The Dark Arts
Angst Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 06/12/2004
Updated: 07/27/2004
Words: 6,009
Chapters: 10
Hits: 2,100



Story Summary:
It's bad when you fall in love with someone when you don't want it. But it's even worse when that person isn't real. Maybe it's about time she found out just how REAL he really was.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
It's bad when you fall in love with someone when you don't want it. But it's even worse when that person isn't real. Maybe it's about time she found out just how REAL he really was.
Author's Note:
Yea, we're almost to the end. Chapter eight and an epilogue! Wow...well...here we go!


"It makes logic sense, that since we can't go back and stop history, we should prevent it from happening in the future. Huh...human's really don't like to use common sense."

~Ashley's Ironic Files

Ginny saw Draco, a bit wide-eyed, smirking, out of the corner of her eye. Finding her reasonable mind, she pulled her hand from Tom's grasp.

"So...so you expect me to help you put the wizarding world on an unavoidable path to pain, torture, and dark magic?" she asked, finding her voice. "If you think...you must be insane!"

"Ginerva," Tom said in a calm, demanding manner. Ginny turned to look at him, searching his face for a sign of madness, or that this was all some joke. But, taking in his green eyes, his pale features; she realized he was serious, and so was Malfoy. "Draco," Tom said turning to the man. "Give me a few minutes with her."

"Sure," the blonde man obliged. "I'll be right outside the door." After he had left, Tom turned back to her.

"If you think...."

"Shh," he said, placing his finger on her lips, sending a different feeling through her than Malfoy's finger had. "Ginny, I need to explain to you why I am doing this...why I NEED this. Things I can't tell Draco Malfoy."

"I don't know why you need me..." she trailed off, confused.

"Ginny," Tom said, capturing her attention. "I asked for this. Not just for the sake of dark magic prevailing in ways I could only dream of, but for my future as well."

"Why would you want to work under Malfoy?"

"I wouldn't be working under him," Tom said standing now and pulling her up with him. "When I graduate from Hogwarts, he will take me in as his equal, as we have agreed."

"And why do you think I would ever agree to this?" she spat.

"You don't want to watch your precious world, your precious friends end up six feet under. If you work with us, Ginny, you might be able to prevent so much of that. Help us purify, and make the wizarding world better for all. After all, Ginerva, it's impossible to hide in the light."

Ginny's eyes widened. "You...you trespassed on my thoughts!"

"I simply overheard them," Tom reasoned. "Ginny, listen to your mind, there's some part of you that wants this."

"There will never be a part of me that wants this," she said.

"The wizarding world would be a better place," Tom said, his tone harsh, his voice rising.

"It would be a better place if you were dead!" she screeched.

"But you don't want me dead," Tom said, as if he knew. He did know, her mind told her.

"The wizarding world is far more important then my childish wishes!"

"Ginny, if this plan goes through, you and I could be together, forever!"

"If it would leave the wizarding world with no direction, pure chaos, and killings then I will take no part in it!"

"How...ironic...of you to say that, Ginerva."


"You already have played a part in chaos, torture, and killings. You became involved ten years ago, and you can't back out."

Author notes: Please, please review!! It'd mean soooo much, and be totally honest...just not TOO cruel...

I want to thank all those who have reviewed...i hope you enjoyed this story as much as i have. And thank you, for i've gotten so much more out of it then i feel i put in.

Please review!