Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood
Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/28/2003
Updated: 08/06/2003
Words: 33,701
Chapters: 10
Hits: 39,449

The Price of Peace


Story Summary:
In my story "Relations," Harry Potter faced the autumn of his 6th year under the threat of the Prophecy, and faced changing relations with friends, professors, and his first love and a new``relative. Over the Christmas break and into the spring term, Harry discovers the many prices 'peace' may exact, especially a negotiated one.

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
In my story "Relations," Harry Potter faced the autumn of his 6th year under the threat of the Prophecy, and faced changing relations with friends, professors, and his first love and a new relative. Over the Christmas break and into the spring term, Harry discovers the many prices 'peace' may exact, especially a negotiated one.
Author's Note:
The Ministry & the Movement for Pure-Bloods announce their terms; the Lestranges visit the students.

Chapter IV

The agreement with the Pure-Bloods was announced January 1. The Daily Prophet reprinted the original demands as well as the new agreement.

From the Movement for Pure-Bloods
issued 9 December, 1996

The Movement for Pure-Bloods make the following demands, and the following offers and compromises:

1) Definitions:

A Muggle-born will be legally defined as anyone with magical powers sufficient to be classed as a witch or wizard, who did NOT have both parents classed as both witch and wizard. Magical children of a pair of squibs are judged to be Muggle-born for these criteria. A Mixed-blood is the child of a witch or wizard whose other parent is a squib or a Muggle. 'Full-blood' is defined as any witch or wizard who has both witch and wizard for parents. The term 'Pure-blood' shall be reserved for those with Full-blooded ancestors for at least three generations.

Other mixed-wizards (magical parent mated with a Veela, giant, etc.) shall be treated as Muggle-born. Werewolves, vampires, etc. should be considered reduced one step (ie a Full-blooded werewolf would be under the restrictions of a Mixed-blood while in human form).

2) Schools:

No Muggle-born may be allowed to attend Hogwarts, Durmstrang, or the Ysgol, starting in the autumn of 1998; no one of Muggle or Mixed-blood may be hired to teach at those institutions after the current 1996-1997 academic year. No Mixed-Blood shall be made a prefect, Head Boy or Girl, or the equivalents at those institutions, starting in the 1998-1999 school year. No Mixed-blood may be selected to head one of those institutions after the 1996-1997 academic year.

Muggle-borns may be allowed to attend any other school of witchcraft and/or wizardry. Mixed-bloods and even the Muggle-born may teach at or even head any other institution.

The subject known as 'Muggle Studies' must cease at Hogwarts and the Ysgol, and may not be introduced at Durmstrang.

All Muggle and Mixed-blood students must take, and pass, a two year course on wizarding culture and traditions before being eligible for the O.W.L.s. This requirement would start for those entering schools in the autumn of 1998.

All students and teachers who do not meet the above criteria may stay in school or continue to be employed by that school if they are attending or employed for the entire 1997-1998 school year. Any Muggle-born not attending before that date who has a full sibling currently attending may also attend that school.

3) Government:

No Muggle-born may work for any Ministry of Magic, the International, or any associated agencies, other than charity or medical groups. Only Pure-bloods will be eligible to be any Minister of Magic. No Muggle-born or Mixed-Blood may rise above the level of Sorcerer Or Warlock.

4) Amnesty:

A full amnesty will be given to all members of the Movement for Pure-Bloods for any crimes, real or perceived, committed prior to noon, GMT, 6 January, 1997, or prior to the agreement of all parties to the terms in this document, whichever occurs first.

If these terms are agreed to before noon, GMT, 6 January, 1997, the Movement will surrender the Mixed-blood Tom Marvolo Riddle, who called himself Lord Voldemort. We understand that, according to a Prophecy, only a certain Full-blood has the power to execute Riddle. We will not stop him from doing so at any time. If our conditions are not met, Riddle will remain under our protection, and has agreed to work for our goals. While we wish to end the violence, we will do so only if this agreement is made.

We further agree that all current legislation concerning the protection of Muggles and Muggle society may stay in place, subject to the normal discussion and political processes, which may weaken, or even strengthen, such legislation.

The Members of the Movement agree to renounce violence, including the overthrow of current Ministries, and in the undermining of Muggle society in exchange for this agreement. Any violence perpetrated after the above terms are agreed to may be subject to punishment.

The Movement further states it will not engage in violence, except in defense, until noon, GMT, 6 January, 1997.

