Ginny Weasley/Luna Lovegood Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
Dobby Harry Potter Hermione Granger
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 02/29/2004
Updated: 03/21/2004
Words: 36,582
Chapters: 11
Hits: 54,371

Harry and Hermione -- Their Sixth Year II


Story Summary:
Part 2 of my Harry and Hermione series, covering late October through early January. Voldemort crashes a party, house elves abound, Hermione meets the Dursleys, and of course the Halloween season isn?t as much fun as it should be. H/Hr R/OC G/L DT/CC R/T

Part 2 of my Harry and Hermione series, covering late October through early January. Voldemort crashes a party, house elves abound, Hermione meets the Dursleys, and of course the Halloween season isn?t as much fun as it should be. H/Hr R/OC G/L DT/CC R/T

Words: 917
Hits: 7,418
Chapter 01

Part 2 of my Harry and Hermione series, covering late October through early January. Voldemort crashes a party, house elves abound, Hermione meets the Dursleys, and of course the Halloween season isn?t as much fun as it should be. H/Hr R/OC G/L DT/CC R/T

Words: 3,379
Hits: 4,990
Chapter 02

Part 2 of my Harry and Hermione series, covering late October through early January. Voldemort crashes a party, house elves abound, Hermione meets the Dursleys, and of course the Halloween season is not as much fun as it should be. H/Hr R/OC G/L DT/CC R/T

Words: 3,637
Hits: 4,921
Chapter 03

Part 2 of my Harry and Hermione series, covering late October through early January. Voldemort crashes a party, house elves abound, Hermione meets the Dursleys, and of course the Halloween season is not as much fun as it should be. H/Hr R/OC G/L DT/CC R/T

Words: 3,117
Hits: 4,667
Chapter 04

Part 2 of my Harry and Hermione series, covering late October through early January. Voldemort crashes a party, house elves abound, Hermione meets the Dursleys, and of course the Halloween season is not as much fun as it should be. H/Hr R/OC G/L DT/CC R/T

Words: 3,597
Hits: 4,650
Chapter 05

Part 2 of my Harry and Hermione series, covering late October through early January. Voldemort crashes a party, house elves abound, Hermione meets the Dursleys, and of course the Halloween season is not as much fun as it should be. H/Hr R/OC G/L DT/CC R/T

Words: 3,261
Hits: 4,665
Chapter 06

Part 2 of my Harry and Hermione series, covering late October through early January. Voldemort crashes a party, house elves abound, Hermione meets the Dursleys, and of course the Halloween season is not as much fun as it should be. H/Hr R/OC G/L DT/CC R/T

Words: 3,876
Hits: 4,685
Chapter 07

Part 2 of my Harry and Hermione series, covering late October through early January. Voldemort crashes a party, house elves abound, Hermione meets the Dursleys, and of course the Halloween season is not as much fun as it should be. H/Hr R/OC G/L DT/CC R/T

Words: 4,043
Hits: 4,553
Chapter 08

Part 2 of my Harry and Hermione series, covering late October through early January. Voldemort crashes a party, house elves abound, Hermione meets the Dursleys, and of course the Halloween season is not as much fun as it should be. H/Hr R/OC G/L DT/CC R/T

Words: 3,351
Hits: 4,459
Chapter 09

Part 2 of my Harry and Hermione series, covering late October through early January. Voldemort crashes a party, house elves abound, Hermione meets the Dursleys, and of course the Halloween season is not as much fun as it should be. H/Hr R/OC G/L DT/CC R/T

Words: 3,419
Hits: 4,535
Chapter 10

Part 2 of my Harry and Hermione series, covering late October through early January. Voldemort crashes a party, house elves abound, Hermione meets the Dursleys, and of course the Halloween season is not as much fun as it should be. H/Hr R/OC G/L DT/CC R/T

Words: 3,985
Hits: 4,818