Astronomy Tower
Lucius Malfoy Remus Lupin
Slash Drama
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/01/2004
Updated: 11/08/2004
Words: 15,998
Chapters: 4
Hits: 4,506

Never Alone

Draconn Malfoy

Story Summary:
Severus and Remus perform a special bond to pull Lucius’s soul back to his body after the Dementor’s Kiss. After this, Remus is slowly wasting away. Lucius and Severus decide to prevent his eventual death.``SLASH SS/LM SS/LM/RL

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Severus and Lucius do not like the direction Remus is going to. Therefore, they decide to help him. However, they cannot help him if he doesn't want to be helped - and how could he ever want that, while he loves Sirius?
Author's Note:
Just some more... And, finally, they get into a

Part Two:

Saving Him


Time passed quickly. After being informed of the situation, Dumbledore allowed both Lucius and Remus to stay at Hogwarts, in Severus's quarters - not only because of their bond, but because Lucius, now free of the Imperiatus, was a wanted price to any Death Eater around.

To Lucius and Severus's disappointment, Narcissa refused signing the divorce papers. She didn't want to even meet Lucius, but she still didn't want a divorce, either - she probably figured she'd get more of the Malfoy fortune as Lucius's wife. But, the men lived with it, secretly hoping that Narcissa would get killed in the War, which was getting even more heated every day.

While everyone other around seemed to be in hurry, preparing and practising and planning, Remus was unusually quiet. He was now in civil terms with both Slytherins he'd been bonded to. They could even be called friends. They lived in the same quarters - Severus and Lucius in one bedroom, Remus in another - they ate together, they worked together (other than Severus's teaching work, of course), and every now and then, Remus would touch either one's hand to strengthen the bond. This far, it had seemed to be enough, and the werewolf had been leading at least a relatively happy lifestyle.

Now, it looked like this wasn't enough anymore.

The werewolf had become even paler than before. He was getting thin, and many times they could talk to him several minutes before they noticed that he wasn't listening. It wasn't even that he wasn't interested, or he wanted to be rude. No, he simply couldn't concentrate on anything properly anymore. He was having nightmares, too - some very disturbing ones, from which he woke up screaming.

He never told the other two men what the nightmares were about.

One evening, as Remus was yet again in the library of Hogwarts to do some research for the Order, the two Slytherins sat on a couch. They were discussing the changes happening in Remus, and whether they could help him.

"If he doesn't want to live, we can do next to nothing to help him," Severus said quietly. "Saving him would require at first completing the bond and then maintaining it, both of us. If he doesn't want it, it'd be nothing but a rape. And I don't think that anything could justify a regular gang rape, not even keeping him alive."

"You're right," Lucius said just as quietly. "The only way we could keep him alive is if we somehow managed to convince him that he'd be better off living."

"And how do you think we could accomplish that?" Severus snorted. "His heart belongs to Black, has always belonged. If he dies now, the wolf will pull him to Black in the afterlife, since Black was the last person he was in a completed bond with. If he slept with us, however, that bond would be broken and he'd lose his change to cling on Black."

The blond nodded slowly. They both knew that there was no way to make Remus want to lose his former lover. Still, they both hoped that there were, for the simple reason that they didn't want him to die.

They didn't know how much of it was because of the bond and how much was because of their true feelings. They did know, however, that there were some feelings even outside the limits and power of the bond that connected them to the small greying brunet.

Those feelings made them unable to just let go of Remus and watch him die.

They sat in silence, both thinking, until Remus returned from the library an hour and a half later.


Lucius glanced disapprovingly at the pile of various objects in front of him. After several owls, firecalls, and threatings of contacting the Ministry, Narcissa had at last sent some of his things to Hogwarts. Of course, this had taken a full month. Many times he'd been ready to go and fetch them himself, but Severus - and, a bit surprisingly, Remus - had always told him that he wasn't going to go anywhere where the Death Eaters might get at him. And Narcissa was a genuine Death Eater, after all - although she knew nothing about the Imperius curse casted upon her husband.