The Servant of the Pure-Bloods


An Agreement between the so-called Movement for Pure-Bloods and the British Ministry of Magic on behalf of the Wizarding World

issued 1 January, 1997

1) Definitions:

A Muggle-born is legally defined as anyone with magical powers sufficient to be classed as a witch or wizard, who did NOT have both parents classed as both witch and wizard. Magical children of a pair of squibs are judged to be Muggle-born for these criteria. A Mixed-blood will be defined as the child of a witch or wizard whose other parent is a squib or a Muggle. 'Full-blood' is defined as any witch or wizard who has both witch and wizard for parents. The term 'Pure-blood' shall be reserved for those with Full-blooded ancestors for at least three generations.

Other mixed-wizards (magical parent mated with a Veela, giant, etc.) shall be treated as Muggle-born. Werewolves, vampires, etc. should be considered reduced one step (ie a Full-blooded werewolf would be under these restrictions have the rights of a Mixed-blood while in human form).

2) Schools:

The subject known as 'Muggle Studies' may not be taken by the Muggle-born, or those who were Muggle-raised no matter their parentage, starting with those students who entered during the 1995-1996 academic year. Half-bloods may not take the subject if they were even partially Muggle-raised. All students taking the subject in the current (1996-1997) year may continue.

All Muggle, Muggle-raised, and Mixed-blood students must take, and pass, a two year course on wizarding culture and traditions before being eligible for the O.W.L.s. This requirement will start for those entering schools in the autumn of 1998, and apply to all schools certified by any national ministry. These Muggle-born, Muggle-raised, and Mixed-blood students may continue Magical Culture as both an O.W.L. and a N.E.W.T. subject.

No Muggle-born, Muggle-raised, or Mixed-Blood student may be a Sixth or Seventh year Prefect of any type or Head Boy or Girl at Hogwarts who has not achieved an O.W.L. in Magical Culture after the 2002-2003 academic year.

3) Government:

As of June 2005

no Muggle-born may be hired for any Ministry of Magic, the International, or any associated agencies, other than charity or medical groups, unless they have achieved the O.W.L. in Magical Culture;

no Muggle-born or Mixed-Blood may rise above the level of Sorcerer or Warlock, -- or may advance to the level of department head of any Ministry of Magic, the International, or any associated agencies, other than charity or medical groups, if hired after June, 2005 -- unless they have achieved an 'E' O.W.L or any level N.E.W.T. in Magical Culture;

any Pure-blood, when applying for a position in any Ministry, shall be deemed to have the O.W.L. in Magical Culture;

only Full- or Pure-bloods will be eligible to be any Minister of Magic.

4) Amnesty:

A full amnesty will be given to all members of the Movement for Pure-Bloods for any crimes, real or perceived, committed prior to noon, GMT, 1 January, 1997. A complete list of members asking for amnesty shall be provided and published by 1 February, 1997.

Members have until 28 February, 1997, to provide complete confessions of all crimes committed prior to 1 January, 1997. Any crime not confessed to may be prosecuted. Any class 1 crime committed subsequent to the amnesty may invalidate the amnesty for that individual.

The original members of the Movement for Pure-Bloods will not be eligible for employment with the Ministries if they have confessed or have previously been convicted of class 1 or 2 crimes. However, the Council of the British Ministry and the Council of the International Confederation will have an official representative of the Movement for Pure-Bloods who will be selected by the Movement, irrespective of their past.

5) The Movement for Pure-Bloods

Any Pure-Blood wizard or witch is eligible to apply for membership in the Movement for Pure-Bloods after 1 March, 1997. While the Movement agrees that all current legislation concerning the protection of Muggles and Muggle society may stay in place, it is subject to the normal discussion and political processes, which may weaken, or even strengthen, such legislation. The Movement for Pure-Bloods wish to strengthen the divide between Wizard and Muggle societies, even if it now accepts that Muggle-borns and Mixed Bloods should have the right to earn acceptance in the Wizarding World.

Any current member of the Movement for Pure-Bloods who has not confessed or been convicted of a class 1 or 2 crime, and any future member of the Movement, retains full rights within the Wizarding community.

The Members of the Movement agree to renounce violence, including the overthrow of current Ministries, and in the undermining of Muggle society in exchange for this agreement. Any violence perpetrated after 1 January may be subject to punishment.

For the British Ministry of Magic & International Confederation
Cornelius O. Fudge, Minister of Magic
Percy I. Weasley, Negotiator

For The Movement for Pure-Bloods
Regulus Black
Lucius Malfoy

While Hermione Granger was relieved the terms were not as bad as they had been, she still saw the potential pitfalls. For a Muggle-born of her age, who would have no opportunity to earn the soon-to-be required O.W.L. in Magical Culture, there would always be the suspicion that she was not quite qualified for advancement in government or educational work. For those who came later, having to take Magical Culture would mean there would be some other, important subject they could no longer fit in. Again, that would mean they were not as well-qualified as some Full- and Pure-Blooded wizards.

