Training and Confrontations


Story Summary:
A sprawling tale set in many places and dimensions, as Harry finds himself, finds his abilities grow, and trains for that final confrontation with Voldemort. A H/L/Hr tale, with N/G, R/T, and a paternal Ron.

Chapter 21

Chapter Summary:
A sprawling tale set in many places and dimensions, as Harry finds himself, finds his abilities growing, and trains for that final confrontation with Voldemort. A H/L/Hr tale, with N/G, Remus/T, and a paternal Ron. Part II continues on a different world.
Author's Note:
Kingsley boasts; Harry cooks dinner; the Sibyl makes a report; Luna makes a discovery.

Chapter XXI
Friday, August 16, 1996

"Well done!" Kingsley told his nephew.

"You still beat me," a panting Dean said.

"Remember, I'm an auror," Kingsley said with a smile. "I doubt if your pal Potter could take me one out of ten times, or even one out of twenty. You lasted over two minutes. Believe me, that's a great time."

Dean didn't look convinced.

"Trust me, Dean, you're fighting at the N.E.W.T. level now. You have the talent to become an auror, if you want to."

Dean laughed. "The talent maybe, but certainly not the grades."

"What were your O.W.L. results? You never said what they all were."

Dean shrugged. "Let's see . . . I got P's in Astronomy and Divination . . . what a waste of time that class was! I got A's in Potions, Herbology, History, and one of the theories; E's in Transfiguration, Care, and the other theory; and O's in Charms and Defense."

"Pretty good, but you're right, those aren't quite good enough. There are some other MLES positions you could qualify for, if you're interested. What are you going to take?"

"Defense, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, and the Magical Traditions course. I started Runes as a tenth course last year, so I'm in the Fourth year of that. I need to get at least an A O.W.L. in Runes to fully qualify as a magical artist. I'm also taking drawing and art lessons with a Master in Hogsmeade." Dean shrugged. "If the war is still on in two years, I'll have to consider those MLES jobs."

"Sounds reasonable. If Potter has his club next year, will you be in it again?"

Dean nodded, "Of course. In part to support Harry, but also because we all might need it after school as well as during it."

"You already said that! Why would you need it after school? Do you really think the war will still be going after you leave?"

"Come on! How long did the first war last? How many aurors are there in Britain and Ireland? If you could fight a straight-up battle with the Death Eaters, you'd almost certainly kick their arses, but how likely is that to happen? They're a terrorist group, and if I've learned anything about these types of groups from living in the Muggle world it's that terrorism only ends when you smother it. You'd have to outnumber them fifty or a hundred to one to do that, and you don't, do you?"

"No," Kingsley admitted. "If we were full strength, we'd outnumber them at best five to one, fifteen to one for the entire MLES. Right now, we're at about two-thirds what we should be."

"And, if I'm around Harry, there's a chance I might need these skills, Uncle, even before I leave Hogwarts."

"You're right. I just wish you weren't."

Dean shrugged. "Anyway, any leads on those bas . . . err, people who got Hermione's parents?"

"We know one person who's involved. He'll have to come out of hiding some time. And, when we do, we'll have him."

"You have something to say to me?"

Julian bowed low. "All the work on the house has been completed, my Lord. We didn't uncover anything new inside the house in the process."

"And outside?"

"They have taken over the same flat that I used to survey them, Master. Should anyone come in that way, they will be identified."

"Anything else?"

"Not yet, Master."

Voldemort thought for a moment. "Tell me, those leases on the flats behind the property, the ones you were going to rent. Have you checked on them?"

Julian's eyes went wide. "No, Master, I have not."

Voldemort took a long, deep breath and let it out noisily. "Your first error. Do not make another."

Julian bowed deeply. "Master."

Voldemort smiled. "Crucio!"

September 21, Day 144

"They're here," Luna said.

"You're getting eerie," Hermione teased, "you know that, right?" Luna merely smiled.

Harry smiled as well, and got up to open the door. "Hi Gin, Neville. Where are Dora and Remus?"

Two pops announced their arrivals. Harry dropped his arms from the hug he had had around Ginny. "Great to see the two of . . . ah, Dora! You finally bagged your wolf, I see."

