Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 07/13/2002
Updated: 07/21/2002
Words: 9,303
Chapters: 3
Hits: 2,819

Harry Potter and the Lost Magid

Draco's Good Girl

Story Summary:
Alexandra Leonard thought she was just a normal girl. Then she finds out she is a powerful wizard, and is dropped into the middle of a war to fight alongside Harry Potter, Dumbledore, and Draco Malfoy(?) Read on!

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Alexandra Leonard thought she was just a normal girl.Then she finds out she is a powerfull wizard and is dropped into the middle of a war to fight alongside Harry Potter, Dumbledore, and Draco Malfoy (?) Read on!Not
Author's Note:
Okay, less boring background info in this chapter, and more conversations between Alex and the two guys.

Chapter Two: A New Beginning

"Excuse me?" Alex cried with shock.

Harry blushed again and turned away. Dumbledore spoke, "Yes, Miss Leonard, it is true.

"But, how, when..."
"I did tell you everything you needed to know, and I have answered all of your questions. Now it is up to you--are you ready to believe what we have put in front of you, and are you willing to help me alongside Mister Malfoy and Harry here?"

Alexandra really didn't know how to answer this. Of course she wanted to believe all of this was true, but it just seemed so far-fetched. What are you doing? A loud voice said inside of her, You know that it must be true! After all, you never really felt at home in the muggle world. You really do belong here with your true family. Alexandra smiled, looked at Dumbledore, and said, "What do I do now?"

Harry and Draco smiled in relief, and Dumbledore's eyes lit up. "Excellent," he said, "now that we have everyone's full attention, we can get down to business. I've asked you all here for a specific reason--weather you like it or not, all of you are alike." Draco and Harry shot each other looks of pure venom. "You are all headstrong and independent, very brave and ingenious, and," he added with a slight grin under his mustache, "you are all a bit stubborn. Don't like to admit your wrong or back down, no no..." Dumbledore trailed off.

"Excuse me, Headmaster, but could we get to the point?" Draco drawled on, "I mean, it's great to hear all about our weaknesses, but I think we'd rather..."

"I am certainly not speaking of your weaknesses, Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore interrupted, "I am very sure that all of them are your strengths. But, anyway, we are off the subject. I called you all together because your help could never come at a better time. Voldemort has only just come to power in this last month. Only once has he struck." Dumbledore looked around at them, "And hopefully we can stop him before he strikes again."

Harry shivered at this last sentence. Alex looked at him sympathetically. She knew very well of the horrible meeting he had with Voldemort just last month and the inevitable death of Cedric Diggory. She raised a tentative hand and placed it on Harry's shoulder. She could feel his muscles relax under the weight of her hand, and he gave her a small smile.

"I am not asking for you three to go out and fight a war for me. In fact, I don't believe I will call upon you until much later in the year--but you must know now that only the combined forces of your magic can finish Voldemort off in the end."

"But Professor," said Harry, jumping out of his semi-trance, "what about you? Aren't you gonna help us?"

"Oh Harry," Dumbledore smiled again, "unfortunately only you three can defeat him in the end. I will help you along the way, yes, and I warn you now--this will be a long and difficult battle. But no matter yet," he finished with a clap of his hands, "You don't have to think about it for a long while. I don't mean to worry you, but you must know now that everything happens for a reason. I don't believe it was an accident that so many Magids were born the year you were. And sadly, I do believe there is a reason that only you three survived," he added gravely. It was the first time Alex had seen him look so sad. "But we must move on! And that is what you three will do. Alexandra," Alex looked up at Dumbledore, "You will come with me to Hogwarts now, before the beginning of term. Your new teachers have graciously accepted to stay on in the next month and bring you up to speed with the rest of your year. I daresay it will be hard to learn four years of magic in one month, and it won't be easy, but I do believe you can do it. Are you ready to accept this first challenge?"

Alex looked at Dumbledore thoughtfully, "Yes," she firmly told him, "I am ready."

"Good, now that we have finished our little discussion, perhaps it is time for a little dessert..."

"Professor Dumbledore?" Alex asked, "I'm sorry, but this has been a very long day for me. I was just wondering if I could go to bed."

Dumbledore smiled, "Of course you can, Miss Leonard, and I give you my deepest apologies for keeping you up quite so long." He looked at the clock above the mantle. "In fact, it is way passed all of our bedtimes. Harry, Mr. Malfoy, will you please exit to your rooms now. Alexandra, I do believe Tom has reserved a room for you as well in the Leaky Cauldron. I must get back to Hogwarts tonight, but I will be back to take you shopping tomorrow, Alexandra. There is much you must buy still. And then we go off to Hogwarts!" he said the last bit with much enthusiasm. "I trust you three can make it back to the Leaky Cauldron all right? Marvelous! Good night to you all."

