Draco Malfoy
General Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 12/31/2003
Updated: 04/18/2004
Words: 181,191
Chapters: 46
Hits: 99,765

Harry Potter and Unexpected Beginnings

dan's girl62

Story Summary:
The summer after OoTP, Harry discovers he has control of his connection with Voldemort, and uses it to his advantage. With the help of his friends, and an unexpected joining of their team, Harry and the gang return to school for their 6th year and go in search of a way to defeat Voldemort. However, when teenage hormones set in, can Harry find room in his heart to love, or will he reject her based on fear of a prophecy that dictates his future...or lack thereof. Rated R for future chapters.

Chapter 28


Chapter twenty-eight

The skies were cloudy and gray; the thunder of a storm echoed the stillness. Ginny looked out the window, seeing the first drops of rain begin to fall. She had to go, it was getting late and she had to get home. She stepped out of the shop, pulling her hood over her head and gathering her bag closer to her. She began walking down the street, the chill from the winter's storm beating against her in angry pelts. The rain was cold, and the threat of it turning to snow was imminent. She could feel the chill already soaking into her slender flesh, as she hurried to the shop down at the end of the street. There would be warmth there. She'd be able to get home and back to Harry through their fireplace. If only she had thought more rationally before leaving, she would have considered the weather, she would have thought about wearing something warmer than this little tee shirt and jeans.

She reached the store, just as the rain began to pour harder. The clock at the other end of the street chimed three, as she pulled her cloak tighter around her, reaching for the door handle. The idea of a warm fire, and a mug of hot chocolate weighed heavily on her mind. At first she didn't see the shadowed figure standing between the buildings next to her. But as she turned the handle to open the door, the shadow moved and she saw it with a start.

"Miss Weasley?" the raspy voice said, barely above a whisper. "Miss Ginny Weasley?"

"Yes," Ginny answered, narrowing her eyes to see the face behind the cloak.

"I have a message for you to give to Albus Dumbledore," the cloaked figure said. Ginny relaxed, her hand on the door's handle fell to her side, as she reached forward. Instead of handing an envelope over to the girl as she expected, the figure raised his wand. Ginny's eyes widened, her mouth opened to scream, but she was silenced instantly.

"Avada Kedavra," the voice said, as a stream of green light flashed from the end of the wand. Ginny fell backward, her bag being tossed from her arm, her slender frame hitting the stones in an eerie crash of death.

"Maybe Dumbledore will know better than to steal what is mine," the voice said, then turned and walked back into the shadows.

"NO! Ginny!" Harry sat straight up in bed, sweat streaming from his face, his heart pounding violently in his chest. A warm hand touched his shoulder, causing him to jump in alarm. He turned to see the girl sitting next to him, his eyes trying to focus on the image, trying to distinguish if it was real or not.

"Harry, it's all right," Ginny said, wrapping her arms around his neck. "It was just a dream."

"No, it wasn't," he told her, wrapping his arms around her so tightly, she could barely breath. "It wasn't a dream. Oh, God, Ginny. It was a premonition. You're going to be killed. Oh, God, please don't let this happen."

"Harry it won't happen," Ginny assured him. "I'm here, it was just a really bad dream."

"No, it wasn't. It was real; it's going to happen and I'm not going to be there to stop it."

"But you already have, Harry. You've seen it, and you know what's going to happen. That means it can be changed. Remember Percy? You stopped him from being killed, you'll stop this too."

"I can't live without you, Ginny," he began to sob, holding her tighter. "Everyone I've ever loved is gone, I won't lose you too."

"You won't, Harry, I promise." Ginny struggled out of his grip, to hold his head in her hands, watching the tears streak down his face. "I love you, and I will never leave you." She kissed his lips gently, then pulled away again. "Maybe we should contact Dumbledore. Do you remember the dream?" Harry nodded, as Ginny slowly crawled off the bed, looking at the clock. It was ten after nine; everyone was up or soon would be. "We can send an owl to Hogwart's. He should be here by dinner time."

