The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 11/13/2002
Updated: 04/19/2005
Words: 88,837
Chapters: 22
Hits: 14,802

Return to Eden


Story Summary:
Hermione takes up Draco on his offer to join the dark side after a horrific tragedy and learning about her past. Sparks will fly between them as they work together under Voldemort But what will become of her friendship with Harry and Ron?

Chapter 18

Chapter Summary:
Draco continues to deal with his grief over Blaise's death until something miraculous happens. Ron has been taken into custody by the Ministry and we will learn his fate. The outcome of the baby is revealed and Ginny has a moment. Lucius and Narcissa reappear, one distraught and the other disturbed.
Author's Note:
Thank you for your reviews!

Return to Eden

Chapter 18: In The End

In the prefects' bathroom, steam was rising off the water lapping in the tub while a figure reclined against the tiled wall. The blonde boy was using all his strength just to stay upright as he slowly made his way to the edge.

Draco's grief had taken everything out of him. Even thinking seemed to take more effort than he was willing to give at this point. So, he let everything drift out of his brain to join the hot air swirling around the room, fogging up all the mirrors.

The water turned his naturally pale skin a nice shade of pink as he slid into the bath. Hermione had insisted he take one, that it would make him feel better. It didn't matter though because there was absolutely nothing that could make him feel better. Especially so soon.

The Head Girl had whispered soothing words of comfort to him as she'd escorted him to the bathroom. It'd been very difficult to remove him from the hospital wing, but Snape had done it forcefully once he'd broken past the charm blocking the door. The older man had been in no mood to deal with his Slytherin Head Boy after his talk with Dumbledore, but the Potions Master sympathized. After finally prying Draco from the beside vigil he'd been keeping, he had turned the care over to Hermione. Even though she still felt unable to do much, she'd ran his bath water in silence and then let him have some privacy.

He rested his head against the edge of the tub as his eyes began to droop, letting the warmth soak into his skin. It felt like flying in a light summer rainstorm. Just as he was beginning to drift off, a sharp chill shot down his spine making him jerk up and splash water across the tile floor.

"You've got to stop being so jumpy, Dev. It's bad for the nerves."


He spun around in the water to take in the figure standing behind him near the doorway to the bathroom. A stately young woman with her raven hair flowing down in soft waves was there in a beautiful silk gown the color of cherries. With a sparkle in her amethyst eyes, she lifted one perfectly-arched eyebrow in his direction.


It was her.


Draco shot back as far away from her as the tub would allow and he gripped the opposite edge like it was the only thing standing between him and certain death. His eyes snapped shut and he began mumbling under his breath.

"It's not real, it's not real, it's not real, it's not real..."

The heels of her red satin shoes clicked on the tile floor as she walked around the bath to the other side. Bending down, she let her hand glide smoothly over his shoulder before giving his bicep a sharp pinch.


His eyes flew open to meet her bemused expression as he rubbed the abused spot on his arm. Realizing the significance of the action, Draco's eyes grew to comical proportions.

"But y-you're, aren't you dead?"

Blaise graced him with a patient smile as she rose to her full height. "Oh, I am. Morally, ethically, spiritually, physically, positvely, absolutely, undeniably and reliably dead."

Draco smirked at the familiar phrase. It was a well-known fact to him that the Zabinis were not as aversed to Muggle culture and Muggleborns as his own family. Blaise had a few half-blood cousins who had introduced her to Muggle films and she had found them fascinating. Afterwards, she began making Draco watch them with her occasionally and The Wizard of Oz was her favorite. He would grumble about 'Muggle propaganda' as she dragged him along, but truthfully, he had enjoyed them. One time after watching it, they flew around on their brooms shouting silly things like 'I'll get you, my pretty!' and 'Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!'

If she was quoting Wizard of Oz, it was definitely her.

The shock of seeing his dead best friend walking around like it was nothing more than a scratch was beginning to subside and he took the time to appraise her. She looked more than beautiful; it was like she glowed with an inner light. He recognized the dress as the one she'd worn to the Christmas Ball her parents had held the year before. Everything about her was flawless and he could only think of one word to describe it: ethereal.

The blonde's eyes were fixed on her as he lifted himself out of the bath and reached for a towel hanging on a hook nearby. Wrapping it around his waist, he sauntered towards her with slow, measured steps. Tentatively, he lifted his hand and reached for her, letting his palm cup her fully-tangible cheek. She was real. He had his best friend back. Tears began brimming in his eyes and forgetting his wetness along with his nakedness, Draco drew her into his arms and pulled her close with the full strength of his grip. It was probably a good thing she didn't need to breathe.

