Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood
Harry Potter Hermione Granger Luna Lovegood
Action Drama
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 08/10/2005
Updated: 01/24/2006
Words: 106,949
Chapters: 33
Hits: 137,035

Companions of the White Warlock


Story Summary:
Year seven of the HBP-compliant story (on Dark Arts) 'Smoke'. Harry, Hermione, and Ron go after the remaining Horcruxes, aided by Luna, Ginny, Neville, Remus, Tonks, and Professor Russell.

Chapter 26 - 26 -- Agreements

Chapter Summary:
Year 7 of the HBP-compliant story (on Dark Arts) 'Smoke'. Harry, Hermione, and Ron go after the remaining Horcruxes, aided by Luna, Ginny, Neville, Remus, Tonks, and Professor Russell.
Author's Note:
Planning attacks, and Ron and Harry take a short break

Smoke Year VII - Companions of the White Warlock
Chapter XXVI
Saturday, December 13, 1997

"Well my slippery friend, what do you think of my allies and their locale?"

Lucius Malfoy shrugged. He had been awake all night and was tired. "They seem . . . odd and dedicated to their own goals, my lord."

"So they are," Voldemort agreed. "Did you and your spawn accede to their requests?"

Malfoy flushed and said, "As you requested, my lord." Malfoy had no great desire to 'donate' to the blood lines of these fanatics, but it was only a few minutes' exercise, after all.

"Good. Now, I have a job for you and your boy, if you think you can carry it out."

"As you will, my lord."

"Do you think you can go back to your position of power without my success, Lucius?"

"No, my lord," Malfoy had to agree.

"Good. You are the only one I see available who could control more than a few score of my Inferi."

Lucius' eyebrows went up.

"Ah, I see you, like so many others, have forgotten them. I have at least nine hundred available. With the help of your son and one of these Companions, I believe you could direct at least several hundred of them in an attack on Hogwarts, possibly more."

"I . . . I thank you, my lord. When would the attack be?"

"I still have some indirect sources at the school. Most of the Fifth years have arranged to come back the afternoon of the Twenty-seventh and have a 'study party' -- a large O.W.L. study session the from the morning of the Twenty-eighth through the afternoon of the Thirty-first, and then a party New Year's Eve. I admit, I am torn between an attack on the late afternoon of the Twenty-seventh soon after they arrive, and one just after dawn on the First. Have you a preference?"

"No, my lord," Lucius said quickly, but then a thought occurred to him. He looked at Voldemort, who nodded permission to continue. "However, it is possible that some of the students, especially the Ravenclaws, might not stay up late partying on New Year's Eve. Also, the Order might be back on higher alert on the First, while they might relax a bit once their charges have arrived safely on the Twenty-seventh."

"That is why I was hesitating," Voldemort agreed, "Otherwise the symbolic value of an attack on the First would incline me to choose it. You will be happy to know that your wife's Scottish cottage has been overlooked by the Ministry, and was not even reported to the Order -- at the cost of some five hundred Galleons. Therefore, you and your son will be transported there just after sunset tonight. The Inferi shall arrive after dark on the Twenty-fifth." He handed Lucius a stack of sealed parchment. "The directions for controlling them are the first three pages. Read them and learn them well. Move all which you can control to the spot mentioned on the final page after dark on the Twenty-sixth. That final page is a portkey for the three of you. The pages in between are the options you have for the attack. Do you understand?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Attack on the Twenty-seventh, unless you have good reasons for delaying it until the First."

"Yes, my lord."

"The Companions will send along a pair of serving girls to cook for the two of you through the evening of the Twenty-sixth. Do not misuse them, the Companions will take it amiss and the girls are capable of fighting back. However, you and your son should feel free to impregnate them. They and Companions would look favorably upon that."

"Yes, my lord. Thank you for your trust."

Voldemort sneered and dismissed Lucius.

Harry and Hermione were awake well before dawn, by 5:20 in fact. They were not surprised, therefore, to hear a knock on the door to their suite at 5:45.

It was still dark, and the vampire Marcia was standing at the threshold with Theseus. "Please, come in," Harry said.

"I am pleased you have awoken early," Marcia said. "I would wish to speak with you, as well as allowing the basileus speak for us."

