Draco Malfoy
General Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 12/31/2003
Updated: 04/18/2004
Words: 181,191
Chapters: 46
Hits: 99,765

Harry Potter and Unexpected Beginnings

dan's girl62

Story Summary:
The summer after OoTP, Harry discovers he has control of his connection with Voldemort, and uses it to his advantage. With the help of his friends, and an unexpected joining of their team, Harry and the gang return to school for their 6th year and go in search of a way to defeat Voldemort. However, when teenage hormones set in, can Harry find room in his heart to love, or will he reject her based on fear of a prophecy that dictates his future...or lack thereof. Rated R for future chapters.

Chapter 43

Author's Note:
Thank you to "D" for all the great work, advice and friendship. You're the best beta reader in the world and I couldn't do this without you.

Chapter forty-three

The shadows dancing across the ceiling played out in an array of intricate patterns. Harry had lay there in his hospital bed for the past hour staring at them, watching and waiting for what he knew would come to pass. Ginny was in danger and there was nothing he could do to protect her. She was at Hogwart's, the safest place in the entire world and yet the most evil wizard of the century had managed to get as far as the boundaries. Harry knew it was only a matter of time and Voldemort would get the counter spells that would allow him to advance on the school.

He sighed deeply, turning over in his bed. He felt helpless. He knew what was about to happen, he knew what the outcome would be, but he didn't know how it was to be done. If only he could make his premonitions work for him, instead of keeping him a silent spectator. Again Harry sighed, this time catching the shadow that moved in the corner of the room. Instantly he felt his instincts kick in, but he didn't have his wand with him; he had nothing to protect him. He sat up cautiously in the bed, leaning on his elbow. At least he could put forth the image of calm, even though his insides were exploding in a variety of sparks.

"Why are you hiding in the shadows?" he asked, proud that his voice was steady and strong. A familiar snicker echoed from near the door as the tall blond figure stepped closer to him. Harry shifted his position to lean against the head of the small bed, his mind racing to find something he could do to protect himself. He knew the summonsing spell, but would it work to bring his wand to him from the cupboard where he knew Madame Pomfrey always kept her patients clothing in?

"Nervous Potter?" Malfoy asked as he paced his way to the foot of the bed.

"Should I be?" Harry asked, forcing his eyes to reflect a false calm.

"I would be if I were you. Your friends aren't around to protect you; your little girlfriend is nowhere to be found. Even Dumbledore is asleep. You're defenseless and at my complete mercy should I choose to take advantage of your current situation," he smirked.

"You sound a little perverted, Malfoy."

"Don't flatter yourself, Potter. I don't seduce anyone with hideous deformities like that scar you're so proud of."

"Then why are you here? As far as I can tell, your friends and girlfriend aren't exactly around either, so there's nobody for you to gloat to. What possible reason would you have to come slithering in here in the middle of the night? Aren't you breaking curfew?"

"I'm a prefect remember? I can come and go as I wish. But don't worry; I'm not here to attack you or anything. I just wanted to talk."

"Really? Why?"

"Look Potter, I don't like you and I know you don't like me. It's been an interesting year for me, one that I've had to spend trying to make sense of certain aspects of my life and reevaluate what I want out of it."

"And since your father has come to such low depths in life, you've found yourself having to consider other means to making ends meet, is that it? What do you want Malfoy, a loan?"

"Don't get flipped Potter. I still have the Malfoy fortune; it's just tied up in Ministry red tape. Besides, I have my own money, more than you'll ever dream of and its available to me at my command."

"So what do you want?" Malfoy began pacing trying to decide to sit or stand, looking at the empty beds around the room and then back to Harry. The serious expression on the young blond's face made Harry's brows crease in a deep frown. He actually looked like he did want to talk.

"Do you remember the day the news of my mother's death reached the papers?" Malfoy began softly, his voice slightly choked when he spoke of his mother.

"Yeah, I remember. It was really hard to believe she could have been considered a traitor."

"She was, at least she was according to the Dark Lord." Malfoy finally decided to sit on the corner of Harry's bed, looking down at the floor. "I remember the night she disappeared. I heard voices coming from the drawing room and by the time I got down there, she was gone. At first I thought perhaps my father had made it home somehow, but then I saw the tray of cakes and teas she always snacked on at night. Everything had been tasted and her tea had been poured from her cup into the saucer. There are very few people I know of who could have made it through my father's protection spells, and only two that have such poor manners. I've grown up taught to think of their sons as friends."

"Crabbe and Goyle," Harry said, suddenly aware of the reason behind Malfoy's treatment of his cohorts over the past several months. Malfoy nodded silently.

