Training and Confrontations


Story Summary:
A sprawling tale set in many places and dimensions, as Harry finds himself, finds his abilities grow, and trains for that final confrontation with Voldemort. A H/L/Hr tale, with N/G, R/T, and a paternal Ron.

Chapter 26

Chapter Summary:
A sprawling tale set in many places and dimensions, as Harry finds himself, finds his abilities growing, and trains for that final confrontation with Voldemort. A H/L/Hr tale, with N/G, Remus/T, and a paternal Ron. Part III (the autumnal term until New Year's Day) continues through Chapter 35.
Author's Note:
Harry finds a flat, Ron expresses concern, and the DA meets for the first time.

Chapter XXVI

Snape never commented on the events of the Transfiguration class, and he stopped his usual sniping at Harry on those few occasions when they ran into each other (although he was at times observed looking at Harry and grinding his teeth). Snape and Malfoy were also frequently seen in September and October struggling to hold their tongues successfully (at least in public) as the HPSN exercised their duties to hug and kiss Harry.

Meanwhile, Luna had been let out of the Infirmary for dinner that first Thursday evening. Alastor and Remus had already presented Harry with something he had long missed back in late August -- the Marauders' Map -- which Moody had found mixed in with some of his other possessions. Remus had made copies of it, and gave the original back to Harry, showing him some secrets which the twins had never discovered. At Harry's request, Remus made two additional maps, covering part of the castle.

Harry had made some quick plans, and consulted Dobby. Dobby had told Harry the results that Thursday morning, and now Harry was bringing Hermione and Luna to see the outcome.

"Do you see anything unusual?" Harry asked. They seemed to be in a blank corridor that served only to link to larger corridors together. Neither girl could see anything special about where they were.

"Where are we, in relation to the rest of the castle?" Harry asked.

"Well, we're about halfway between the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor towers," Hermione said. "However, the main corridor between the two isn't used all that often, and it's the one right over there. The other main corridor leads to the major stairs. There are of course also sets of men's and women's toilets just around each corner."

"True," Harry said.

"This wall must be near the great lecture hall," Luna said thoughtfully. "The entrance to the back of the hall must be two floors above us."

"Also true," Harry agreed.

"There isn't a cross corridor on the floor above is, is there?" Hermione asked.

"No, there's not."

"So, if there were an entry here. . . ." Hermione started.

Luna broke in. ". . . it would lead under the seats!"

The wall was 16th century carved oak paneling, all flowers. "Which flower is out of place?" Harry asked.

It turned out that Hermione was searching the right area, and so found the Tudor rose, the only unrealistic flower. She pushed the center of it, and a door slid open. Harry escorted the girls in, and slid the door shut. Instantly, magical candles lit.

They were in a room some fifteen feet deep and thirty feet wide. There were comfortable sofas and chairs, end tables, and at either end of the room, two long work tables. There were three doors leading further under the seats.

"There you go," Harry said, "private work tables for both of you. The room to the left side has a toilet and a sink, the one to the right has a shower."

"And the room in the middle?" Luna asked.

"That has a big, comfy bed. Dobby arranged everything."

The two girls smiled.

"Here," Harry said. He gave each teen a piece of parchment. "It has the same password as the Marauder's Map." He turned to Luna. "Yours only covers this section of the castle, from the main stairs to just past Ravenclaw Tower." He turned to Hermione. "Yours covers from the Quad stairs to just past Gryffindor Tower."

He turned back to Luna. "I hate to say it. . . ."

"But I need to be careful, not to let the girls steal this," Luna said.

"Professor Dumbledore met with all the Ravenclaw girls and all the school's female prefects last night," Hermione said. "He said that anyone caught harassing you this year, and that includes pranking you or, as he said 'borrowing Miss Lovegood's possessions without her express permission,' would be expelled."

"Really?" Harry said, surprised. "That's pretty harsh, for Professor Dumbledore."

"He's really serious," Hermione said.

"That will not change what is in their hearts," Luna pointed out.

"No, but perhaps they will be less likely to express those sentiments," Hermione retorted.

"He can't make them like me," was all Luna would say.

"Come on," Harry said, going back outside after a quick look at the Map.

"There's more?" Hermione asked.

"Some. What can you tell me about this wall?" He pointed to the blank wall opposite the paneling.