"Ginny," Harry began, as she gathered her clothes together, and began to dress. "Please, you have to stay close to me. I wasn't there in the dream. I have to be there, I can't let this happen." Ginny sat on the edge of the bed, holding him again. "Without you, I'll die. There's nothing for me to live for."

"Nothing is going to happen to me, Harry. I am with you, I'll always be with you." Ginny held him close, cradling him in her embrace. Fear was beginning to filter its way into her, but she knew that there was a way to stop it, Percy had been saved and she would be too. She just had to convince Harry to not worry, but it was a task above anything she had ever done.

Downstairs was a kitchen full of Weasleys, along with Lupin, Tonks, Moody, and Dumbledore. Ron and Hermione had joined them a short time ago, and were currently being teased again about what Mr. Granger had planned for their visit next week. Harry and Ginny joined them, both looking a little paler than usual, Harry walked on weak legs, finding a chair and sitting into it quickly. He held Ginny's hand, and refused to release it, pulling her down on his lap. The room became deathly quiet as the two joined them. Harry looked physically sick, his skin ashen and his hands trembled.

"Harry had a bad dream," Ginny told them, watching the expression on Dumbledore's face turn quite serious. Harry shook his head, looking up at the aging wizard.

"It wasn't a dream," he whispered. "I saw Ginny...a man came out of the shadows and...I wasn't there to stop it. I can't let it happen."

"Oh, dear God," Mrs. Weasley gasped, sitting in the chair next to her husband.

"What did you see Harry?" Dumbledore asked, breaking the tense silence.

"Ginny was in a shop, I think it was in Diagon Alley. It was cloudy and it began to rain. She left the shop and walked to a store at the end of the street, but I couldn't see which one, when she reached for the handle...he came out of the shadows. He said he had a message for you," he glanced up to the Headmaster, his voice shaking as he spoke. "He used the killing curse. He said you would understand to not steal what was his. We can't let this happen, Professor. I won't let Ginny die."

"She won't," Lupin said, although not as reassuringly as he had hoped.

"We'll be there for her," Tonks said, making certain Harry understood the greatest Aurors would protect her. It helped relieve a bit of his anxieties, but not much.

"Can you tell us anything else?" Moody asked. "Do you know who it was, or what day it was?" Harry shook his head.

"It was cold and rainy, and the streets were deserted. The clock struck three when she reached the store at the end of the street. That's when he came up to her. He knew her by name, so he must know her, or know of her."

"He said I would know not to steal what was his?" Dumbledore said thoughtfully.

"Do you know who it may be?" Ron asked, his face nearly as pale as his friend's.

"Perhaps. Can you think of anything else, Harry?" Harry thought for a minute and frowned.

"There was something," he said focusing on the dream. "He had a ring on his left hand, it was the hand that held his wand. It was a blood red stone, with a golden M in the center."

"What is it Professor?" Hermione asked, seeing the look of acknowledgement on his aged face.

"Nothing." He stood and walked toward the door. "I don't want you leaving this house," he told Ginny as he passed. "Stay close to Harry, and don't worry. I'll take care of this." Mr. Weasley followed Dumbledore out of the house, as did Lupin, Tonks, Moody and three elder Weasley boys. Harry sat with Ginny on his lap, holding her tightly to him. He wouldn't let go, even when she tried to get a cup of tea.

"I'll just be a moment," she told him softly. "I'm not going anywhere." Harry smiled. He knew he was being stupid, and released his grip on her, but watched every move she made. He was never letting her go, he would never stop watching her.

Ginny fixed the tea, then turned her attention to the eggs and pancakes sitting in the pans on the stove. She quickly fixed two plates and took them to the table, setting one in front of Harry. He smiled at her, as she handed him the fork, remembering the first time she had ordered him to eat. It didn't seem that long ago when she was just Ron's little sister to him. He would do anything to protect her then, but now he would die to do it. He would not allow anyone to take her from him.