The reason why Lucius was feeling disapproving, however, wasn't because of the objects but because of the absence of a certain object. He threw a couple of things carelessly aside in search of the most dear thing he'd asked from Narcissa. Of course he hadn't said it was treasurable to him, otherwise, she'd most probably "forgotten" it just to taunt him. But still, he couldn't find it anywhere, and began to secretly worry that Narcissa had indeed guessed just what it meant to him.

It was just a simple book, covered with dark grey silk. To the outside, it looked like a journal. Lucius's initials were indeed marked on the cover with silver letters, and it was charmed so that only the Lord of Malfoy himself could open it. He, and a certain person. Severus, to be exact.

The truth was that the book was nothing like a journal. It was a sketch book, in which both Lucius and Severus had drawn pictures of each other, and all things they held dear. Lucius had to admit that Severus's drawings were a lot better than his - he'd himself always been more into painting. But, as they'd been both sketching to it ever since their sixth year, when Severus had given it to him on their anniversary, accompanied by the first drawing, it included about all of his most treasured memories. So, it had a great value to him.

And he couldn't find it anywhere.

Lucius threw aside yet a new cloak, hoping to find the sketch book under it. To his great surprise, he found a little book he'd not seen before. On the cover there was written, 'Narcissa Malfoy." Curious, and definitely not regretful about spying on his annoying wife, he opened the book, starting to glance through it.

At last his eyes stopped on one particular entry. It was written on the first of November 1981.

"Today, my cousin was dragged to Azkaban. Stupid brat, he should have been more careful. At least he could have left a good corpse of Pettigrew so I could be sure that little rodent is wiped off the face of Earth."

"It's also a pity that there's no one to warm my bed now. Lucius is preparing the 'evidences' as of us being under the Imperiatus, and that requires him to be almost all the time in the Ministry. I can't help but miss those long, passionate nights with my little affair."

"It took me long enough, to seduce him. I don't regret it, though. It was wonderful as long as it lasted - and it lasted for almost a year and a half. Probably the longest relationship I've ever had with anybody, expect Lucius - and I hardly call that a relationship. Also, that affair is my greatest triumph over the others."

"I, Narcissa Malfoy, did what was thought to be impossible. I did what Bellatrix failed on, a fact that annoys her to no end. I did what half of Hogwarts in our times wanted to do but could never accomplish. I seduced my cousin, the epitome of loyalty and damned Gryffindorish spirit, seduced him out of his pitiful little lover's bed."

"I was the girl who lured her way into Sirius Black's pants."

For a moment Lucius just stared at the journal, not really believing what he'd read. Of course he'd known that Narcissa wasn't loyal to him. He wasn't loyal to her, either. A simple test spell had proved that he indeed was Draco's father, and that was enough for him; the knowledge that his fortune wouldn't go to a stranger's bastard son was almost more than he had expected to get from his wife.

But... this? She'd seduced Sirius Black?

The fact that she'd been with him despite the fact that they were cousins didn't surprise Lucius the slightest. But that Black had fallen to Narcissa, the courageous, loyal Black, the white sheep of the Black family... had cheated on his lover.

Had cheated on Remus.

It took a moment from the news to sink in. Then he realized what he should have even before. Here, right in his hands, was the only thing that could make Remus want to live again. He only had to present this to the werewolf, to make him believe it. He'd be willing to complete their bond, then. He certainly didn't want to spend his eternity with an unfaithful bastard.

The question was, did Lucius want him to find out? Did he want to complete the bond not only with his former lover but also the werewolf?

He wasn't really sure.

He had to ask Severus.


"He's getting weaker every day," Severus said quietly, drawing invisible patterns to the table with his fingertips. Lucius didn't bother even asking whom he meant, he just nodded and sighed.

