The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 11/13/2002
Updated: 04/19/2005
Words: 88,837
Chapters: 22
Hits: 14,802

Return to Eden


Story Summary:
Hermione takes up Draco on his offer to join the dark side after a horrific tragedy and learning about her past. Sparks will fly between them as they work together under Voldemort But what will become of her friendship with Harry and Ron?

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
Blaise and Hermione continue to give Draco a hard time. Narcissa has surprises in store for Hermione when the whole Malfoy clan decides to take in Diagon Alley for a day. Hermione gets into the perks of being a pureblood as Draco shows her how the other half lives. A unexpected visitor makes a surprise appearance. Then, Harry shows up to find that all is not as it seems.
Author's Note:
Thank you to everyone who has reviewed on a previous chapter. Your continual support and feedback is greatly appreciated.

A/N: I told you I'd update sooner, and hopefully the posting of this chapter will be keeping that promise. I'd first like to thank everyone who has reviewed any of the chapters in this story. Your words are what keep me writing. Thank you for your support and patience. Also, some seem to be confused about certain things and I'd like to address things that have been commented on. 1.) Blaise and Hermione get along off the bat because even before Hermione found out about her pureblood status, Blaise didn't throw insults at her like Draco and Pansy were prone to. She simply referred to her as Gryffindor Granger. 2.) Believe it or not, Blaise is numero uno on Hermione's list of people she can trust. The way Hermione sees it, Blaise has no reason to lie to her about anything and she's always known Blaise to be a brutally honest person. She trusts Draco to an extent, but she's still wary of him because of all the hostility between them during the last six years. 3.) I know it may seem that Hermione's feelings towards Harry and Ron are extreme, but think of what all has happened to her in the course of one day. Being around the Malfoys and Ron's persistence will only make it worse in the future. I think that's it for now. I hope you enjoy this new chapter. PLEASE R/R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: *in Clinton voice* I do not own that franchise with that boy, Mr. Potter.

Return to Eden

Chapter 8: It's All Relative

Hermione and Blaise took one look at Draco and then at each other before bursting back out in laughter. Draco glanced from one girl to the other like a little boy on the verge of a temper tantrum. He had to break up this seemingly friendly girl camaraderie that they had formed while he was sleeping. It was too potentially dangerous to him and the entire male race. A shiver ran down his spine at the thought of what these two could accomplish together with Hermione's intelligence and Blaise's cunningness. The two smartest and most beautiful girls he knew teamed up could not be a good thing.

"Excuse me. I hate to break up this girly giggle-fest, but I asked a question and I expect it to be answered. Sometime today, if possible." His voice was dripping with his trademark sarcasm as he stood over the two females on the couch.

Hermione shot Blaise a look then turned her attention back to Draco. "Is he always like this?"

Blaise sat up. "Pretty much. He has his good days and bad days, but the sarcasm is always present. You'll get to a point where it's either rubbed off or you won't notice it anymore. I'm surprised you don't have it either. We both do." She indicated both she and Draco.

Hermione was perplexed. "Have what?"

Blaise smirked worthy of the boy standing near. "The only child complex. You're one as well. Also a Leo."

"Yes I am, on both counts." Hermione was no longer confused, but her interest had been peaked. "Are you both Leos as well?" She was rewarded with two heads nodded. "When are your birthdays?"

Before Draco could reply, Blaise answered for him. "His is on July 23rd and mine is on August 4th, and of course, yours was yesterday, August 7th. Interesting, isn't it?"

"That we're all Leos and only children?"

"Yes, but there's something else as well. Did you know that there are just four only children in our entire year?" Hermione shook her head. "I always thought it was interesting that it was two Gryffindors and two Slytherins, all Leos."

Suddenly, comprehension dawned on Hermione. "Harry." Blaise simply nodded.