"You're really here," he gasped.


Remembering himself, he pulled back and found her eyes peering into his intently, her violet gaze never wavering.

"How?" He tripped over the word even as he spoke it.

She retreated from his embrace with a wary expression decorating her face. Crossing her arms over her chest, she met his questioning stare with determination in her stance.

"It's complicated."

Draco couldn't believe his ears. "Complicated?! Well, uncomplicate it!"

Exasperated, Blaise let her arms fall to her sides, blowing out a breath of air as she did so. "Do you remember what happened on the pitch? Before AND after my fall?"

"Yeah, Weasley killed you and then I tried to kill him."

The raven-haired girl shook her head as she chuckled at his unawareness. "Not even close, Dev." Waving her hand, a small red velvet couch appeared against the wall of the spacious room. Blaise crossed over to it and took a seat patting the cushion next to her. Once Draco was seated by her side, she took his hand and held it between both of hers on her lap. "Listen closely, I have much to tell you."

Watching her curiously, he nodded his assent for her to continue.

"I felt him, Draco. Through all the din of the match, I felt him react to you and Hermione. That's why I flew in front of that bludger." Seeing his internal sadness reflecting within the deep gray pools of his eyes, she held up a hand to stop any forthcoming questions he wanted to ask. "Don't you see? I protected you and that is what's important." She looked very childlike and frail at that moment and the memory of her falling off her broom flashed through Draco's mind before he shook it away. Cupping his cheek with her small hand, she offered him a watery smile with no regret upon her face. "I wouldn't have been able to live had you been killed. Don't let my sacrifice and the sacrifice of one of my unborn children go to waste by letting yourself fade out of this life."

Disbelief and surprise passed over his face in quick succession. "Is that why you're here?"

"Yes. In the spirt world, you can sense your loved ones. Draco, your will to live was almost non-existent so I came to you." She took a moment to collect her thoughts as she glanced down at his hand still intwined with her own. "The kind of unselfishness I exhibited upon my death does not go unrewarded when you pass from this world into the next. I have been made your guardian."

"My what?!"

"You and Hermione are showing signs of something crucial, something that goes beyond even what wizarding scholars know of the world you live in. I saw the increase in your power when you went after the Weasley boy. That's only the beginning and each of you will have a guide to help you with the many changes your lives will undergo. I am yours and only you can see and touch me. That's how it works."

"What about -"

"She doesn't have one yet. When her powers develop more fully, she'll receive a guardian, but not me."


The bewildered look on his face spoke volumes to how he was taking the news, and as she was trying to discern just how much he'd understood, he was reviewing the last few minutes of their conversation in his head when he suddenly picked up on something she'd said. He jumped off the couch like he'd been sitting on a spring.

"ONE?! What do you mean ONE of your unborn children?! You were having more than one baby?!"

Blaise groaned as she buried her face in her hands. "You never were one to stay on topic, were you?"

"Don't try to change the subject. Let's hear it." Putting on his distinctive scowl, he glared at her full-force.

Relenting, she sighed. "Fine. I come into this world to talk to you about guardians and the next step while trying to convince you not to wither away and you want to talk about my problems. Typical. Well, here's the deal: I was pregnant with twins. Girls, to be exact, and one survived the fall while the other did not. I'm sure Pomfrey will probably tell you as much once you're finished with your bath."

The clogs in Draco's mind were spinning rapidly as he digested this bit of information. "Wait. Twins aren't very common. In fact, I only know of three pureblooded families who had twins born to them. The Weasleys, the Patils, and Hermione's aunt Kerry." Draco glanced at Blaise and discovered her doing a very good impression of a deer caught in headlights.

Patient, pleading voice at the ready, he exhaled. "Blaise, please tell me you didn't sleep with one of the Weasels."

She instantly dropped her eyes to her lap and started smoothing out an imaginary wrinkle on her dress. "I can't tell you that," she replied in a near whisper.

The blood in his veins started boiling at her admission and he was just about to start shouting until she lifted her gaze to meet his own. All his self-righteous anger melted from him when he saw the broken glimmer shining in her eyes of violet.

"Please, don't. What good will it do?" Her soft voice caught when she spoke.

