The Dark Arts
Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 11/13/2002
Updated: 04/19/2005
Words: 88,837
Chapters: 22
Hits: 14,802

Return to Eden


Story Summary:
Hermione takes up Draco on his offer to join the dark side after a horrific tragedy and learning about her past. Sparks will fly between them as they work together under Voldemort But what will become of her friendship with Harry and Ron?

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
Blaise and Draco have a confrontation over their past history and Hermione comes up. Hermione has to deal with practically being a Malfoy and meeting Lucius for the first time. She also catches Blaise and Draco together in a rather compromising moment. (Oops!) And the three beings' existence is explained. Ron contemplates and decides to do something. Will something bad happen as a result? Read to find out.
Author's Note:
Thank you for all my reviews and for everyone being so patient with me. It's been a tough year and your kind words were much appreciated. Thanks a million!

A/N: Yes, I KNOW that it has been FOREVER since I've updated, but at least I didn't go off and just never finish my story like some fics that I've read. I would just like to thank everyone who's ever reviewed this and a special thanks to the people who emailed me and kindly reminded me that it's been a long time since I put out another chapter. Even to the ones who made death threats. Thank you for not giving up on me. I won't go into details on why the late update. Here's the next chapter and I hope you enjoy it. PLEASE R/R!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own a damn thing. Not even Draco Malfoy. Although I wish I did.

Return to Eden

Chapter 7: The Plot Thickens

After Narcissa showed Hermione to her new room while Draco followed silently behind, she continued to lead Hermione throughout the manor while twittering about its history and such. Knowing that his mother could speak for hours on this particular subject, Draco excused himself from accompanying them before they left his and Hermione's corridor. Hermione shot him a pleading glance, but he was already closing the door to his room.

Draco moved from the door once he heard the retreating footsteps of the two women. He crossed to his desk and looked over what he had been working on before Hermione had so subtly interrupted him. Suddenly, the door opened on its own and closed with a slam. A fierce disembodied voice that was trembling with rage and an undercurrent of pain addressed him unexpectedly.


Blaise ripped off her cloak and appeared before him as Draco stood still in shock. Her eyes were alight with fire and she spoke as if each word would be her last. Her hands were clenched in front of her and the cloak pooled around her feet. She had not left her place in front of the door as Draco faced her from in front of his desk.

"What the HELL could you be thinking?! Hermione Granger?!"

"You don't understand, Blaise. It's not what you - "

Blaise had gone past the point of being reasoned with. "Don't understand?! Dear Draco, it's you who does not understand." Tears began to form in her eyes and her voice went soft. "What happened to us?"

Draco cut his eyes away from her as he stared at the floor. "What are you talking about? Nothing has changed." He looked back up at her noticing that her tears had completely disappeared. Her look of pain had been replaced by an expression of disbelief.

"Oh my Goddess! You're in love with her." She locked her violet eyes on his gray ones as she spoke with absolute finality. "You don't love me anymore."

Draco scoffed at her in response as he took in her rigid composure. "What are you talking about? Have you gone daft?"

She didn't reply, but began to make her way across the room towards him. She stopped directly in front of him and drew him into her arms pressing her lips against his. He automatically responded to her advances and pulled her against him while taking part in the passionate kiss. They were very familiar with each other in this respect as both continued to explore and enjoy what was close to instinct.

After a few moments, Draco pushed Blaise away and gave a small chuckle. "This is ridiculous. Nothing has changed between us."

She shot him a scathing glance that could melt glass. "What's ridiculous, Draco, is you. Have you given any thought to what will happen when school starts? Not only are you in love with Miss Perfect Gryffindor, but she's also the best friend of the Wonder Twins. Did you actually think that they would let you anywhere near her?"

"That's why you can't tell anyone, Blaise. Please do this for me."

"Well, to protect you, I think it's my duty to tell them. I can't let you be seen in her company. Think of your reputation. Think of your family. Your father."

