The Dark Arts
Original Female Witch/Original Male Muggle
Original Female Witch
Historical Romance
From 1000 through 1850
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 03/12/2006
Updated: 03/12/2006
Words: 3,596
Chapters: 1
Hits: 563

The Gray Lady


Story Summary:
The Philosopher’s Stone speaks of a gray lady—-the Ravenclaw ghost. Legend has it that a gray lady has lost love and is doomed to spend eternity on earth to mourn him. This is her story.

Author's Note:
Thanks to my beta, Trevor.

"Shhh!" Elizabeth giggled, leading William by the hand. "We mustn't allow them to find us."

William grinned back at her, showing his acknowledgement. In silence they quickly crossed the path, heading for the forest. As they reached its eaves, darkness gradually submerged them. Not even the moon could penetrate the thick canopy. Nature, it seemed, was on their side.

Quickly, they walked down the trail. It was as though they were intimate with the landscape, even in the dark, and indeed they were. Neither of them tripped this time as they crept over the root that lay across the pathway nor the giant boulder that emerged further down. Elizabeth's eyes searched each tree on the right. When her gray eyes fell on the mighty thousand year old oak, her eyes glittered and her face brightened.

It wasn't long before the two burst into a clearing. A sudden brightness engulfed them as the moon was no longer blocked by the canopy. Elizabeth held up her right hand as though she was trying to command something to halt. With her left hand she discreetly groped the inside of the leather pouch hanging from her belt. Her hands fingered her hidden wand, and she quickly cast a few nonverbal spells. This was their routine.

"Oh, William!" Elizabeth cried as she threw herself into his awaiting arms. She lightly kissed him on the lips. "I'm so glad you came."

"Did you ever think I would ever turn down such a magnificent creature?" Then his expression turned serious. "Did you have trouble getting away?"

"I would not be standing here if I did," Elizabeth smiled, making a failed attempt to lighten the situation with humor.

"Lissy..." began William, his eyes softening.

"No, William. I am well. Truly. Push those thoughts from your mind. This time is our time."

William cupped her face in his hands. "I love you, Elizabeth Narcissa Black. As long as the heavens exist above us, and long after, I will love you."


Elizabeth quietly trudged her way through the Black Manor grounds, the hem of her robes gathered in her hands so she would not have to worry about tripping as she hurried. She also carried her wand, in order to silently disarm the alarms as she crossed the grounds, and she especially made sure to reactivate the alarms after her.

When Elizabeth had soundlessly passed through the front door, she gave a small sigh of relief. This was another path she knew in the dark. Soon she had passed the kitchens, the dining room, and one of the living areas. As she crossed the threshold of her room, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lumos," she whispered, turning toward her wardrobe. While she was opening her wardrobe, she heard her bedroom door slam shut. Gasping, she swung round.


"What are you doing at this hour in your day robes? Why aren't you in bed?"

"I-I thought I'd go out for a walk."

"A walk?" he repeated incredulously. "At this time?"

"I couldn't sleep," said Elizabeth, summoning up courage. "I couldn't sleep, and I thought some fresh air would do me good. It wouldn't be proper to walk around in my night things, would it? I had to dress."

"Do not lie to me, Elizabeth Narcissa," he interrupted, slamming his hand onto the wall.

Elizabeth's confidence faltered. "I'm...I'm not."

"Fine. If you will not tell me, I will tell you where you were. You were with that Muggle again," he said, grabbing her wrist and yanking her toward him.

"Let go of my arm!"

"He is a Muggle, Elizabeth. Nothing good can come of this."

"It already has. I love him so much."

"How dare you? You would belittle your grandfather's death?"

"William had nothing to do with that."

"He is a Muggle. It's in his nature. They're all the same. As soon as he finds out what you are, you will suffer the same fate."

"Muggles are as different as Wizards are, Father. Some are evil, yes, but some do good as well. And I have never seen as good a person as I have in William."

"They're leeches, Elizabeth. Why do you think we had to create a division in the Ministry to keep us from exposing ourselves to the Muggles? They attach to us, beg us to perform magical 'miracles' for them, and when we fail to do so, they turn their anger on us."

"Papa, I understand, but he doesn't know that I'm-"

"Stop, Elizabeth. I do not want excuses. I am here to tell you that you will not see this William again."

"Papa, I love him."

"Love. You can learn to love another. What about the Weasleys? The Crouches? The Malfoys? Someone from a respectable family."