Nodding, he settled back down next to her and gathered her against him. He let himself slip back into the big-brother persona he sometimes used with her and put her death at the back of his mind. Smoothing back her hair, his fingers played with the waves he found there as she laid her head upon his shoulder.

"Tell me."

Her tone was fragile as she conveyed her story. "Ian, that former Ravenclaw I'd been seeing, broke it off with me back in June before the marks for final exams came out. I snuck out of the castle and flooed to the Leaky Cauldron from Hogsmeade. I was just looking for the fastest way to make me forget. Ian would never be you and I think he knew that. It was like a double-dose of rejection." She sighed, a delicate, breathy sound of sorrow. "Anyway, Bill was already there. He and Fleur had apparently had a fight and she'd called off the engagement. We talked some, mostly about how love is the pits. After a long row of drinks, he and I found a room to comfort each other in. I was up and out before he ever woke up. A few days later, I heard through the grapevine that he and Fleur had made up and the wedding was back on. Once I finally came to terms with my condition, he'd already said 'I do' and there was no way I could just ruin someone's life like that. Especially over a one-night stand he probably doesn't remember. That's why I kept the father's identity from you." Unexpectedly, a light chuckle escaped her. "It's really my own fault for forgetting how prolific the Weasley brood seems to be. I hear Fleur's already carrying their first child."

Draco squeezed her shoulder gently as he dropped a light kiss on her temple, the same one that had been struck. "No, Blaise. You mustn't blame yourself. Hermione and I will make sure the remaining baby is well taken care of. I promise."

She stood without warning and turned around to face him. Tears were falling from her eyes, but without leaving a trail of wetness in their wake. "You're too good to me, Draco. You were my greatest love and you always will be, but I've lost my chance." She smiled. "You have Hermione now and she's good for you. Take care of her and don't let history repeat itself."

Taking her by the hand, he tried his best not to let his emotions show. "I won't."

"It's time for me to go, now. Before I forget, you need to go back to Malfoy Manor and take Hermione with you. Things will become clearer upon your arrival."

He pulled her into his arms once again. "When will I see you again?"

"Probably when you least expect it," she whispered against his neck as she rubbed his shoulder.

"I'll miss you, not seeing you every day and sharing everything together."

Blaise drew back and gazed at him in melancholy thought. Her eyes seemed distant from him even though she was looking straight into his own. She pushed back a lock of his hair that was falling across his forehead.

"I know this is hard on you. And I know you loved me in your own way, but please, live your life. If not for yourself, then for me, for Hermione, for your mother and father and all the people around you. In the end, we are but memories in the minds of the lives we've touched. That is how we live on."

Draco nodded and she gave him one last smile.

The next thing he knew, he was back in the tub and the room was still swirling with steam. He blinked a few times before complete consciousness returned to him and he remembered nearly drifting off shortly after settling in the water. "Oh, Merlin." He could feel the tears beginning to bubble back up. "It was just a dream."

Nearly overcome with shock, it took two trys before he was able to lift himself out of the sunken tub. He grabbed a towel off the rack and was about to dwindle back down to a mess of emotions when he saw it. A message left on one of the fogged mirrors by somebody dragging their finger.

Be seeing you, Dev.


Arthur Weasley was in a daze.

He was currently looking into the scared face of his son through the magical window between him and the interrogation room. He had been summoned by the Magical Law Enforcement as soon as they had returned from Hogwarts.

Thomas Toflen, head of the retrieval team, had taken him aside and explained the situation as they had found it. Apparently, Ron had unintentionally killed one of his schoolmates while trying to seriously harm another. Arthur shook his head as he recalled the conversation with the young magical enforcer.

The Weasley temper was legendary, but his youngest son seemed to have been given the largest dose. Throw that in with the amount of jealousy he frequently displayed, and Arthur knew it would one day get Ron into serious trouble. However, he didn't imagine it would be on this scale.

Hearing the door open and close behind him shook him from his contemplation and Arthur turned to face the Head of Magical Law Enforcement herself, Ms. Amelia Bones.

"Good day, Arthur."

The flustered wizard slightly tipped his head in greeting. "Madam Bones."

The rather tall witch removed the cloak and hat she'd been wearing and placed them on the back of a nearby chair. Smoothing down her short, gray hair, she took a seat and indicated that Arthur should do the same. The witch smiled at him, lessening some of his anxiety.