Draco grabbed her by the wrist and roughly threw her onto his bed. He climbed atop her and pinned her where she lay. Leaning down, he began to nuzzle and nip her neck in places he knew were sensitive. She gave a small mewl of pleasure and he continued his delightful torture. Then, he ceased and pulled away as she made a noise of protest.

His trademark smirk appeared upon his face as he playfully admonished her. "If you want more of the same, you're going to listen to what I have to say."

She gave a pout, but nodded her head as she relented. It had been too long since she last was with Draco so she hoped that this wouldn't be lengthy.

Draco took a deep breath before plunging into what he had only just discovered. "Don't you remember me telling you that you didn't understand?"

Blaise let out an exasperated breath. "Okay. Understand about what?"

"About the rules having changed."

Draco could tell that she had no clue what he was talking about. "Here's the thing, even Father won't care because Hermione Granger is a pureblood."

Blaise eyes widened and continued to do so as Draco poured through the story about how this had come to be.


Hermione awoke to sunlight streaming through the window and casting light upon her new room. She was surprised to find that her belongings were there and had been arranged in a suitable fashion. Unbeknownst to her, Narcissa had sent house elves during the night to gather her possessions from the wreckage of her Muggle home.

Hermione felt that everything was surreal, and she couldn't decide whether she was living in a dream or a nightmare. It seemed like both simultaneously. She shook her head as if to rid herself of that thought, and instead, looked over her room taking in the details.

The Red Room certainly earned its name. The walls were a crimson shade with the trim being cherry wood. All the furniture, the desk, the bed, and the vanity, was also cherry and each piece had the Malfoy blazon carved upon it. The dressings on her bed were black and made from a weightless material that was also very warm. The curtains were made from the same material. The room was more beautiful than the ones at Hogwarts, and was larger by far.

Hermione sighed and kicked off the covers deciding that dawdling would get her nowhere. Today was very important, and she couldn't remember a time when she had been more nervous. She was going to meet Lucius Malfoy. She rose and began to bustle about looking for a suitable outfit. As she did so, Hermione thought back to the tour that Narcissa had given her of Malfoy Manor.

Hermione guessed that she had never realized how wealthy the Malfoys were. She had almost passed out when she learned how big Malfoy Manor was. At six floors high and well over a hundred rooms, it was larger and grander than Hogwarts could ever hope to be. Hermione had tried her best to listen to everything Narcissa had said, but every time Hermione had thought she was finished, there would be another long corridor to explain. Finally, Narcissa had sensed the younger girl's exhaustion and had led her back to her room with a reminder to come to the family breakfast room once she awoke.

Suddenly, Hermione stopped what she was doing as a panic began to spread through her. She had no idea where that was. Her mind began to race as she tried to remember, but she kept drawing a blank. I knew something like this would happen! I'm just not used to this! What will happen if I can't find it? What if I get lost? What if I miss breakfast? Oh, what am I going to do?

Then, the answer came to her and she felt like knocking herself over the head for being such an idiot. She would just mosey across the hall and ask Draco to show her where it was.

Satisfied with her decision, Hermione finished dressing and made her way across the corridor closing her own door behind her. She knocked, but there was no answer. She tried the doorknob and was pleased to hear it click. She pushed the door open and began to approach the bed.

"Draco, I need your - "

She stopped dead in her tracks. She could see not one, but two people in the bed. Draco was curled up to and had his arms around a raven-haired girl Hermione knew to be Blaise Zabini. She could tell that they were naked under Draco's green satin sheets. She thought they made a beautiful picture. Blaise's black hair fanned out behind her in deep contrast to Draco's tousled silvery blonde locks. Both had skin the color of alabaster that stood out amongst the dark colored dressings. It was stunning.

Hermione realized she was staring and was about to go when she saw Blaise begin to stir. Blaise brought her hands above her head and stretched lazily like a cat while removing herself from Draco's comforting embrace. She sat up in bed to address Hermione's presence while keeping the sheet in place.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the born-again pureblood." Blaise spoke in a tone that was highly amused.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. I'll just go now." Hermione looked down at the floor.

"You don't have to. It was time for me to get up anyway. As for Draco," she looked down upon his angelic face, "he sleeps like a brick; nothing wakes him up and he doesn't get up until he wants to."