The two girls considered the old stonework. "It's difficult to say," Hermione finally said. "There's just this large stonework . . . mass. If I remember, it's on every floor, and is a block about forty-five feet square. There are a number of them. I always figured they were some sort of central support piling that the castle was built around."

"True," Luna agreed. "There are what? six of them?"

"Nine, actually," Harry answered. "Eight are smaller than this one. You can't see three of them, because you can't see the stonework. They've been built around. One is near the back of the great hall, and the headmaster's office abuts another. There is also one of these cores near each common room."

"Come to think of it, this would be a pretty wasteful use of space and materials," Hermione said.

"True," Harry agreed. "The nine blocks do partially serve as supports, but mostly as magical supports. Each founder built two, and they built this one together. There are magical cores inside of each, and the wards are built around them. This is the central one, built by all four, and it incorporated an ancient stone circle, set upon an outcrop of living rock, inside it."

"How did the Marauders find out about that?" Hermione asked.

Harry just smiled. "They didn't."

"Then how did you find out. . . ."

"You didn't just 'find out,' did you?" Luna asked.

"Not as such," Harry admitted. "I recognized what was done as soon as I saw this one the other day. When I touched the stone, it was like I could read all the magic stored inside. It didn't interfere with anything, thank goodness, but I now can read the wards, which is something that only a full installed Headmaster can normally do."

"Do you ever get tired of these things happening to you?" Luna asked.

"I was tired of it by the middle of my Second year," Harry said. "I'm getting used to it."

Saturday, September 7, 1996

"May I talk with you?"

"Of course you may, Ronald."

Ron winced a little at her tone, but carried on. "I need to ask you a personal question about Harry."

"Is that why you had Hermione and Ginny occupy Harry's time?"


"Then I forgive you for keeping Harry away from me when we were supposed to be going for a walk. What did you feel you need to ask about?"

"When you and Hermione . . . no, let me put it this way. Did Harry have nightmares before we came back to Hogwarts? Or before you came to the Burrow, for that matter?"

Luna thought about that, and decided she could share some of the information. "He did when we first got together. After the Eleventh of July, they started to fade. Did he have any after we came to the Burrow?"

"No, but he was pretty exhausted, not so much physically, but more. . . ."



"He had some that first night on the island. That was the day of the funeral, course." She thought some more. "None of them were directly related to Voldemort as far as Harry could tell, they were just . . . his feelings of guilt."

"And after that?"

"He had some restless nights, but he never had any real nightmares. If he had, I'm sure either Hermione or I would have noticed." She looked at Ron worriedly. "He's having them again?"

Ron nodded. "He is. Not too bad yet, but my bed is closest and I've heard him. Dean is probably the lightest sleeper, and he's heard Harry, too. His scar doesn't seem to be affected, but that could just because You-Know, well, Riddle hasn't broken through."

"That is possible," Luna admitted. "Keep an eye on him."

"Don't worry," Ron said, "we will."

Sunday, September 8, 1996

Hermione was a little surprised at the turnout for the first DA meeting, or at least its distribution. Unlike the year before, they were meeting down in the dungeons, between the base of Gryffindor Tower and the entrance to Hufflepuff. Lupin and Moody had greeted everyone, and then stepped out, leaving Harry in charge.

The Gryffindor turnout of Third through Seventh years was 100%, as all forty-eight were present. Twenty-four of the sixty possible Hufflepuffs were there, but there were only six Ravenclaws besides Luna, the now-usual four Sixth years and two Third year girls (Orla Quirke and Joyce Clearwater), who were there mostly because they somewhat liked Luna and really disliked Cho.

"What's going on in Ravenclaw?" Harry asked Padma and Terry before the meeting got fully started.

"It's Cho, Corner, and Cornfoot," Padma answered. "They've convinced most of the House that this isn't necessary, now that we have some good teachers and the Ministry has acknowledged that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is back."

"Smith is the same way," Ernie said. "I was hoping to get at least half the House here."

Little Orla was about to say something, but changed her mind. She squeaked a little when Harry looked at her and frowned. She hid behind Ginny.

Harry managed not to roll his eyes. "You are?" he asked gently.

"Orla Quirk."