"Do you know I've come to detest my birthday?" Harry frowned again, watching as Malfoy continued to stare at his feet. "My father promised me to the Dark Lord the day I was born. I was to join them on my sixteenth birthday. I've been trained in the darkest of all magic since I was old enough to walk. I've been told how I would someday rule by my father's side, that he was the chosen one to take over when the Dark Lord was defeated. I've grown up hearing about the greatness that lay ahead of me. Of how I would one day help bring order to the wizarding world and rule over all Muggles." He paused, looking at Harry's impassive face. "But after last year my mother became frightened for me. She went to my godfather and told him that she didn't want me to follow my father's path in life. He convinced her to seek council from Dumbledore. She was acting as an informer for the Ministry, but the Dark Lord's spies learned of her loyalty to Dumbledore and reported her to the Death Eaters."

"So that was why she was killed?" Harry said, reluctant to let him know that he had seen how she died and who had done it. He still didn't trust Malfoy, regardless of how sincere he seemed. He was still Draco Malfoy, arch enemy and Slytherin.

"I didn't read the Daily Prophet's version of her death. I was too busy reading a letter from my father. He decided it was best to owl me anonymously and tell me how my mother died. He said her death was necessary in order to assure that others who decided to follow her lead and turn against the Dark Lord, understood what awaited them." Malfoy snorted in a disgusted sort of laugh. "My mother's death was necessary, that's what he said."

"Who have you been sending secret owls to?" Harry thought now might be a good time to learn all he could about the blond. After all, if he were the fifth point of the star as prophecy dictated, and then now was as good a time as any to try and persuade him to joining their side in the battle against Voldemort. Malfoy looked at Harry from the corner of his eye, turning his head slightly but not completely. He sneered his usual Malfoy smile.

"I should have known you would know what I was up to," he said in a soft voice. "You've always had a way of knowing things others didn't. Well, if you must know, I've been in contact with my family's lawyer. He believes that I can get my property and fortune back from the Ministry. I am the only heir to the Malfoy estates and as such, I am entitled to all that my father owned."

"But your father isn't dead. Isn't there some sort of law that prevents you from getting anything until he dies?"

"That is really only a matter of time, don't you think?" Malfoy turned his expression serious once again as he looked at Harry. "My lawyer believes that I can file a petition against the estate, based on my father's background and current circumstances. It's all up to the new Minster of Magic now. I suppose if Weasel has anything to say about it, I'll never see a single galleon of what is rightfully mine."

"Don't judge Mr. Weasley so harshly," Harry snarled. "He's a good man, an honest man. He'll be fair."

"Well, we'll see won't we?" Malfoy stood and turned back to Harry who lay in the bed, his eyes locking with his enemy's. "Don't take this to heart Potter, but I'm rethinking my opinion on your actions from last year. Perhaps what happened was for the best."

"You said your father promised you to Voldemort on your sixteenth birthday," Harry asked, aware of the slight cringe the blond offered in response to the Dark Lord's name. "Wasn't your birthday last October?"

"It was."

"How did your father explain your not joining him then?" Malfoy's jaw clenched as he focused his gaze on the emerald eyes staring at him.

"He put a warrant out on my head," Malfoy whispered. "Anyone who turns me over to the Dark Lord receives ten thousand gold galleons."

"What are you going to do now?" Harry saw the sorrow in the Slytherin's eyes and something else...fear. It was a side of him he had never seen before. Malfoy covered his emotions with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I suppose I'll finish out my schooling here and then think about what comes next when the time comes."

"You have another option," Harry said. "You can join us. Voldemort's terror has just begun. We could use all the wizards we can find. You're a very powerful wizard, Malfoy, we could benefit from your skills."

"So it's either join the Dark Lord and my father, or join Potty, Weasel and the Mudblood? Thanks, but I think I'll take my chances alone. It's better than claiming to be associated with anything the famous trio is involved in."

"Think about it Malfoy. You'll have to choose eventually. Whose side will you fight on then? The side your mother tried to protect you from, or the one she tried to protect you with." Malfoy frowned at Harry's words, but turned and walked out of the room in silence. Harry watched him leave, thinking that perhaps he had been wrong, that Malfoy wasn't the fifth point as he was so certain of a few hours ago. But then there was the fact that he had a bounty on his head. With such a high price, someone was bound to lure him away or figure out a way of capturing him. And then what? What would Voldemort do to him once he had him? Would he convince him to join the Death Eaters or would he follow in his mother's demise? And what about all of this tonight? Was Malfoy honest in what he had said, or was it a trick to worm his way into Harry's good graces? There seemed to be more questions than answers and at the moment Harry's head was pounding again. It was difficult to say, but he had a feeling things were going to move from bad to worse.