Hermione nodded, but kept her gaze firmly on the floor.

Blaise studied the girl in front of her noticing the direction of her gaze and her tense posture. She spoke again with bluntness. "Do not feel threatened by me. He doesn't love me."

For the first time since Blaise awoke, Hermione looked at her, but Blaise was not looking back. She was glancing around the room in search of something. She spoke absently as she was doing this.

"Did you need something?"

Hermione suddenly remembered why she had come here in the first place so she nodded. "I was going to ask for Draco's help in finding the family breakfast room."

"No matter. I'll take you there myself." Blaise rose from the bed and let the sheet fall away. She was obviously very comfortable in her own skin as she made her way around the bed and over to Draco's desk. Her nakedness was making Hermione very uncomfortable and a blush began forming on her cheeks. Blaise grabbed Draco's robe off the desk chair and slipped it around her fastening it at the waist. She frowned, picked her wand up from the desk, and pointed it at the robe. It shortened and tightened to fit her body while changing to a deep plum that flattered both her eyes and her complexion. "Ah, that's much better. Shall we be off?"

Blaise turned to find Hermione gaping at her as if she had grown another head. Hermione seemed to be trying to find the words.

"How did you - ? I mean, what were you - ?" She took a deep breath. "I thought that we weren't allowed to do magic out of school."

Blaise looked amused once more. "Didn't Cissa tell you?"

"Obviously not everything."

"Well, come on, and I'll tell you everything on the way." Blaise led her out of Draco's room and they began to wander the corridors on their way at a slow pace.

Blaise looked thoughtful for a moment. "Let's see. Things about Malfoy Manor that Cissa wouldn't have told you. I'm guessing that she went into more of the history than the magical elements." Hermione affirmed her assumption.

"First of all, Malfoy Manor is Unplottable. I'm sure you know what that means." Hermione nodded. "Second, it has an ancient Cloaking Charm on it. Basically, any magic that is done will not show up on the Ministry's little detectors. That's why I was able to do that. Most of the pureblooded families have had them for hundreds of years. Another thing you need to know is that, while you are here, you yourself will be undetectable." At this, Hermione looked very confused.

"You see, the Ministry has this thing called a Locator. It pinpoints the location of every witch and wizard that lives in Britain. Right now, if they tried to find you, it would be as if you fell off the face of the earth. I would not be wrong in saying that Lucius Malfoy is fanatical when it comes to privacy. That's why the only way to reach the manor is by apparation or Floo. Even then, Lucius can block certain people from getting in. One thing that's interesting about this place is that the Ministry knows that Malfoy Manor exists, but they have no idea where; and since they can't detect the people or the magic that goes on inside, they'll never find out."

Hermione was impressed by the extent the Malfoys had gone to in keeping their privacy. She was also happy that she was living in such a place. Blaise had gone quiet and Hermione turned her attention back to her.

"What did you mean by that earlier? That I shouldn't feel threatened by you because Draco didn't love you?"

Blaise cut her eyes away and looked straight ahead. She sighed before responding. "You'll have to wait until another time to ask me that. We've arrived."

They were standing outside white double-doors trimmed with gold. Blaise turned the handle and they entered. Morning sunlight was pouring into the room from a wall made entirely of glass. A table of dark wood stretched out in front of them and as Hermione glanced at its occupants, she unexpectedly felt overdressed for the meal.

Lucius Malfoy was sitting at the head of the table in a silver robe that perfectly matched the eyes he shared with his son. He was reading the Daily Prophet over his breakfast and making comments about it to his wife. Narcissa was sitting to the right of her husband in a matching robe of pale blue. She was sipping a cup of tea as she flipped through a copy of Witch Weekly and made absent replies of "Yes, dear" to her husband's comments. Both looked up from what they were doing when the two girls walked in.

Narcissa's face lit up with a smile and she looked just tickled pink. "Hermione, I see you've met our dear Blaise. Blaise, Draco didn't tell me that you were here. Come sit down and have breakfast with us."