It'd been three days since he'd discovered the bitter truth about Remus's former lover. He still hadn't told about it to Severus, for he didn't know how he should tell it. He wasn't even sure whether he wanted to tell it, either. Did he truly want a third man to share the love between him and Severus?

They watched as Remus slowly, obviously with a great effort, got up from the couch. He was deathly pale, and he had dark circles around his eyes. The Gryffindor was also getting thinner - he hardly ate anything nowadays.

"I'm going to the library, if anyone is interested," the smallest man said quietly, then stepped out of their shared quarters and closed the door behind him.

The two Slytherins glanced concernedly at each other. Now, they were truly worried. Remus never used to be this depressed before.

"He has nothing to live for anymore," Severus observed quietly. "Not a thing that'd tie him to this life, and it hurts me. I feel - Merlin, Lucius, I feel just like I did watching you wander around soulless!"

Lucius blinked. He hadn't known that Severus felt so much for the small brunet. Examining the feelings coming through the bond, however, he knew that the dark-haired man's words were true.

His decision was even harder now. One half of him, the selfish one, told him to keep the journal in secret. It told him that if he made Remus wholly enter the bond, the werewolf would pull Severus away from him. If Severus even now felt so strongly about the Gryffindor, would he even remember the love between them when Remus was also there to share the bond?

The other half of his mind, however, was all to the opposite. It told him that he, too, felt strongly for the werewolf. That it wasn't even all because of the bond, but also because of the time they'd spent together. It told him that he felt so because of the werewolf's kind, unselfish character, because of the willingness to sacrifice himself for the others, because of the golden eyes and the rapidly greying hair.

It told him that he, too, loved Remus. It told that if Remus entered their bond, it wouldn't take Severus away from him but weave them even tighter together with each other - and with Remus, too.

At last, he made his mind. "Severus," he said slowly.

"Yes, Lucius?" his lover asked, snapping his black eyes at Lucius's face.

"I -" the blond Slytherin started, searching for the right words. At last, he sighed, "I found out something last week - something you probably should know about..."


That night, they cornered Remus as he came from the library of Hogwarts. The werewolf eyed them suspiciously, but didn't say anything, waiting for them to do something.

So, Lucius did. "Here," he said, handing out the little book. "I think you ought to read this."

"That's your wife's journal," Remus said suspiciously, eyeing the name on the cover of the book. "What in it could interest me?"

"Take a look," Lucius said, handing the book to him. He'd already opened the page where the surprising confession was.

Remus took the book into his hands. The golden eyes darted forth and back along the lines of Narcissa's small, tidy handwriting. At first he narrowed his eyes suspiciously, then, suddenly, gasped in shock and dropped the book from his hands.

"That's not true," Remus whispered in shock. "That can't be true."

"I'm sorry," Lucius said grimly, "but it is indeed true. Your lover cheated on you for quite a long time."

"You're lying," the smallest man said accusingly. "You're simply lying!"

"And why would we ever lie about that?" Severus asked dryly.

"Because you hate Sirius," Remus snapped briefly. "You'd enjoy nothing more than make me hate him."

"Even if I tried to make you hate him, would I do it this way?" the Potions Master replied, knowing that he should now consider his words carefully. "Why'd I get Lucius express the proofs to you - Lucius, who has nothing to do with my hatred to Black? Why wouldn't I tell you about other things that I've witnessed myself, things that I have more reliable proofs for?"

The werewolf just glared at him. Then he again picked up the book, quickly glancing through it. "Our anniversary used to be the day after my birthday," he explained airily while searching for the right entry. "1981, Sirius had to leave for just those days. Order business, he said. I don't know whether he spoke truth or not - back then, I was slightly suspecting him of being a Death Eater." Whilst saying this he sent a bit apologetical glances to the both Slytherins. Severus merely rolled his eyes towards the ceiling - the only sign of impatience he would ever show - and Lucius kept his gaze intent on the brunet, waiting for him to find what he searched for.

