Training and Confrontations


Story Summary:
A sprawling tale set in many places and dimensions, as Harry finds himself, finds his abilities grow, and trains for that final confrontation with Voldemort. A H/L/Hr tale, with N/G, R/T, and a paternal Ron.

Chapter 28

Chapter Summary:
A sprawling tale set in many places and dimensions, as Harry finds himself, finds his abilities growing, and trains for that final confrontation with Voldemort. A H/L/Hr tale, with N/G, Remus/T, and a paternal Ron. Part III (the autumnal term until New Year's Day) continues through Chapter 35.
Author's Note:
The end of the Battle of Hogsmeade and the aftermath.

Chapter XXVIII

The Battle of Hogsmeade -- The Grapes of Wrath

"We seem to be having problems," Moody said. Each of the professors had their Patronus attacking the dementors trying to get at the Post Office, while Dumbledore was destroying the smaller group of dementors one by one.

Suddenly, a bright white light swept through the large group of dementors, destroying them. It spread out, finishing off the group that Dumbledore had been attacking and then hit the Hogwarts group. They had each braced for the impact, but to them, the light felt wonderful -- warm and bracing.

"What the hell was that!" Moody demanded when it passed.

"Harry," Remus said simply.

"Of course," McGonagall agreed. "We should have known."

Harry walked slowly down the street, followed by the rest of his combat group, who were trying to look in all other directions. "That takes care of all the ones we've seen," Harry said coming up to the professors. "Should I stay here, or retreat back to the Three Broomsticks, in case Voldemort attacks there?"

"Move back up the street," Dumbledore said. "We'll bring the students out of the Post Office, and then your group will lead the way back to the Three Broomsticks. The aurors are securing the village behind us, and we can leave them and the villagers to look after themselves. They will be well-able to do so once they are organized."

"Right," Harry said, moving his group down the street.

It only took Dumbledore five minutes to get the students organized, and the mass started moving down the street.

"Something's wrong," Harry said as he and his group fully cleared the bend.

Glancing ahead, Harry's followers saw that a group in black robes was exchanging curses with the defenders at the pub. Behind them, a tall figure was threatening them to do better, while Professor Sprout and Dean directed the student defenders.

"Riddle," Harry hissed. "Neville, get those students back down the street and warn Dumbledore. Hermione, Luna, stay here and shield them as necessary."

"Right," they said.

"What are you going to do?" Ginny demanded.

"Ron, Ginny, keep and eye on the Death Eaters. Curse them if necessary."

"But Harry. . . ." Hermione tried to protest. Luna shook her head, and Hermione stood down.

Harry walked forward.

Voldemort saw Harry, and turned to meet him, an evil grin on his face. Just as Voldemort was about to open his mouth, the white light again streamed from Harry, but this time from his left hand, taking the Dark Wizard by surprise. It was not as strong as the beam which had destroyed the dementors, but it staggered the Dark Lord.

Harry stopped the beam, and again used both hands to shoot the light from his wand. The stronger stream of pure light magic struck Voldemort, causing him to scream in agony. When it passed, Voldemort fell to one knee. He looked up at Harry in shock and pain, then triggered a portkey just before Harry could send off another blast.

Harry saw that the rest of the fighting had slowed but had not quite stopped. Harry scowled and cast an anti-disapparation field over the Death Eaters and a shield between the Death Eaters and his friends. "Get them," he ordered Ginny and Ron. Ginny and Ron had just enough time to stun one Death Eater each when all the people in front of the Three Broomsticks launched attacks on the rest of them. In less than five minutes, the eighteen Death Eaters resembled the slugs the DA had turned Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle into the previous June. Many students looked at the Death Eaters with real satisfaction.

The Battle of Hogsmeade was over. Voldemort's forces had been captured or (in the case of the dementors) destroyed. There had been many minor to moderate casualties on the side of the students and villagers, but nothing of lasting significance.

The forces of Light had won.

The problem was, no one quite knew how to explain it.

Albus Dumbledore frowned a mighty frown. Hermione thought he looked rather like images of Zeus or Odin at their most dyspeptic. He had wanted to talk with Harry before Fudge, the MLES, the aurors, and the Press all swooped down on Hogwarts, demanding explanations.

Harry had refused, or at least had refused to meet with Dumbledore alone. Instead, Harry sat facing Dumbledore, with Luna, Hermione, Ron, Padma, Susan, Neville, Ginny, Dean, and Professors Moody, Lupin, and McGonagall behind him, and Professor Sprout and Tonks off to the side.