Hermione did not miss the phrase 'Muggle-borns and Mixed Bloods should have the right to earn acceptance in the Wizarding World.' At least in theory, all witches and wizards currently had that acceptance, Muggle-born or no. Now, Muggle-borns would not have those rights until they 'earned' them.

Hermione went through the terms and ripped them to shreds. Ron listened to her, and agreed with her, but mentally he had some reservations. Perhaps, he thought, being a wizard should mean just a little bit more than having abilities Muggles did not have. Maybe being a wizard should have some cultural meaning as well. He knew enough not to say that to Hermione.

Where he did fully agree with Hermione was that Black and Malfoy would be back in positions of influence, as they would no doubt the Movement's representatives, which meant that Draco would be more obnoxious than usual. There was also the likelihood that the violence was far from over to worry about. While Hermione spent that day and the next writing an attack on the terms of the agreement for The Truth, Ron quietly read his potions text. He had a feeling Aurors would still be needed.

The Daily Prophet ran Regulus Black and Lucius Malfoy's confessions the next day. The Ministry had not wanted them released, but Dumbledore insisted that all the confessions be made public. Since anything not confessed to could be prosecuted, the confessions, Dumbledore believed, must be made public. And, of course, crimes publically confessed to would be better remembered.

The Daily Prophet, knowing that if they did not run the confessions The Truth would find some way to do it, also put pressure on the Ministry. When Fudge still refused, the International authorized the release of the material.

Regulus Black would be the Movement for Pure-Bloods' representative to the International and Lucius Malfoy would be the representative to the British Ministry once the agreement went into full effect on March 1. These appointments came as a surprise to no one who knew the inside story, in the Movement, the Ministries, or the Order of the Phoenix.

Edward, Carole, Harry, and Luna read and re-read the article and the accompanying stories. Harry snorted when he saw that Percy would be awarded the Order of Merlin (3rd Class) for his part in the negotiations. Buried near the very end of the articles praising the agreement, there was a small (two paragraph) warning that not all members of the Movement were likely to agree to renounce violence and take the amnesty.

"Hermione was right," Luna said, as Harry walked her to the reception area of the front bridge.

"She usually is," Harry admitted. "What was she right about this time?"

"That when we restart classes, we'll be under a new threat." Luna stopped and hugged Harry. He returned it and sighed.

"I'll see you in just over two days," Luna said. Harry going to come to Diagon Alley Friday. From there, he and Luna would be going to the station to take the train back to Hogwarts on Saturday. Classes would restart the following Monday.

"I can still miss you, even for forty-nine hours, can't I?" Harry asked.

"Of course!" Luna disengaged herself. "I love you, too!" She pulled her wand out, exchanged a final kiss with Harry, and touched the piece of paper Edward had used to make her a one-way portkey. Harry sighed. It would be a long forty-nine hours.

Saturday, January 4, 1997

The students on the train were fairly subdued. "It's always quiet," Luna told Harry, when he remarked on the mood. "Probably because it's not as special as most of the other trips. It's even quieter coming back from the Easter break."

"Luna might be right," Ron said, sitting down. He had just come back from a patrol of the train. "You know what I noticed, though?" he asked, as he struggled with a cup of tea and a handful of chocolate frogs.

"No, I'll buy it, what have you noticed?" Harry asked.

"Malfoy is not on board, and neither are the Slytherins we thought might still be leaning in his direction." All six exchanged glances.

"None of them?" Hermione asked.

"Not a one," Ron answered. "I might have missed one or two, I guess, but not Malfoy or Pansy."

Harry and Ginny looked at Hermione. "What?" she asked.

"You have the best eye," Ginny told her.

"You know everyone," Harry agreed.

"Well, you know she's practicing to be Head Girl next year," Ron teased.

"Prat!" Hermione said, standing. She kissed Ron on the cheek to take the sting out of her comment.

As soon as Hermione left, Harry stood as well. "Neville, while Hermione is patrolling in one direction, why don't I go in the other. You go in Hermione's in say . . . three minutes?"

Neville stood. "A nice, slow stroll, I take it?"

Harry smiled. "No need to catch up to her," he agreed. Harry just wanted to make certain there were extra prefects out.

As Harry left, he heard Luna ask, "Shall I read your tea leaves, Ron?"