As the conversation had progressed, Draco appeared more and more irritable until he could no longer stand it any more. "Well, while this is fascinating and I personally could talk about the Boy-Who-Lived-To-Be-A-Pain-In-My-Ass all day, but could we please get back to my question because I have yet to hear anything resembling an answer."

"God, Draco, will you get a life?" Blaise chuckled as pink patches began to rise on Draco's cheeks. He didn't like to appear less than in charge around Hermione.

Hermione tried to compose herself enough to answer the question that Draco had asked earlier. "Nothing is going on, Draco. Blaise and I were just having a little fun."

"Yeah, Dev, I let Hermione in on my little game, and she decided she wanted to play. No big deal."

"Well, why are you two so friendly all of a sudden? And will you please not call me Dev? It's embarrassing." Draco shifted from one foot to the other like he had just revealed a deep personal secret.

Hermione was intrigued. "What does Dev stand for?"

Blaise waved a nonchalant hand. "Ask me some other time, it's rather a long story. As for Dev's question, she came looking for you this morning and got me instead. We talked some. I'm glad I have another pureblood to talk to besides that twittering whore of a chit."

Draco looked panic-stricken as he whipped his attention to Hermione. "Hermione, it wasn't what it looked like."

Blaise lifted one perfectly plucked eyebrow. "Dev, quit kidding yourself. Hermione's a big girl now. You don't have to protect her from all your sordid affairs."

"I do NOT have sordid affairs! And would you PLEASE stop calling me Dev?!"

"Ok, Dev." Blaise was extremely amused at Draco's inability to control himself in Hermione's presence. It was both ironic and comical.

Draco plopped down on the chair opposite the girls looking utterly defeated. "Is there anything else you want to humiliate me about?"

Blaise looked down at her watch before answering. "No, not really. I think I've reached my quota for today. Besides, I must be going anyway since I have a luncheon date in a little over an hour." A mischievous smile spread across her lips. "Must not keep the boy waiting you know." She made her way to the door. "Well, I'll go see if I can scrounge up my clothing and I'll be on my way. You two kids have fun today. Cissa already told me what she had planned for both today and tomorrow." She gazed at Hermione in kindness. "Good luck, Hermione."

"What for?"

"You'll see." With that, she left the study and shut the door behind her leaving Draco and Hermione alone for the first time that day.

Draco was forlorn. "I'm glad you two are getting along so well."

Hermione got to her feet and crossed over to Draco. "Oh, quit being such a spoiled bastard. Let's go find out what Blaise was talking about."

Draco huffed before rising to his own feet. "Fine. Mother is usually in the music room at this time."

They left the study together in search of the music room and Narcissa's plans for the day.


Draco and Hermione were both surprised when Narcissa informed them that she had arranged for them a tour of the grounds and the magical creatures kept there. It was for Draco and Hermione alone. Apparently Blaise was not the only one with a sharp eye. She also informed them that they would be traveling to Diagon Alley the next day and to pack their bags. They would be staying in the Charmed Palace Hotel overnight. There would, furthermore, be a surprise for Hermione. With this, she dismissed them to their own doing.

Draco led Hermione down to where they would find the groundskeeper and they began their tour of the Malfoy estate. Throughout, they conversed on friendly terms, but neither brought up the kisses they had shared in the prefects' bathroom mere months ago.

Hermione was amazed at the creatures that the Malfoys kept as pets. There were unicorns, nifflers, a sea serpent, even a dragon which, by Draco's input, was allowed only with special zoning permits.

By the time they had finished walking over the grounds, Hermione felt like she would never be able to walk that far again. They joined Lucius and Narcissa for dinner before parting ways to their separate bedrooms.

Hermione readied herself for bed as she thought about what Narcissa could possibly have planned for the next day. She figured while they were in Diagon Alley she could finish her school shopping since it was starting in just a few weeks.