"Mr. Toflen sent me a memo saying your son was being held in custody. I'm afraid I've been in the courtrooms all week, Wizengamot business, and I've been having to hand my duties over to the patrol officers."

She pulled out the monocle she wore and placed it in front of her eye, peering closely at the fidgeting boy on the other side of the window. Sighing, she turned back to her colleague who now a worried father. "It's a bad thing your son has done, but I don't believe it was premeditated. By Mr. Toflen's report, it seems the boy simply reacted to the situation. The same way Ms. Zabini did when she saw the bludger heading for her friend."

Arthur swallowed past the lump lodged in his Adam's apple. "What is going to happen to my son?"

Shaking her head, Amelia glanced back at Ron through the glass. "I wish I could say for sure, but there's no way to tell. For now, he'll be kept here, at the Ministry, in one of our cells until a trial date can be arranged before the Wizengamot. I don't see him being a serious threat so there's no reason to send him to Azkaban right this minute. It'll be light confinement and he can continue to do his schoolwork."

Arthur seemed to take this as a blessing from Merlin. "Thank you, Madam Bones."

A grim smile passed across her face as she dismissed the redheaded man from the holding chambers with a wave of her hand. "Don't thank me yet, Arthur."


Meanwhile on the other side of the glass, Ron was sitting on pins and needles waiting for his fate to be handed down. Whatever the verdict, it wouldn't be nearly as bad as what his own mind and conscience was putting him through.

He kept replaying the whole scene in his head, but his rage and his shock had been so great at the time that only flashes bled into his memory.

Red and black and white.

No, that's not right.

Black soaked with red.

Red flowing against white.

And then, hot light.

Beautiful, dangerous white lightning.

Hermione standing with her wand drawn.

Professor Dumbledore's saddened face.

It was all a blur of feelings.








And sadness.

A terrible sadness that was cold in his bones, twisting the marrow until he wanted to scream from his soul and rip his vocal chords in half. A thickened grief permeating through his blood turning it black in its wake.

And the worst feeling of all.


A hollow shell of regret in a body filled with horror.

He'd taken a life. With his own gross negligence and stupidity, he'd been the cause of a girl's death. A girl who had done nothing but try and protect her best friend.

The sickening taste of vomit throbbed at the back of his throat, but he swallowed it down. He'd thrown up already on the Floo to the Ministry from Hogwarts. Those fireplaces were really not the best way to travel when you were suffering from an enormous amount of guilt by realizing you'd killed someone.

Suddenly, the door opened and a woman who Ron had only seen once after the battle at the Ministry in fifth year walked in. If he hadn't seen her before, he would have known her by reputation. It was Madam Bones.

"Hello, Mr. Weasley."

"Madam Bones," he greeted as cordially as possible in the situation.

Taking the seat opposite, she observed the pale redhead with a critical eye. "I'm sure you're wondering why I am here considering that Mr. Toflen did the initial interrogation and has already written up the report along with filing charges."

"Yes, Madam Bones."

"I'm here for two reasons," she explained. "First of all, I want to make sure you understand what you have confessed to."

"Madam Bones, I AM guilty. I can plead no other admission to the charges. I am willing to take whatever punishment I deserve."

"Yes, well, we must take circumstances into consideration. I'm not sure when your trial will take place, but it'll hopefully be soon. For now, you'll be taken to lockup and be given a cell there. You will still be able to finish your schoolwork, thanks to Dumbledore speaking for you."

Ron nodded.

Amelia waved her hand and Mr. Toflen, the man in charge of the investigation, came into the room and began to lead him away. The older man held the redhead by the elbow as they entered the elevator and the cool, female voice announced when they had reached the second level. As he escorted the boy to his cell, the man silently shook his head to himself.

Just as he was about to close the magical glass pane that separated the cell from the walkway, he decided to ask his question.

"Was it worth it?"

The redhead looked up from where he was inspecting the contents of the small space. "What?"

"The schoolboy rivalry you had with the young Mr. Malfoy?"

A haunted expression crossed his freckled features and his response was barely audible.



Far away from the Ministry back at Hogwarts, the youngest Weasley was in a vastly different state of mind.

Ginny was worried about her brother, true, but she had to come down on the side of Draco and Hermione for this. Ron had had no business swinging that bludger in their direction, and as far as she was concerned, he'd let his temper get the best of him. What was she supposed to do? She'd been on the other side of the field when it had happened and she, like most of the school, had watched it play out in front of her.

