The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 11/13/2002
Updated: 04/19/2005
Words: 88,837
Chapters: 22
Hits: 14,802

Return to Eden


Story Summary:
Hermione takes up Draco on his offer to join the dark side after a horrific tragedy and learning about her past. Sparks will fly between them as they work together under Voldemort But what will become of her friendship with Harry and Ron?

Chapter 11

Chapter Summary:
Hermione learns how McGonagall figures into the Rosier clan. Harry and Ron visit Professor Dumbledore who is less than forthcoming. Draco deals with Hermione's absence in his own way. Blaise makes an appearance. Lucius gets Dumbledore's letter and an unexpected visitor. Someone else makes an appearance and unknowingly finds out Hermione's true identity. What will they do with this new knowledge?
Author's Note:
Thank you so much for your reviews!

A/N: Thank you so much for all the lovely reviews. I couldn't do this without your continuous support. This chapter will be somewhat important in the long run. I'm warning you now though, it's brimming with angst. Everybody's kind of brooding in their own little corners. No peeking ahead! Now, here's the next chapter for your viewing pleasure. PLEASE R/R!!!!

Disclaimer: Do I really have to repeat myself? I don't own it!!

Return to Eden

Chapter 11: Wishing I Was There

Hermione gaped for some time at the professor she admired before coming to her senses. Professor McGonagall silently stood there waiting for Hermione to process this new information. It seemed to take longer than she would have expected from the bright girl, but from Lucius' letter, she had been having more than her share of shocks in just the last few days.

Hermione snapped back to attention once she realized she was about to be left at the platform. McGonagall had floated her luggage onto a trolley and was standing next to the barrier preparing to go through. Hermione walked over and accompanied her as they pushed the trolley into King's Cross.

She had tons of questions for McGonagall, but she started with a simple one first. "How are you my aunt?"

They continued to make their way out of the station, as McGonagall appeared to contemplate the answer. She glanced at Hermione with a sad look in her eyes before she responded.

"The simple answer to that would be to merely say I am your grandmother's sister. There were four girls in our family, which explains why there are no more Bromleys. Catherine was second eldest, and I was the youngest. After we all married, the name was no more."

"I had never heard of the Bromleys before Draco informed me about my grandmother, but I had no idea that was your maiden name as well." By now they had exited the building and were now standing on a Muggle street in London. McGonagall hailed a taxi, and they climbed in while the driver loaded up the suitcases. She let the man know her destination before turning back to Hermione and picking up the conversation.

"So, you've been talking to Draco Malfoy, have you?" Her answer was a nod. "Well, I assume you know quite a bit about your family then."

"Yes. Narcissa and Draco have been telling me what they know about my family, but it's been mostly information on the Rosiers. Tell me about your family." Hermione looked down before muttering. "I didn't even know you were married." She looked back up when she heard McGonagall chuckling.

"Some things never change. If I believed half the stuff you students do, I'd be an old spinster and Neville Longbottom would be in love with his toad." She shook her head at the thought.

The taxi pulled up in front of a two-story house in a nice neighborhood. They clambered out of the vehicle and waited for the driver to unload the luggage. McGonagall paid him and they watched him steer away before making their way up the walk with the suitcases in-between them.

McGonagall entered first into the foyer with Hermione entering close behind. They set the baggage next to the foot of the stairs. Hermione followed as McGonagall disappeared around a corner and across the sitting room. She entered a comfy looking kitchen where McGonagall was banging around in the cabinets.

"I know it's quite late, but I thought you might like some tea before I leave you to bed. You'll be staying in the guest room upstairs until we both go back to Hogwarts. Why don't you take a seat?"

Hermione sat in the proffered chair. She was starting to feel tired as the events of the day washed over like a tidal wave. As all the thoughts jumbled around in her head, she decided a cup of tea sounded good.

McGonagall approached her with two steaming cups. She set one down in front of Hermione before taking a seat across from her. A grave expression decorated the older woman's face as she observed her student sip demurely from the cup.

"I know it seems that all this has happened rather quickly, and you're probably still trying to wrap your head around it. But, I'd like to tell you a story."

