- Rating:
- R
- House:
- Schnoogle
- Ships:
- Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
- Characters:
- Albus Dumbledore Harry Potter Hermione Granger Luna Lovegood
- Genres:
- Action Alternate Universe
- Era:
- The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
- Spoilers:
- Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince Deadly Hallows (Through Ch. 36) Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them J.K. Rowling Interviews or Website
- Stats:
Published: 12/02/2007Updated: 12/21/2008Words: 84,469Chapters: 25Hits: 120,528
When Vernon Didn't Miss
- Story Summary:
- After Harry's first year, Vernon Dursley tried to hit Harry, but missed, and so Harry was locked away for the summer. What if Vernon hadn't missed?
Chapter 01
12/02/2007After Harry's first year, Vernon Dursley tried to hit Harry, but missed, and so Harry was locked away for the summer. What if Vernon hadn't missed?
Chapter 02 - Judgements
12/03/2007Information and judgements are passed on.
Chapter 03 - Osiris
12/04/2007Harry trains, meets two 'gods', and writes Hermione.
Chapter 04 - Dumbledore and the Brotherhood
12/04/2007Dumbledore is visited, which sends him searching.
Chapter 05 - The End of August
12/05/2007As August ends, everyone has plans.
Chapter 06 - The Return to Hogwarts
12/09/2007The school year starts, and annoyances pop up.
Chapter 07 - 07 Talking Points
12/15/2007McGonagall, Dumbledore, and Snape consider their options.
Chapter 08 - 08 Halloween
12/19/2007Sir Nick's Deathday party has an unexpected ending, and Dumbledore talks with Harry
Chapter 09 - 09 Errors & Quidditch
12/31/2007The first Quidditch game is played, and both Harry and Ron make errors of judgement
Chapter 10 - 10 Draco's Christmas Wish
01/08/2008The holidays have come, and Harry grants Draco's and Hermione's wishes, while Ginny makes a mistake.
Chapter 11 - 11 A Crisis Approaches
01/12/2008Harry realizes Ginny is in trouble, and then learns exactly how much.
Chapter 14 - 14 Summer Surprises
02/05/2008Draco is not the only one who gets several surprises, but Harry and Voldemort are happier with theirs.
Chapter 15 - Starting Third Year
02/11/2008Harry hopes for a quiet year, but Draco and Pansy have other plans.
Chapter 17 - 17 Draco and Pansy
03/05/2008Draco and Pansy start to learn from their mistakes.
Chapter 18 - Plan of Attack
03/17/2008Voldemort's plan starts to go into effect.
Chapter 19 - 19 End of Year III
04/02/2008Harry's third year ends, and the summer begins.
Chapter 20 - 20 Through the Quidditch Cup
04/09/2008The summer through the morning after the Cup.
Chapter 21 - 21 - Autumn Term
04/21/2008Harry returns to start his fourth year, and the Tournament starts.
Chapter 22 - 21 Dragons and Dances
04/28/2008The First Task and the Yule Ball
Chapter 23 - 23 Better Late Than Never
05/06/2008Plots fall apart after the second task.