After the silence had stretched out for too long a time, Harry spoke up, "Is there a problem, Professor?"

"Yes, Harry." Dumbledore paused. "You do realize that what you did this morning should not have been at all possible."

Harry nodded his head. "Yes, I know. I shouldn't have had that much power, and I certainly should not have been able to control it at all without my wand."

"Exactly. Nor should any one person be able to cast a disapparation shield. Even I cannot cast a disapparation field over that large a group by myself!"

Harry shrugged. "But I did."

"You did more than that! How?"

"Well, in part what happened was that Voldemort's possession of me in the Ministry triggered the powers that the Prophecy predicted." Harry turned and, despite the disapproval on Dumbledore's face, explained the Prophecy to everyone who did not know it. They did all agree not to speak of the Prophecy, but Harry was not longer worried about that.

"And what were those powers?" Hermione asked when Harry was finished. She of course had a very good idea, but thought this would help Harry explain to the others.

"I'm not certain exactly how they work," Harry admitted, "since my trainers this summer didn't allow me to explore their highest mysteries, but it seems that I can draw on the ambient magic around me to attack anything associated with Voldemort and work it to my will. I learned how to fully control it this summer." He did not mention the Dragons by name, which was understood by those in the room who needed to understand. "In addition, the powers can be augmented by positive feeling, in this case, the . . . affection my friends have for me. As long as I am not directing these powers out of negative emotions -- hate, fear, envy -- they can be very effective and powerful, as you all saw."

"What emotion were you using?" Remus asked. "It caused too much destruction to be love."

Harry grinned. "I was proving Bellatrix Lestrange wrong. When we fought at the Ministry, she said something like I could never win, because hatred is more powerful than righteous anger. I think I proved that, for me at least, she was wrong. It was righteousness, although there wasn't much anger."

Everyone in the room was frowning except for Dumbledore. They all knew that only a small part of the magic used by a witch or wizard actually came from the witch or wizard. Instead, the wizard's magic triggered a response from the ambient magic of the world, controlled by the use of set spells which had 'conditioned' a response from the ambient magic over the years, and which operated in part through the wand as the connection. Even Hermione and Luna were slightly surprised by Harry's explanation.

"What you're saying is, instead of triggering and manipulating the ambient magic, you're directly controlling it?" Sprout asked.

"Exactly," Harry answered, "but it seems to work best against Voldemort and those associated with him."

"Like Professor Snape?" Dumbledore asked drily.

Harry flushed. "Well . . . yes." Harry frowned. "I was really surprised that Voldemort survived that second blast of pure righteous magic, but I guess the burst was just too short. I could actually feel him about to come apart and die, and if I could have reacted just a touch faster, he would have been destroyed." He shook his head at his own reaction time.

"Are you sure it only works at this high a level against Voldemort and his followers?" Hermione asked.

Harry thought a moment. "I think so, although of course I haven't had any real chance to experiment, why?"

"I was just thinking of those dementors back at the end of our Third year." She turned to Dumbledore. "Sir, if you weren't being directly affected by dementors, how many could you easily drive away with your Patronus?"

Dumbledore thought a moment. "I am not certain. Most likely between fifty and seventy-five." He started to go on and ask a question, but Hermione out-spoke him.

"Professor Moody, what's the largest number you ever heard of being affected?"

"I've never heard of more than thirty being driven away by one Patronus, although I don't doubt Dumbledore's estimate of his own power." Moody looked at the others, and they agreed with him.

"Harry, how many did you drive away that night at the end of your Third year?" Dumbledore asked. He realized that he had never actually asked, merely assuming it had been a handful.

"I thought about a hundred, but I guess that can't be right."

"There were between a hundred and five and a hundred and seventeen," Hermione said. "There was too much movement to be more certain." She set her jaw. "I'd be glad to contribute a memory to a pensieve, if anyone needs to verify the count."

There was a moment of stunned silence, and then, "Your point?" McGonagall asked.

"I don't think it's Voldemort that triggers this response as much as it's anything that is truly Dark Magic or which has been touched by Dark Magic."

"That's very possible," Dumbledore agreed. "If we release this, Harry could be an even greater target than he was before, if that's possible."

"Is it possible?" Hermione asked before several others could.

"Directly, probably not," Dumbledore conceded. "Indirectly. . . ."

"Indirectly," Harry said, "all your families will be greater targets."

"But that really doesn't make sense," Ron pointed out. "If V. . Vo . . . if Riddle captures Mum and Dad, that won't make you stop, it will just mean you'll go after him sooner. If he kills Mum and Dad, that will hurt you, but it won't stop you."