At last, Remus found the right date. He quickly glanced through the page. Then he turned even paler than before, the book again falling from shaky hands. He sat to the nearby armchair as if his feet couldn't bear him anymore.

"He was with my wife," Lucius guessed levelly.

Remus nodded slowly, the pain evident in his eyes. "I'm doomed," the werewolf said quietly. "I'm doomed to live an eternity with a cheater." The small brunet closed his eyes, slumping even deeper into the armchair. "I would wish to die, but I have no desire to go to him any sooner than I really have to."

"Why'd it be that way?" Lucius asked smoothly. "There are options, you know."

"No, there aren't," Remus replied, his eyes fixed on the floor. "The only way to get away from Sirius would be to step into a complete bond with somebody - and as I'm in a bond with you, I can't be bonded to anybody else."

"And what's wrong with us, may I ask?" Severus asked dryly.

"Oh, nothing," Remus said, managing even a slight, half-amused chuckle. "Only the fact that you are already together, and there's no room in your bed for another man."

"Are you sure about that?" Severus questioned him again.

Remus glared at him slightly. "Stop teasing me," he snapped. "It's you two, and me. Has been, and will be. I know there's no way either of you would sleep with me, leave alone you both - which would be required for truly completing the bond."

"Listen to us for a change, okay?" Lucius said smoothly. As Remus had fallen silent, he continued, "I know we haven't been in best terms, ever. Even with the bond we all share, we've been civil to each other at best. But this bond - it's changing us. Our feelings, to be exact." Remus gave him a weird glance. He chose to ignore it, however, and went on. "There's a new feeling, you can't deny it. It's not only the need to touch to survive - it's different. It's deeper, to say so." He made a slight pause, then said, "It's need... For each other."

Remus was quiet for a moment. Then he said, slowly, "You - you are serious about this?"

"For quite some time, actually," Severus said smoothly. "The bond has tied us to you, Remus, us both. I and Lucius like you... Maybe even more. We don't want you to die. We want to complete the bond." After a moment of silence, he added, "You feel it, too. Don't even try to deny it."

"Like it could ever remain," the werewolf sighed, pushing a silvery strand aside from his face. "It's just that - the need to complete the bond. After it'd been completed, there'd be no other feelings - other than the need for sex in order to survive." He snorted. "And I'm not ready for that. I'm not ready to beg for a permission to have sex with you two - or, worse even, to whore myself to stay alive. I do value myself a bit higher than that."

Before he could say anything else, or Lucius could do anything, Severus had crossed the room. For a moment he just stood in front of Remus. Then, he leant forward, placing a deep, lingering kiss on the werewolf's lips. At last he drew back. "Is that enough of an evidence... Remus..." he asked, a bit breathless from the kiss.

Lucius, too, walked to the place where Remus was standing. Before Remus had even fully recovered from Severus's actions, he kissed him also. Then he turned a bit to kiss Severus - and the kiss was just similar to the one he'd shared with Remus. After the kiss he, too, locked his eyes on Remus. He didn't say anything, but his eyes held the same promises as Severus's. Promises of protection, connection, warmth, and something else he couldn't quite recognize.

Remus pondered his options for a moment. He had so much to lose, and not too much to win. He simply didn't know anymore. Just an hour ago everything had been so clear in his mind. He'd been almost grateful as he'd dropped a book, too weak and clumsy to carry it, since it'd been a sign that he'd soon be with the man he loved. Now, it only seemed to be the death warrant that it really was.

At last, Remus made up his mind.

"Okay," he said quietly. "Let's do it." A deep, slightly shaky breath, then, "Let's complete the bond."


Lucius stepped inside the master bedroom of Severus's quarters. As he was the last one, he turned around to close the door.

He kept facing the door for a moment, placing a few locking and silencing charms on it, like he always did. Then he turned around, examining the two men he was bonded to.

Severus looked relaxed and certain of himself. Of course, he always looked controlled. His eyes were locked on Remus, who didn't look the tiniest bit comfortable.

