Draco Malfoy
General Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 12/31/2003
Updated: 04/18/2004
Words: 181,191
Chapters: 46
Hits: 99,765

Harry Potter and Unexpected Beginnings

dan's girl62

Story Summary:
The summer after OoTP, Harry discovers he has control of his connection with Voldemort, and uses it to his advantage. With the help of his friends, and an unexpected joining of their team, Harry and the gang return to school for their 6th year and go in search of a way to defeat Voldemort. However, when teenage hormones set in, can Harry find room in his heart to love, or will he reject her based on fear of a prophecy that dictates his future...or lack thereof. Rated R for future chapters.

Chapter 37


Chapter thirty-seven

Harry and Ginny sat in the common room, patiently waiting for Hermione return from the Prefects bathroom. Ron had arrived shortly after they returned that morning, smiling contently with wet hair and a cleanly shaven chin. He started telling them all about his night with Hermione, revealing certain information that neither of them really cared to hear. He was revealing how they had spent nearly an hour investigating the more interesting segments of the tattered magazine they still hid from George, when the once again bushy-haired Hermione stepped through the portrait hole. Harry felt a sudden surge of relief, as the girl joined them, smiling brightly.

"How was your evening?" she asked, reaching across the table to the bowl of crisps from the house Valentine's party the night before.

"Great," Harry said, glancing to Ginny and offering a very soft smile. "Until this morning."

"What happened this morning?" Ron asked absent mindedly, reaching toward Hermione and tucking a loose piece of hair behind her ear.

"Wormtail decided to make an unannounced visit," Harry said, watching the looks his friends gave him, immediately gaining both of their attention.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Why was he here?" Ron said over Hermione.

"He wasn't here, he was at the Shrieking Shack," Ginny said. "We spent a wonderful night there, and when we woke up we found him sneaking around."

"What did he want?" Hermione asked.

"He told us a very interesting story," Harry said, relaying what was exchanged between the Animagus and themselves. Half an hour later, Harry, Ginny and Ron sat silently looking at the serious expression on Hermione's face.

"What do you think?" Harry asked, watching the frown creasing her brows deepen.

"He did owe you his life, Harry, a wizard's debt. But why would he be running from Voldemort now? Why not before Malfoy's mother was killed, or after the prison was emptied? Why not last year, or two years ago? Why now?"

"He didn't say, but I can only imagine if it's true, there isn't going to be a single wizard not looking for him."

"He said you could find Voldemort where his father found refuge?" Hermione asked. "Who was his father? It can't be that easy to find, if we don't know who he was."

"Voldemort's real name is Tom Marvolo Riddle," Harry said. "Surely we can find information based on that."

"Didn't you tell us, his father was a muggle?" Ron asked. "My dad told me about this thing called a felly-tone book. Maybe we can find something in that."

"It's a telephone book, Ron," Hermione clarified. "And it only has the names of live people, not dead ones. Harry told us he used a bone from his father to create the potion that brought him back to life. That would mean his father was dead."

"I've been in the graveyard before," Harry told them. "I've also seen the house and been in it in my dreams. I'll recognize it again, if I see it."

"We'll have to check out the vital records and see if there's a birth certificate. In the meantime, we need to see if we can find out anything about this thing he wants. Surely Dumbledore knows about it."

"But Dumbledore will never tell us," Ron said. "He still hasn't told Harry everything about the prophecy."

"What about this spy at the Ministry?" Ginny asked. "Wormtail said he was a loyal and trusted member. Dumbledore said they had someone in mind, they just had to get the proof."

"We need to speak with Professor Dumbledore," Hermione said, standing up from her seat. "Lets see if we can speak with him after breakfast. I'm sure he'll know what to do."

"I still don't think he'll tell us anything," Ron said, as they filed out the portrait hole.

Breakfast was the usual Sunday morning array of students talking, laughing and making plans for hours ahead. Harry sat next to Ginny talking quietly while making plans to get in a few extra hours of Quidditch practice. Ron and Hermione were sitting across from them, with Hermione insisting they should all go to the library and see what they could find out about Tom Riddle. She had already talked Ron into sending an owl to his father, alerting him to what they found out regarding the spy at the Ministry, and according to Ron, that was enough of being serious for one day. It was a beautiful February day, unusually warm and sunny, and he wanted to play Quidditch with Harry and Ginny. Before an argument erupted however, Professor Dumbledore stood from his seat at the head table, and glanced toward Harry with a slight frown. Harry and Ginny glanced up at him, preparing to follow him, when the old wizard stopped by the Gryffindor table, his steady hand on Harry's shoulder.

"I'd like to speak with the four of you please," he said, indicating to the two couples. Harry glanced to Ron, who stood as they all followed the Headmaster out of the Great Hall. Dumbledore lead the way up the stairs to the second floor with Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione behind him, silently and obediently following him. They stopped in front of the gargoyle statue, which leapt quickly out of the way when its master whispered the password. They stepped onto the circular staircase, and waited patiently as it began moving up to the Headmaster's tower. Once in his office, Dumbledore took a seat behind his desk, waving his wand and waiting as his four visitors took the seats that materialized behind them. He sat staring at the four until one of the paintings cleared their throat, pretending to be asleep.

