Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 10/29/2002
Updated: 02/15/2004
Words: 40,776
Chapters: 20
Hits: 38,412

What Once Could Never Be...


Story Summary:
After the summer between 5th and 6th year, Hermione comes back to Hogwarts having been abandoned by Ron and Harry for their girlfriends. Who will she turn to for comfort? Draco, of course. Little does she know that Draco is having problems of his own with his father, and they are involved in a prophecy that has to do with the war against Voldemort. The war of Light vs. Dark.

Chapter 14

Chapter Summary:
We pick up where we last left off with our heroes. Voldemort has effectively crashed the Halloween Ball while Hermione and Draco are standing outside. Draco knows what he has to do, but is Hermione ready to let him go?
Author's Note:
Thank you for all your reviews!

What Once Could Never Be...

Chapter 14: The Beginning is the End is the Beginning

Draco gasped at seeing his father's master standing in the Great Hall. The idea that he would be able to enter the grounds of Hogwarts was absurd. Yet, here Voldemort was. I don't understand why he is here. Where is Dumbledore?

Hermione was equally as shocked at seeing Voldemort in their midst. She glanced around and was relieved to find that Harry and Ron were no where to be seen. She gripped Draco's hand with her own as she turned to him. They walked away from the door. She kept her voice below a whisper as to not attract attention to themselves.

"Draco, what do we do?"

Draco shook his head to clear his thoughts before replying to Hermione. "I'm not sure what we can do. We need to wait and listen. Find out what he wants. There's no reason to burst into action and get killed yet."

Hermione, tears sliding gently down her cheeks, silently nodded her head. "You're right. We can't do anything now. I'm just glad we're safe for the moment."

Draco lifted Hermione's hand to his lips and pressed them against her fingertips. "Me too." He pulled her back over to where they could see what was happening.

Voldemort had taken to walking around the room, his wand still in attack position. He looked upon the students that stood before him. Some quivering in his presence while others gazed at him defiantly. He was silent as he glanced at each face until coming to the last one. He began to chuckle, a cold, scratching sound, as he made his way back to the middle of the room still surrounded by the Death Eaters.

"There seems to be a few students missing. A certain four, I believe."

Draco and Hermione stiffened at hearing this.

"It seems to me that they would be here, but I guess I was wrong. However, that does not make any difference. I'm sure many of you are asking yourselves what I am doing here and also how I was able to get in."

To this statement, many heads nodded. All eyes were on Voldemort waiting for his next words.

"I will answer that question, but only because I want you to go running home to mummy and daddy. They will no longer be able to protect you once I rule the wizarding world."

Some of the younger students looked almost petrified with fear. The older ones were not far off since it was apparent that they weren't safe at Hogwarts.

"I have captured your Headmaster Dumbledore and reversed the apparating block on Hogwarts."

The students gasped in shock. All at once, head glanced around the room and sure enough, every teacher was accounted for except the beloved headmaster. Subconsciously, the students took a step back.

"As to what I am doing here," his eyes seemed to fill with fire as he spoke the next words, "I have come to collect my successor."

Hermione pulled Draco away from the scene. Her voice was laced with fear and worry. "He can't mean you, can he?"

Draco looked grim and distraught. He gathered Hermione in his arms and pressed her against his chest. He lowered his head to whisper in her ear. "I have to go."

She struggled against his embrace. "No, Draco, you can't! You can't leave me!"

Draco pulled back to gaze into Hermione's tear-filled eyes. He lifted his hand and stroked her cheek. "Mione, I have to. You remember what Dumbledore said."

"No." Hermione shook her head with disbelief. "You were supposed to leave at Christmas. We had two more months together. You can't leave me now! I can't let you go!" She threw her arms around him and her body shook from the racking sobs escaping her.

He raised her face and placed a passionate kiss upon her lips. They let themselves get lost in the fiery kiss, both not wanting to think that it might be their last. Draco pulled away, but kept his arms around Hermione's waist. He pressed a gentle kiss upon her brow before looking down at her. "I promise that I will return to you. I love you."

Hermione nodded her head. "I love you, Draco."

Draco leaned down towards her. "Now listen to me very carefully. I want you to run back to the Entrance Hall and return to our rooms where you will be safe."

"No, I don't want to leave you."

"You have to. Now go!"

Hermione ran a few feet before stopping and turning to look back.

"Don't look back, just go, GO!"

Draco watched with a heavy heart as Hermione ran into the rose garden until he could no longer see her anymore. He knew very well that he might never see her again, but Merlin-willing, he would keep his promise. I will return to you, Mione. Even if I have to kill the Dark Lord myself.

He set his face with determination preparing to face Voldemort. He strode through the door into the Great Hall aware of everyone watching him. He walked with purpose over to where the Dark Lord was standing.

Voldemort gazed at Draco with a cruel smirk upon his lips. "Ahh, Draco. Just the person I wanted to see. So glad that you could join our little party."

Draco bowed his head respectfully. "My Lord." He locked eyes with Voldemort noting the glint in them. "You wanted to see me?"