It was time to stop defending her brother. There was no point anymore.

She'd received an owl from her father saying Ron was being kept in holding. Her mother had been, of course, devastated and felt like the Slytherins were once again after her children by blaming it on Ron. Ginny balked at her mother's blindness and realized there was nothing she could do to change the situation. Mrs. Weasley would continue living in the world as she saw it and not as it really was.

Support from her friends at school was limited.

Ginny had been cut off from most of her own year since she'd joined in the Ministry battle. She was still close with Luna, but Ginny didn't think this was something she could discuss with someone who wore Mandrake earrings. Lavender and Parvati were too shallow to have a serious discussion with, and Harry was out of the question. He'd been sneaking off the last day or so and was nowhere to be found. Her only choice would probably be her best one if lines hadn't been drawn in the sand.


So here she was, pacing up and down the corridors of the castle looking for her former best friend.

Unexpectedly, her feet led her in the direction of the hospital wing. Even though Draco had finally been taken away and Blaise's body had been released to her parents, she felt like Hermione was here for some reason. She entered the hospital wing, but no one was there. The silence in the sterile room was unnerving and she started to turn and leave when she noticed something that wasn't there before.

A door had been created on the left side of the room opposite where Madam Pomfrey kept her quarters. Taken by the impulse, she reached out and opened the door. A small nursery had been set up inside and Hermione was sitting off in the corner in a rocking chair with a baby in her arms. Smiling, Hermione waved her forward while indicating that she should keep her voice low.

Glancing down, Ginny got her first glimpse of the Zabini baby. She was adorable. With jet black hair and bright blue eyes, she was the spitting image of her mother. She was just beginning to drift off to sleep when Hermione finally spoke.

"Ginny, I'd like for you to meet Madison Jade."

"Oh, she's precious."

"Yes, she is." Once the baby had finally shut her eyes, Hermione rose from the rocking chair and placed the baby in the bassinet, careful not to disturb the little one's slumber.

"I didn't expect to find you here."

"Well, someone had to watch the baby. Draco's not ready to deal with anything at the moment, and I don't think infant care is Pomfrey's area of expertise." Hermione smirked, something she'd picked up from being around the Slytherins. "I had younger cousins."

"Oh," Ginny sighed. "That makes sense." She joined Hermione on the small couch against the adjoining wall and peered at her friend curiously. "Was Blaise full to term when she fell?"

"Oh, no. Not even close. Once Madam Pomfrey magically extracted Madison from Blaise's womb, she gave the baby a drop of Aging Potion to speed her develop and here she is, six weeks old and perfectly healthy." Hermione was smiling slightly, but it seemed forced.


The Head Girl drew in a shuddering breath as she pushed back her tears. "But we couldn't save the other baby, Haley Renee. She was on the side that Blaise landed on. They sent her with Blaise to be buried."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Hermione. That's awful." The redhead had a sudden thought. "How did you know what to name them?

Hermione sighed. "Blaise and I had talked about it a few weeks ago. She told me which names she liked best for boys and for girls." Her eyes became distant as she glanced over to where the sleeping baby lay. "I miss her."

Ginny went to her friend and gave her a comforting hug. "I know. I just want to let you know that I'm here for you, no matter what has passed between us."

"Okay, Ginny." Hermione pulled back and wiped her watery eyes with her sleeve. "Oh, Merlin. I must look dreadful. I'm sorry. Was there something you needed to talk about?"

Ginny just smiled and shook her head. Anything she needed to say could wait until later.

Without warning, Draco came bursting through the door half-dressed looking like he'd just fallen out of bed. His eyes were full of alarm and Hermione was taken aback by his rapid change in demeanor and was immediately put on guard.

"What's wrong?"

The blonde boy completely disregarded the Weasley girl and looked straight at his girlfriend. "We're leaving. Now."

"WHAT?! And going where?"

"Home, to Malfoy Manor. We need to get there as soon as possible."

"Why, Draco? What's going on?"

Then, the baby started crying.

Draco, unaware of the baby's presence, comprehended what it meant. Hermione held her breath as he trudged over to the bassinet and scooped Madison up into his arms. He smiled when the baby calmed.

"She's perfect."

When Madison opened her big blue eyes and peered at him through her long dark lashes, he froze. No one in the Zabini family had ever had blue eyes. Violet and green were the norm in their bloodline. Thinking quickly to himself, Draco realized he needed to conceal this fact for as long as possible. If anyone found out the paternity of this baby, they would try to take her away from him and Hermione.