"No," Ron mumbled though the remains of yet another chocolate frog, "I swore last year never to do it, or have that done for me, again."

Part way to the back of the train, Harry ran into Blaise Zabini. Harry asked him about Ron's observation.

"Every one of the bastards is missing," Blaise confirmed. "I just finished checking. Somehow, I doubt it means a mass transfer to Durmstrang, and I know at least three of the five others are still Malfoy's people."

"I wonder how many DA folk are on board," Harry mused.

Blaise shrugged. "I don't know. Should we alert the DA and other older students?"

Harry looked at his watch. "We don't arrive for two hours. Do you think an attack is most likely on the way to the castle, at the station, or over the next two hours?"

"Your cousin is the only member of the faculty on board," Blaise pointed out. "The faculty tends to wait near the entrance and great halls. They would be quick to respond to any attack on the carriages."

"That leaves the station or the rest of the trip," Harry said, agreeing with Blaise's analysis. He thought a few more moments. "I think, if there's to be an attack by the remaining Death Eaters and such, it would be most likely at the station."

"Sounds reasonable," Blaise mused. "It might be difficult for them to stop the train. The Dementors seemed to have done it a few years ago, though."

"That leaves one other possibility, since most of the zombies are supposed to have been destroyed," Harry pointed out.

"Yeah," Blaise agreed, "like I said, the Dementors."


Hermione came up to them, Neville right behind her. "No suspect Slytherins up-front," she said. "Neville was kind enough to come along," she added dryly. Neville blushed.

"Blaise says there aren't any, either," Harry said, ignoring her sarcasm. "That likely means an attack, primarily by Dementors, before we arrive; or an attack, primarily by the Lestranges and all their followers at the station, possibly with the Dementors as well."

"The Dementors must be hungry by now," Hermione said.

"And there's the fact that Draco and friends aren't here," Harry added thoughtfully. "In a big attack from the Lestranges and their associates, Draco and company could get caught in a cross-fire but would more likely be useful in setting that cross-fire up. But in a Dementor attack, who can tell who they might Kiss in a feeding frenzy?"

"And if we go on alert, and nothing happens?" Blaise asked.

"Then I look silly," Harry said with a shrug. "If we don't make too big a deal of it, we'll be ready and I won't look too stupid."

"Come on, Longbottom," Blaise said. "We'll work our way back while these two go forward."

It was only fifteen minutes from the Hogsmeade station when the attack came. The first sign was the lurch of the train as the breaks were engaged.

As soon as the train stopped, the students came off the front and back ends of the train, as Harry had told them, heading for the middle. In a Dementor attack, being alone meant a greater possibility of being attacked.

Harry and Hermione had stayed near the front of the train, while Edward covered the rear. As soon as Harry made it outside, he saw the figures gliding over the surrounding hills. He would go with most of the students, while Edward, Hermione, and a few volunteers covered the other side of the train.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Harry yelled, thinking of his first kiss with Luna. The huge stag came from Harry's wand, and drove the whole crowd of Dementors back. As they did so, Harry heard Hermione invoke the spell on the other side of the train, followed by Cho Chang. In less than three minutes from the time the train had halted, all the students had massed on one side of the train, again with a few of the older students and Edward on the other to prevent an attack from the potential blind side.

Harry's Patronus was by far the most powerful on his side of the train, but it was far from the only one. All the DA, and the non-DA Seventh years, could at least project the silvery mist, which gave some protection. It would be needed, as over a hundred Dementors glided towards the students again. Harry's Patronus again drove them back, and then the others' kept them at bay for the moment.

As soon as the parameter was secure, Harry took a deep breath and tried a spell Edward and Remus had taught him, but which he had never really tried. "HELIOS!" A near-blinding light came from Harry's wand and struck a Dementor. It blew up in a momentary flame, which quickly disintegrated it.

"Don't anyone else try that!" Harry called. "It usually isn't strong enough to stop them! Keep them in a group!"

Harry picked off three more Dementors, before he had to send his Patronus out again; the others' were weakening slightly. "Keep up your concentration!" Harry called over the students' calling out the spell. "Use a new thought if you have to!"

The Dementors started to retreat. Harry destroyed two more, and the rest retreated more quickly, to Harry's right. The students stopped invoking their Patronus.

From a distance, the group heard "Avada Kedavra!" A Fifth year Hufflepuff girl standing just to Harry's left fell.

Harry looked in the direction of the curse, and saw the three Lestranges. Bellatrix had missed Harry with her curse.

All three Lestranges raised their wands. Luna, Neville, and several other students all yelled, "Duck!" or "Take cover!"