Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Harry Potter Hermione Granger Luna Lovegood
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/03/2003
Updated: 07/12/2003
Words: 63,857
Chapters: 16
Hits: 53,450



Story Summary:
As Harry Potter faces his 6th year under the threat of the Prophecy, he must also face changing relations with friends, professors, himself, and even a girlfriend and a relative. H/L R/Hr N/G

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
As Harry Potter faces his 6th year under the threat of the
Author's Note:
IV -- Edward tries to return

Chapter IV

Tuesday, June 18, 1996


"And I'm saying we should stay for at least another year! The opportunities here have hardly been exhausted! We've barely started to discover what there is to find here!"

Five other voices were raised in immediate protest. Thomas Umbridge ignored them. There were six wizards and six witches on this expedition. Two were allied to him. The healer generally stayed neutral in these discussions. One of the scholars would no doubt want to stay no matter what. That left two voices that were currently quiet: the two most powerful voices.

When the shouting quieted down, one of those voices was finally heard. "Thomas, we could stay here a hundred years and not exhaust the possibilities. We were not sent here to exhaust them. We were sent to see if there was anything really worth exploring, or if it was just a natural magical glitch or a site so decayed that little could really be learned. Well, you are right; there is a lot to learn here, more than we ever dreamed there could be."

The man stood, impressing them with his natural authority. "We have accomplished a great deal in two years. We have mapped what turned out to be out to be three ancient magical towns; we have linked them to the pre-dynastic Lower Kingdom and to the early Old Kingdom of Egypt -- that's over a thousand years older than anything that's been found to date anywhere, and on a scale larger than any site ever found before. We now have a working knowledge of their written language, plus over fifty thousand catalogued inscriptions to translate, including the oldest magical charms ever found."

The tall powerfully-built wizard turned and faced all his colleagues one at a time. "We should return on the solstice and announce our findings. No one can come back until the equinox, so nothing can be looted. I for one will be signing up for that return trip, and I hope all of you will as well. Thomas has talked us into extending twice, and as much as we've accomplished, I believe more would have been done in the long run if we'd gone back when we were supposed to and then mounted a real, major expedition back. We," he concluded with an air of finality, "are returning."

"Are we?" Umbridge sneered.

"We are," came the second voice. This wizard was also powerfully built, although not along the same huge lines as the previous speaker, and was of average height. "I am leaving on the solstice, and I don't care if anyone else leaves with me or not. I have a prior commitment in two weeks. . . ."

"And what is so important, Edward Harold?" Paula Parkinson snapped.

"You know perfectly well, Paula. You, Umbridge, and Vole all know." Edward's wand was suddenly in his hand, and it started to play back a conversation.

Parkinson: "Why don't we just kill him?"

Vole: "You got us nearly caught when you tried to kill Johnson! Why do we even have to stop him? If our Master's plan unfolded last year, he's already back and waiting to hear from us! We can take this information back and earn our reward. Turning 'Master Edward' over will be another bonus! There's no reason to stay."

Umbridge: "I told you before, never call him that! Those two idiot Gryffindors might finally recognize him! The Dark Lord would have sent us a message with the supplies on one of the equinoxes if He wanted us back!"

Vole: "I didn't recognize him, and neither did Paula!"

Parkinson: "I was a year ahead of his brother, not to mention his cousin and those those Marauding lunatics in Gryffindor. Of course I didn't recognize Potter."

Umbridge: "Now, there will be no more mentioning of the name! Or talk of murder! We are staying, and we need to get the others to agree to stay as well."

Parkinson: "You just don't want to go back and face your little sister! You couldn't keep a straight face as she praises Fudge and claims the Master can never return!"

The trio suddenly found themselves covered by nine wands, and Edward Potter was holding their own wands. The expedition leader, the quarter-giant Hugh Johnson, spoke first. "I wondered if that was really an accident. I should skin the three of you right now."

"I know a good few good spells for that," Edward said. "I'm sure we could make it look like an accident."

George Posy gave a big sigh. "I had hoped to stay, even if most of the rest of you went back, but I guess I shouldn't now." He looked at Edward. "Ed, are you really Ted Potter?"

