be truthful," said Lupin. "Shouldn't be too long though." To avoid further questions, Remus promptly led the way to the front door. They walked out into the sunlight. The day was warm and dry. Outside some children were playing with toy guns. A variation of 'Cops and Robber' had gone wrong and ended in an argument over who had shot who first. Harry could remember Dudley playing similar games when they were younger. Although it was hard to miss Dudley due to his size, he always won, as nobody was stupid enough to object to his winning. Harry followed Lupin onwards towards Privet Drive. They passed the play park that had nearly seen the end of the famous Harry Potter. The tree that had been hit was now nothing but a burnt stump; the rest had been cleared away, presumably by the council. The destroyed section of fence had red tape hung over the gap. The climbing frame remained destroyed, and Dudley's gang had finished off everything else. The one swing which had escaped them was now gone, well almost; one supporting chain remained. They continued on to Privet Drive.

It hadn't changed. The lawns were all identical and immaculate. Every flower stood to attention, every house was pristine in appearance, and luxury cars filed every driveway. The Muggle ideal, in hindsight, Vernon Dursley had done well for himself and his family. Looking at it from the outside, he was a success from the inside he was a bully and had failed at that which mattered to him the most. He had failed to knock the magic out of Harry. Harry was at the same time, their greatest hope and their worst nightmare; it was a difficult spot to be in.

Harry rang the doorbell; this was shortly followed by the pitter-patter of feet and the bolt being slid to. He door opened to reveal Dudley. His eyes widened at the sight of another fully grown wizard. These tended to scare him. His previous encounters, ranged from ending up with a pig's tail, to having a fireplace fly across the room, not to mention his near death experience in the park.

"Wh...What are you doing here?" he stammered.

"I am just here for a chat Dudley. Let me in am I shall be gone within an hour."

"I don't believe you," replied Dudley puffing out his chest defiantly.

"You can let me in or I can blow the door off, the choice is yours," said Harry, politely. He felt Remus give him a nudge in the back. The words had done their duty. Dudley opened the door and gestured for him to enter.

"I'll wait here," said Remus.

"You'd better come in. They won't like a stranger on their doorstep where others can see you," replied Harry. They both went inside and Dudley closed the door.

"Who is it Dud?" came Uncle Vernon's voice from the kitchen. "Not another bloody Double Glazing salesma..." He fell silent as his huge form appeared in the doorway. "What are you doing here?" he growled. Dudley retreated to behind his father.

"Well, well, well, Remus Lupin. I never thought I'd see you again," came a female vice from the top of the stairs.

"Petunia," replied Remus, with a small bow.

"You know each other?" asked a bewildered Harry.

"We met at your parents wedding," replied Remus. "If I remember correctly she became drunk and ended up dancing with..."

"THANK YOU, LUPIN, that will do," said Aunt Petunia firmly as he descended the stairs. Harry couldn't imagine Aunt Petunia dunk and the idea of her dancing with someone was on the borderline between hilarious and downright disgusting. "Harry, so...nice to see you on your feet again."

"Yes, that is what I wanted to talk to you about," replied Harry.

"That is my cue to exit stage-left. I'll wait in the kitchen," said Lupin. That left the Dursleys and Harry.

"Maybe you should sit down," offered Harry. Slowly the three of them followed Harry to the lounge. Once all were seated Harry began.

"Firstly I would like to know what has happened since our last encounter."

"Nothing, we have been fine. Now you can leave," replied Uncle Vernon rudely.

"I doubt that very much. Now what happened when Miss Bla...Mrs. Malfoy came back here with Dudley and Piers?"

"She came storming in her waving her stick around, demanding the letter from your lot and then she made a phone call," said Uncle Vernon "Then she starts putting spells on things, she even put one on Piers. Next thing I know, the house is full of wizards and they cart her off in irons. Piers then goes cuckoo and can't remember what just happened. He thought I was mad when I asked him about the witch. We sent him home and since then we've all been fine. Happy?"