As she climbed into her bed after packing her bag for the next day, she resigned herself to once again gaze around the room that was now hers. Deep down, she knew she had always secretly harbored a desire to be something other than a freak of nature. A muggle with magic. A mudblood. She had loved her muggle parents, but they were kidding themselves. They honestly believed that once she was finished at Hogwarts, she would go back to being a muggle only with the ability and knowledge of magic. It would have been impossible to abide her parents' wishes.

The world of magic was like a drug. Once you got a taste for it, the thirst could never be quenched. Its addictive quality would only grow as you continued to feed it until it completely consumed you. Like the Malfoys, completely surrounded by magic in everything they had and everything they did. It was the world that her birthright now told her she belonged to.

Yes, now I belong.


Harry might not have been the smartest person, but over the years he had learned to listen to what his instincts told him. Right now they told him that something was off with Hermione. It wasn't in his nature to be impatient like Ron, and he knew that only time would help her heal the wound of her parents' death. However, he felt like he needed to let Hermione know that they were there for her.

It was why he had taken a room at the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley after they had received Hermione's letter. Remus and Sirius had also taken rooms to watch over the raven-haired boy they both considered a son.

Harry figured that now, since she was staying with her aunt in London, she could pop in over at Diagon Alley to finish her school shopping at any time. He would wait until she showed up on her own and make her aware of his and Ron's support. He thought it a good plan.

The day after receiving Hermione's letter, Harry heard an interesting rumor outside the ice cream shop while eating his orange sherbet sundae.

A boy in a uniform that didn't look much older than Harry himself was speaking in whispers to a witch wearing a pointed hat over Harry's right shoulder. He leaned back to hear more clearly.

"How long have you been working at the Palace, Michael? Maybe they always reserve one extra room."

"I've been working there for nearly seven months, Isabelle. The Malfoys have stayed there several times since I started and they always reserve three rooms: one for Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, one for their son, and one for their house-elfs. This time they reserved four rooms."

"I still think you're making a big deal of nothing, Michael. Maybe it's simply a relative from out of town that's staying with them. When are they coming again?"

"Tonight. They're only staying one night."

"Well, look and see, then you can tell me that I was right because it's only some visiting relative."

"Like you could accept it if it wasn't. I'm sure Draco Malfoy is number one on your list of possible men to marry."

Harry returned to his sherbet that was starting to melt as the two continued to gossip about his archrival. So, the Malfoys are coming to Diagon Alley today. I'll have to do my best to avoid them. It would really ruin my day to run into Malfoy, or worse, Malfoy's father.

Harry mulled over this new information as he left his melted sundae and walked towards the Quidditch shop. I wonder who that other room is for. Maybe Malfoy finally gave in to Pansy's simpering and it's for her. Or, it could be for that other girl that Malfoy's so chummy with. Blaise Zabini. Or, maybe it's like that girl supposes and it's just for some relative. Why am I wondering about this in the first place? I could care less who the Malfoys are keeping up in their extra room.

Harry knew that it was more or less from boredom. He shook his head to clear his thoughts before focusing his mind back on Quidditch as he looked for some new gloves.


Hermione was roused the next morning by the sound of scampering feet up and down the corridor she shared with Draco. She listened for a moment before going to peek out her door to be greeted by a pair or tennis-ball sized blue eyes.

"Oh, did we wake Miss? We very sorry if we did. We was moving Master Draco's luggage to the hotel."

"Already? Isn't a little early to be moving luggage?" She looked back at the clock in her room and realized that she was running late. It was eight o'clock and they were to arrive in Diagon Alley at nine. "Goodness! Why didn't anyone wake me up?"

"We tried, Miss. You didn't want to awakened."

"Well, um, what's your name?"

The elf drew herself to her full height and puffed out her chest proudly. "Name's Kyley."

"Well, Kyley, would you mind taking my bags to the hotel as well? I seem to be running late, and I wouldn't want to delay any of Narcissa's plans for the day."

"Of course, Miss. That's our job. Just leave your luggage in the hall, and we'll move them to the hotel while you're getting ready. The others are gathering to Floo in the first floor den."