Hermione nodded to indicate that she was listening. McGonagall leaned back in her chair with a faraway look in her eyes before beginning.

"As I've already told you, there were four girls in our family: Elizabeth, Catherine, Diana, and myself. We weren't particularly close since there were several years between each of us, and we were very different people. Our parents encouraged our independence from each other, but we were still sisters and learned to rely on each other when it came down to it."

A wistful smile spread on her lips as she continued. "Elizabeth was the first to go to Hogwarts and was sorted into Hufflepuff. For three years, she came home each vacation and spoke about how wonderful school was. She was in her fourth year by the time Catherine arrived. Everybody was shocked when she was sorted into Slytherin. Two sisters, one in Hufflepuff and one in Slytherin; it was unheard of. The surprise only grew when two years later, Diana was sorted into Ravenclaw. By then, Elizabeth was nearly through with school."

McGonagall shook her head as if clearing her mind of the cobwebs. "There were four years between Diana and myself, and I hated being the last all the time. While they were off learning potions and visiting Hogsmeade, I was at home by myself with my parents. I think that was the first time I really appreciated my sisters, but I'm getting off topic."

"I finally started at Hogwarts. The sorting hat dropped over my head, and even before the hat spoke to me, I knew which house I would be in. The headmaster at that time said he had never seen or heard anything like it: four sisters, one in each house."

"I hardly ever saw Catherine or Diana except at meals or on the train ride home. Before too long, I was the only Bromley girl at Hogwarts, but this time I felt better about being left behind. I had met a boy."

"He was in my house and was two years older than me. Alan was the most enchanting person I had ever met. He was just fun to be around and always thought of others. He played Keeper on the house team and was a prefect."

"He graduated, but he promised that he wouldn't lose touch. I'm happy to say it was a promise he kept. He wrote to me the whole time he was going through his Auror training, and every once in a while, he would visit me at school when he could get away. During Easter holidays of my seventh year, I introduced him to my parents who were pleased to finally meet him. Before I got back on the train to Hogwarts, he asked me to marry him. I, of course, said yes."

"We married shortly after I graduated in a small ceremony for family and close friends. He was only a few months from being finished with his training, and my parents bought us this house to live in while he completed it. We were so happy together."

A single tear crept its way down McGonagall's cheek. "We had been married a little over two years when Alan was assigned to an Auror team. Deaths were littering the wizarding world and nobody had discovered anything yet. The Ministry sent out several teams to investigate. Soon, news of a dark wizard named Grindelwald spread. Alan's team was one of the many instructed to find and capture him."

"One night, a death had been reported and his team was sent to deal with it. It was supposed to be just a routine check-through and collection, but when they arrived, Grindelwald was waiting for them. He put up a good fight, but it wasn't until Dumbledore showed up that he was defeated. Nearly half the team had been killed in the struggle including my Alan."

"So, there I was, barely twenty and already a widow. I didn't know what to do with myself after Alan died. One day, almost six months later, Dumbledore came to see me. He had been appointed the new headmaster at Hogwarts and wanted me to come teach. He had been my Transfiguration teacher while at Hogwarts and proclaimed me as his best student. I took him up on the offer since there was nothing left for me. I went to Hogwarts soon after and have been there ever since."

Hermione had sat quietly during the professor's story. Once she was finished, her admiration for this woman reached new heights after learning all that she had been through. It was devastating to think of the loss she had suffered. Hermione didn't know whether or not she would have ever been able to overcome it.

McGonagall's weariness showed as she rose from her chair and put up the now empty cups. She led Hermione out of the kitchen and up the stairs as she floated the luggage up in front of her. She came to a stop in front of the guest room door and let the bags float inside. Hermione came up beside her and looked into the room.

It was plain, but it looked welcoming with simple oak furniture and off-white walls. She moved to go in, but McGonagall blocked her way. Her fast forming frown melted when she noticed the worry etched on the older woman's face.

"Before you go to bed, there's one last thing I want to say. I told that story to you for a reason. The things that have been piled on you are astonishing I know, but you have to remember that you can't change the past so there's no use wasting time dwelling on it. What happened happened and couldn't have happened any other way. You simply have to accept it." She moved from the door and gave a slight nod. "I'll see you in the morning."