The werewolf looked extremely nervous. Not only the unfamiliar surroundings were unnerving the wolf, which was already quite strong in this phase of the moon, but also the whole situation was definitely more than enough to make anyone nervous. He was, after all, going to sleep with his former two worst enemies after half a year of celibacy following his previous mate's death.

"Don't worry," Severus said softly, placing a hand on the werewolf's shoulder. "We won't hurt you. Promise."

"I know," Remus said, and swallowed. "But... I still can't help feeling... That I'm cheating on Sirius." He closed his eyes momentarily, a look of guilt and slight confusion on his face.

"You're not cheating on anyone," Lucius said in reassurance, taking a step towards the two men. "Black is dead. He can no more hold any claims over you." He reached for the small brunet's free shoulder, giving it a small, reassuring squeeze.

"Right..." The werewolf still sounded unsure. Realizing this, Lucius sighed, then drew him into an embrace. He'd noticed that after the Imperius had been lifted, it was much easier to him to show his emotions. So, he had absolutely no problem at all with hugging the werewolf.

Severus let his long fingers wander gently over Remus's tensed back, drawing small, relaxing circles with his fingertips. "Relax, Remus," he whispered into one slightly pointy ear. "We'll make you feel good... So good. Just relax a little."

With a few long, shuddering breaths, the tension left the werewolf's body. He allowed himself to be led to the enormous four-poster bed, where the other two men laid him down, lying on the covers next to him, one on each side.

At first, Lucius and Severus met above him in a long, passionate kiss. Then Severus broke off the kiss and moved to kissing Remus, while Lucius started to remove his robes. As soon as the outer robe had been unbuttoned and pulled off his body, Severus started to unbutton his shirt, while Lucius got to take off his pants. All this time Remus just lay back, enjoying the feeling of Severus's lips wandering along his jaw-line, placing light kisses all over his jaw and neck.

Suddenly, the unbroken silence was disturbed by an unexpected question.

"Remus," Severus said, "what's this?" He pointed one fine finger at a spot in the werewolf's forearm he'd just exposed. There, with neat black letters, was the number, "431579."

Remus turned his head away with an ashamed expression. "It's my werewolf ID number," he said quietly.

"They make you have this?" Lucius asked, his expression darkened with anger. He'd known that the people in the Ministry were mostly bastards, but this was too much. Remus was a human, for Salazar's sake, not an animal!

The smallest man bit his lip and nodded. "You see now?" he asked with a quiet tone. "I'm totally fucked up. You shouldn't bother with me."

"Don't you dare to try and tell us what we should and shouldn't do, Remus Lupin," Severus snorted. "The fact that Ministry officials are brainless bastards doesn't make you any worse." He pulled the shirt entirely off Remus's body, tossing it away. Lucius nodded in agreement to his words, then pulled the pants away from the werewolf's legs.

For a while they just watched him, taking in the sight of their last bonded's naked body. Remus was beautiful, true, but so very thin and pale also. It was quite clear that he'd been near to death.

The death they were now going to save him from.

Remus turned his head away once again, uneasy under their intent gazes. The other two men noticed his embarrassment, and quickly stopped watching. Lucius in turn leant down to kiss him, while Severus started getting rid of his own clothes.

As soon as Severus's outfit had been taken care of, he started placing light kisses over the werewolf's exposed chest. Remus, who at this point was almost wholly relaxed, decided to participate in the events and started opening Lucius's heavy velvet robes. The blond allowed him, keeping a firm hand on each side of his face as he continued kissing him.

After some time, both Slytherins were naked, their clothes tossed all around the bed. Remus surveyed them with his eyes almost as attentively as they'd before examined the werewolf. Then they lay back next to Remus, both wrapping an arm around him.

"In order to complete the bond, you need to sleep with us both," Lucius whispered huskily into the werewolf's ear. Remus didn't reply, he just nodded. He was aware of this certain aspect of the bond.