"Thanks, Kyley." Hermione was about to close the door when a thought came to her. "Kyley, where's Master Draco?"

"He's in his bathroom fixing his hair. He woke up in a mood this morning." Kyley's eyes were darting across the length of the hall as if making sure no one had heard her speak ill of the young master.

"In a mood?"

Kyley leaned forward after checking the corridor for other occupants and dropped her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "He's very grumpy when he has to wake early." And with that, the house-elf was scurrying away.

Hermione just shook her head at the house-elf's antics before retreating inside her room to get ready for the day ahead. She briefly considered finding Draco, maybe to ask him what was making him grumpy, but thought better of it. They were spending the day together. There was plenty of time for it later when, hopefully, he was in a better mood. Instead, she turned her thoughts to the surprise that Narcissa had in store for her as she dressed.

Draco really was in a mood. In his attempts to get his hair perfect, he had thrown a number of items at his mirror, which had effectively broken it. The mirror was fixed with a simple "Reparo," but it didn't fix his frustration.

He had had a dream about Hermione the night before that was entirely too tantalizing for him to ignore. Just knowing the girl that had plagued his thoughts and dreams throughout the summer and continued to do so was now only mere feet away made Draco believe that his perfect life had turned into a nightmare. What was worse was that she now treated him like the brother she never had. It was much too maddening for him.

And then, for her to see he and Blaise in such a compromising position and act like it was nothing out of the ordinary, and not even say anything about it. It was like she wasn't even bothered by it. Maybe she wasn't. Maybe he was driving himself up the wall for no reason. Making himself crazy over a girl that wasn't interested.

Draco stared at his reflection in the repaired mirror. I must really be going crazy to think that. They're ALL interested. He let his usual smirk slide into place and cocked his head to the side. I'll just have to lay on the old Malfoy charm a little thicker. She'll be begging for me in no time.

Old arrogance firmly in place, he exited the bathroom to find said girl standing in his doorway. Draco nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden intrusion. He had not heard a knock or the door opening. He had been too busy convincing himself that he had not lost his touch.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Draco. I didn't mean to sneak up on you like that, but I was hoping I could ask for a favor." Hermione looked shamefaced.

Draco's gaze on her turned smoldering as he sized her up like a cat stalking its prey. "What kind of favor would that be?"

Hermione appeared baffled by his sudden change of disposition, but continued in her plight. "I seem to be out of hairspray, and since you're so fanatical about your hair I thought -"

"Hey! I am NOT fanatical about my hair. I just happen to take pride in my best feature. There's nothing wrong with that." He crossed his arms and lifted his chin, but couldn't cover up the offended look that passed across his features.

Hermione saw it and felt bad for hurting his feelings. He had done nothing but be hospitable towards her since she had arrived. A coquettish smile spread across her lips. She knew just how to cheer him up. "Well, I wouldn't say your hair was your best feature. Not if all the talk in the girl's bathroom is true."

All the arrogance and cockiness came back into his expression as he sidled up to her. "Is that so?" She nodded her assent. "Sure you don't want to test that theory for yourself?"

Hermione just rolled her eyes at him. "For now, I just want hairspray. We're supposed to be meeting your parents in ten minutes."

"Fine. It's in there." He pointed towards the bathroom. "Help yourself. I have to finish getting dressed."

"Well, don't let me keep you." She made her way around him and went into the bathroom he had indicated. She looked through all the bottles on his vanity before finding one that was hairspray. She looked back up into the mirror and was about to finish fixing her hair when the sight before her made her mouth drop open.

Draco was standing on the other side of the bed opposite the bathroom doorway with his back turned thumbing through his closet. He was wearing nothing but blue silk boxers. Making sure he couldn't see her, she let her eyes sweep over his lithe but toned body. As he searched for whatever it was he was looking for, the cords of his muscles were clearly visible as they rippled in his back. His skin was flawless, it made him look as if he had been carved out of alabaster like some Greek god. She skimmed over the back of his long, sinuous thighs and nearly groaned in protest when the bed blocked her from studying any further. Her eyes glided back up to rest on the blue boxers and what they were concealing.