Blaise made her way to the seat next to Narcissa. "I turned up pretty late, Cissa." She nodded politely as she addressed the elder Malfoy. "Lucius."

Lucius nodded back before gazing upon Hermione. She had not moved to take a seat and continued to stand in front of the table. He rose from his spot and made his way over to her. He took her hand in pleasant greeting.

"So, this is the elusive Miss Granger. Or would you rather be Miss Rosier?" His eyes held the air of teasing and Hermione felt herself relax. She never would have thought that she would be comfortable in Lucius Malfoy's presence.

"If you don't mind too much Mr. Malfoy, I'll just stick with Hermione." She let a small smile escape. Blaise was watching her intently.

Lucius took her by the arm and guided her towards the seat at the table next to him and across from Narcissa. Lucius resumed his seat at the head of the table. "Please, Hermione, call me Lucius." He took a deep breath. "We have lots to talk about, you and I. Why don't you start from the beginning and we'll go from there?"


Draco wasn't sure what had caused him to wake from the deep slumber he had slipped into. He did know, however, when he awoke that Blaise was gone, Hermione wasn't in her room, his favorite robe was missing, and he didn't like any of it one bit

Before checking Hermione's room, he had retrieved his black robe from his closet and put that on instead. After discovering both girls gone, he made his way to where he thought either of them might be: the family breakfast room. He finally came to the double-doors and flung them open. The scene before him was enough to make his mouth drop open.

Hermione and his father were chatting amicably on one side while Blaise and his mother were gossiping on the other. Everyone seemed to be getting along marvelously which led him to be suspicious. How come Hermione isn't wondering why Blaise is here?

Narcissa turned her attention to her son. "Draco, you're up earlier than usual. Why don't you join us?"

Draco made his way over to a seat that was next to Hermione and across from Blaise while silently suffering in sarcastic misery. Yes, this isn't awkward at all. The girl I just had sex with and the girl I've dreamed about all summer. And, of course, my parents are here to boot. I wonder what will be next in all this fun. Embarrassing stories from my childhood?

Draco took some sips of coffee to calm him down. As he began to indulge in his breakfast, he didn't realize that his father was now speaking to him.

"Oh. Sorry, father. What was it you were saying?"

"I was saying that I've been telling Hermione what must be done if she is to stay here. She has told me that she has a Muggle aunt that lives in London. I will perform a Displacement Spell that will pinpoint her in that location should the Ministry start snooping around. Her things have already been brought here, so that is not a worry. However, there is one small thing that could be a problem."

Lucius leaned towards his son and his tone became deadly serious. "I have instructed Hermione to write a letter to the Potter boy. She will send it right before I perform the spell. You will help her compose this letter making sure she doesn't give away too much or too little. It will not do to have Potter worrying about her. It would cause loads of unwanted trouble. Do you understand me, Draco?"

Draco nodded. "Yes, father."

Lucius clapped his hands together. "Now, on to more pleasant matters. Draco, have you finished that potion you were working so adamantly on?"

Draco was happy for the distraction to explain his findings. "Well, it's funny that you asked. I happened to be working on it last night and I found that - " Draco cut off when he felt something slip up his leg. He looked straight at Blaise, but she just stared back at him with wide, innocent eyes feigning interest.

Lucius had a puzzled expression. "Draco?"

Draco decided to ignore Blaise. "As I was saying, I've found all the ingredients except for one. I've tried everything I can think of: dragon's blood, phoenix tears."

Draco continued to rant about the potion he had been trying to create. While he was occupied with listing and ruling out various ingredients with Lucius, Blaise continued to tease Draco by trailing her foot up and down his leg. A smirk appeared when she saw Draco subtly squirm in his chair. Then, she had an idea. Blaise got Hermione's attention and shot her a meaningful look. Blaise tilted her head towards Draco while letting her tongue slide across her top lip. Hermione nodded and the girls shared the first conspiratorial smile of many.

Draco, pointedly ignoring Blaise's foot, was just finishing his list of possible components when he felt something else. A hand was slowing making its way up his inner thigh. He nearly jumped out of his chair in surprise. Both girls stifled their laughter.

