Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 10/29/2002
Updated: 02/15/2004
Words: 40,776
Chapters: 20
Hits: 38,412

What Once Could Never Be...


Story Summary:
After the summer between 5th and 6th year, Hermione comes back to Hogwarts having been abandoned by Ron and Harry for their girlfriends. Who will she turn to for comfort? Draco, of course. Little does she know that Draco is having problems of his own with his father, and they are involved in a prophecy that has to do with the war against Voldemort. The war of Light vs. Dark.

Chapter 15

Chapter Summary:
The epic saga continues as our heroes (Draco, Hermione, Harry, and Ron) start to make plans on what they're going to do about Voldemort. The prophecy is still hanging over their heads, but will they find the solution to save them all in time?
Author's Note:
Thank you so much to everyone who has reviewed. Your feedback is much appreciated.

What Once Could Never Be...

Chapter 15: Taking Sides

Draco did not exactly know what to expect after becoming a Death Eater. He figured it would be a lot of death and mayhem; not really following a clear line of thinking considering who was the head of this business. However, he was greatly surprised when he was shown Voldemort's clean-cut plans to infiltrate and take over the Ministry. It didn't occur to him that a psychotic madman could be methodical.

"So, Young Malfoy. What do you think of my plans? Are they to your liking, or do you wish to add your own opinion?"

"Umm..." He wasn't expecting to be put on the spot by Voldemort himself. "I think they're fine." He cocked an eyebrow. "Why are you telling me all this? I thought only you knew all the plans and the identities of each Death Eater."

Voldemort gave a small chuckle. "You really don't know, do you?" He was gazing directly at Draco with his slitted, red eyes. It made him feel transparent.

"No. Is there something I've been misinformed about? Because if there is, I'm pretty sure I didn't get that memo." Draco shuffled his feet and returned his gaze to the mapped out plans on the table between himself and Voldemort.

"I suppose Lucius thought it best for you to hear it from myself." Voldemort walked around the table until he came up beside Draco and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Draco, you were raised to become more than my successor. When I connected our blood together, it was more than just becoming a Death Eater. I transferred some of my power into you. You are now my heir. With that, you become the Heir of Slytherin. I am teaching you how to manage your legacy."

Draco could not believe his ears. He had been tricked and betrayed by his own father. Lucius had said nothing about becoming Voldemort's heir. I didn't think this would be in the bargain. I was okay with the 'having-to-become-a-Death-Eater,' but THIS is just too much! He opened his mouth to say something and quickly closed it again finding he had nothing to say.

"Come, my boy. We have many things to discuss. Namely, your future..." The Dark Lord looked at Draco in the way that only he could; the look that made Draco think Voldemort could see right into his soul.

Draco fought the urge to squirm uncomfortably. Malfoys do NOT squirm. It was almost a subconscious reaction; for him to tell himself that Malfoys did not behave this way or that. Must get that out of the system. It was all moving too fast for him, and he was presently trying to piece everything together and form coherent thoughts.

He followed his new Master wordlessly. Must work out this whole heir-of-evil thing. Then, I have to get back to Mione. Briefly he thought of Harry and Ron, but Hermione was of more importance. She needed him more. They needed to be warned, and then, together, they could figure something out.


Hermione was beyond comforting when Harry and Ron decided to go and look for the professors. They took her to bed in her room before they left, and she could still be heard whimpering through the door. Harry and Ron exchanged nervous glances. They were both worried about Hermione. She seemed to have gone off the deep end.

No time could be spent on that now. They left their private quarters side-by-side and made their way towards Professor Dumbledore's office. Harry had to see for himself if Dumbledore was missing. Things just didn't seem to fit right. He had already owled Sirius and told him of the situation. It wouldn't be long before they would start assembling an army. Hopefully, it would be enough to stop Lord Voldemort.

As much as Harry and Ron both hated to admit it, they wanted to save Draco from the horrible fate that awaited him. They had no way of contacting him if what Hermione said was true. They needed to plan and know when to attack. Soon, the war would begin, and a good fight was beginning to brew.


Sirius Black was sitting at his best friend, Remus Lupin's, breakfast table discussing with him the many uses of levana bloom in warding off nocturnal creatures. He was trying to argue his point when a snowy owl swooped in from the open window opposite the table, cutting him off in mid-sentence.

"Moony, now see here. Levana bloom, when ground together, gives a defense -"

He grabbed the letter that was attached to Hedwig's left leg, quickly untied it and ripped it open. He scanned the contents before letting out an audible gasp and handing it to Remus. He rose from the table and went about the house gathering random objects.

Remus looked upon his friend's odd behavior with interest before turning to the letter. His reaction was nearly the same as Sirius' after reading it.


I'm sorry, but I don't have time to say anything but get straight to the point. Voldemort is back. He showed up at Hogwarts and claimed he had kidnapped Dumbledore. We don't know this for sure, but going to check now. The Halloween Ball was taking place when he appeared with about a dozen Death Eaters. He initiated Draco as a Death Eater, and then disappeared with him. You already know about the prophecy, and we were expecting this to happen just not so soon. It is probably best for you to bring whomever you can find to Hogwarts. I'm afraid to say that the war that has been threatening to take place has started.