"Are you alright in there? Did you find the hairspray?"

Hermione jumped at the sound of his voice and the return trip back to reality. Realizing what she had been doing, she scolded herself for fantasizing about Draco's ass and wanting to grab it. She focused on her reflection and sprayed her hair so it wouldn't get frizzy during the day.

Draco appeared behind her, fully dressed in a shirt, pants, and cloak, all black, and began to study his ensemble. "It'll do. Are you ready yet?"

"Yes, I just have to go grab my purse." She tried to leave, but he blocked her exit. "You're in the way."

"I know. I'll go with you, then we can meet mother in the den. Let's be off." And off they went.


Diagon Alley was bright and sunny when the Malfoys arrived by Floo at the Charmed Palace Hotel. The Charmed Palace Hotel, or as most people called it, The Palace, was the wizard version of a Hilton. The Malfoys were not the type of people who would stay at The Leaky Cauldron.

As Hermione stepped out of one of many fireplaces, she had to catch herself from gasping at the beautiful surroundings. Marble and crystal was everywhere in the extravagant lobby. The lines were divided by red velvet rope and a platinum chandelier hung from the ceiling. There was a spiral moving staircase made entirely of glass that went to the next floor.

Narcissa and Draco joined her near the check-in desk. Narcissa turned to them both with a stern look that said she meant business. "Lucius will be meeting us later for lunch, but he has to attend a Ministry meeting this morning. I'll check us in at the hotel. You two go on and have fun. I have my own meeting to go to. We'll meet up in the Ministry lobby at noon."

Draco cocked his head at his mother. "What meeting do you have?"

"United Witches of Britain is thinking of having a charity event in support of St. Mungo's. I have to be there since I'm vice-president of the organization. You two go ahead, and Draco?"

"Yes, Mother?"

"Please keep Hermione out of trouble."

Draco feigned innocence at his mother's words. "Whatever are you talking about? I know no such thing as trouble."

Hermione snorted in an attempt to quell her giggles. "Whatever. Let's go. Thank you for letting us come, Narcissa. And good luck with your meeting."

"No problem at all, dear. You just enjoy yourself. Remember noon, don't be late." With that, Narcissa strode off towards the check-in desk with purse in hand clinging with wizard gold.

Hermione didn't waste another moment. She headed for the doors that led from the lobby to outside. Draco followed behind as they both exited the grand hotel. Hermione breathed in deep the fresh air as a breeze swept by. She had dressed moderately for the day in a blue sweater and navy skirt topped off with her Hogwarts cloak, but she felt out of place in the crowd of people milling around in elegant robes and cloaks.

Draco stepped up beside her and noticed her discomfort. They were on Sassly Row, a small avenue off Diagon Alley that specialized in the finest tailored robes and clothes that wizard gold could buy. Draco knew that if Hermione was going to fit in as a pureblood, she had to have the right robes. That meant he would have to swallow his pride and do the one thing he swore he would never do: shop for clothes with a woman.

He pointed her in the direction of the nearest shop, Alvana's, and their arrival was announced by the clanging of the overhead bell. Hermione started browsing through the racks of magnificent clothes while Draco simply stood there. Soon, a pretty, petite witch around his mother's age approached them.

"Hello. I'm Alvana. May I be of service?" she asked in a very businesslike tone.

Draco did what he did best, administer orders. "Yes, we'd like to open an account here in the name of Malfoy. Also, -" His authoritative tone was interrupted with a squeal by the witch effectively dropping her all-business attitude.

"Oh my Goddess! You must be Draco, Narcissa's son. Why, the last time you came in here you had yet to go to Hogwarts. Now look at you, all grown up and so dashing, too. I bet you have girls chasing you left and right. You definitely have a combination of your mother and father's best features."