Remus blushed, but Tonks kept her hand firmly in Remus'. "Watch it, 'Harold', I'm still not enamored by the name."

"But what do we call you after you're Mrs. Lupin?" Harry teased. Tonks simply opened her mouth, and was left speechless for a moment.

Finally, she finally said, "Fine, stick with Dora."

Harry turned back to Ginny. "No Ron?"

Ginny shrugged. "Rora is preggers. She's not likely to get a lot of pampering after Ron leaves, or even once we move on on the First."

"True," Harry agreed.

"Since we're supposed to spend ten days as a group before we go back to the Dumbledores', it's hard to get down on him," Ginny went on. The others could only agree.

"Come on in the back," Harry said to distract them. "I've been cooking since yesterday and need to check on the meat."

"You've been cooking?" Tonks asked.

"Hermione doesn't care much for cooking, and she and Luna were going over the O.W.L. material again."

Ginny wrinkled her nose. "Please, don't remind me. I need to do that some more, too."

"We'll go over everything with you and Luna at least one more time in early October, and again in late November," Remus promised as they all went around the cottage into the back garden. The cottage was too small for seven people to eat in at the same time.

"What are we going to be doing?" Hermione asked Remus as she set a large salad on the table she had configured earlier that afternoon. Harry was checking on the roasting goose and two ducks.

"Well, every morning Harry will be spending two hours in his special training, and we'll all continue being coached. When we come back, we'll do half an hour or so of group combat training. The afternoons will be ours."

"Does that apply at the Dumbledores as well as early next month?" Ginny asked before anyone else could.

"Pretty much. We might have a day off here and there."

"I almost don't want to go back," Neville said. "I can understand Ron's point of view."

"Since you said 'almost', I won't argue," Hermione said primly.

As they sat down at the table, Remus stopped Harry. "Did you ever find out why you hyperventilated that day?"

Harry nodded. "It's taken care of," was all he would say. 'But it certainly opened up possibilities -- some good and some other things to worry about,' he thought.

On October 1st, the group moved out of the cottages to a small rustic villa owned by the Dumbledore family. Rora was installed as the overseer of the maids. She was still a bit embarrassed to intermix with the other seven magical visitors, although Ginny forced some interaction.

Each morning, Harry went off to continue his education with the Dragons while the others practiced their own lessons. In the early afternoons, all the older visitors came together and helped Luna and Ginny go over their O.W.L. materials, followed by some time going over some of the Sixth year material for Hermione, Harry and especially Neville and Ron, who had done less of their work than Hermione and Harry had.

The early October weather was cool but fine. As the leaves fully turned, five of the students joyously flew each late afternoon. Hermione flew as well, although not as happily.

On October 10, the eight visitors, once again a close-knit group, prepared to move back to the main Dumbledore villa, where they would still have a little under two months to spend.

The next evening, after dinner, Lord Dumbledore met with the Sibyl and a special guest.

"You asked to meet with me, Lord Alexander?" the Sibyl asked at the threshold.

"Yes, in part as an intermediary. Come in."

The Sibyl was puzzled until she entered Lord Dumbledore's little study. The visitor's aura had been suppressed until that moment.

"Albus," she said with a nod to the figure she now saw was in a corner.

"Sibyl," he acknowledged.

"I had wondered why I was summoned," she said, "now I know. You wish to know how our visitors are."

"I do," Albus acknowledged.

"I would as well," Lord Alexander pointed out. "I had little direct information while they were away."

"Perhaps Albus will start off by sharing what the Dragons have told him."

Albus Dumbledore shifted uncomfortably. "Ronald, Ginevra, Neville, and Dora performed adequately by any standards. They now have a decent idea of how magic works, but really have little ability to control raw magic itself. This is of course true of most wizards and witches. Remus . . . poor Remus. He would have had a brilliant grasp of the essence of magic, if he were not cursed." He looked at them. "You have figured that out, correct?"

"It took some time, but yes," Alexander said drily.

"Hermione and Luna both completed the Second Level, which was most gratifying, and slightly unexpected. Ginevra finished all the combat training associated with those levels as well, while Ronald finished most of it. Of the seven, only Luna has any real mastery of wandless magic. Harry has already finished the Fifth Level, and should officially finish the Sixth by the time he leaves. He will even have had some training in the next three levels by the time he leaves, although he will not be close to finishing the Seventh Level, as that is forbidden. In any event, that is quite an accomplishment."