Harry gave her his best and friendliest smile. "What were you going to say?" he asked in his gentlest voice.

Half the girls in the room gave little involuntary sighs, while Orla blushed furiously and said, "Edgecombe told us not to come, because anyone who gets near you is likely to be killed, like Luna almost was."

Harry's hurt was obvious, but Harry thanked the two girls for coming.

"We don't believe her," Joyce added quickly. "Just like I don't believe what that idiot brother-in-law of mine says about you."

"Brother-in-law?" Ginny asked. "Aren't you Penny's sister?"

Joyce nodded.

"Percy and Penelope are married?" Ron asked, shocked.

"Last May," Joyce said. "And I think it was really very poor manners of you not to go. Just because your family doesn't like Muggles. . . ."

"Wait!" Harry demanded, before the Weasleys could riot. He turned to Joyce. "Do you like Percy?"

"Percy is a pig!"

"So, if we all tell you something that contradicts what Percy said, would you believe us, or him?"

Joyce thought. "I won't believe Percy, but that doesn't mean I should believe you."

"She belongs in Ravenclaw, alright," Ron said.

"Look, the Weasleys aren't perfect, because nobody is perfect," Harry said, "but Mister Weasley loves Muggles and Muggle culture. He works to protect Muggles, in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. I was Muggle-raised, Hermione here is Muggle-born. We've visited their house many times, and he loves to talk about Muggles."

"But that doesn't mean he'd want his son to marry the daughter of Muggles," Joyce said.

"Joyce, I'm Muggle-born," Hermione said. Joyce nodded her understanding, and gestured for Hermione to go on. Hermione pulled out a necklace she was wearing. "When Ron here told his parents we were dating, Mrs. Weasley gave me this necklace, which Mister Weasley had given her when they started dating. She told me she had been hoping to give it to Penelope, but she couldn't because she and Percy had broken up. When Ron and I broke up after my parents were murdered, she told me I should keep on wearing it, because she loves me like a daughter. Percy is fighting with his family. He didn't want them at the wedding. I would imagine the Weasleys would have all gone, if they had known about it, but even if they had known about it and not gone, it wouldn't have been because Penny was Muggle-born."

"Oh. . . ."

"Alright, let's move on," Harry said, straightening up. He whispered Ginny a question. After a moment's hesitation, Ginny nodded her agreement.

"This was supposed to just be organizational," Harry said. "First, though, I think it's time to stop this He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named stuff. Everyone sit. I'm going to tell you the story of the Chamber of Secrets, and the story of Tom Marvolo Riddle and how he became Voldemort."

Harry told the story of Tom Riddle, and the Chamber of Secrets as well. Harry also told the story of the Marauders (leaving out the Map, and whose pet Wormtail had been), and how Sirius had been framed. He also briefly recounted the story of the Third Task and the Battle at the Ministry (leaving out details like his failed attempt at an Unforgivable and exactly what the Prophecy had been).

"So," Harry concluded, "Tom Riddle is a very powerful, evil wizard. I also think he's insane, not so much because of his opinions, which I think are as evil as he is, but because of his actions over at least the last five years or so. He must have been better organized last time." Harry shrugged.

"Maybe his followers were hungrier then," Hermione commented. Seeing she had everyone's attention, and that they were puzzled, she explained, "They seem to have been in their late teens to mid-twenties, whenever they joined back in the late Sixties to early Eighties. Now they're in their mid-thirties to mid-fifties. Many of them have families, they have rank and positions at risk. The really fanatical ones, at least when it comes to action, seem to be the ones who were in Azkaban, and at least one of them is truly insane."

"That could be," Harry agreed. "In any case, the title 'Voldemort' is nothing to be frightened of, even if the wizard is. If you can't say that word, or don't want to risk being targeted someday because you used it after tonight, fine. Just none of this 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named' or 'You-Know-Who' nonsense."

"Should we call him 'Riddle'?" Anthony asked.

Harry shook his head. "That makes him angrier than using 'Voldemort'." Harry thought a moment. "Something like 'Moldiwart' would also cause a reaction, I suppose."

After a few moments of silence, Dean spoke up. "What about what Fudge called him?"

"What did Fudge call him? When?" several people asked. Hermione thought a moment, and then rolled her eyes, while Ron and Ginny started to snicker and Luna laughed out loud.