"You were lucky she came, especially you Dudley. You have to realise that your world is only the icing on the cake. There is on other world beneath it, in this world a war has started," said Harry.

"Yes we know Lord Von...something or other and you."

"You may know about it but you do not seem to appreciate the reality of it. Voldemort doesn't just want me dead. He believes that Wizards are by nature superior to men. He is trying to start a war of extermination, he starts with those who oppose him, but he won't stop there. He won't stop until there are no normal people left. He is the Hitler of the magical world. Millions died in the Holocaust, billions will die if he isn't stopped."

"What has that got to do with us?" asked Dudley.

"Nothing," replied Harry. "Just like it had nothing to with the thousands of others who he killed last time. Last time they were going over to him in droves. They killed Muggles for sport, tortured them for fun. No pattern of anything. They would just walk down the road, pick a house and kill the occupants. You remember the murders and chaos of the seventies don't you. It wasn't terrorists blowing up planes and blockading oil. It was him chocking your world of power. It doesn't matter how rich you are, how big your house or how expensive your car. He doesn't care if you are black or white, male or female, old or young. He will kill children and pets as well. Guns are useless and can be vanished with the flick of a wand. He is back now and his power is growing, he is gathering support, amassing an army. He has one purpose: To wipe non- magic folk from the face of the earth. Get the point?"

"If this man is one of your lot, why doesn't your government do something?" asked Aunt Petunia, visibly shaking.

"They didn't believe us at first. I saw his return; I was there when potion gave him his body; I was there when he performed the first murder of his second coming; I was there the day the security of our world failed. Afterwards I knew what I had to do, I told Dumbledore, the one person he ever feared. But even he cannot overrule the Minister of Magic. The Minister was afraid of what Voldemort could do. He chose to ignore our warnings to pretend it had never happened; he began a campaign of slander and removed all Dumbledore's titles. I was depicted as the mentally ill child that you have told the neighbours I am. At the end of last year I was tricked by Voldemort, accompanied by five friends I went into the ministry to save a friend. It was a trap and because I walked right into it, my Godfather died. Of the six who went in, only two myself included actually walked out. Stretchers carried the rest. Voldemort himself turned up at the end. After this not even the minister could deny his return, but a year had passed. In that time he had recruited the prison guards of Azkaban, his most dangerous supporters are out again. You met one in the park Dudley. He has without a doubt spies in the ministry. His support is growing and the Aurors (Dark Wizard Hunters) aren't going to be able to cope much longer. The unforgivable curses are being used around the country. Have you watched the news? If not already then very soon mysterious deaths will appear on the news. There was one a few days ago. People who bear no marks and are in perfect health, just die. The only clue is a scared expression on their faces. The skull with a snake for a tongue will be left as a token."

"Can he be stopped?" interrupted Aunt Petunia.

"There is a group, a select few. The Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore gathered a small group of Aurors and officials to help him last time. They have been recalled. We can only hope that is enough. The Aurors are out looking for him but their hands are tied."

"So that is a no then?" asked Aunt Petunia.

"He can be stopped, and he will be. We will not stop, not as long as there is life inside us."

"And as for us?"

"The barriers around the house still hold. They have been breached once but they have been updated, so you should be safe. Just don't let strangers into the house. If you see anyone with a skull and snake tattoo on his or her arm, walk away and call us, you have the number. That is all we can do."

"You are just overreacting, surely," asked Uncle Vernon. "It's just a few wackos who want to scare normal people out of jealousy."

"Have you listened to nothing I have said?"

"I heard every word, it is the same codswallop which we had heard about since we got that bloody letter which you came with. I didn't believe it then and I don't believe it now. Now, if you have finished, you can leave."

"If I am lying how do you explain the thing in the park?"

"Some weirdo wanted you, if you are not here we are safe."

"You arrogance will be your undoing, Uncle Vernon, but you are right, I have outstayed my welcome. If you don't believe everything, then at least believe that you need to be careful." He rose and made towards the hallway.