Edward smiled grimly. "You were three years ahead of me, a Ravenclaw prefect and Head Boy. You gave me a detention my Fourth year when you caught me snogging Georgia Spinnet, and you gave it to me because you wanted to sneak Joyce here in with you to do the same thing on the cushions in the Charms classroom!"

Joyce Weasley (a first cousin to the seven Weasley siblings) and George's lover for the last fifteen months, blushed. They had rediscovered each other on the expedition and had finally become serious about each other. "I can't believe I didn't recognize you! It's so obvious, even with that brown hair -- dye job?"

Edward nodded.

"I'll say," Carole Weasley, Joyce's younger sister, added. She had been six years behind Edward at Hogwarts, but had had a major crush on the handsome Head Boy her First year. "I should have known it from the Muggle magic tricks if nothing else! You've got some explaining to do." They had become almost a couple over the previous eight months. Carole now understood his reticence to commit to a relationship.

"I thought Edward Potter was lost to those dark followers or something," John Perry, an American wizard said. "Disappeared after his, err, your, cousin's death and the disappearance of that dark wizard."

"I disappeared to the Vieux Carre," Edward answered. "For some very complicated reasons, it was decided I had to disappear until next month. It looks like the Other Side had the same idea, except they wanted to extend my absence."

Edward Potter took two steps closer to the Slytherin trio. "Talk. If Voldemort" (half the group shuddered, just as they had when the recording said the name) "is back, telling us won't really hurt you. If you keep anything back from me, and I decide that it's harmed Harry, or if Harry has been really hurt because you kept us here an extra year . . . you will know fear, then you will know pain, and then, you shall die." No one there had ever heard that tone of voice before, and none would have expected it from Ed Harold, slight-of-hand humorist and general entertainer. No one doubted Edward Potter would carry out his threat. There was no doubt this man was a true warlock.

"You can't do this!" Umbridge cried out.

"Don't kill them," Clara Pomfrey, the healer and second-youngest member of the group said suddenly. "Anything else you do, make certain it's something I can fix quickly." The brief blossom of hope died out in the three Slytherins' hearts.

Wednesday, June 19, 1996

"So, do I call you Ed or Ted?" Carole Weasley asked her lover shortly after midnight.

"How angry are you with me?"

"Would you ever have told me?" Carole returned.

"Yes," Edward said simply. "Remember, I said we would talk after we got back?"

Carole nodded.

Edward shrugged. "I need to see what's happened before I can commit to anything, even with you. I know we've been here too long; it's just a feeling, but it's very strong now. Harry is in danger; how much, I don't know. If he has . . . been harmed, or if Voldemort is back, then I have a duty. As much as I care for you, as much as I love you, that duty would have to come first, at least in the short-run."

Carole turned her back on him. "I wouldn't have understood Ed Harold saying something like that. Edward Potter, though . . . that I understand." She turned to him. "Ed . . . Ted, I talked with my cousins, you know -- Ron, Ginny, and George -- several times about Harry before we left. I understand some of why Harry is in danger, and I know why you need to help protect him. Can I help at all?"

"Maybe. . . ." Edward mused. "Shall we discuss the possibilities?"

Carole smiled. "There are only three possibilities. Would thee accept the Witch's Pledge from me, Edward Harold Potter?"

Edward stumbled and sat on his cot in shock. "Are you serious?"


"Carole Anne Weasley, I would accept thy Witch's Pledge." Edward extinguished the lights, except for the one prescribed candle.

Carole stripped off her clothes, knelt before Edward and put her hand, palm up, over his palm. Edward took a knife, and nicked the flesh under their thumbs. Carole turned her hand over, and mixed their blood. A murmured spell healed the cuts. Their blood glowed, showing the pledges had been freely given between adults, and the pledges accepted. Carole leaned forward and licked the blood from his hand. He took hers and did the same.

"I am thy servant and thy mistress, Master Edward Harold Potter; with our blood mingled, I am thine to command until thy death." It was a marriage and more than a marriage. It could never be requested or commanded or bargained for. It could only be offered freely, with no price or strings attached, and it gave the wizard total control over the witch's life, and pledged the wizard to love and protect the witch and her family.

"I accept thy Pledge, Carole Anne Potter."