"Faster than you made the Sixth Level, I believe," the Sibyl pointed out.

"Indeed," Albus agreed. "It was very fast work on his part."

"True. I also believe you were quite a bit older."

Albus nodded, and obviously he was not going to be any more forthcoming. Alexander frowned at the pair of them.

"You are unhappy with Harold's progress, aren't you?" the Sibyl stated.

"I had hopes he would progress into aspects of the Fourth and Fifth Levels," Dumbledore answered. "The Sixth Level has answers which will bring many choices to Harry which I wish he could be spared. He has direct control of magic in some situations. That is a great of responsibility for a person of his age."

"And beyond that?"

"I did not think any but natives were even considered for that training," Dumbledore stated, and then admitted, "nor did I think Harry would progress so fast that it would even become an issue."

"I must admit, I have not heard of any outsider being given any training in the three highest levels," Alexander agreed, "nor anyone progressing that fast. Of course, since I am not a Dragon. . . ." He shrugged.

"In any event, I shall have to have a talk with Harry when he comes home about his responsibilities to the future." Albus turned his attention fully on the Sibyl.

"I see," the Sibyl said. "Very well. Obviously, I am most familiar with Luna. We decreased her potion slightly, and she has suffered no side affects. Her Second Sight has increased dramatically, but there have not been any instances of any prophetic ability, at least not yet."

"We have gone into her training in some depth. She has probably come well beyond the requirements equivalent to your N.E.W.T. in Divination. She has a very good grasp of the theory. I think Lord Dumbledore would agree that she is quite well-prepared to go back to the stresses of your world, as are all the others."

Lord Dumbledore nodded, and the Sibyl went on, "Luna is very strongly attached to both Harold and Hermione, and they to her and to each other. This will no doubt cause the three of them some difficulties, but I believe all three have the strength of character to ignore outside criticism."

"A triangle?" Dumbledore shook his head. "That could cause . . . difficulties."

The Sibyl ignored that and went on. "Hermione. . . . I would say that she has slightly mellowed during her time here. She is still as certain of herself and her moral positions as she was when she arrived, but had gained a little tolerance. You of course probably have an even greater knowledge of her talents than we do."

Albus nodded.

"Ronald is the only one who has succumbed to the temptations offered to wizards on our world. . . ."

"Then perhaps it is a good thing that he and Hermione were no longer together," Albus mused.

"Indeed. That would have caused great stresses to the group," the Sibyl acknowledged. "I admit, I worry about this one. He has great talent and a great mind, and refuses to exercise either except when necessary."

"Having six older, very talented brothers tends to cause that," Albus admitted.

"True," she agreed.

"His . . . relationship has fructified?"


Albus frowned. "Has Harry. . . ?"

"Oh, yes. He gave each of his young companions something like twelve or fifteen thousand Galleons. I suspect Ronald will donate the minimum, unless his sister says something. He would not listen to Hermione, and I doubt any other, even Remus, would say anything to him."

"The minimum is still twelve hundred?"

"Thirteen fifty," Alexander stated.

"I shall donate either three hundred or make whatever Ron gives up to a total of eighteen hundred," Albus said.

"Very good of you," Alexander said. "We're going to contribute three hundred, as well as housing Rora and the child, if it's magical." If it was not, then of course Rora and the child would still be owned by the Dumbledores.

"I wonder if anyone has explained to Ronald that the amount is merely the barest minimum?" the Sibyl mused. "How much would it cost to really raise a wizard moderately well?"

"Somewhere between eight and nine thousand Galleons," Alexander admitted.

"I think you should point that out to him," the Sibyl said, "and then leave it up to him."

"I suppose you're right, as usual," Alexander grumbled. "Go on with your evaluations."

"I presume you knew about the blocks to Neville's magic?" she asked Albus.

"We long suspected them," Albus said. "When they started to dissolve last year, we were quite relieved."

The Sibyl nodded. "I understand. They seem to be totally gone now, although Neville still has some doubts about his own abilities. He is quite fortunate to be friends with this group, and to have Ginevra as a lover." Dumbledore winced. "His feet could have strayed from the Path of Light otherwise."