"We don't know if Voldemort will reason that way," Dumbledore said.

"There will have to be greater protections added for everyone remotely connected to Harry," Moody said.

"If those work, or if Voldemort reasons like we think he should, we're back to direct attacks on Harry," Ginny said. "That means attacks here at school. Could . . . could Voldemort repossess me?" Ginny was much more afraid of the name 'Riddle' than she was 'Voldemort'.

"In theory, yes," Dumbledore said. "However, he would have to capture you and work on you for some time. In addition, possession takes much longer than the Imperious, and if anyone sees you under possession you will be acting less like your normal self than you do under the Imperious."

"I think you'll have to ask permission from the Ministry for us to teach resistance to the Imperious," Moody said.

"I'm certain Minister Fudge will be here any moment," Dumbledore said drily. "So, what should I tell him, and the Press?"

"Tell them the outline of the Prophecy," Hermione suggested. "Tell them that Harry has the ability to defeat Voldemort. When someone asks why Harry doesn't just go do that, ask them to point out where Voldemort is. Also, remind everyone that it's still up to the Ministry to defend the community, not a Sixth year. It certainly is not his job to track Voldemort down."

"True, although not everyone will like that answer," Dumbledore said. He turned back to Harry. "And do you have a theory of why this has happened?"

"I think that when the Killing Curse rebounded from me, it didn't just create the link symbolized by the scar. I think the scar also symbolizes something almost like a . . . well, like an active vaccination, if there were such a thing. It doesn't protect me from Dark Magic, but it gives me the power to fight it."

"That makes some sense," Dumbledore said. "In any event, I shall concoct a story which is true, but which should not put too much pressure on Harry here. Only the people in this room had a good view of the actual battle. I propose you downplay Harry's power at least a bit. The full truth will actually create even greater expectations than Harry can deliver."

Dumbledore turned to the two Defense instructors. "I shall press Cornelius for permission to teach resistance to the Imperious, although we cannot force any student to accept such training."

Moody and Lupin nodded their understanding.

"Is there anything else?" Luna asked.

"There is one brief item I need to discuss with Harry, alone," Dumbledore admitted. "Why?"

Luna pointed to the Honeydukes bottomless bag still tied to Harry's belt. "Harry promised candy, and he has to deliver it, and we all barely ate any lunch. Most other students didn't even start."

"There should be a plentitude of sandwiches and drinks in the great hall," Dumbledore said. "Not as satisfying as the food and butter beer of the Three Broomsticks, but filling, nevertheless."

Everyone nodded, and made their way out, leaving Harry standing near the door. "Sir?"

"Your power was most impressive, and unexpected. I was wondering if you would be willing to try and use it in another way."

"I know what Hermione thinks, but I don't think it would work that well against anything that wasn't touched by Voldemort."

"What about directly against Voldemort's touch?"

Harry frowned a moment, and then asked, "Sn . . . Professor Snape's Dark Mark?"

Dumbledore nodded.

Harry shrugged. "If you think it might work, and if he promises not to hold it against me either way."

"Agreed." Dumbledore sighed. "Severus developed a quite remarkable salve. It has prevented the worst effects of the Mark to manifest. However, its effects are starting to wear off."

"We can try tomorrow morning, if he agrees."

"Thank you, Harry."

"What do you mean, 'no'?"

"Exactly that, Minister. Mister Potter is a Sixth year student. It is not his duty to go out and hunt down Dark Wizards, it is his duty to study."

"That's nonsense and you know it. If he has the power to destroy . . . Lord Thingy, then he should do it!"

"You have had the power to undermine Voldemort's organization, yet you have not done so," Dumbledore stated.

Fudge and his aides gaped at the Headmaster.

"Voldemort is severely injured," Dumbledore went on. "Now is the time to strike against his followers." He handed over a set of parchments. "Those are the names, although I doubt any will be new to you. These also detail the evidence. If you cannot strike against the followers, you have no right to expect anyone to do any part of your job for you."

Fudge swallowed and gestured to Percy to pick them up while he glared at the Headmaster.

Dumbledore smiled. "Three other things, Minister. First of all, we have sent an account of the battle to the various media. People will notice and wonder if your official accounts do not match ours." Fudge turned an even deeper shade of purple than he had been. "Second, Mister Potter and the others will be available, here at the castle, tomorrow afternoon at One, should there be any further questions, but you will be meeting him only with Professor Moody and their Heads of House present. Three," he finished with a beatific smile at Percy, "I wish to offer my congratulations to Mister Weasley here. I have just learned of his marriage. I understand his family will be discussing the matter with him as well."

