Astronomy Tower
Remus Lupin
Humor Slash
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 03/03/2005
Updated: 03/11/2005
Words: 8,094
Chapters: 4
Hits: 4,487

You Never Know

Draconn Malfoy

Story Summary:
A Master and the Wolf FQF response. After Sirius is gone, a strange wolf starts to keep Remus company on the full moon nights. After one especially satisfying night of companionship, Remus and Severus have a couple of problems to deal with... More exactly, five little cubs. Five very lively cubs. SLASH RL/SS.

Chapter 01

A Master and the Wolf FQF response. After Sirius is gone, a strange wolf starts to keep Remus company on the full moon nights. After one especially satisfying night of companionship, Remus and Severus have a couple of problems to deal with... More exactly, five little cubs. Five very lively cubs.

Words: 1,754
Hits: 1,492
Chapter 02

After the full moon, Severus discovers something very startling. Moony, however, doesn't seem to much mind her little "condition".

Words: 2,126
Hits: 1,038
Chapter 03

The Order and the students are all equally shocked to find out about Moony's litter. Severus, however, does not take lightly any reactions he considers off-bounds.

Words: 2,170
Hits: 989
Chapter 04

The quintuplets are now two years old. Of course, this means that their fathers have to run a lot -- especially when it's the bath time. However, Minister Fudge has business at Hogwarts -- something very interesting.

Words: 2,044
Hits: 812