"I know you are very resourceful young people," Dumbledore said at last. "But there is a reason why certain places are out of bounds to students, and sealed shut." Harry and Ginny glanced to each other, blushing softly. "You never cease to amaze me, nor am I surprised how easily you manage to get in and out of trouble."

"Professor," Harry began, clearing his throat. "I'm sorry for disobeying your rules, but Ginny and I wanted to spend Valentine's Day together and..." Dumbledore raised his hand, stopping the young man in mid sentence.

"I understand, Harry. Please don't explain further. I was young once myself you know." The old man smiled whimsically; glancing to Ron and Hermione, before turning his attention back to Harry. "I've had a feeling throughout breakfast, that you wanted to speak with me. What can I do for you?"

"We had a visit this morning, Professor," he began. "Wormtail...Peter Pettigrew that is, came to the Shrieking Shack. He said Voldemort is not happy about Mr. Weasley's appointment to the Minister of Magic. He said he knows the Ministry is under heavy guard, but he is determined to learn the charms and spells that protect Hogwart's. He also said Voldemort wants you."

"That really is not much of surprise," the Professor said leaning back in his chair, his fingers closing in front of his crooked nose.

"Wormtail also said Voldemort has a very loyal spy inside the Ministry, who has been trying to find the spells used to protect the castle. He said that there is something hidden here and that it holds a secret that he knows will bring an end to the war and bring him back to full power." Dumbledore was silent for several moments, thinking about what Harry had just said.

"Do you understand what he meant, Professor?" Hermione asked, watching the expression cross the old man's face.

"I do," he answered. "What else did he tell you?"

"He said this secret is something that the Dark Lord fears above all else. He said it contains great powers and secrets among the ages. Wormtail said Voldemort has been concentrating all his energy on getting the counter spells for the school. He said the secret is more powerful than even you are and that the Dark Lord is obsessed to find it. He doesn't sleep or eat, and he stays alive with the venom of his pet snake. He thinks Narissa Malfoy knew about the secret, but took the knowledge of it to her grave."

"He won't get in will he Professor?" Ginny asked softly. Dumbledore stared at the young girl for a few moments.

"Not as long as I am head of this school, Miss Weasley. Did he happen to mention who the Ministry's insider was?"

"No sir, he didn't know. But he did say it was someone trusted and highly thought of. There was something else, sir," Harry said, glancing to Ginny. "He said Bellatrix LaStrange is pregnant with Voldemort's child. He said it would not be a normal baby. Voldemort is being kept alive by the venom of the snake, and that he is more reptile than human. He has predicted the child will be his heir in both the Slytherin kingdom, as well as the wizarding world."

"He said that when it's born, that even Voldemort will not be its match," Ginny picked up. "He said its powers would be greater than any seen before."

"That may very well be," Dumbledore said, his tone quiet and methodical.

"He wouldn't tell us where he was, although he did say he was hiding in the one place where his father always found refuge, but he was bound by a spell that prevented him from telling us more." Ginny drew a deep breath, feeling as if the words were suffocating to get out of her lungs.

"Wormtail said his life was worthless, but that he owed me a debt and that I would need all the supporters I could get when the time came. He claimed he'd be back to support our side."

"He owed you a wizard's debt, Harry. I knew he would repay it someday." Dumbledore leaned back in his chair again; unaware that he had unconsciously moved forward in his seat.

"I don't know how much I can trust him," Harry said in hushed tones. "He killed my parents and caused Sirius to go to prison for their deaths. I can't believe that he's turned tail and is willing to work on our side."

"Fate has strange ideas, Harry. Never judge a spell by the wand which casts it."

"Professor," Hermione began. "What did he mean about Voldemort being in a place his father found refuge?"

"I'm not sure Miss Granger, but I intend to find out."

"Professor, there is one more thing," Harry said clearing his throat again. "I found out about the sealing charms of the Shrieking Shack because..." Harry looked to Ginny.

"He used a spell on Professor Snape that I believe may have been the 'lapis gelu'," Ginny explained on her boyfriend's behalf. Dumbledore stared at Harry with a frown.

"Are you sure about this, Harry?" he asked.

"No sir, I'm not. I've never heard of the spell until Ginny told me about it. I don't even know how I made it work. I was just practicing my Occlumency lessons, when Snape...froze. It happened just a few times, but it went from a couple of minutes to about ten minutes. I honestly don't know how I did it, sir."

"That spell is very advanced, even for you. I wouldn't have expected a wizard of University standing to get that spell correct so easily. Did you discuss this with Professor Snape?"

"No...I mean no sir," Harry said with disgust. "It's hard enough having him for extra lessons, I don't want him to know I've learned something new."

"I will have to investigate this further," Dumbledore said seriously. "I would like to sit in on your next lesson with Professor Snape, Harry."