"That I did, Young Malfoy." He took a breath before continuing his narration. "You see, I received word from your father that you would be joining our ranks come Christmas."

"Yes. I keep to my word."

"I have no doubt that you do. Fortunately, there have been a change of plans. Plans that involve you."

Draco waited for Voldemort to explain.

"I have been successful in my attempts to prepare for your ascension. However, my plans are ahead of schedule. You will receive your oaths now."

Draco gulped. He had not been prepared for this. "Now? My Lord, certainly you wish for everything to be exact. Are you sure that now is the time?"

The Death Eaters visibly tensed as they waited for the Dark Lord to release his anger on Draco. They knew he did not like for his authority to be questioned. They were, therefore, astonished to hear Voldemort chuckle with mirth.

"You sound just like me at your age. Yes, I am sure that now is the time."

Voldemort kneeled and the circle of Death Eaters surrounding Draco and himself followed. "Come here, Draco."

The entire Great Hall watched in silence as Draco complied. He crossed over and kneeled in front of Voldemort.

Voldemort conjured a dagger that he took hold of. Draco noted that it was the same dagger McNair had used to kill Hermione before Draco saved her. Voldemort raised the blade above his head and spoke an incantation. The dagger glowed bright red for a moment before returning to its normal state.

Voldemort grabbed Draco's arm and lowered the dagger to it. He cut against it leaving a red slash on Draco's left forearm. Draco watched his arm bleed, but could not feel any pain on account of the potion Snape had given the four. Voldemort cut his own arm and then pressed the wounds together. He muttered a few choice words, while Draco felt a tingle, binding his blood to Voldemort.

Voldemort let go of his arm and stood. Draco followed as well as the Death Eaters. "Now for phase two." Voldemort had a sadistic grin on his face as he motioned to a Death Eater on his right.

The Death Eater nodded before pointing his wand at the ground. On the spot, a muggle girl, no older than seven, appeared bound with rope. Pure fear was clearly written on her face.

Draco knew what he had to do. He had heard his father speaking about how the torture of a muggle was part of the ritual. I'm sorry, little girl. He stepped forward and raised his wand. "Crucio."

A jet of light burst from the end of his wand and hit the figure lying on the floor. The little girl withered in pain as she screamed out. Draco could feel the earth-shattering screams tear at his heart. It was a sound of such despair and pain that he felt they could be his own. He ended the spell before turning to Voldemort.

Voldemort had a look of cruel approval on his face as he nodded his head to Draco. "Very good, Draco" He motioned to the Death Eater again. The little girl and her racking sobs disappeared and the hall became silent once more.

Blood was dripping down Draco's arm as he felt the Dark Lord grasp it once again. He was holding it in front of him with his wand pointed at it. "You have proven your loyalty to me, Draco. You have been chosen to join me, and you will be rewarded with the Dark Mark."

At these words, a jet of black escaped the tip of Voldemort's wand. It struck Draco's forearm and the familiar sight of the skull and the serpent appeared there. Draco looked up to see Voldemort grinning at him like the madman he was.

"You have done well, Young Malfoy. We will now leave to discuss other things." He whipped his cloak around him and gripped Draco's shoulder. "Come!" With that, Voldemort along with Draco and the Death Eaters vanished into thin air.


Hermione continued to run without stopping until she reached the wing of the castle she shared with her two best friends and Draco. Stop thinking about Draco! You're only going to hurt yourself more. You knew he would have to leave sooner or later. It just turned out to be sooner. He WILL come back.

She collapsed on the couch in the elegant common room and cried until she had nothing left in her. She only sat up when she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She started when she saw Harry's face peering over her, Ron standing behind him.

"What's wrong, Hermione? Did something happen? Where's Draco?"

Hermione looked shocked. "What do you mean? Don't you know?"

Ron looked confused. "Know what? We came back here to get something from Harry's room and we heard you come bursting in."

She stood up and threw her arms around her two friends and continued to sob. "Oh Ron! It was awful!" She drew in a breath between sobs. "Voldemort came! And he had Death Eaters with him! He said he had captured Dumbledore!"

Harry and Ron took Hermione in their arms as she continued to explain through her tears.

"Then, he said he came to get his successor! Draco promised me he would come back, and then he made me run!"

She looked up at her two friends, her cheeks soaked. "Oh Harry! Draco had to go with Voldemort!"

Harry looked resolute and Ron looked anxious at her statement. Harry started to pace the room as Ron held Hermione close and let her cry.

Ron looked over at his best friend already knowing the answer to his question, but still wanting to hear it from Harry. "What do we do?"

Harry stopped pacing and locked eyes with Ron. "We do what we have to do. The only thing we can do. We fight."

A/N: So how was it? I know it took a long time, but it's all for the best because I'm very pleased with how it came out. How do you think they should fight Voldemort? I'm always open for suggestions. I'm thinking that this will probably be a 20 chapter story, but that's just an estimation. I'll also be working on my other story, "Return to Eden." Hope you enjoyed! PLEASE R/R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I recommend "A Long December" by: Sirena Brown. If you like my story, you might like this one.