"Remus," called Harry. "We're off now." Remus came out the kitchen,

"Nice speech, a little negative, melodramatic, but honest," he remarked.

"Come on," sighed Harry glumly. "I have done all I can. It is up to them now." They turned and left.

"I wouldn't worry, they are being watched, ever since the attack we are taking no chances," said Lupin when they were outside.

"Was Rodolphus Lestrange after them or me?" asked Harry.

"I couldn't say, though I would assume you. There is no practical purpose for grabbing Dudley."

"At least none that we can see. One more thing, what is there between you and my Aunt?"

"Here greeting was polite and playful, she doesn't even greet her friends like that let alone a wizard, and she is not known for her courtesy towards us."

"As I said, we were both at your parent's wedding."


"And what?"

"I know there is more, come on tell me."

"Ok. When we were all much younger, we all got along. The four of us, Lily and there was her friend Scarlet. We were all friends as most people are in first year. Lily didn't start hating us, well your father and Sirius until fifth year when hormones took charge. This was all before my condition was known. During the holidays we would often spend time at each other's houses. Sirius spent the holidays with your father, due to his home environment being what it was. When we all went to Lily's house Petunia would often be there. Did not as she would have you believe hate us from the word go. She was jealous yes, but not hateful. She would hang out with us. Since we couldn't do magic outside of Hogwarts we were all equal. Petunia became very close to Peter at one point, this was about fourth year. These visits stopped when James began to hit on her. We didn't see Petunia again until shortly before the wedding. The seven of us met again and were still good friends. As I said at the reception, your Aunt had a little too much to drink and ended up dancing with Peter and well. I don't know how far it went but I do know that Sirius spread some quite vulgar rumours the next morning."

"It seems like you were all friendly, what changed."

"Something happened between Lily and Petunia. This caused Petunia to despise the world she had longed to be in. She settled down with your Uncle and has convinced herself that our world is evil. She resents everything about you because you remind her of her sister."

"So what did happen? What changed her?"

"I am afraid I am not the person to tell you, that is for your Aunt to tell you, when she is ready."

"She and you were never...close, were you?"

"No, Harry," said Lupin more forcefully than Harry had expected.

"Ok, just teasing. Incidentally when were you planning on telling me about you and Narcissa?"

"You know?"

"Yes, I accidentally came home and saw something I shouldn't have," said Harry, feeling a little bit guilty.

"Sorry, Harry. We didn't notice you."

"I was polite enough to not interrupt. We the two of you ever close at school or is this a recent thing?"

"Narcissa was the only Slytherin whom I ever spoke to, politely at least. She never had the cold-blooded hatred that the others did. Snape, Bellatrix, Crouch, none were particularly nice, Ciss on the other hand had a hint of humanity in her. She didn't treat Sirius like a parasite. He resented her for what she was, but you could say she and I were friends. Though in school we never were...close, as you put it. She is not a bad woman, Harry. She just has a bad reputation because of her husband."

"You don't have to answer to me, Remus. I'm happy for the both of you." A grin spread over Remus' face.

"Do you trust her?"

"Let's just say that she is growing on me." They continued in silence. At Mrs. Figg's house they stopped for a quick drink and then floo'd back to Grimmauld Place. As promised Katie was still there.

"Well?" she asked.

"Idiots," replied Harry. "They have no clue how dangerous it is for them."

"Maybe it is for the best. If they stay away, maybe he won't try again."

"Luck hasn't been on our side so far has it?"