"The Crouches are a sore on Wizardkind."

"But at least no harm can come from them. You're my only daughter, Elizabeth. I will not lose you."


Elizabeth was just falling asleep when a familiar face swam into her view. "Luke?" her voice cracked, as voices usually do when one who is drifting into sleep is suddenly pulled back into reality.

"Yes, love," he whispered.

"Luke, it's the middle of the night. What are you doing?" She sat up abruptly, gripped by the fear that something might be wrong.

"No, nothing's wrong. I...heard everything," he replied, not a little awkwardly.

"Oh." Her eyes were cast downward.

"I thought perhaps you would like to talk about it. Would you like to talk about it?"

"And say what, Luke?" she sighed. "That father makes demands that I cannot keep? That I am a terrible daughter? That I cannot live under this pressure?"

"No, Elizabeth. You are not a terrible daughter, but please try to understand where Father is coming from. You know what happened to his father."

"But each Muggle is vastly different from the next. What they did to Grandfather is in no way related to Luke. Luke would never do that. Why should we hang him for the sins of his father?"

"His father hates Wizards?"

"No, it's just an expression."

"A Muggle one."

"So what if it is?"

Luke sighed. "Listen, love. At this time, it is not...socially acceptable to be with Muggles. There's a reason we hide ourselves from them."

"I heard the lecture from Father."

"Which makes it no less real. This William. You may not think that he is capable of such grievances, but what of his family? Have you met them?"

"Not exactly."

"And the people he keeps company with?"

"Yes, I have met them."

"And are you prepared to spend the rest of your life with them?"

"I- what?"

"Do you really love this man?"


"Then this is not purely for your amusement? You can see yourself with him for the rest of your life?"

"I cannot imagine a life without him in it."

"Then you must certainly know that he cannot live in our world. The Ministry would never allow it."

"I realize that."

"And you are prepared to live without magic for the rest of your life?"

"I am prepared to live without my arm for the rest of my life if it means I can stay by his side."

"And what of children?"

"What of them?"

"Half-breeds are even less socially acceptable than Muggle-borns. They cannot talk to their Muggle acquaintances of what they see here, and Wizards certainly do not accept them into our world. Listen, if you want to make a statement, it would be much easier to be with a Muggle-born. Then you could at least live in our world."

"I never said it would be easy, but that doesn't make it less than worthwhile to try."

"As long as you know what you are getting yourself into."

Elizabeth smiled and patted her brother's hand in comfort. "Thank you for your concern. I appreciate it, but I am no longer a child who needs the protection of her older brother. I have finished my Hogwarts education. I am an adult now."


A few days later a figure silently maneuvered through the crowded streets of London. Though the figure was wrapped in a cloak, the hood up, no one seemed curious. After all, it was cold outside. The figure walked past the various shops, ignoring the catcalls from vendors. Its eyes never strayed from the path. Eventually, it left the paved streets of the city, not hesitating in its steps until it approached a small cottage on the outskirts. It paused slightly before reaching out and pushing open the door. After the door had shut, and the shades were drawn, the figure lowered its hood. Gray eyes strayed for the first time to the staircase.

"Is that you?" a voice called from upstairs. The voice did not seem to be upset with no answer. Soon after, footsteps sounded on the stairs. A tall man with messy black hair swam into view. His hair framed his dark brown eyes. As soon as his eyes met a slender woman with blonde hair, his face broke into a grin. "What brings you to my humble home?"

"I was in the area," Elizabeth smiled.

William rushed down the stairs and over to her. "How did you get away?"

"Oh, it was easy. I have errands in Diagon Alley. It is not too far from London."

William's brow furrowed. "Diagon...what?"

"That is sort of why I'm here."

"To...take me there?"

"No. I...I'm not quite sure how to do this. I've never done this before. To completely explain as though you were a child. Less than a child. You do not know anything. Look, what I'm trying to say is we need to talk."

"We do? What do we need to talk about?"

Elizabeth took William's hands in hers. "This isn't easy. In fact, it's very important. I need you to listen to me very carefully. Do you trust me?"

"Elizabeth, you're scaring me."

"Please, William. I just need you to tell me that you will listen to me and realize that what I am about to tell you is neither good news nor bad. It is just a part of me like the way I have two eyes and a nose. If you think it is bad, it is only because you perceive it that way. Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes, you have something important to tell me. What is it?"

"I...am a witch."

"Come again?"