Spring break came and went with little if any eventful outcome. Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione had gone back to Grimmauld Place and spent the week with Lupin, Tonks and the Weasleys. The four younger members of the house spent a great deal of time discussing the prophecy, or at least the part they knew, as well as all that had transpired between Malfoy and Harry that night in the hospital wing. They were all confused and amazed that the pompous Slytherin would be so open with anyone, much less the one person he blamed for everything that happened in life. Ron was still unconvinced that he was sincere and tried to warn the others repeatedly, not to trust him. Harry knew there were a extenuating circumstances that led to his friend's mistrust, as there were with him, but something in the way Malfoy had spoken and acted, made Harry trust his sincerity. He was more convinced than ever that Malfoy was the fifth point of the prophesized star, Dumbledore continually spoke of.

May brought with it the usual excitement of the Quidditch final game between the two leaders, Gryffindor and Slytherin. Harry, Ron and Ginny were busy practicing for the big game, while Hermione was left to research in the library. She was determined to find everything she could about both Tom Riddle and the Green Flame Torch. Over the past few weeks, her research had become an obsession. She spent every waking moment away from classes and homework, in the library. So far she had found little, if anything that would benefit their quest.

Ron was growing frustrated with the added work while they prepared for the Quidditch match, as well as their upcoming final exams. He was irritated about the amount of homework and growing angry at the lack of attention from his girlfriend. His attitude was beginning to rub off on everyone around them. Even Seamus and Dean were snapping at each other as the hours grew into frustrating days.

Harry was trying to keep his head about him, but it wasn't easy. He was spending more time looking out for Ginny, watching everything she did and sending Dobby to spy on her when she was out of his sight. This of course, didn't set well with the little red head. She was feeling the frustration of her O.W.L.s as well as the irritability of being spied on. This time however, she was determined to listen to Harry when he warned her to watch out for herself. She wasn't all that anxious to repeat the close encounter she had experienced in Diagon Alley over Christmas holidays.

By the time the final game arrived, the frustration had grown into some violent outbursts. Ron and Hermione had set it off with a full-blown fight, complete with Hermione punching Ron in the face, breaking his nose and sending him to Madame Pomfrey. Harry and Ginny weren't much better. They had stopped speaking personally two days prior, ever since Ginny caught Dobby spying on her and was informed it was by Harry's orders that he was there. Seamus had stopped speaking to Dean, Neville and Luna were on the outs with each other over being caught by Snape, shagging by the lake's edge and even the teachers seemed to be fighting.

Harry had managed to bring about a great deal of practice sessions and when they mounted their brooms for the final game, they knew exactly how to read the actions of the other members of their team. They were in perfect sync with each other, passing the quaffle with ease and skill, while Harry kept an eye open for the golden snitch. Malfoy seemed back to his old self, sneering at Ron and Ginny, teasing and tormenting Harry and throwing insults to the rest of the team at every chance. Harry was about to call a time out after forty five minutes of playing, when he caught sight of the little fluttering sphere near the rings at the Gryffindor end of the pitch. He was irritated from having to listen to Malfoy's constant jeering and decided to lure the blond away from their target. Malfoy had yet to see the snitch, which allowed Harry to pretend. He stirred his broom away from the Gryffindor end of the pitch, glancing across his shoulder to see the trick working, as the Slytherin seeker headed off right behind him. He dodged and twisted around the support posts of the house bleachers, leading Malfoy into a head on buzz toward the ground. Instantly Harry pulled back on his broom, taking his firebolt into a straight up pitch, and then maneuvered the sleek broom toward the Gryffindor end of the field. Malfoy saw the trick a little late, reaching the ground and twisting his ankle as he tried to pull up in time to avoid a full-blown crash. With pain throbbing up his leg, the blond headed after Harry, but was too late. Harry's long fingers stretched out and wrapped around the golden object just as Malfoy reached his shoulder.

Immediately, the Slytherin knocked his shoulder against Harry's tipping him off his broom. Harry scrambled to retain control of his broom with one hand, while the other continued to hold tightly to the winged ball. Harry was mad, his anger growing to heights he hadn't felt in a very long time. He regained his composure and headed after Malfoy who was half way across the field. He raced up behind him, his leg reaching out and kicking the back of the young man's broom, tipping him backwards until he led his broom into a three hundred and sixty degree circle. The crowd was screaming because Harry had caught the snitch, then because the two seekers were about to take on each other, fists balled and looks of hatred on their faces. Ron and Ginny saw the expressions and headed as quickly as possible toward the two, but by the time they reached each other they were too late. Harry and Malfoy had hold of each other's robes, Harry had a received a particularly nasty blow from Malfoy and was forcing himself to see through a very swollen eye, while his opponent was trying to regain composure from receiving a fist in his own face, a fat lip and a crooked nose to show evidence of the angry blow he had received.