"Yes sir," Harry said.

"What about the things Scabbers....or Wormtail told Harry?" Ron asked.

"There are many things that will need investigating, Mr. Weasley. But I am sure the Order and your father will handle the information with the utmost seriousness."

"Professor, what is the secret Voldemort is after?" Hermione asked. Dumbledore looked from one young face, to the other, taking time to consider the situation.

"There is a device in this school, that maintains harmony in the world. It is an ancient device, and in the wrong hands...such as Lord Voldemort's, the world would be thrown into pure hell."

"What kind of device is it?" Harry asked. Dumbledore stood up and glanced to the portraits of his predecessors. Phineas and the old witch both looked down at him, sternly objecting to what he was about to do. He started toward the stairs that lead to the upper floor of his office, then looked back to the four raising an eyebrow. Harry stood first, followed by Ron and Ginny and a lastly a very reluctant Hermione. They stepped toward the old wizard, following him up the circular staircase to the top floor. There standing in the middle of the floor was a large golden globe with a massive telescope pointing out the window. It was sitting on a pedestal that was bolted to the floor, and among the base was a large wheel and crank, which moved the telescope from one location to the next.

"This is called the Terra Auxilium Ducere," Dumbledore explained. "It is the single greatest device on the planet. Without this machine, the world would fall into complete chaos. You use this dial," he stepped over to the golden machine and began cranking the wheel. "You set the location cooridance of the area most chaotic and set the density, say a two and engage it's magic." The machine began to whir softly, then clunked several times before it rattled violently and hissed. Dumbledore kicked the base of the machine, and it again began whirring, a pale blue light shooting from the glass end and traveling to its destination.

"How exactly does it work?" Hermione asked, leaning over to investigate every detail of the machine.

"When the four great witches and wizards built this school, they did it on the single greatest source of magic on the planet," Dumbledore continued. "This device utilizes that magic and transports it to a location otherwise out of sync. It then cascades a sphere of magic and harmony across the land where it is needed most. There it is absorbed in the land and by all living creatures. Depending on the severity of the trouble, it may take several weeks or in the most extreme cases, years to create a euphoria, but eventually it takes effect. The machine is old and is in need of repair, but since the rise of Voldemort we have had to put it on hold for now. All the resources have to go to fighting the battle, and training new Aurors."

"So if Voldemort gets his hands on it, it could cause total chaos worldwide, for Muggles and Wizards alike," Hermione said in astonishment.

"Exactly," Dumbledore said with a nod.

"Bloody hell," Ron said.

"Voldemort doesn't know exactly what it is, he just knows there's something here that's more powerful than any wizard alive," Harry said. "Maybe we can use it to our benefit."

"That is a very good idea, Harry. We'll have to discuss that further when the time comes. Right now, you four need should go enjoy your Sunday. It's going to be a beautiful day. Professor Trelawney is predicting an early spring."

"Great," Ron said in disgust. "We're in for another six months of winter." Dumbledore smiled at the young man's expression, walking toward the stairs again.

"Professor," Harry said, interrupting his progress. "What about the baby Bellatrix is having?"

"That is another problem, in itself."

"Would it really be more powerful than even the Dark Lord?" Ginny asked.

"I don't know. But I can guess. That is something I will have to spend time thinking about."

"What about the spy at the Ministry?" Ron asked, stepping down the stairs behind the professor.

"That really isn't anything to be concerned about," Dumbledore said. "I believe I know who it is. I'll have the Order take care of it. By the way, Mr. Weasley, how was your brothers' party last night?" Ron blushed openly as he thought back on the events of the evening.

"For the most part it was very nice," Harry answered, causing Dumbledore to chuckle freely, his aged features looking a lot less wrinkled.

"I expect the young Mr. Weasleys outdid themselves."

"You can say that again," Ron snorted under his breath. Harry was about to leave the office, when he suddenly turned and looked at the Headmaster.

"What is it Harry?" the old wizard asked.

"Your brother, you mentioned he thought it best to take defense at the rear?"

"Yes, that's right," Dumbledore, said with a soft twinkle in his eyes.

"Are you sure he's not working at the head instead? Perhaps one that resembles a Hog?" Dumbledore's smile widened, as he nodded.

"Perhaps that is one way to look at it." Harry nodded in return, smiling at the expression on the aging wizard's face.

"What was that all about?" Hermione asked after they had left the office, and were safely on their way back to their dormitory.

"Just something between the professor and myself," he told her with a smile.

"Anything you care to tell your friends about?" Ron asked

"No, not right now."

"What about your girlfriend?" Ginny asked kissing his cheek.

"Nope, not even you."

"What's going on?" Hermione asked with a frown.

"I think we need to check out the library and see what we can find out about Tom Riddle," Harry said, ignoring the question and heading in the direction of the library, his hand tucked inside Ginny's.

"And just think, I was worried about this being an ordinary Sunday," Ron grumbled.

Author notes: As always, thanks to "D" and for everyone who continues to R/R, thank you. Please keep R/R, because it's almost over!