"Does that mean the vampires are willing to help?" Harry asked.

"It does," Marcia answered. "There will be thirty magical vampires and forty-two non-magical ones available. There is one thing we ask you to consider. You would not have to answer until the Twenty-sixth."

"And that is?" Harry asked.

"If you would allow one of us to bite you and draw off a little blood, say half a cup, and then let the same vampire feed that blood back to you, that would establish a psychic connection through the night."

Harry looked at Hermione. "Just the one night?" Hermione asked.

"With those amounts, yes, although there would be some emotional bleed-over for a few days."

"The vampire blood would also give some slight protection against minor curses, and more importantly from any narrow misses from major curses," Theseus added. Harry and Hermione nodded. They knew that some major curses could be reflected off of walls and such, hitting anyone near by with lessened results.

"Two questions," Harry said. "First, would this offer just be open to me, and second, are you one of the vampires making the offer?"

"I am," Marcia answered. "There are nine of us making the offer. Any of us offering may make the exchange up to three times and have it work. The offer is open to any of your followers except for the werewolf."

Harry knew that vampires and werewolves rarely got on, and so said nothing. "Then I shall seriously consider your offer," Harry replied. He turned to Theseus, but said nothing.

Theseus turned to Hermione. "Have you read The Iliad, Miss Granger?"

"I have, many times," Hermione replied in Classical Greek. She switched back to English. "Is there much truth in it?"

"A fair amount, although it conflates many different stories. Achilles, for example, was born a wizard. His mother, however, transformed his magical powers into that long-famed near-invulnerability, quickened reflexes, and above-average strength. I am a product of the society many of those stories came from. What were our favorite pastimes?"

"Drinking, pillaging, and raping," Hermione retorted.

"Well, I never cared for the rape part, and I certainly still drink a great deal." The ancient Greek smiled nastily. "It's been over two thousand years since I've done any real pillaging and looting. I think it's time to see if I can still do it."

He turned back to Harry. "I have some friends I can bring with me, too. I shall gather up all the information I can about Valley Dracul and the Companions. Since Marcia seems an acceptable envoy, she will do the same with the vampire covens. We shall be at your place at Hogwarts two hours after sunset. Have your planners there as well. Time is short."

"That will be to our advantage," Harry said. "The quicker we pull this off, the less likely it will be to leak."

"True," Marcia said. "However, remember, every group involved will have different demands to be satisfied."

"Mine is that Voldemort is at least weakened, his snake and the sixth. . . ."

Theseus interrupted, "Harry!"


"Just so you know, only two vampires know of how Voldemort obtained his condition. Marcia is not one of them. She can be trusted with the knowledge, but be more careful to whom you speak of this!"

Harry nodded and looked at Marcia, who gave him a minor shrug. "It is up to you. I swear to keep your secrets, Harry Potter."

"Thank you. Voldemort knows he created five Horcruxes, and he accidentally created a sixth. Four have been destroyed. One is still hidden, while we are fairly certain he fed the final one, a magical quizzing glass, to his snake Nagini. If nothing else, I need to destroy the sixth Horcrux and look for any leads on the seventh, a magical cup. I wouldn't mind disembodying him, come to that."

"Ah," Theseus said, pulling an empty box for Swan vestas and a sheet of parchment out of his robe. "I have made this into the shell for a Horcrux. Here are the instructions for absorbing Voldemort's remaining soul into it."

"A cardboard matchbox?" Hermione asked.

"Yes," Theseus answered. "Once the final Horcrux is destroyed, all anyone has to do is toss this one any fire, and it will destroy what is left of Voldemort. Destroy it before then, of course, and that fragment becomes free, as it was for some thirteen years."

"Thank you," harry said, taking both. "Now, what do you and the vampires want?"

"I want for people to forget about Horcruxes," Theseus answered.

"We want Valley Dracul back," Marcia stated.

"And we should all want these Companions taken down a few notches," Hermione added. "They could turn into a big problem down the line otherwise."

"I don't know what the Romanian Ministry will want," Harry warned. "I will support the vampires' claim as strongly as I can, however."

"We all have much work to do, and Marcia must take refuge from the daylight," Theseus stated. "Elsa will be here to escort you back to Marseilles in two hours." He extended his hand. Harry shook it and, to Marcia's surprise, offered his hand to her as well.