Percy looked away in embarrassment, but said nothing.

When Harry entered the common room, he was smothered in a hug by the anxious Bonnie. Once he pried the First year off his neck (although she remained firmly attached to his waist), Harry tried to distribute the candy, but Hermione stopped him. "We need to tell everyone what happened," she pointed out. "We don't need them on a sugar high on top of everything else."

Harry shrugged, and reluctantly called everyone to gather around.

As Harry was telling the story, Dean moved over to Ron's side. Ron had been standing alone, over near the stairs to the boy's rooms. "Are you alright?" Dean asked softly.

"Not a scratch," Ron replied.

"That's not what I mean," Dean pointed out, "and you know it. What's wrong?" He nodded towards Harry. "Envious again?"

Ron glared, but did not deny it.

"I understand," Dean went on. "When we see Harry like this, it's difficult not to be just a little envious. I mean, look at that; it's hardly something we see every day." Harry was sitting on the largest sofa. Little Bonnie was sitting curled on his lap, her arms around Harry and her head on his left shoulder, gazing at him with unadulterated hero worship. Harry's left arm was supporting her. Natalie MacDonald and Ginny were seated further along on his left, while Hermione was cuddled in his right arm with one arm around his waist, the other holding his hand, and her head was on his shoulder -- the most blatant display of affection she had shown Harry in public yet -- while all the other students were fanned out in front of him and most of them (especially Colin), even the Seventh years, were mesmerized by Harry's story.

"It is easy to be a bit jealous," Ron admitted, "even though we know what kind of life Harry leads the rest of the time."

"How bad do you think the nightmares will be tonight?"

Ron shrugged. "Hard to tell. Hopefully, not too bad. On the one hand, no one was killed or Kissed, Harry destroyed a lot of dementors, and something like eighteen Death Eaters were captured. On the other hand, even though he defeated Riddle, the bastard's still alive. Just seeing him that close. . . ." Ron shuddered. "Harry might not be the only one with nightmares.

Dean nodded. "That's true, he looked more like an 'it' than a 'he'. It might even be worse for you than for Colin, Hermione, or me."

"Why is that?"

"You haven't seen any Muggle television or films, have you?"

"A little, this past July at Hermione's, but not too much. Why?"

"You probably didn't see much if any science fiction or horror movies, right?"

Ron shrugged. "Probably not. Why?" he asked again.

"Well, they use a lot of special effects and such to make people and puppets appear like creatures in those types of movies. Trust me, as horrible as Voldemort looked, he's nothing like the creatures in some films like Alien or Predator. Of course, Voldemort is real, and those aren't, but he's not quite as scary appearing to me as he would be to you. Plus, of course, you were raised to be afraid of him, and we weren't."

"I guess. It looks like 'story hour' is breaking up." Harry had indeed finished, and many of the students congratulated Ron, Dean, and the others who had followed Harry up and down the High Street or defended the pub as they left the group to go on to other late afternoon activities.

As Harry came over towards Ron, Ron saw Harry give Bonnie and the other First and Second years their candy. The youngest students ran off to their dorms, clutching their sweets. "I see you finally lost your leach," Ron teased.

"She does seem possessive at times," Harry said mildly.

"Yeah, all the benefits of having a little sister, and none of the problems," Ron joked. Ginny stuck her tongue out at him.

Harry looked around and saw that only his combat group (minus Luna) and Dean were with him. "First of all, I want to thank all of you. The reason why we succeeded was because we worked together." He nodded to Dean. "That applies to you, too. You did a great job keeping the students in line at The Three Broomsticks, and I told your uncle that when we were walking back to the castle. The students would have gotten massacred by the Death Eaters and Voldemort if it hadn't been for you."

"And Professor Sprout," Dean said.

"I saw enough of what was happening to see that you were directing the fight, and she was making certain the students followed your orders," Harry replied. "I wish I could have finished the bastard off, but we got rid of almost quarter of his dementors and over a third of the known Death Eaters. Even with Fudge still as the Minister, the Ministry should be able to keep things in check for a while."

"We'll get 'em yet," Ginny said, and on that note, the group broke apart.

Hermione took Ron back into the corner of the common area where he had been watching Harry. After a brief hug, she looked into Ron's eyes and said, "Keep a close watch tonight."

Ron nodded. "Dean and I already talked about that. We should all be ready, in case it's bad."

Author notes: I was very struck with Bellatrix's claim about hatred being more powerful than righteous anger. I do not believe that, as you can see in this chapter.