"Harry," Ron said after a few minutes of watching him eat. "Do you think it was Malfoy, or one of You-Know-Who's Death Eaters?"

"No. It was just like my premonition of Percy. My scar didn't hurt, so it couldn't have been Voldemort, but I think it was the same person. The voice was the same."

"Who would want to hurt Ginny, in order to get a message to Dumbledore?" Hermione asked with a frown. "It doesn't make sense."

"It doesn't matter," Ginny said. "It isn't going to come true, since I'm not going anywhere alone."

"Please don't make light of this," Harry said quietly. "I don't know how, but this premonition is going to come to life, and I'm not going to be there for you."

"Harry, it's not going to happen," Ginny insisted. "Your telling Dumbledore about this, is enough to stop it from coming true."

"Dumbledore did seem to know more about this then he was letting on, didn't he?" Hermione said, sipping her tea.

"Now no more talk of this," Mrs. Weasley said, her tone slightly shaky. "Professor Dumbledore will take care of everything, and there will be no need to worry." Harry glanced up at her, seeing the concern and worry in her eyes as she looked at Ginny. He wasn't the only one who would suffer from her death, she was the only girl in the Weasley family, and her loss would be great to everyone around her.

The next few days was spent in much the usual way, housework was done with the routine grumbles and complaints, games were played and homework was completed, but one thing stood out among the norm. Ginny was being watched every step she took. If she went to the kitchen, someone would follow her, if she went to study, someone was there. Even Harry made a point of going to her room after Mrs. Weasley checked to make sure she was asleep, to see if she needed anything, or to invite her into their room for the night. At first, Ginny found Harry inviting her down the hall fun and exciting, knowing they would spend the night making love, but the last night or two she began saying no. With everyone watching her every move, she was frustrated and angry and refused any time alone with the man she loved. She knew it wasn't his fault, he cared about her and after all the losses he had endured in his short life, he was worried about losing her too, but she couldn't stand being watched like this. She felt that her time with Harry was just another excuse to make certain she wasn't alone, where she could sneak out or be coerced into leaving the safety of Grimmauld Place.

The morning before Ron and Hermione were supposed to go to the Grangers for New Years, found Ginny's mood worse than ever. She had taken a shower earlier than usual, and left the room only to find Bill actually sitting in a chair across the hall from the bathroom. He claimed to be looking for somewhere quiet to sit for a few minutes, but Ginny didn't fall for it. She lit into him, ranting and raving like a banshee, until everyone in the entire house was on the second floor. She didn't care who heard what, she didn't care whose feelings she hurt, just so long as she could scream. When she turned to go back into the room she shared with Hermione, she saw Harry standing in the doorway of the room he shared with Ron.

"And don't go thinking I'm going to let you tell me I'm being irrational," she screamed at him. "I am sick to death of everyone staring at me, and watching me. Especially you! You're supposed to be on my side, not theirs. You're supposed to be helping me find a way to get away from their gawking at me, but you're in it with them. I hate everyone. Just stay away from me!" with that said - or rather yelled, Ginny slammed the door to her bedroom so hard the picture of a desert scene fell from the wall, and shattered on the floor. Harry stared at the other occupants gathered in the hall, then turned slowly and returned to his room, closing the door behind him.

And so the day went. Nothing seemed to go right after that. Mrs. Weasley argued with the twins about their constant pranks, even though they had not set a single one all holiday, Mr. Weasley fought with Percy about his wanting to return to the Ministry to work, and even Penelope found fighting with Hermione and Tonks about their lack of effort in cleaning house a temporary release of frustration. Eventually lunch was served, and the entire household found speaking unnecessary. Ron and Hermione had argued about what kind of clothes he wanted to take with him, and Ginny and Harry hadn't spoken since her screaming match that morning.