Lucius looked concerned. "Is there something wrong, Draco?"

Draco knew he had to excuse himself and fast. His voice, steady for a good three years, cracked when he spoke. "No, father, I'm fine. I'm not feeling hungry at the moment. May I please be excused?"

"Of course, Draco. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, mother, I'm sure. I'll just be going now." Draco practically fled from the room. Blaise and Hermione, trying to contain themselves, rose from their spots and went after Draco explaining that they wanted to make sure he was okay.

They followed him into the parlor on the next floor. After closing the door, Blaise and Hermione fell onto the couch gasping for breath through gales of laughter. Draco was standing over them with his arms crossed as he waited for them to calm down. They finally did after a few moments and turned their gaze upon Draco. He did not look at all happy.

"I suppose you both think that was terribly funny. I don't assume to know the reason why you two decided to team up against me, but I would like to know one thing. What the HELL is going on?!"


The three beings continued to sit around the cauldron, but they were now discussing what was happening. If it was indeed happening.

They were the Three Powers. The ancient ones that had been here since the beginning and would be here until the end. It was their job to keep the balance between everything that went on in the world. From this forest cave, they decided the fate of every man, woman, and child on this plane of existence.

The sorceress was called Lavinia, and she was the Power of Good. She had a pure heart and believed in justice. She always fought for humanity and looked for the truth in everything. It was up to her to keep the good in people.

The hag was known as Ophidia, and she was the Power of Evil. Her heart was filled with wickedness and corruption. She encouraged acts of sin and malevolence. She also prided living villainous and immoral lives. It was up to her to keep evil in people.

The nymph was neither good nor evil, but she kept the balance between the two. Her name was Ambrosia, and she was the Power of Magic. She was responsible for keeping the other two in check, and also for deciding who had magic. Some were born with it while others were given the power later in life. Even if you were born to an all-magic family, there was no guarantee that you would be blessed with the gift.

The three had been in form since the Creation. They had watched centuries pass, kingdoms fall, wars fought, and humanity progress. Through it all, they had waited.

Before leaving the three beings to their own business, the One True Power had given them a warning. A warning that would alert them when he would be ready to alter the world. Alter it in such a way that power would be put into the hands of the mortals.

"It will come at a time when the world is more chaotic than it has ever been. The two will be chosen from the time of their birth. Neither will know their destiny. One will be Son of the Wolf, the other, Daughter of the Lion. They are who you will turn to."

For over seven thousand years, they had waited for any sign of the warning to come to pass. They had finally given up hope, but then it had come unexpectedly. A sign. Now, they sat in wait. Soon. Very soon.


Ron Weasley lay in his bed looking up at the moon through his window. Earlier that day, they had received the letter from Hermione letting them know that she was fine. Ron was glad for the letter, but he still wasn't completely convinced. He had heeded to Harry's warning about rushing off to see if she was okay; however, something still didn't sit right with him.

The letter was in no doubt. They had checked it and it had been Hermione's handwriting. He knew that it wasn't the letter itself that was bothering him, but the wording of it. He had never known Hermione to be so clipped when writing or saying anything. The only person he knew of that was in any way like that was Malfoy.

Just thinking of Hermione and Malfoy in the same train of thought gave Ron a shiver down his spine. He was probably being ridiculous and overreacting, but that didn't help him from worrying any less.

There was something up with the girl he was in love with, and he vowed to find out what it was.

A/N: Was that good or bad? I apologize once again for the delay in updating. It would have been posted last week had I not been extremely sick. I can't believe I'm finally finished with this chapter. It seemed like it took a long time to write, but I'm happy with it overall. I hope I was able to explain some things to you and also to confuse you some. If I didn't, you wouldn't continue to read the story, would you? Anyway, if the Blaise/Draco confrontation scene at the beginning sounds familiar, it's because I influenced it from the Sebastian/Kathryn confrontation scene in Cruel Intentions. If you have any questions or extra comments or you just want me to explain something, please don't hesitate to email me. And as always, PLEASE R/R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!