"Then it is our turn for some luck."

~~~~ + ~~~~

The next week passed quickly. Harry made several trips to the Burrow and to Eastbury road. He and Katie even went to the Cinema once to see Bruce Almighty, a comedy about a Muggle who is given magical powers for a week. The next evening Harry and Katie dined at the Burrow. Harry was enjoying what was without a doubt, the greatest Holiday ever, except perhaps last Christmas. He spent most of his time with Katie, with the occasional visit to the Burrow and even a quick trip to the Granger's House. Ron had met Hermione's parents and Mr. Weasley had attempted to examine every artefact in their house before being dragged away by his wife. Harry had no homework as he had finished all OWL work and NEWT work began in September.

On Friday 22nd of August, Harry woke up early. He was alone, as Katie had gone to visit her Grandmother for her birthday. He showered and went downstairs. Dobby already had his breakfast ready; scrambled egg and toast with a cup of tea (two sugars). Having finished, Harry went into the lounge to find Moody, Tonks and Dumbledore already there with Remus.

"Morning Harry," grinned Tonks.

"Morning," yawned Harry. "Order business?"

"You could say that," said Remus. "It's more of a little experiment."

"OK, it's working," said Moody

"What's that?" asked Harry.

"It's called a computer," replied Tonks. She stepped aside to reveal a laptop.

"Yes I know that, but what are you doing with one?" asked Harry patiently.

"Got the idea of the television," said Moody, he grinned which, although it twisted his scarred face into an even more ferocious expression, it denoted a sense of pride at having come up with the idea. "Have you ever seen a James Bond film? Voldemort hates all things muggle, so he won't expect these. Electronic bugs; they are hidden within your clothes and whatever you hear or say are sent straight back to this computer. I borrowed these from the Muggle Security Service. Snape is wearing one now. We can't use this at Hogwarts, there's too much magic in the air, as I'm sure you already know, so we are here"

"Clever," said Harry. "And where is Snape now?"

"Professor Snape, Harry," replied Dumbledore softly. "He is on assignment with some old familiars. Unfortunately he hasn't been told where they are going or what they are doing, hence we are using these to try and find out, not to mention gathering names and contacts." Harry walked towards the laptop. He could here the speakers now.

"Pass me the cutters Severus, no the big ones, yes, those. Right, here we go." There was the sound of a chain being cut. Harry listened intently.

"Sounds like they are breaking in to somewhere," said Harry.

"Shhhh!" growled Moody.

"Crown Hill Shopping Centre" came Snape's oily voice.

"I can read Severus, you don't need to read every sign we see. Come on hurry up, we don't want to be seen. Dolohov, will you do the honours?"

"Crown Hill is in North Surrey, I used to go there with Aunt Petunia anytime Dudley wanted something," whispered Harry.

"REDUCTO!" came another voice presumably Dolohov's

"Alohomora would have sufficed," a harsh laugh followed by several sniggers was clearly audible.

"Oi! What the bloody hell are you doing here, this is off limits!" shouted another voice. It sounded as if it were a policeman or a security guard. "You will have to leave now, or I will have to arrest you!"

"Stupefy!" came Snape's voice.

"Why didn't you kill him?" asked another voice.

"This is a covert mission, not killing spree. The master said, no collateral damage. Get the package and get out, nothing more," replied Snape coldly.

"Of course, right, are we ready? Mulciber, Dolohov, you take the East Wing, and I'll take the West with Snape and Goyle. You find them give the rest of us a shout. Remember we need the package alive and unhurt. We can kill them eventually but not today."

"Before we go in there would you like to tell us what we are looking for? 'The package' is not very helpful, it could be a cook book or a teddy bear for all we know." said Snape

"Ah, yes, you don't know. The master only tells those he trusts, his more faithful of subjects..."

"Enough, Macnair, what are we looking for?" interrupted Dolohov

"The master grows tired of hunting and missing the Potter boy. The object is to get Potter to come to him." All eyes in the room turned to Harry.

"And how are we going to do that?" asked Snape

"You are aware of his flare for heroics, can't you work it out?"

"You mean we are kidnapping someone he cares for, for real this time?"

"Precisely. His Muggles relatives should be enough to bait the hook, don't you agree?"