When the pair had left, Hermione turned to Harry with a question. She never got to ask it, as Harry swept her up into a hug.

"It might be over in a few weeks," Harry said in her ear, his voice ragged from hope and amazement.

"It might," she agreed. The two close friends hugged again, and kissed from joy and hope.

Ron Weasley walked slowly down a Hogwarts corridor. Suddenly, a blur emerged from the wall and went right in front of the startled convalescent. Ron didn't really feel Peeves, for he had just enough of a view to identify what had gone through him, but he was so startled he lost his balance. Before Ron hit the floor, another blur came out of the wall and rushed through him. Ron hit the floor hard.

"Are you alright, Ron?" Ron looked up and saw it was Professor Russell.

"I'm not sure," Ron admitted.

"I'm sorry I can't help you up," Russell said. "And I'm sorry I rushed through you."

"I thought that was Peeves . . . oh, you were the second blur!"

"Exactly," Russell confessed. "Peeves was rather hoping he could take advantage of my condition. I was proving him wrong."

"That's good to know," Ron said, struggled to get to his feet.

"How are you managing?"

Ron shrugged. "I'd feel better if I could get well enough to get in whatever is going on."

"Would you like an honest answer to that desire?" Russell asked.

"Sure," Ron said, somewhat indifferently.

"Then I think we could get you in shape to go into 'whatever is going on', but I doubt you would survive it well, and I also doubt that what may happen will be the final battle. Would you really like to be in the first big show, knowing you're unlikely to go beyond that and knowing how much distress and worry your being there will bring to your friends and family?"

"Will I be in any better shape in, say, May or June?" Ron asked.

"Probably a bit better," Russell answered. "And, although I hate to say this, after the upcoming battle, if it comes off, there may be fewer alternatives than using you."

Ron grimaced at that, but knew that this was also true. If there was any kind of big battle, there would likely be casualties. "Well," he said, "I won't argue with that."

"Good," Russell said. "Come to my office if you can. You can help plan out possible attack routes. Hopefully Harry and the others will be bringing back more information."

"Thank you," Ron said.

"Good evening," Harry told his Council and his advisors, plus Percy Weasley, the Minister, and two wizards Scrimgeour had brought with him. "Although we're sorry for his current form, I'm sure we're all glad to see Professor Russell is with us again."

There was an embarrassed murmur at that.

"Now the immediate cause for our assault on the Valley of Dracula is gone, but all our evidence suggests that Voldemort, his Death Eaters, and at least a fair number of these so-called Companions of Walpurgis are located there. I believe that we need to attack and capture or take out as many of them as possible. I therefore made an alliance with a representative of the Elder Council of Vampires in Europe. They are willing to join the assault under my command if the Valley is returned to them. In addition, my people are planning their own assault teams and Professor McGonagall and Remus Lupin have solicited volunteers from the Order of the Phoenix. Minister? Do your or your associates have anything to say at this point?"

"Sooner or later, the public will get restive if we don't show progress in the fight against Voldemort," Scrimgeour said. "This seems like a good time to launch such an attack with some signs of success. Obviously, we need a set plan of some kind before we all say for certain we're in. Jason?"

"I am Jason Carter," one of the wizards said, clearly with an American accent. "The North American Confederation fully agrees with both of you. I am authorized to say we can have a force of sixty aurors, hit-wizards, and other trained personnel ready for an assault the evening of the Twenty-sixth, with many more ready to help keep the area secure afterwards. Of course," he added over the appreciative whisperings of the others, "having a set plan wouldn't be remiss."

"I am Radu Hanciu, representing the Romanian Ministry." The olive-skinned wizard said nothing, thinking hard for a few moments. Finally, he said, "We cannot agree to the outright and immediate turning over of this valley to the Vampires, and without us, the mission cannot go on."

"Really?" Harry commented. "And how would you stop me? Would you tip off the enemy?"

"Of course not," Hanciu snapped. "We could not stop you or the vampires. However, I would hope these others would not invade another Ministry's territory."

"I'm certain the Romanians are open to compromise, my lord," Hermione said soothingly.

Hanciu glared at this annoying teen. Harry noticed and glared back.