"Then there is no need to discuss the other two options I would have entertained, my Master, my Lord, my. . . ."

"Your husband, my love, my life, my wife."

"Do you have a command for me, my Husband?"


Carole was a little startled. "What . . . what are your commands, my Husband?"

"I ask you to swear to protect Harry with all your life and will."

"I swear both, my Master. And your other command?"

"A request, my love; from now on, they are requests. Please stay tonight, my wife?"

Carole smiled, blushing as only Weasleys can. "As you wish, my husband." 'About bloody time,' she thought.

Monday, July 1, 1996

"Hagrid," the bar-keep of the Hog's Head pub nodded. "Tha usual, mate?"

"Aye, Jack, thank ye." Hagrid stepped up to the bar and surveyed the pub. It was totally empty, being only 3:30 in the afternoon.

"Looking fer ma border?" Jack asked.


Jack rolled his eyes. Normally, he kept his eyes open and his mouth shut. Hagrid was about the only regular customer he opened up to at all, and then only when they were alone. "Looks like yer lookin' fer someone; only got tha one man stayin' here."

"Ar," Hagrid said non-committedly.

"Thar be he now," Jack said, jerking his head towards the stairs.

Hagrid looked at the powerfully-built wizard. Only a little over average height at best, he still exuded confidence and power. Hagrid might not have guessed who it was if he had met the man casually. Despite wanting to call out a greeting, Hagrid restrained himself.

Hagrid was of course hard to miss in any room. Edward smiled to himself; Hagrid was as loyal a friend as anyone could want. Subtle, however, he wasn't. Giving himself a mental shrug, Edward walked over.

"Professor Hagrid, I believe?" Hagrid flushed. "I'm Doctor Edward Harold. My friends call me Ed."

"Really? Err, pleased ta meet yer, Doctor, err Ed."

"Two pints of that nice Scottish stout I had last night, please, and a second of whatever Professor Hagrid's having."

Jack gave a rough laugh. "Yer the politest damn customer I've had stay here in a longish while, lad! Sure you wouldn't prefer ta stay at tha Three Broomsticks?"

"I'm sure." Edward led Hagrid over to a secluded corner.

"'Ed?'" Hagrid asked.

"At least until after I meet with Dumbledore tomorrow," Edward replied.

"I'm sorry. . . ." Hagrid started, but Edward stopped him.

"Hagrid, I know you've done the best you could. I was worried that the sort of things that have happened over the last thirteen months might happen ever since James died. I don't know how I can fix things, but unless Dumbledore can give me some amazingly brilliant and compelling reasons, I'll be around, and I mean by that around for Harry, from now on. Now, I don't know if I'll be doing that as Ed Harold or as . . . my old self. For that sort of thing I'm more likely to rely on the Headmaster's judgements."

"Edward," Hagrid said very very softly, "that's not what I meant. I'm sorry about Sirius."

Edward's eyes filled with tears, but he didn't cry.

"I'm sorry I misdoubted him."

Edward patted Hagrid on a massive arm. "I know. We'll all be dealing with these feelings of guilt for a while."

"He was a good man, he were," Hagrid said, almost sniffling.

"He was." Edward's eyes looked up to the ceiling. "I never even got a chance to see him after . . . after he escaped. We exchanged a few notes, that's all."

"I didn't see him either," Hagrid admitted. "I wish I knew how Harry was takin' all this."

"I know . . . ." Edward frowned. "Does this mean . . . ."

"I don't know what prophecy Perfessor Dumbledore told Harry about, but he told me to tell you . . . that Harry was told all about it, but that everything else is up to you." It was hard for the adoring Hagrid to say that, since he knew that it meant, somehow, Dumbledore had miscalculated something.

Edward closed his eyes in pain for a moment. "Do I still have an appointment with him tomorrow?"

"That you do," Hagrid said eagerly. His face fell, "Less you don't want ta meet with him?"

"No," Edward said with something like a sigh, "I'll talk with him. It's time to build, not tear apart."

"I understand, err, Ed."

"What have you been doing to yourself? You weren't at the Ministry, too, were you?" Hagrid had several old bruises on his face, and was sitting very stiffly.