Hermione watched her retreat down the hallway before entering the room. All the thoughts swirling around in her mind threatened to quell the exhaustion that was fast overtaking her. After closing the door and turning off the light, she lowered herself on the bed and stared off into the distance with the darkness surrounding her.


Draco was barely restraining the urge to throw things as he listened to his parents and Hermione exit the entrance hall. As soon as the door clicked, he succumbed to the impulse and started pitching every breakable item he could lay his hands on at his door. Soon, a variety of shattered objects littered the rug-covered floor.

He collapsed back on his bed, angry tears streaming down his cheeks. He lay there for several minutes before wiping his eyes and walking towards the door. He kneeled next to a pile of broken glass and began shifting through it, uncaring of the shards digging into his hands.

He found the key he had been keeping in a glass box and set it on his desk. Stepping back from the desk, he reached for a velvet rope that hung by the head of his bed and pulled. A house-elf was summoned to clean up the mess and put everything back in its place. Trusting the elf to do its job, he crossed over the threshold and into the corridor.

His footsteps were silent as he climbed the stairs to the next floor. The plush carpet was smooth on his feet and the banister was cold to the touch. He watched the floor until he came to a doorway.

The music room stood before him in its entire splendor. White walls edged with gold leaf and paintings from many periods dotted along the room. A harp stood mere feet away in the near right corner of the room, but Draco's attention was not on the harp. He was focused on the black grand piano that sat in the far left corner by itself. The only dark object in a room full of bright colors.

He stood there and stared for what seemed like hours before purposefully walking towards it and pulling the bench out to sit upon. Lifting the cover, the ivory keys stared back at him awaiting his touch. His fingers itched to play as he positioned his hands above the keys.

As the first chords of the piece sounded out into the room, his soul felt like breaking as he played. The hauntingly beautiful melody echoed through him as it moved up and down the staff, each note more poignant than the last. He swayed as it reverberated in his heart with every bar until a tear slipped from the corner of his eye. He continued this way for several minutes while the music flowed from his fingertips. As he reached the last chord, he let his eyes fall closed letting the movement come to an end.

He sensed a familiar presence enter the room. His voice was soft but firm when he spoke. "Go away."

Blaise took a seat on the bench next to him as if she hadn't heard him. She surveyed his downcast figure with knowing eyes, but didn't speak. She had been about to climb into bed when she had sensed Draco's anger and frustration. There had been nothing new about this, but then she had felt his anger shift into something she hadn't felt in him for years: sadness. A terrible sadness that overcame her as she made her way back to Malfoy Manor.

Draco was beginning to feel uncomfortable with Blaise's presence as he continued to study the floor. "What are you doing here?"

Blaise finally spoke with gentleness. "You know, I haven't heard you play that since your grandmother passed away a year ago."

Draco's eyes shot up with unquestionable accusation in them.

Blaise was unfazed by his scaring tactics as she continued. "Tell me what's wrong. I can sense you're upset."

Draco stalked angrily over to the nearest painting and stared at it. "It's very invading when you use your abilities. I wish you wouldn't."

She glared at his turned back. "It's very annoying when you stare at a work from the Impressionist Period while I'm trying to have a conversation with you. I wish you wouldn't." When he made no reply, she relented. "I'm sorry, but I can't help that I'm empathic. When I focus on someone, I feel what they feel. Tonight, I just happened to check on you because something obviously happened between you and Hermione today."

"Well, why not check on Hermione?" He retorted.

"I did." At that, Draco spun around to face her with wide eyes. "She's feeling sad and lonely, but considering the events of the last few day, I figured that would be normal for her."

He simply nodded at this before turning his attention back to the painting. A few silent minutes passed by before he spoke again. "She left."


Another nod. "Father didn't want her discovered here because of a Weasel poking about. He knew she wasn't prepared to deal with the exposure yet. He's been trying to keep everything quiet." A deep breath. "So, he sent her off to stay with an aunt for the rest of the summer." At these last words, he finally turned around to face her.

Blaise bored her eyes into his. "Then why do you feel so horribly guilty?"