The Dursleys! They are going to kidnap the Dursleys, and probably kill them. Panic swept across Harry. He disliked the Dursleys, but he had not desire to see them killed. 'I hate being right all the time' thought Harry, it had been a week since he had spoken to the Dursleys on this very matter. They had so little time.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go then. Crown Hill" said Harry quickly, his voice shaking.

"Harry, the centre is a big place, we don't know where they are. Plus even if we do find them, there are the Death Eaters there and innocent Muggles. We can't afford a fire fight," said Tonks. "The Statue of Secrecy..."

"To hell with the Statute, they are going to kill them, the Statute doesn't even apply if a life is in danger, go quickly," replied Harry even more urgently.

"Yes but if we intervene it could spark off a fight. His could betray our world not to mention kill God knows how many Muggles who could get caught in the crossfire. We should alert the Aurors."

"But Fudge won't believe you, especially if you mention me and Death Eaters. Even if he did the Aurors wouldn't arrive until it was too late and even then, they are even more likely to open fire and with their numbers they'd hit even more bystanders."

"As I said, the Centre is too big for the four of us to cover," repeated Tonks.

"Then take me as well. Five can cover the area more quickly than four. Then it would be five on five and with Professor Dumbledore here they won't dare attack us," said Harry not even pausing for breath.

"It's up to you Remus, you are his guardian now," said Dumbledore calmly. Remus looked intently at Harry, surveying him with his kind brown eyes. He sighed as he came to a decision.

"OK, Harry, you can come. But if it all kicks off just leave, we'll take care of everything, OK?" said Remus

"OK," agreed Harry. He withdrew his wand from his pocket.

"What have I said about wands in pockets, Potter?" growled Moody.

"Later Alastor," said Dumbledore. Dumbledore picked Harry's empty teacup up off of the table. He pointed his wand and muttered "Portus!" The cup glowed blue for a second, then lay still. He offered it to Harry who took it. He felt a familiar jerk behind his naval and he found himself in what had to be the Lavatory at Crown Hill Shopping Centre.

Harry slipped out of the cubicle and headed for the door, nearly slipping on the freshly mopped floor. He opened the door and stepped out. The mall was huge. Every wall and floor tile was brilliant white. He was on the fist floor. It was in essence a balcony as it ran around the edge of the mall but in the middle there was no floor, a fountain stood in the centre of the ground floor, it's towering silver form stretched up towards the glass domed roof. There were shops selling all manner of things, CDs, footballs, clothes, telephones, food and shoes. There were Muggles all over the place; merrily shopping without the slightest clue as to the danger they were potentially in. Posters adorned every wall, adverts for sweets to rot one's teeth; for clothes which are guaranteed to get you a girl and buy on get one free offers on everything from pillowcases to sunglasses. Harry ran to the balcony, nearly knocking an old woman over in the process, but had not time to apologise.

"Young men today!" grumbled the old woman as she walked off. Harry reached the balcony and peered over. Looking down he could see Dumbledore and Tonks checking the stores. Moody was talking to a Security Guard by the front entrance He looked over across the hall to the other side of level one. Remus was disappearing into a sports shop. Harry turned and ran into HMV. There was no sign of the Dursleys at all. Dudley and Uncle Vernon were going to be hard to miss. Harry left HMV and scanned the balcony; he still could see no sign of them. 'As a matter of fact' thought Harry. 'Where is Snape?'

"Harry! Any sign of them?" called Lupin. Harry was beginning to get desperate. Guilt was rising in him, 'What have I got them into?' he asked himself.

"None, you stay here, I'll try down here," he shouted back to Remus. He ran into the East Wing of the shopping centre. He tried several more shops, all of which sold food, (it seemed logical that that was where Dudley would have dragged his parents to); he could still not see them. Then he heard it,

"Come on Diddy, Dad is just getting some money out and then we'll buy you a new helmet to go with your new motorcycle." Harry swung round. Uncle Vernon was using an ATM cash-point, while Aunt Petunia and Dudley stood either side so that no one could see their PIN code. A pointless exercise given that the size of Uncle Vernon was more than adequate to block the keyboard from view. To his horror, Harry recognised the person in the queue behind the Dursleys.

It was Mulciber!