"No; no -- well, it's sort of hard ta explain. Tell Harry he an' Hermione can tell you, if'n they want ta. Anyways, I brought you this ta look at." Hagrid laid a large, very thick, book on the table.

Edward looked at it, puzzled. He shrugged, and opened the book -- it was a photo album -- and saw James. 'No,' he realized, 'not James -- Harry.' Harry, growing up. "How?" he gestured at the first photos.

"Ari took these in secret over tha years." They were Muggle photos for the most part, but Edward didn't care. "Ari said she knew you'd be back. She wanted you ta have these when you were ready. She sent 'em to me right after Harry came here. Told me ta fill up the rest for yer as best I could."

"Bless her bitter old heart," Edward said, hoping he wouldn't tear up. "God, he looks so much like James, except for his eyes."

"Aye, he's got Lily's eyes. He's himself, of course, but I've seen him with a look of Lily on his face as much as I've seen James. He's certainly got that same streak of, well, honorable nobility that you 'n' James an' Harold an' your dads all had at his age, maybe even more so than all of ye. An' he's got that gentleness with his friends, and those students who're weaker than him, that Lily always had. Not arrogant at all, and you know that were James' occasional failing. Smart, of course, but not as bookish as you folks were." Hagrid made an irritated noise. "Probably bad environment."

"Petunia never read anything beyond cheap romance novels, and I doubt Vernon has read a book since he left school," Edward growled softly.

Edward looked at the photos slowly, drinking in the sight of his nephew. He suddenly smiled some minutes later. "How did you get this?" It was Harry with the sorting hat on.

Hagrid almost blushed. "Well, that's supposed to be a secret that is."

"All right. Harry looks too thin in these, not like that Dursley pig of an uncle."

Hagrid snorted.


"Well, seein' how it's you. . . ." Hagrid told Edward the story of delivering Harry's letter. Edward laughed heartily at the thought of a Dursley with a pig's tail.

Wizarding photos now showed up for Harry's second year. "I take it there's a photo fanatic a year behind Harry?"

"Aye, Colin Creevey."

"Who's the girl? The boy looks like a Weasley."

"That's Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger -- she's tha smartest witch we've had through here in many a year. Maybe since McGonagall, or maybe afor that, I don't know." He'd known the Hogwarts students for over fifty-five years, and McGonagall was the only one who came close to his beloved Hermione. "Muggle-born, good girl all-around. Powerful, too, if not in your league. Thought for a bit that she and Harry might become more than friends, but I think she and Ron Weasley there are closer these days. Harry might fancy Hermione, or he might fancy Ron's sister. Thought he was sweet on that Ravenclaw seeker, but that died out after Valentine's Day from what I heard. Not totally sure. Hard to keep up with the rumors, less you actually hear of someone caught snoggin'.

"Harry's not been caught?"

Hagrid grinned. "Not one to shop, not that anything's happened. If any of that bunch been snoggin', they've not been caught."

Edward went through the rest of the album, then shrunk it down and put it in a pocket. "Hagrid . . . thank you for everything. I wish I could do something for you. . . ."

"Now don't you think such things! I've seen near sixty years of students come and go, I 'ave, and many I've liked and some I still think should 'ave been drowned at birth. Yer family's been some o' the best, so's all yer friends, with that one exception." Hagrid stood up. "Now I'll be collectin' ya at Eleven sharp, so's that Professor Flitwick can have a word with ya afor you meet with tha Headmaster instead o' afterwards. All right?"

"All right, Professor Hagrid." Edward stood, saw they were still alone, and shocked Hagrid by embracing him.

Hagrid was touched. He knew, better than most, how reserved the Potter boys were. He'd known six of them now, Harold and his two sons Harold and Edward, Jamie and his son James, and of course Harry. Brave, powerful, and noble to the core, each had a well-hidden stream of sentimentalism. Somehow, to Hagrid's amazement, he had touched that in all six of them. It was because of his own bravery, nobility, and above all his great heart, but he didn't recognize those qualities in himself.

Disengaging himself, Edward looked up and showed he had caught up on most of the gossip by saying, "If you and Olympe are free for Harry's birthday, he's getting a party, no matter where he's staying. I know he'd want you there."

"Thanks. I do me best."

'He always does,' Edward thought as he left.