When Albus didn't say anything, she asked, "What troubled you?"

Albus sighed. "Molly Weasley is . . . a most formidable woman. She is not going to be pleased about Ronald and Ginevra's . . . amorous activities. While sexual exploration is quite common at their ages, they have gone further than most."

The Sibyl shrugged. "The two couples and the trio are all well matched. Ginevra is lively and even fiery, Neville a bit plodding. Both are very loyal in their hearts. Neville will keep Ginevra from becoming flighty, she will keep Neville from becoming staid."

"Remus has been greatly injured by his curse. Dora's kind heart and beauty will persuade him that he deserves some softness and goodness in his life, while her toughness will convince him that she should be allowed near him. Remus' wiseness and kindness will convince Dora that she is not the freak she has believed she is in her inner heart. Her abilities were already quite amazing, but they are now easier for her to perform."

"Now, Harold and Hermione would not have made a good couple. Harold, as you should know, does not react well to strident authority."

"That's certainly true," Albus agreed. Harry would obey well-explained or politely requested orders, but as his run-ins with Professors Snape and Umbridge had showed, he would not be cowed into obedience, nor follow unexplained orders he considered unreasonable.

"Hermione loves Harold, but would try to pressure him to conform. Harold loves Hermione, but would find her annoying in time in a monogamous relationship. Luna loves both of them, and acts as a buffer. She takes the sting out of Hermione's single-mindedess, and the trio's relationship, as I have said, has helped mellow Hermione just a little." She smiled. "I believe it is very passionate and sensuous."

Albus made a face. The Sibyl laughed at him. "Anyway, I now have a difficult time reading Harold. I have little doubt that Luna can read him as easily as ever, but I no longer can easily probe his emotions. I can say he is . . . happy, and still surprised he can be happy."

"As for Ginevra, never take her out of your calculations. She is a lioness. I saw the group practicing their combat today. Harold and Ronald did not realize it, but they were picking up many of their clues on how to adjust their actions from her body language. She is nearly as naturally brilliant as her brother, but uses it more than he does. And, if there is a time when raw passion, for love or anger, is necessary, the group will draw on her."

The Sibyl shook her head. "If I did not know how evil this Voldemort was, I would feel some pity for him."

"There are many reasons to pity Tom Riddle," Albus said. "This is not one of them. He has painted his own fate."

October 17, Day 170

It was late at night. Harry was going to be getting up early to go on a hunt with the Dumbledores before his training session, and so both Luna and Hermione were planning on sleeping in the suite's other bedroom. They had gotten very interested in books in the villa's library and were staying up in the library reading, as they had nothing scheduled the next day until after lunch.

Hermione was seated on a rather bench-like sofa, her feet on a footstool. Luna was laying on the sofa, her head on Hermione's lap. Both were deeply engrossed in their books. It wasn't the most comfortable arrangement, but they liked it well enough.

The hours stretched from just before 11:00 until just after 1:30. Suddenly, Luna made the first sound, other than turning pages, that either had made since they had gotten settled.

"Merlin!" she exclaimed, making Hermione jump.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked. "And what is it you're reading, anyway?"

"Nothing's wrong, and it's a book on the occult. Here, read this chapter."

Hermione frowned, but took the book. The 'chapter', describing a ceremony, was only two pages long, and she read them both quickly.

"Are you serious?"

"Quite simply, yes."

"We can't do it here."

"We could, but we probably shouldn't."

"We'd have to go through Remus, and probably Moody," Hermione pointed out.

"Yes," Luna agreed. "That's the best way. Mister Moody would make nine. It shouldn't be difficult to get two more."

"Three, you mean."

Luna pointed at one paragraph in the directions. "I think you'd agree there's only one person Harry would want here," Luna said.

"You're probably right," Hermione agreed. "We'll talk to Remus about it before even mentioning it to Harry, and if he agrees, we'll try and pull everything together before we go back to Hogwarts."

"Deal," Luna said, sitting up. She kissed Hermione lightly on the lips. "Let's go to bed."

Hermione smiled and stretched. "Right you are."

Author notes: Schnoogle Chapter 200! Believe it or not, the last scene (Hermione and Luna) was the first scene of the story I wrote!