Harry, Draco and Alex all exited Maurice's shop silently. They quickly walked down the dark and rainy street towards the Pub, and silently climbed the staircase to their rooms.

* * *

Alexandra had just finished putting on her pajamas when he heard a knock at the door. She went to open it, wondering who on earth would be visiting her this late at night. "Who is it?" she asked.

"It's Harry."

Alex opened the door to find bright green eyes staring down at her. Harry blushed and looked away.



"I was wondering if we could talk for a minute?" Harry asked in an embarrassed tone.

"Okay, come on in." Alex moved away from the door and Harry entered the cozy room. He looked around at the fireplace and old oak wardrobe, and sat down at the round table in the corner. He looked up at Alex, who took a hint and sat down in the chair opposite him. "What's up?"

"Well I was just wondering how you were holding up. I mean, I know it's been a rather emotional day for you."

"Actually, it hasn't been that bad. I guess by tomorrow all the confusion will turn to excitement, after all, this is going to change my life forever--for the better, I hope."

"Yeah. I just want to tell you that, when we get to Hogwarts, you'll always have a friend, okay? I mean, I know what you're going through. I mean, I found out that I was a wizard and that Voldemort was after me, and later I found out I was a Magid as well. This is just what you found out tonight about you. I know that all the stuff I went through is going to be very similar to what you have to go through now. So don't be scared, and remember, you will always have a place at Gryffindor Tower, and loyal friends you can always count on."

Alex looked at Harry, who looked down at the floor as he spoke. He seems nervous to talk to me. He keeps shuffling his feet and looking at the floor. Alex stood up and said, "Thank you very much, Harry. This really means a lot to me. Right now all I need is the support of friends like you and Draco..."

As Alex mentioned this name, Harry stood up. There was a fire in his eyes Alex hadn't seen during their few meetings. Was it anger?

Harry spoke, but his voice was shaky, "Alex, there's something I have to tell you. Malfoy isn't that good a person. I know you must think that he's good, just because he's working for Dumbledore with us, but I don't think a leopard can change its spots. Or rather, I don't think a certain Slytherin can suddenly be a brave Gryffindor. Slytherins only care about themselves, and anything they do is only for personal gain. So I'm just warning you--if we fight this war together, don't rely on Malfoy at all. His decision could change quick as a flash if he could gain more from another solution--even if it means joining Voldemort," he finished with disgust.

Alex looked at him with appall. "Harry, I can't believe you would say something like that! I mean, aren't Gryffindors supposed to be generous and caring, and believe in second chances? Dumbledore trusts Draco, despite his family and name. He believes that everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves, and God knows he's let you do it many times before. Life is what you make of it, not what others set before you. Draco decided not to choose the path placed before him by his father, and I don't think anyone could do anymore good than that."

"But Alex, for all we know he could be a spy! He could be reporting about you right this minute--telling Voldemort where you are and how to kill you!!!"

"How could you, of all people Harry, have such a pessimistic view of human nature? I know that Draco's not that bad. Look, I've read about him in the books, and I don't think that he's as bad as everyone makes him out to be."

"What books?" Harry asked with a puzzled look.

"Never mind," she replied hastily. "Look, I think you should go. It's been a rather long day, and I don't really need to continue this discussion with you. Good night." With that, Alex walked to the door and opened it.

Harry walked out, rather ashamed of his behavior, and silently kicking himself for acting like an ass. He turned around before Alex shut the door. "Alex," he told her, "I may not trust Malfoy, but I trust you. Just make the right decision, kay? And remember that you have a friend at Hogwarts--me." He turned and slowly walked down the hall. He didn't even notice that Draco Malfoy was standing in the shadows nearby, waiting to talk to Alexandra. He walked to the door and knocked. Alexandra opened it.

"Sorry to bother you so late, Miss Leonard," he said, slightly bowing. "But I was wondering if I might have a private word?"

"Oh, of course," said Alex, still a bit flustered from the heated discussion with Harry. Compared to him, Draco seemed like a perfect gentleman. "Why don't you come in, it seems as though my room has turned into a conference hall."

Draco chuckled softly, and sat down at the round table. "I saw Potter walking down the hall. Is he the one that's got you all riled up?"

"I am not all riled up!" exclaimed Alex, still standing near the doorway, "It's just, I never thought Harry could be so--cruel, I guess.'

"He would be if he were talking about me." Draco laughed again as Alex looked up, "That's usually what gets him mad. Let me guess, he doesn't want you to befriend me because I'm not trustworthy or something like that?"

"Yeah, that's exactly it. Wow, you certainly have the measure of him."