"I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders and let his gaze fall away from her penetrating stare. "Maybe, if Potter and Weasel didn't hate me so much, she wouldn't have had to move from place to place. She could've stayed."

Her violet eyes warmed with sympathy for him. "Draco, that's like being guilty for it raining outside. It's unnecessary." She rose from the piano bench and walked towards his hunched figure stopping in front of him. Her hand reached out and brushed back the locks of silvery smooth hair before tilting his head back up. Her voice dropped to barely above a whisper. "You miss her, don't you?"

Draco nodded once again at her words as he stared back into her questioning eyes.

"Do you love her?"

He sighed. "I honestly don't know."

She simply nodded before pulling his head down. Reaching up on her tiptoes, she let her lips delicately brush against his forehead before drawing back. "Try to get some sleep; I'll see you in the morning."

She began making her way towards the door when his words stopped her.

"I'm sorry."

She turned back to face him. "For what?"

His gaze was remorseful. "Earlier."

Her voice came out in a soothing tone. "Draco, I told you a long time ago that you never had to apologize to me. I'll always forgive you, for anything you do." With that, she exited the music room on her way back to her own manor leaving him alone with his thoughts.


Dumbledore was not the least bit surprised when he played witness to Harry and Ron stumbling out of his fireplace. He had been expecting their arrival after receiving Lucius' letter the day before. He knew they would have questions to which he could not answer.

Harry and Ron both rose from their rather ungraceful entrance and began brushing the soot off their clothes. Harry was the first to walk towards Dumbledore who was indicating the two chairs in front of him. They both took a seat before anyone spoke.

Harry cleared his throat. "Professor Dumbledore, we need to talk to you about Hermione. We think she might be in trouble."

Ron was through being patient and jumped right in. "We think she's staying with the Malfoys! We need to get her out of there!"

Dumbledore held up a hand effectively stopping their speech. "I'm very well aware of why you are here. You are worried about Miss Granger." Both boys assented with a nod.

Dumbledore leaned forward in his high-back chair and pressed his fingers together on his desk. He studied the two teenagers over the rim of his half-moon glasses before speaking. "Miss Granger is fine. At this moment, she is staying with Professor McGonagall."

Harry and Ron both let loose a sigh of relief at this.

"However, it is true that Miss Granger spent some time in the company of the Malfoys. The reason for this I cannot say. It is for Miss Granger to tell you."

The boys were horrified. Ron spoke first. "What?! She was with the Malfoys, and you can't tell us why?!"

Dumbledore favored the boy with a sympathetic smile. "No, I cannot. I would be betraying Miss Granger's confidence if I did, but know this, she was in no danger while with them."

Harry sent Dumbledore a disbelieving glance in response. "A Muggle-born witch in no danger from a family that prides themselves on their pureblood?"

"As I've already said, it is for Miss Granger to tell you if she wishes. You will simply have to wait until you see her again at school. I'm afraid I cannot tell you anything more."

Harry and Ron both solemnly nodded. They knew that Dumbledore was right not to tell them, but they still needed to know if what Percy said was true. So, with a last respectful nod at Dumbledore, they left as quickly as they came.


Lucius had been sitting in his office at the Ministry filling out paperwork when the Head Record Keeper had come to inform him of the Weasley boy's snooping. Soon after, he had left in a flurry of robes and parchment in his rush to get home to warn Hermione and send her to her aunt's.

The next day, Lucius entered his office as cool and calculating as ever making his assistant, Brandon Perks, wonder if he had really seen Mr. Malfoy in a fuss the day before.

Lucius strode to his desk and settled himself in the leather chair. The paperwork concerning Hermione stared back at him just waiting to be finished. With a sigh, he reached for his quill and once again began working his way through the pile.

The day passed quickly enough with him having to stop every so often to answer an owl or speak to someone. At one point, he had to leave for a meeting with a charity foundation, which he was a supporter of.

After a quick glance at the clock, he set down his quill hoping it would only be a few more days before he completed. A soft knock on the door drew his attention away from his thoughts as his assistant quietly entered the room.

"Mr. Malfoy, I know that you're awfully busy, but I just wanted to check to make sure everything was okay."