Madam Hooch was at their sides in no time flat, blowing her whistle violently. Harry and Malfoy were too angry to hear, each throwing punches while holding onto their brooms. It wasn't until two very firm sets of hands held them back, did they realize what was going on. Snape had mounted a broom - the first anyone had ever seen him on - while Ginny had used a rope spell to control Harry. Both young men were surprised and angry; now with those holding them back then with each other.

"Detention for both of you," Madame Hooch growled. "One week starting tonight. This game is over." Harry had no choice but to follow after Ginny to the locker room, still in ropes, while a violently angry Snape was leading Malfoy off the field, his arm-twisted in the long claw-like fingers of the potions master.

"Let me go!" he snapped as she dragged him into the locker room ahead of the rest of the team.

"You have to be the thickest wizard in all of Hogwart's," Ginny insisted, waving her wand and releasing him from her spell. "Why the hell did you attack Malfoy and right in front of the entire faculty?"

"He started it. What was I supposed to do, just walk away and pretend nothing happened?"

"Geez Ginny lay off," Ron insisted. "It was Ferret-face's fault and you know it. Give that snake a chance and he'll bite his own mum in the arse."

"That's not funny Ronald," Ginny growled. "Besides, Harry's temper just cost him an entire week of detention, with Malfoy no less. And now we've gone back to square one where the fifth point is concerned." Ginny glanced around to make certain the other team members had headed to the showers.

"Well, maybe we were wrong about that," Harry said with clenched fists. "There is no way I will ever ask that...Slytherin to join us in the fight against his Dark Lord."

"Regardless, we'll never have the opportunity to ask him after the way you behaved today."

"Lay off him, Virginia," Ron growled. "It wasn't his fault."

"Hey you guys," Dean said heading out of the showers, a towel around his waist, his hair dripping to his shoulders. "Are you going to stand here fighting all day, or are you going to join us for the victory celebration?"

"Yeah, we're coming," Ron said, glaring at his sister.

"Great, because it starts in five minutes."

"We'll be there," Harry told him, turning back to Ginny. "That is if it's all right with you?"

"Don't be a smart arse, Harry Potter," Ginny said softly. "I'll let you have the worst hex you could ever dream of."

"I think I already got that," he growled in an equally soft tone. "When you tied me up in front of the whole school."

"If you're not careful, I'll do worse than that next time." Ginny turned and left the locker room, ignoring the need to shower. Right now the more space she put between the two of them the better. There were times, she thought as she stormed back to her dormitory, that this love thing was for the birds.

The evening meal that night was eaten with a great deal of excitement. Everyone except for the Slytherin House was eagerly reliving the final game. There was a great deal of talk about the fight between Harry and Malfoy, which did little to relieve Ginny's anger. She was so furious with Harry, that they both had forgotten it was her birthday. They had been planning to spend the evening together for weeks and Harry had even managed to get permission from Dumbledore to take her to Hogsmeade for a special evening alone. All of that was now forgotten.

Harry glanced across the hall to the Slytherin table, noticing that their pride and joy wasn't with them. He smiled with a sick sense of pleasure, thinking that Malfoy hadn't had the courage to stand up and face the fact that he had lost the House cup yet again. He glanced back to Ginny and was about to apologize for his actions, having calmed down over the past half hour. He opened his mouth to speak, when he caught sight of Snape who had just joined the teachers, ignoring his seat and leaning over Dumbledore to whisper in his ear. Ginny, Ron and Hermione saw the direction Harry's attention had be drawn and followed suite, looking at the aged wizard. Dumbledore looked angrier than any of them had seen, with the exception of Harry. Last year he saw how mad the Headmaster could get, when he confronted Voldemort in the Ministry. This time however, he looked even angrier.

"Students, may I have your attention," Dumbledore said, standing beside Snape. "I need each house prefect to lead their houses back to their dormitories and remain there until further notice." The students all began talking at once and Harry noticed that the Slytherin table looked the worst for wear.

"I am afraid to say, we've had a student disappear from Hogwart's," Dumbledore continued, realizing the students were not leaving without an explanation. "Until we can sort this out, it is best that all students remain in their proper dormitories until further notice."

"Who's disappeared?" a student from Ravenclaw asked above the chatter. Dumbledore looked to Snape and then to McGonagall before glancing back to Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione. He drew a deep breath then answered without further hesitation.

"I'm afraid it's Draco Malfoy."

Author notes: Thank you to everyone who has been patient with my delay in submitting new chapters. Your kind words and understanding is greatly appreciated. Please continue to R/R, as always, I love hearing from everyone.