"Yes, I'm sure, but we still need -" The witch was already ahead of him. She had moved to Hermione and was now shaking her hand.

"Draco's mother comes in here all the time to get her day robes. She says that no one can make a cornflower blue like I can. Now, how do you know Draco? Are you his girlfriend?"

"No!" Both teenagers replied adamantly before glancing at each other in surprise then quickly looking away.

The witch turned a disbelieving eye on the two of them. "Well, let's get to some shopping, shall we? I think a golden honey would look simply superb on you, my dear. Let's get you into a fitting room so we can start getting your measurements."

Hermione followed obediently behind as the witch continued to chatter about styles and cuts. She braced herself for a day of shopping with Draco. It was destined to be memorable.

After leaving the first shop, they already had a pile of boxes being shipped back to the hotel. Hermione had insisted on keeping one robe to wear for the rest of the day and Draco nearly fell off his chair when she had emerged in the one chosen. It was the color of melted toffee that brought out the lighter tones of her hair and warmed her complexion. It flowed around her in the wrap-around design until it cascaded down her hip in a thigh-high slit. The vision was completed with a pair of gold strappy sandals.

Draco was brought back to reality by the feel of her hand slipping into his larger one. A coy smile punctuated by dancing eyes peered back at him from Hermione's face and he felt a smile of his own spread. She urged him back onto the street.

"Come on. We only have a couple of hours before we have to meet your parents and there's lots more stores."

She whisked him down the street and into the next store, but Draco didn't care. He was still reeling from the beauty she exuded in designer day robes. She could have taken him to the moon for all he cared as long as she continued to wear what she had on now. If he didn't know it before, he knew it now. He was completely infatuated with her.

Two hours later, they were walking into the lobby of the Ministry of Magic conversing about the stores they had seen and shopped in.

"So, Dolce & Gabbana is both muggle and wizarding wear? I never knew that, but then again, I'd only been in one time while vacationing in Paris. And muggle Paris at that."

"You see, Dolce is the wizard and Gabbana is the muggle. Each of them wanted to do exclusively their kind's clothes, but then they compromised and did both. Maybe you'll get to meet Dolce sometime. He's a nice guy."

"And how would I meet him?"

"He's Blaise's cousin. I'm sure she'll introduce you some time."

They made their way over to where Lucius and Narcissa were in conversation with a woman that neither recognized. She was of moderate height and build with short dark hair and piercing sapphire eyes. She was wearing what looked to be an official Ministry robe with badges and pins adorning it. The conversation grew quiet as they approached. Narcissa went directly to Hermione and took her by the hand.

"Hermione, you look stunning in your new robe. I was hoping Draco would wise up and take you shopping to get some new things." Narcissa guided Hermione until she was standing face-to-face with this new person. "There's someone I'd like for you to meet. Hermione, this is your Aunt Natalie."

Natalie Rosier was nearly in tears as she took in the sight of her oldest brother's only child. She had Evan's chin and his hair, but she clearly favored Delia the most with those large, chocolate eyes and the dainty nose. The last time she had seen Regina she had only been five months old. Now, to see her all grown up going on her last year at Hogwarts was absolutely shocking.

Natalie hurriedly tried to wipe away the escaping tears. "Goodness, I seem to have forgotten my manners in all the excitement." She took Hermione's outstretched hand in her own and gave it a slight squeeze. "It's nice to finally meet you."

Hermione was still quite stunned as well. "And you, as well."

Lucius and Draco were becoming uncomfortable in what was starting to be a very emotional moment. Lucius finally spoke up. "Well, now that we've all been introduced, let's go eat before Natalie and I both have to get back to work."

The Malfoys made their way to the restaurant they were dining in with Hermione and her newfound aunt trailing behind while conversing in hushed tones.