"Whom do you want to be the first one?" Severus asked, placing yet another light kiss on the long neck of Remus's.

"Doesn't matter to me," the smallest man murmured back. "Please... I need you..."

They didn't need any more encouragement as they started to let Remus in to the bonds of love tying them together.


The next morning, Remus woke up feeling warm and safe. At first this confused him, since he hadn't felt like that ever since Sirius had died. Even more he was confused by the feeling and sounds of somebody sleeping next to him - on both sides. And, somebody had their arms wrapped around him.

Then, slowly at first, the last night's events came to his mind. He opened slowly his eyes and saw a platinum blond head right in front of him. Lucius slept there, one arm on top of the duvet, the other curled around his head. Remus turned his head and caught a glimpse of a black head behind him - Severus.

The werewolf felt very comfortable lying between the two other men. So, he closed his eyes again and relaxed. He could have worried about whether or not the Slytherins would regret what they'd done - he himself didn't, but maybe it'd been just the bond affecting Severus and Lucius, making them sleep with Remus? But, he'd have time to worry later. He just wanted to enjoy this feeling for as long as he could.

Remus also noticed that he felt a lot better than the day before. There was no weakness in his body, no odd nausea or a feverish feeling. All in all, he felt better than for ages. He felt healthy.

'Must be because we completed the bond,' he mused quietly to himself. 'Now, the symptoms of being drained by an uncompleted bond are leaving me.'

After some time he heard a little change in Severus's breathing. The Slytherin was obviously waking up. Remus forced himself to stay relaxed and not tense, waiting for the dark-haired man's reaction as he noticed Remus on his arms.

To his great surprise he felt a pair of gentle lips pressing against his neck. As Severus slipped out a tongue to touch his sensitive skin he couldn't help but gasp aloud.

"Got you," he heard a smug voice murmuring into his ear.

"What do you mean, 'got you?'" Remus asked, knowing that he couldn't act sleeping any longer. At least he didn't feel so unsure anymore, knowing that at least at this moment, Severus didn't regret what they'd done.

"I knew you weren't sleeping," the Potions Master explained. "I knew it at the same moment as I woke up. I just had to make you admit it."

"How did you know it?" Remus asked, curious. Then, a bit suspiciously, he asked, "And would you otherwise have kissed my neck?"

He could hear the smile in Severus's voice as the other man replied, "It's the bond, you know. You don't yet know what the feelings coming through it mean, but I've had a lot of experience with Lucius. You'll learn it by time." He made a slight pause, then mumbled, "And as for the other question..."

Remus felt the hot lips on his neck again. Severus sucked gently at his shoulder joint, drawing blood nearer the surface. Although Remus of course couldn't see his neck, and he couldn't clearly remember everything of the night before, either, he somehow knew that there were much more marks on his skin than just the one Severus was now making. A quick glance to Lucius's direction told that he wasn't the only one marked, either, and he highly doubted that Severus had managed to get away without at least a couple of hickeys as well.

Severus nibbled a bit at his neck, and he moaned aloud. The other man made a little, satisfied sound, then rolled him around to face him. Severus leant his head forward, and Remus's lips met his in a warm, loving kiss.

When they'd kissed for some time - whether it was seconds or minutes, Remus couldn't tell, only that it was wonderful - the werewolf felt another pair of hands on his back. One of the hands then snaked under him and up to his chest on his front, while the other slid over him only to be laid on Severus's side.

"Good morning, you two," Lucius said smoothly. The air stream made the hairs in Remus's neck shudder.

"Good morning, Lucius," Severus replied calmly. He then turned his face up as Lucius leant over Remus, and the two met in a passionate kiss.