"We need to hurry. We're taking the baby with us."

"Wha -, Draco, I don't understand."

Ginny tried to intercede. "Malfoy, I don't think -"

The glare he gave the redhead was enough to let her know that he was unconcerned with anything she had to say.

With a last glance at Hermione, he wrapped Madison in a thick blanket and tucked her against his shoulder. He stopped in the doorway and called back, "I'm leaving in an hour. With or without you." His robe swirled behind him as left.

Sending an apologetic look at Ginny, Hermione hurried after him.


Narcissa Malfoy was a quivering mess of emotions when her husband came home from work.

She'd just received two owls.

The first was from Blaise's mother, explaining the girl's death and when the funeral arrangements would be held.

The second was a disjointed and hastily-written account from her son detailing his perspective of the event and his decision to return home as soon as possible.

She showed both letters to her husband as soon as he apparated into his study. She'd been sitting there waiting for him because she just didn't know what else to do. The realization that a girl she considered a daughter was now gone was more than Narcissa was prepared to deal with after the shock of finding Hermione had caused.

Once Lucius saw the letters, he dismissed Narcissa from his study, telling her to go upstairs and rest. He was visibly upset after reading them.

After she left, he flooed the Dark Lord where he was staying. He replied in record time and soon, the Dark Lord's head was bobbing above the flames.

"Yes, Lucius?"

"My Lord, many things have occured."

"Yes, I've been informed about the death of the Zabini girl. It's a tragedy to be sure."

Sighing, Lucius took a seat in his desk chair beside the fireplace. "And Draco is coming home. He wants to be here when they bury her. They've been close for as long as I can remember. There was also mention of a child in Draco's letter. Miss Zabini's baby."

"That is interesting indeed, Lucius."

The Malfoy patriarch was decidedly ruffled over the Dark Lord's nonchalance at his news. "My Lord, the chain of events are certain. Things have been set in motion that we have no hope of stopping. Are you sure it was the right thing to do sending those two Death Eaters to decimate the dorm of the Head Girl? Will it really accomplish anything?"

"Yes, Lucius, and I must ask you to stop questioning my decisions. Discord among peers is just what that school needs and Hufflepuffs are known for holding grudges. Just when the school is ready to fall apart, they will look for leadership. Your son will hold them by their hairs." The Dark Lord inhaled deeply through his nose and let out a great breath of satisfaction. "Everything is going as I planned."

Author notes: Okay, people. Wouldn't you agree that this is a better chapter? Happier? More upbeat? Well, don't get used to it! (I'm just kidding. Really.) The first thing I have to say about this chapter is that I put some of my cards down, but just because I've answered some questions doesn't I want you guys to stop trying to figure out what will happen next. Reading the reviews for this story is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. (Insert Forrest Gump Disclaimer here.) Second, I know most of you desperately want Ron to suffer beyond any question of a doubt, and he is. Okay, yeah, his punishment so far is probably not what you were expecting, but I happen to believe when a good person does something terrible, his/her own mind will be the worst punishment that anyone can conceive. So, just stay with me on this one. Next order of business is the father of Blaise's baby. It IS Bill and I will do nothing in the future to contradict this. It is a fact even if Draco tries to forget it. And yes, Death Eaters were behind the dorm fiasco. Why you might ask, well, you'll have to stick around to find out. But if you think they'll be the ones blamed for it, then you're off your rocker. grin I think that's it for chapter notes, you know the drill. Please R/R!

Otherwise, I must say I was rather astonished by the response I received from my last author's note. I've been in contact with some of you and it gives me great joy as a budding author that so many people enjoy my work. You guys are the best. And as suggested by someone, I've created a Yahoo group as a way for me to keep in touch with readers easier and for the readers to have a direct line to me. You can find more information about the group (like chapter previews) on its main page and you can find the link to the group on my author page here on this site.

I want to say thank you to everyone who has read and review and given me support. You guys are why I write fanfiction and I would be lost without you. Special thanks for this chapter go to Alicia (Keys3303) who named the babies for me and came up with adorably fitting ones, and Elle (LadyEruke) and Jessica (PinkTribeChick) for helping me with a few paragraphs that didn't seem to flow right. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Alright, this author's note has gone on long enough. I will now say adieux and don't forget to review!