Remus jumped up from his spot and joined Sirius in collecting weapons and potions that they thought they might need. So much was to be done in very little time. If what Harry said were true, then the wizarding world would soon be in turmoil. Shared thoughts flitted across their minds of a time, not so long ago, when it had happened before. But this time would be different.


Lucius Malfoy sat at the desk in his study gazing with a smug smirk at the lower ranked Death Eaters in front of him.

"Do you understand what has been asked of you? Do you accept the orders as they have been given to you?"

The three men bowed their hood-covered heads. "Yes, sir."

A cruel grin spread across Lucius' sharp features. "Good. Proceed in your task. You may leave." He watched as the cloaked men left the room through the far left door. Lucius was in a particularly good mood for he had been told earlier that his son had finally taken up his legacy. Things seemed to be looking up.

Malfoy Manor had become the place of operations for Voldemort's minions. The rooms were filled with Death Eaters, each group with a different purpose. Some were spies, others were specialists in torture. It all varied. Now that Draco had joined, it would soon be time for them to put their plans into action.

Lucius was; therefore, pleasantly surprised to see his master, followed closely by his son, enter the study that he currently presided. He rose to greet Voldemort and respectfully bowed in his presence. "My Lord."

"Ah, Lucius. Just who I was looking for." Voldmort's razor-edged voice hissed through his thin lips. "I was beginning to think you were hiding from me."

"No, my Lord. Simply carrying out your wishes. I have arranged for the first phase of the plan to be carried out. It should start tomorrow." Lucius' eyes were starting to take on a malicious glint.

"Very good, Lucius. But on to more pressing matters." Voldemort steered Draco from behind him until he was directly in front of his father. "May I introduce you to the latest member of our little club."

Pride was clearly evident in Lucius' usual cold demeanor. "I had heard. I am very pleased, my Lord. I always knew that he would see reason and become loyal to you. He was always such a clever child."

Draco was observing this interaction between his new master and his father with a certain amount of interest. It seemed, to him, that Lucius was trying to sell him off like he was some fabulous new product. It just didn't sit right with what Draco knew of his father's way of thinking. He never paid Draco any compliment in his life, in front of Voldemort or anyone else. Something was awry, and he needed to figure out what it was.

Something is up. As soon as Voldemort leaves me alone, I need to find a way out of here and back to Hogwarts. Mione needs me and I have to let the others know what is being planned. Potter and Weasley need to be prepared to face what I already know is coming. The battle will begin tomorrow and we WILL be victorious.


Currently, Harry and Ron were standing in the Great Hall addressing a large forming crowd. News had spread far and wide of Dumbledore's now confirmed disappearance and of Voldemort's sudden visit to Hogwarts. Parents had been apparating in as well as others. The Great Hall was quickly filled to the brim with wizards and witches from all walks of life. All of them eagerly anticipating hearing what The Boy Who Lived had to say.

Harry, feeling overwhelmed by this responsibility, was overcome with relief to see Sirius making his way towards them.

Sirius engulfed Harry in a godfather-like hug. His eyes started twinkling when they fell on his godson. "Harry! We came as fast as we could. We're ready whenever you are." Voices rose in agreement with Sirius.

"We're with you, Harry!"

"You can count on us, Harry!"

Ron laid a hand on Harry's shoulder, which quickly brought him back to reality. He silently nodded his head at Ron's grave expression. They both knew what was expected of them and both were prepared to deliver. It was their fate to be the leaders of this ill-begotten war. He summoned a chair, and gathering his balance, stood upon it to speak to the crowd. Harry glanced around and saw the familiar faces of the Weasleys, Ludo Bagman, even Dedalus Diggle who he remembered from the Leaky Cauldron. This might take a while. He took a deep breath before beginning.

"I know why all of you are here. You have heard that Voldemort," gasps were heard at the sound of his name, "has captured Dumbledore. You have heard that Voldemort came here to collect his successor." Murmurs flitted through the crowd. "To my knowledge, both of these things are true. We have searched, and Professor Dumbledore is nowhere to be found." Sounds of surprise and shock emitted from the crowd. "However, you need not be afraid of Voldemort's successor. He has gone with him, but nevertheless, he is on our side." More sounds of surprise. "I must ask you to be strong. The only way to defeat Voldemort for good this time is to stay united. We are only as strong as our weakest person, and we must not let anything tear us asunder. You must be brave. You must have courage. But above all things, you must have hope. Hope that will give light in the darkest hours. Hope that shines through the despair. Hope that never gives up." All eyes were on Harry as they waited with bated breath for his next words. "Voldemort doesn't expect us to stand up to him when he makes his move. He will be counting on us to be disorganized and unsuspecting. We must prove him wrong. In my experience with Voldemort, I know that he would not do something like show up at Hogwarts without already being ready to attack at a moment's notice. My instincts tell me that it will be soon, very soon. We must be prepared." He peered over to where the teachers were standing. "I hope you are all in for a long night because there is much to be done."

Every head in the sea of people nodded without hesitation. They were tired of being scared, of being threatened, of being terrorized. It was time to fight back. It was time to take control. It was time to stand up against persecution. This time around they were going to be ready.

Harry, with Ron at his side, clapped his hands together. "Let us begin."