Remus watched as the two Slytherins' tongues fought of dominance, just like his and Severus's had done just a moment ago. He had to admit that it was a very erotic sight. The two seemed to fit together perfectly, and -

Suddenly, Lucius broke off the kiss. Then he turned a bit to face Remus. The werewolf had just time to turn his face up, and then he was kissed again. Lucius's lips felt different from Severus's, a bit colder maybe, and smoother, but no less pleasurable. He responded the kiss eagerly, just like he'd responded to Severus.

At last, this kiss, too, was broken. Lucius and Severus both smiled at him.

"Still doubtful?" Severus asked softly.

Remus closed his eyes momentarily, collecting himself. Last night, his feelings had been very confused. The little bit that he had understood had been driven over by lust and passion, and fear, too. Now, however, those feelings were gone, and he could see what was behind them.

He was slightly surprised, and not just a bit relieved, as he noticed a very familiar feeling he'd once thought he'd never experience again.

He noticed that he loved both Severus and Lucius.

Remus opened his eyes, and smiled back to the two Slytherins he'd been bound to. "No," he said, "I'm not doubtful anymore."


In the end, it took very little efforts to manage the little swift in the relationship among the three men. Remus's things were moved to the master bedroom, and they changed his previous bedroom back into the extra study it had been before any of this happened. Remus and Lucius adopted this as their shared study, allowing Severus his own room where to plan his classes and brew potions.

Dumbledore at first didn't question the change in their lives, but his eyes twinkled even more than usually as they went to the first Order meeting after completing the bond, all three holding hands. The other Order members, however, simply stared at them until they sat and Dumbledore told the meeting to be begun.

As it was just the day after the full moon, Remus was sound asleep in the end of the meeting. Severus and Lucius had suggested him to stay in their quarters and sleep, but Remus had been adamant about coming - even if he couldn't stay awake, he would at least be present. Seeing that he wasn't about to change his mind, the two allowed this, taking care that he was seated between the two of them.

As the meeting was over, the Headmaster, however, told them to stay behind. He surveyed for a moment the two Slytherins, each in turn, then Remus, who was resting his head against Severus's shoulder in a peaceful slumber. Then, he chose to speak.

"Well, well," the Headmaster said, his eyes twinkling rapidly, "I see that much more has come from your bond than was ever expected."

"Is that a bad thing?" Severus asked smoothly, eyeing calmly the older wizard in front of him.

"No, no," Dumbledore hastied to say. "Not at all. It's just... A bit surprising, should I say. It wasn't long since Remus seemed all too willing to die away."

"We didn't force him to this, if you're suggesting that," Lucius said coolly. "He was wholly willing to complete the bond with us. I admit it took a bit of talking from our side, but in the end, it was his own decision."

"I trust you," came the reply, accompanied with a slight nod.

"Really?" Severus asked sarcastically, raising an eyebrow. "My, my, Albus, you're losing your grip."

Dumbledore chuckled slightly. "Ever the same, Severus, I see," he said. "Yes, I indeed trust you. I have one thing to ask you, though," the old wizard added then, turning serious - or as serious as he ever could. "Is Remus happy with you two?"

The Slytherins glanced at each other, then back to the Headmaster. "We hope so," Lucius said softly, squeezing slightly Remus's hand that was lying on the armrest of his chair.

"I see," the Headmaster said. "You have to understand that I am highly concerned about Remus's wellbeing. Neither of you has led an easy life, but the fates have treated Remus extremely badly. He's got too much pain in his life already - I don't want him to be hurt again."

"Don't worry, Albus," Severus said reassuringly. "We'd never hurt him on purpose."

"No, I suppose you won't," the old man sighed. Then he stroked his long, white beard while continuing, "But that doesn't solve the problem; is Remus truly happy now?"

Remus yawned slightly, then fluttered his eyes ajar. "Yes, Albus, I am very happy indeed," he said sleepily, with these words wiping away all uncertain thoughts from everybody's mind.

And, because of that, Albus gave his full blessing to them.

Author notes: The next part: Wolfsbane in Baby Bottles

Severus has a surprise to his lovers.