"Yes, Brandon, everything is fine." He let his gaze fall back to his desk. "I just wonder if I'm making the right decision."

"How is she?"

"Miss Granger's fine. Well, as fine as can be expected." Lucius smiled at the younger man. "I suspect she doesn't care to be moved from place to place though."

Brandon nodded. "Well, everything is packed up and ready for tomorrow so if you don't mind, I'll be leaving."

"I'll see you tomorrow, Brandon." Lucius watched him close the door behind him as he left. He arranged the piles neatly on his desk before he apparated home himself.

With the office empty, a small beetle took flight off the window ledge where it had been resting throughout the day unbeknownst to its occupant.

Lucius arrived in his study in the manor where a pile of letters was waiting to be opened on his desk. One in particular that had been closed with the Hogwarts seal caught his attention. He ripped it open to read the note it contained.


I agree with your concerns on keeping Miss Granger safe throughout the year. Along with placing extra protection charms on the Head dorms, I am honoring your request to have her resorted at the beginning of year feast. I expect that you will be having your son, Draco, keep an eye on her as well. I hope with our combined efforts we can keep her from harm.


Professor Albus Dumbledore

Lucius was thankful to Dumbledore for his decision. He started going through the other letters upon the desk when he felt another presence in the room.

The familiar figure glided across the room to perch itself upon a chair next to the fireplace. Bony hands reached up pulling back the hood to reveal the red eyes of Voldemort.

"My Lord, I thought you were gathering your strength not making house calls." Lucius replied to the unexpected visit.

"Don't be cheeky with me, Lucius. I have a reason for coming." Voldemort narrowed his eyes at the elder Malfoy in warning. "It is nearly time for your son to take the mark."

Lucius took the seat opposite the Dark Lord. "I know, my Lord, and he knows as well. He's very honored to take his place in your service."

Noticing Lucius' distracted attention, he studied the younger man with undisguised interest. "No, there's something else." He ignored Lucius' puzzled expression as he pressed on. "What is it that you're not telling me?"


As dawn peered over the horizon, Hermione was laying in bed staring at the ceiling in deliberation. She had spent the night tossing and turning trying in vain to get some sleep. Strange dreams wracked her brain, which formed strange thoughts in the waking hours.

A new feeling flowed through Hermione as she perused through her mind: understanding. An understanding came over her as she wrestled with her feelings. It was only then that she knew the deep trouble she was in.

Draco was her drug. She craved him like nothing else. Everything about him was addictive, his kisses, his touch, even his words. Her body ached for his caresses wishing to be sated in a way only he knew how. She knew it was merely a matter of time before she gave in to him. Her mind wanted Draco as much as her body did. Even her soul wished to be filled with his beauty and his voice. There was only one problem.

A year ago, if she thought she would be laying here wishing she was in love with Draco Malfoy, she would have broken down in giggles before committing herself to St. Mungo's. Now, it was the honest truth. Her heart was not on board with the rest of her. It ached for someone entirely different.

For two years she had been in denial, pushing it off as something platonic instead of what it really was. Once she realized the truth, her first impulse had been to crawl into Draco's arms for comfort. Everything would be much simpler if she could just be in love with him. Maybe, if she wished hard enough, it would come true, but she wouldn't hold her breath.

Her skin had crawled from his touch when he laid his hand upon her in Diagon Alley longing for a blonde boy's embrace instead. After then, she knew it. She was in love with Harry, and she hated herself for it.

A/N: I know it's evil of me to leave you with such a bad cliffhanger, but alas I must. I hope this chapter didn't confuse you too much. This will be the last chapter before they go back to Hogwarts. There was one quote in there from "The Matrix Reloaded" and the piece Draco is playing is "Moonlight Sonata, Movement 1" by Beethoven. I got the idea of Blaise being empathic from "Angel." There was an empath demon on there one time in the first season. Once again, thank you to all my reviewers, you are beautiful and I love you all! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email me. And as always, PLEASE R/R!!!!!!!!!

P.S. If you're looking for lighthearted D/Hr, read my two one-shots, "Trick or Treat" and "The Cat's Prey." I know you'll like them.