The restaurant was exquisite and they dined in a private corner. Some of Hermione's questions were answered and she found out more about her birth parents. Natalie had told her that her father had been extremely stubborn and that her mother had been outgoing enough for the both of them. She ranted on about their own little quirks until Hermione felt that she really had a sense of who they were.

It was nearing time to part ways. Natalie rose to leave the Malfoy family and the new niece that she had already formed a kinship with. "I must really be off. We're running tests on experimental charms in Australia, but I hate to leave you so soon. I wish I could have stayed longer."

Hermione nodded her head. "I understand. I hope to see you again soon."

"You probably will. Delia made a good decision when she named Cissa as guardian of you, but wait until Frannie sees you. She's not going to want you to leave her sight. Especially since you look so strikingly like Delia."

"Frannie? Who's Frannie?"

Natalie sent Narcissa a look. "I haven't had time to tell her everything. She doesn't know about Frannie yet." Natalie turned her attention back to her niece.

"Lady Francesca de Winter is your grandmother on your mother's side. She will be overjoyed to see you once she does, and more than likely, she will try to take you away from Narcissa to be raised as a royal."

Hermione simply replied, "Oh."

Natalie leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss upon Hermione's brow. She peered down and her eyes were twinkling mischievously. "We'd like to keep you British, my dear. See you soon." She was gone with a swish of her cloak behind her. Hermione had made the first connection with her real family and she was tremendously pleased.

Lucius and Narcissa both had smiles on their faces. They were glad that Hermione was starting to embrace her family and her new heritage. It delighted them to be a part of it.

Narcissa addressed the two teenagers seated across from her. "Well, don't let us keep you. You two go on and finish your shopping for school. Lucius and I still have some things to take care of. Let me just remind you that dinner is at six o'clock sharp. It will be formal, so I strongly recommend you return to your room to freshen up after you've finished shopping." She reached into her purse and extracted two platinum keys. She handed one to each of them. "These are your room keys. Draco will show you how to use yours, Hermione. That's it, I think. We'll see you shortly for dinner."

Draco didn't need to be told twice. He took hold of Hermione's hand and guided her out of the restaurant eager to be out from under the watchful eye of his parents. The place where they had dined was located on the corner of Sassly Row and Diagon Alley. They now visited all the shops that were more familiar to Hermione.

The first shop Hermione dragged Draco into was Flourish & Blotts despite his protests that he desperately needed to visit the Quidditch shop. Hermione stood in the entranceway and closed her eyes breathing in the musty smell of knowledge. No matter what happened in Hermione's life, there was always one constant: books and her never-ending search for answers to all her questions. She would always love books and they would always be her passion. To sit somewhere and just pour over a volume that contained so much information that she tried to soak it all in like water with a sponge.

Draco came up behind her and gave her a small push forward so he could enter the bookshop. They browsed through the selections in search of their schoolbooks. Hermione found her way to Arithmancy and picked up a few extra books she thought would help with her N.E.W.T.S. Draco was looking through Potions books when Hermione suddenly appeared at his side, books in hand.

"Do you think Professor Vector will teach us Guten's Theory of Relations before Christmas break? I don't think we'll have enough time afterwards with all the N.E.W.T. preparation."

"I think it depends on whether or not the theory will be on the N.E.W.T.S. this year. I've heard some people say that the theory is so difficult that only those planning on working in Arithmancy should learn it." Draco looked thoughtful for a moment. "This year's really going to be all about who can cut it and who can't. The 7th year is not for those light of heart. Especially for the two of us."

Hermione was confused. "What do you mean? The two of us?"

"Did you forget already?" Draco was amused at her confusion. "Head duties. You're Head Girl; I'm Head Boy." He playfully clicked his tongue at her. "How quickly we forget."

"Oh Goddess, I'd completely forgotten with all that's happened in the last two days. You're right though. This coming year will definitely be trying." She snuck a side-glance at him before continuing. "We'll have to get each other through it."