"I am a witch," said Elizabeth, shrugging her shoulders. She gave a forced laugh. "I'm a witch! I cannot make it simpler than that."

William eyed her. "I always knew there was something. This makes as much sense as anything."

"What? You're not going to ask me to prove it? To cast a spell?"

"Why? I told you I trust you. Do you know any reason I should ask you to prove it? Are you lying to me?"

"Of course not. It's just...and...you are all right with this?"

"Why would I not be? Does this magic somehow make you different than they way I know you?"

"Of course not."

"Then I do not see it being a problem in our future." William smiled.

"Oh, I knew you wouldn't." Elizabeth reached up and kissed him on the cheek. "Listen, my family thinks I am in Diagon Alley. I need to go."

"Your family. I still have not yet met them."

"I know, I know. When you meet them, I want it to be perfect."

"Are you sure that's the reason?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you ashamed of me?"

"No! Not at all-"

"Because I know I don't have magic. I'm not a witch-"


"All right. The point is, I never pretended to be something I'm not, and if your family has a problem with that, I don't care. I love you. I want to be with you and not your family, but I cannot help but think you are afraid to introduce me to your family because you think they will not approve."

"William. I love you so much, and I want you to meet my family. I do, but now is not the time. Soon, I promise. Soon. Listen, I need to go now. I'm late. I love you; I will talk to you soon."

Elizabeth pushed her hood back up and quickly walked out the door. When she was certain no one could see her, she vanished.


The sun set in a gorgeous array of colors. The fountain reflected the sunlight so wonderfully that it appeared golden. Water poured from it, creating a sort of music in the background.

"Lissy, I have brought you here for a reason," said William said, trying to contain his smile.


William sank to one knee. "This hardly seems proper without your father here, but when I'm with you I don't care about 'proper.' I love you, Lissy. I've loved you since I've laid eyes on you. With your father's..." William trailed off in an odd manner. "Uh, your father's blessing, of course, I would love to ask you to..." And with that, William collapsed into Elizabeth's arms, not even finishing his sentence. Elizabeth grew alarmed. His forehead felt hot and clammy.


No answer.


No answer.

"William!" she said, the sharp edge of panic in her voice. "Answer me!"

But of course he could not answer. Elizabeth shook him, half expecting him to wake up and say it was a cruel joke. She was already struggling to drag him to some sort of help when she remembered that she could Apparate with him.


"I am so sorry. It's the plague."

"No," Elizabeth half choked and half sobbed.

"I truly am sorry. There is nothing I can do but ease the pain of death."

"You're lying!"

"Miss, I wish I were. Do you think I enjoy telling people their loved ones are dying?"

"You couldn't possibly know what it's like to sit here and be told that your life is falling apart at the seams. And everything you thought would happen, wanted to happen, will never happen. That I have how long to sit here and watch my lover die."

"I lost my whole family to the plague. I am dying of it myself. Now tell me I know not what you are going through."

"Oh. I am so sorry. I had no idea. I just don't know what to do." She fell silent, but the tears that had been gathering behind her eyes were threatening to fall at any moment.

"These are hard times, Miss. I suggest you say your last words while you still can and pray to God that He will perform a miracle on earth."

"How long until he...until he...?" Elizabeth stammered.

"About a couple of days."

"A couple!" Elizabeth choked. "No...no...it's too soon. I don't understand. I love him. He loves me. He was about to ask me to marry him, I'm sure of it. We were going to spend the rest of our lives together. I know my father never...my father! He will be able to help! I- I have to go."

The healer rushed to Elizabeth. "Dear, I know it's hard to accept the reality of it, but...dear? Miss?" The healer frantically turned around. The young woman had vanished. She must have slipped past her somehow.

She turned her attention back to the young man, feeling dreadfully sorry that he had no family or familiar face with him in his final hours.


As soon as Elizabeth Apparated into her family's manor, she frantically searched the room for her father. When she saw him, she ran toward him, almost tripping. "Father! Father!"

"Elizabeth! What is the matter?"

"Father," she sobbed. "William..."

"You are so bold as to mention that name in this household?"

"Please, Father, he's dying."


"It's the plague, Papa."

"The plague's a Muggle disease. It will not harm you."

"But it will harm him, Papa. Please, help. You are so talented with magic, Papa. I know you can heal him..."

"Heal him?" her father repeated. "Heal him? Even if I could, I would not."

"Do you hate this much? I mean, I know I was in Ravenclaw, but this seems a little too..."