"I do believe I know Potter better than he knows me," he smirked, "and I think that I know you better than he does."

"What do you mean?"

"We're a lot alike, Alex," he explained, "at least I think so. Both of us are Magids, of course, and both are perceived differently by others than we really are. Everyone thinks I am an evil git, just because my name is Malfoy. People all think you must be the greatest warrior of all time, but you are just a scared young lady who doesn't know what to make of this strange new world she's been dropped into. I don't mean to be rude, Alexandra, but I pride myself on being able to see people's emotions by the way the act."

"Wow," Alex exclaimed, "you're good. In fact," she muttered, "that's exactly how I feel."

"Alex," he said, leaning forward in his chair, "that's nothing to be ashamed of. Potter might put all these silly ideas in your head, making you want to prove yourself, but don't listen. Just concentrate on being 15, having fun, and on your magic. Even Dumbledore agrees with me on that. Harry just has a thirst to prove himself, and he tells everyone around him to do the same."

"Harry was exceptionally pushy about his ideas when we spoke. It was a bid rude, in fact."

"Who would've thought the famous Harry Potter could really be unpleasant--especially when talking to a pretty girl." Draco drawled.

Alex blushed at this, but said, "I don't think Harry's a bad person. He just constantly deals with evil because of unlucky coincidences and circumstances in his life. Now I guess he feels he has to live up to those standards. I mean, after defeating Voldemort himself twice, his memory once, and narrowly escaping death just last month, he must feel that he must do something monumental this year. He has done many good things, though, that many don't know about. He and his friends kept an innocent man from going to Azkaban, saved the life of a perfectly harmless beast." She shot a sideways glance at Draco--it was his fault Buckbeak was to be executed, "He also has done many more heroic things that I don't even think he realizes are that important."

"Dumbledore really filled you in on what his perfect student has done then, hasn't he?"

"No I got it all from the bo...never mind," she said hastily.

"And let me guess, Perfect boy Potter gloated to you when you spoke earlier."

Alex frowned, "For your information, Harry didn't gloat at all. Honestly," she said, shaking her head, "I don't know how the three of us are going to work together peacefully if you two can't behave in a civilized manner to each other. And I don't want to play the middleman!"

"Don't worry," said Draco, more sincere than Alex had seen him yet, "if it means that much to you, I'll try to make an effort to get along with Potter if he makes the same effort."

"I'll talk to him about it," said Alex, looking relieved, "Thank you Draco, I can see that you and I will become good friends."

"Oh, I'm expecting a lot more from you, my dear, if I am to play nice with Potter." He stood up and crossed the room in an instant and cornering Alex, "A lot more, if you know what I mean. After all, I am a Malfoy, and Malfoy's always get what they want."

Alex breathlessly tried to reply, but she was stopped as Draco pulled her into a fast and firm kiss. She pulled back at first, but soon she opened her mouth and let Draco in. It was a very passionate and rough, and soon she discovered she was kissing him back. He pulled away abruptly just as she was getting into it.

"Well," he smirked, "it looks like we are thinking along the same lines. I bid you goodbye for now, but I do hope we can continue our discussion at a later date. See you at Hogwarts, my dear." He said this, bowed again, and turned swiftly exit the room. He stopped at the doorway and said, "You are always welcome in Slytherin, Alex, and you will have a friend there," before shutting the door behind him.

Alex lowered herself onto the bed, still dazed by the passion and force of their kiss. Well, she thought with a smile, it looks as if I have a decision to make.

* * *

Alex lay in her bed awake, thinking of the day she just had, and mostly about Harry and Draco. The rain lashed outside her window as she thought about the two propositions she had received--one inviting her to Slytherin House, and one inviting her to Gryffindor. I can't make this kind of decision, she told herself, how can I choose? I mean, Harry seems like a good friend, trustworthy and loyal, but he can be so closed minded. Are all Gryffindors like that? And can't he just put this whole Gryffindor vs. Slytherin rivalry out of his mind? Just for the time being?

But what about Draco? He's really a caring boy at heart, but he hides it under this smooth, arrogant shell. I guess he was brought up that way--even if he refused his father and didn't become a Death Eater, he still acts like a Malfoy. Even when he kissed me, it was like he owned me or something. I just don't understand it.

Alex heard a scuttling noise from around the doorway, and was immediately jolted out of her thoughts.

"Hello?" she asked.

There was no voice and Alex quickly lit the candle by her bedside--it was extra bright (magic, no less) and she could see a rat in the corner of her room. Her heart immediately stopped thumping so hard, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She blew out the candle and lay back down on her bed. What she didn't notice was that the rat had a shiny silver front paw.