Draco suppressed the smile that threatened to break through. "Yes, we will."

They paid for their purchases at the front counter before making their way back out into the sunny street. Draco finally convinced Hermione to accompany him to the Quidditch shop and was doing a running commentary of all the British teams' chances for the year. Hermione was so busy trying to pay attention to Draco and show interest in what he was saying that she didn't see the person exiting the Quidditch shop. They collided with a loud smack and Hermione went stumbling back on the ground, her purchases scattered around her. She reached for Draco, but found that he wasn't there. That's when she heard the voice of the person she had rammed into.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I guess I didn't see you as I came out. I was a slight preoccupied with my new Quidditch gloves. Please excuse my clumsiness." A strong hand took hold of her own and pulled her effortlessly to her feet. She looked down at her new robe and found that it hadn't been torn or scuffed. She finally looked up knowing whose face would be staring back.

"I'm fine, thank you. No harm done."

"Hermione?!" Harry's eyes went wide as he took in the sight of his best friend in the expensive-looking robe and shoes. She didn't look at all herself. "Is that you?"

"Of course it's me." Her tone was snappish, as if she were talking to a child and not someone her own age. "Who else would it be?"

"Geez, Hermione, you don't have to be so defensive. I didn't knock you down on purpose. I didn't even recognize you at first. You look so pretty in those robes. Are they new?"

"Yes, they're new. Are you trying to say that I never looked pretty before? That I was just some plain ugly bookworm?"

"What's the matter with you, Hermione? Did I do something wrong? I just want to help." He looked downcast. "I'm sorry about your parents."

"Well, thank you, but you needn't have worried. I'm fine. Right as rain." Harry noticed that as she spoke she seemed to be glancing around like she was looking for something, or someone.

"I'm sure you're not 'fine.' I mean, I didn't even know my parents and I wasn't fine when I found out that they had been murdered. I honestly have no idea what you must be going through, but I just want to say that Ron and I are here for you if you need us."

"That's very gracious of you, but I don't think that will be necessary." Hermione seemed to have found whatever it was she had been looking for and her attention was focused back on Harry.

Harry studied her intently. She might be fooling herself, but she was certainly not fooling him. Much had happened to her in the last few days and he knew from experience that it would take time to deal with it. He took a cautious step forward and laid a hand on her shoulder. "It will be okay, Hermione."

She jerked her shoulder away from his comforting touch and took a shaky step back. Her voice was clipped. "Stay. Away. From. Me." She looked pointedly over Harry's right shoulder. "You can come out now."

Harry watched as Malfoy emerged from the shadows under the awning and went to Hermione's side. Something registered in his mind about the robes Hermione was wearing, but it was quickly forgotten as he astonishingly viewed Malfoy place a protective yet possessive hand on her back. She neither jumped nor pulled away at his touch. On the contrary, she seemed to be leaning into the boy she had had such hostility towards for support. Harry gritted his teeth at their apparent ease with each other. He glared at the fair-haired boy with open disgust. The glower was returned.



Hermione turned and laid a hand on Draco's chest as he continued to scowl for all he was worth. "Can we please just go? I don't feel very well all of a sudden."

Draco nodded and the two of them gathered up the fallen packages. They made their way back towards Sassly Row where the hotel was located. Harry just stayed glued to the spot in silent fury as the boy he hated led away the girl he loved like a sister.

A/N: So, what's Harry gonna do? He just saw his best friend carted off by his worst enemy. Oh well. I like this chapter. It's the longest chapter I've ever written for a fanfic clocking in at 18 pages. Hopefully, the extra length will help you enjoy it all the more. Also, I hope that the earlier sentiments addressed in the previous author's note clears up some questions. If you have any other questions or additional comments, always feel free to drop me an email. I have no idea when the next chapter will be up, but I'll try to get it out ASAP. Also, there might be a reward in store for whoever can figure out what Blaise's nickname for Draco means. As always, PLEASE R/R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!