"Remember?" a chuckling Ron said, "in that interview he gave right after the battle at the Ministry?"

Harry's eyes went wide, and he started to laugh as well.

"What was it?" a number of voices demanded.

Ron and Dean looked at each other, drew themselves up to their full heights, and solemnly intoned, "Lord Thingy!"

Most of the students laughed, and the students agreed thereafter never to use 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named', 'You-Know-Who', or even 'the Dark Lord' again.

"Now," Harry said, "just tonight, I want us all to say 'Voldemort.' I want us to chant it together, to scream it if you can. That should prove, once and for all, that no matter what else is true, he won't appear if you say his name."

"Let's hope not," a Hufflepuff muttered.

Harry rolled his eyes, but had everyone take out their wands and get in a half circle, their backs to a wall. "Now, if he does show up, we all stun him, alright?"

"Yeah," Ron said, "maybe if we all do call his name, he'll appear and we can capture him."

"If he appears automatically, he might not even have his wand," Susan said, getting into the spirit of things.

"Maybe we'll catch him in the shower," Seamus joked.

"That would be something you don't see every day," Justin said.

"Trust me, you wouldn't want to," Harry said, eliciting a more nervous laugh from the students.

"After three, everyone," Harry said. "One . . . two . . . three. . . ."

"Voldemort!" about half the group said.

"Louder! One . . . two . . . three. . . ."


"Three more times. One . . . two . . . three. . . ."


"One . . . two . . . three. . . ."


"One . . . two . . . three. . . ."


"See," Harry said, "no wrathful Dark wizard, no naked Voldemort in a shower cap. No snakes, no Death Eaters, nothing. It's just a self-assumed title. Be afraid of the wizard, because he is nasty, very powerful, and insane. Don't be afraid of the name itself."

Many of the students cheered. When they had quieted down, Harry said, "Now, let's get organized."

To the surprise of everyone, the term proceeded quietly within Hogwarts. There were very few nasty incidents, no fights in the corridors, not even any really nasty name-calling. Malfoy and his little cohort, while not abjuring any of their Pure-Blood beliefs, refused to defend the Dark Lord or his activities.

Classes were calmer than at any point since September of Harry's Second year, perhaps even calmer since before Harry had arrived at Hogwarts, and the few incidents of bullying were at usually based on personalities rather than blood. The House teams shared the Quidditch pitch and each selected their new players and practiced with a minimum amount of spying from the other teams. (Neville made the Gryffindor team as a Beater, Ginny of course changed to Chaser, while Head Girl Katie Bell was the captain.) The DA met Sunday nights, and some of the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaws passed on what they learned to their House mates.

By now, there were 27 members of the HPSN. The resulting public displays of affections (PDAs) had caused a general upswing of light kissing and hugging in the hallways of Hogwarts. Such displays, when kept fairly 'modest' outside of class time and mutually agreed to, were not against any school rules. Not even Professor Snape could take so much as a point away from those who followed the rules, although his snappish commentary kept people from kissing near him.

By the end of the second week of class, the non-HPSN PDA's had not only grown in number, they were crossing House-lines. When two Fourth years, the boy from Gryffindor and the girl from Slytherin, kissed right before splitting off to eat lunch in the great hall, everyone knew things were changing at least a little at Hogwarts.

Outside of Hogwarts, Voldemort was still refraining from any direct attacks on wizarding targets. A few more unoccupied magical houses were destroyed, as were a number of isolated Muggle houses, this time with some casualties. A few Muggles were also appearing having been Kissed, although the Muggle authorities claimed these were the result of drug overdoses.

The rest of September went fairly normally inside of Hogwarts. As Hermione was the oldest in her year in Gryffindor, the House did throw her a small party on her 17th birthday. Other than that, the six friends managed to get together a few hours a week, both to practice their group combat and their animagus transformations.

In late September, there was one other development. Professor Dumbledore called Hermione and Luna to his office to discuss a matter Remus had brought up in late August. After that, he arranged a larger meeting.

Author notes: If you would like to see what happens when Voldemort IS summoned by his name being shouted, please see the brilliant story -Please! Not While I'm In The Shower!- by Michelle 31a. And I wonder why so many of the girls are acting towards Harry like they do. . . .