"Come to your senses, Child. Of course I do not hate you. You are my daughter. I love you, but this is the natural order of things, even more so with Muggles. Some diseases are so great that not even magic can cure them."

"Hogwarts! Someone there can heal him."

"Elizabeth, I assure you the plague is just of a mystery to Wizards as it is to Muggles."

"Then I must go back to him."

"Let him die in peace, Elizabeth."

"Pardon me?"

"The sooner you separate yourself from Muggles, the easier it will be to return to our world. Do you even remember what it is like to be a witch?"

"This is ridiculous. Father, I have been abiding by, even respectful of, your rules. No longer! I will see him whether you approve or not."

"You cannot save him."

"I do not aim to."

"Then what is the point?"

"I love him, and he will die knowing I love him as I will never love another."

Determinedly, Elizabeth turned around and prepared to Apparate back to William. Unfortunately, before she could even try, her feet froze to the marble. Half choking, half sobbing, Elizabeth awkwardly tried to face her father, but only succeeded in throwing herself off balance as she twisted her upper body backward. It was painful. But she did not care. It was more painful that her own body was denying her wishes.

"But I love him," she sobbed. "I love him!"

Slowly, she untwisted herself and sank to the floor, not noticing the discomfort from the soles of her shoes stuck evenly to the floor. Wildly, desperately, she tried to peel her shoes away. She would run bare foot if need be. When she could not pull her shoes off, she tried ripping her shoes off one chunk at a time--even after her fingernails had broken off and her fingers began to bleed freely. "I love him!"

Her father regarded her with a disgusted look on his face. "Do not fight it. You will make yourself sick. You are certainly making me sick."


William began trembling. He felt so hot. He felt as if he was boiling alive. When his hand clasped upon air, he confusedly tried to open his eyes. "Lissy? Lissy?" His healer pressed a wet rag to his forehead in worry. He was delirious. He gasped at the rag and tried to push it away, coughing. "Elizabeth, why I have you left me in my darkest hour? I need you more than I've ever needed you." William began coughing. He could not stop. He tried to suck in air through the coughing, but only succeeded in ripping the lining of his windpipe. The metallic tang of blood filled his mouth as he sank into darkness.


"Luke, I want you to know I'm leaving, and I'm not coming back," Elizabeth said, watching her brother sharply and trying to decipher his reaction. When none was apparent, she continued. "Father may have his reasons, but I cannot live with them any longer. I have spoken with Sorcha de Sowlis. She has agreed to take me on as a teacher, and I feel that is a better environment for my child to grow up in than here."

For the first time, Luke looked up at her in shock. "Child? What child?"

"Yes, I am with child. Luke, this child is the only thing that is anchoring me to life. I no longer have William, but I do have this one thing of his that I know he would love more than his own life. I owe it to him to raise this child to the best of my ability."

Luke kissed Elizabeth on the forehead. "I cannot follow where you go, but I understand why you are doing this. I support it in my own way. I love you, Elizabeth, and you are always welcome in my home."

"That's all I ask."


The first few days after William's death were Elizabeth's hardest. But the days turned to weeks, and the weeks to years. And she found a new hope in her life. William James Potter- named after his father- became her life. She loved him as much as she could after her heart had been cruelly broken, and he lived a proper life in Hogwarts castle. He witnessed many things, but he always respected Muggles and the Muggle-born though he himself married a member of one of the purest lines known to Wizardkind.

William grew up and left, but Hogwarts was her permanent home. Each day was spent thinking of her first love. So much so, that when she body drew its last breath, and she was presented with a choice, she chose to stay on earth to look for him.

Yet if she had known what became of ordinary men who died, she would not have chosen this path. She could not find an imprint of him on earth. For too long she had been exposed to pain that even when she could not find him, it did not really surprise her. Part of her knew that the day he died, he had been lost to her for all of eternity. On that day, she returned to the only place she had called home, to stand by the only people she would call her family: Hogwarts.

This story is dedicated to my sister Elizabeth. May she not be afraid to find love no matter the consequences. There have been many short outbreaks of the plague since the 1000s, most famous is the pandemic of the bubonic plague from 1347-1350. It is in this time period this story takes place. There are three forms of the plague (each was present throughout the 14th century pandemic): the bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic. In the story, William contracted the pneumonic plague. It was the second most common of the three and was a disease of the lungs. It had 90-95% mortality rate. More information can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_death#Signs_and_symptoms