The two stared at each other for quite a few seconds.

Hanciu flushed, embarrassed and also, he had to admit, a little afraid at the power behind this stare. "Yes," Hanciu said, "we can work something out."

"Marcia will be here before midnight," Harry offered. "Hermione or I could mediate, if you'd like."

"We'll work something out," Hanciu hurriedly assured the White Warlock.

"Good," Harry stated. "Minister, who will you be appointing as your representative to the planning group?"

"I know Miss Tonks' worth. I gave her this list of the people we'll be sending in, and she can use Percy Weasley here as well."

Percy and Tonks both nodded their agreement.

"Mister Carter, Mister Hanciu, you're both able to serve?" The two men quickly agreed. "Good. Ron, Professor Russell, George and Ginny Weasley, and Marcia will complete the group," Harry said. "I would like a tentative set of plans for us by dawn Tuesday morning. We'll then meet as this group again Tuesday night at Ten-thirty." The group understood those times were for the vampires' accommodation. Harry looked at Hanciu. "If you and Marcia haven't come to an agreement by then, we'll be happy to arbitrate."

"Yes, sir," Hanciu said with nearly gritted teeth. Considering his positions on house elves and werewolves, Potter was not likely to give the Romanian Ministry an easy time just because their dispute was with vampires.

Monday, December 15, 1997

"Where are we going?" Ron demanded.

"What do you care?" Harry asked. "You've been begging to get out fo the castle since I got back."

"You haven't been locked up in a room with Percy," Ron retorted.

"Is he really that bad?" Harry asked.

Ron sighed and considered. "No," he finally said, "I suppose not. Still, it's difficult not to remember all the things he did between the end of the Third Task and Fred's . . . murder."

"I know," Harry agreed. "How's George doing, by the way?"

"Better than I would have thought, but not well," Ron admitted. "I think this attack group work is doing him more good than the rest of us."

"Four Weasleys working together," Harry said. "If it were almost anyone else, I'd feel sorry for Old Red-eyes."

"Seriously, Harry, where are we going? And why am I wearing Muggle clothes under my cloak?"

"Just take a hold of my arm," Harry said, "and take a deep breath."

Ron gave Harry a very dirty look, but did as he was told. He was not overly surprised to feel Harry disapparate, taking him along for the ride.

When they landed, Ron shook his head. "Bloody hell, Harry. That took a while!"

"About a minute," Harry agreed. Ron was still catching his breath. "Here, give me your cloak. We not only don't need them, we'd look odd here with them."

Ron frowned and did as he was told, looking around as he did so. "Where are we?"

They were in a large, bright room, although the Venetian blinds were partially closed. There was a fireplace, and the room looked both plush and impersonal. "Go ahead and look around, Harry said.

Ron frowned and did so. One doorway led to a good-sized kitchen with one door leading to a small toilet and two others leading outside -- Ron's suspicions were confirmed -- everything was Muggle. In front of the kitchen was a dining room, and across the entrance hall, in front of the parlor they had apparated into, was an even more formal, small parlor. Ron went up the stairs, and there were three bedrooms (one empty, one with just a bed and a dresser in it, and one outfitted as an office), two bathrooms, and a master suite. "What is this place?"

"It's just a house in America," Harry said. "This is what is called a 'gated community'. That means the only Muggles who can come in are the owners and those they invite. This is a bit more isolated than most of the others, and has some minor distraction spells on it."

"Why do you own it?" Ron asked. "I least I would guess that you do."

"I do," Harry agreed. "It's some place to escape to."

Ron suddenly frowned. "Did you say North America?"

"I did, and yes, I know Hermione would say that apparating anywhere over two hundred miles away isn't safe. Well, it's safe for me, alright?"

"Alright," Ron said doubtfully. "Why am I here?"

"we're going Christmas shopping," Harry said. "I'll pay in dollars, and you can pay me back."

"I have no idea what to buy!"

We're going to a Muggle place called a 'shopping mall'. You'll find lots of Muggle stuff. Come on, it'll be interesting. Plus we can have lunch and dinner."

"We already had lunch!"

"There's a five or six hour time difference, I forget which," Harry said. "Come on, what do you say?"

"Let's go!"