It was after twelve noon, by the time the half eaten plates of cabbage stew was pushed aside, and everyone found somewhere else to be. Harry had retired to the room he shared with Ginny, sitting in the middle of the bed, his arms folded across his chest as he just thought about his life, the direction it had taken and where he was today. Ginny had gone into the study, slamming the door on Ron who tried to join her, while Hermione went up to her room. Everyone was pretty much frustrated and worried, no word had come about the perpetrator who had attacked Percy or the threat on Ginny, and no news was definitely not good news.

It wasn't until two thirty that Harry felt a sudden twisting in his stomach, like a knife being driven into the pit of his soul. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end and he jumped from the bed, running down the stairs. Something was wrong, and he knew it without even seeing it. He ran into the kitchen where Mr. and Mrs. Weasley sat with Percy, Bill and Charlie. He flung the door open so hard, it hit into the wall, causing the room's occupants to jump and spill tea across the table.

"Where is she?" he demanded, looking around the room.

"Where's who?" Percy asked angrily, wiping the hot tea from his new pants.

"Ginny, where is she?"

"Last we saw, she locked herself in the study," Bill said, as he and Charlie took note of the look on Harry's face.

"Why? What's wrong?" Charlie asked, as Ron, Hermione and Tonks joined them, having heard the door slamming.

"She's gone," he said, turning and pushing his way out the door. The study door was locked, and instead of using his wand, Harry's panic forced him to kick it open. He found the room much as he expected it to be, empty. The old grandfather clock struck two thirty, and Harry looked at the fireplace. Floo powder lay on the floor in front of the brick opening, indicating the recent use of it.

"I'll send word to the advanced guard," Tonks said, turning and rushing out of the room.

"Oh, my God," Mrs. Weasley gasped. "Where could she have gone?"

"She went to Diagon Alley," Harry said. "And it's going on three o'clock. We've got to get to her." He ran out of the room and up the stairs, reappearing a few moments later with his cloak and wand in hand. He was met by Lupin, Tonks, and the Weasleys in the study, where they had gathered, all with wands in hand.

"We sent word to Moody, he'll meet us at Diagon Alley," Lupin told him, walking to his side and placing his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Don't worry Harry, we'll find her."

"We have to go now, time's running out," Harry insisted, stepping to the fireplace and reaching for the floo powder.

"Maybe you should stay here," Mr. Weasley suggested. Harry looked at him, a stern expression on his young face, making him look years older than he truly was.

"No," Harry said, turning and retrieving the floo powder. "Diagon Alley," he said, clearly and plainly. He felt the usual rush surrounding him, and closed his eyes, keeping his arms tucked close to his side. He focused only on the girl he had to try and protect, but he knew they were running short on time. The old clock chimed two forty five when he stepped into the fireplace, which meant there was less than fifteen minutes to search all of Diagon Alley.

Harry emerged from a fireplace in the Magical Menagerie's shop. He ignored the shocked look on the shopkeeper's face, as Mr. Weasley and Lupin emerged right behind him, followed by Bill and Charlie, Ron and Hermione, Tonks and Percy.

"I beg your pardon sir," Mr. Weasley said. "But did you happen to see a young lady today, long read hair about this high?" he asked holding his hand up to where he thought Ginny would stand.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I did," the dark haired man said, adjusting his glasses on his nose and looking past Mr. Weasley to Harry. "She seemed in rather a snit."

"Where did she go?" Harry asked, ignoring the look from the other man, who suddenly recognized the scar on Harry's forehead.

"Down the street, Mr. Potter," he said in a shaky voice. "I'm sorry, if I'd known you were looking for her, I would have stopped you. I don't want any troubles with you, sir." Harry ignored the man and hurried out the door, looking in the direction the shopkeeper had indicated. The streets were deserted, just as they were in his dream. The clouds were thick and gray and the clap of thunder echoed like a giant's growl in the stillness. Harry's heart began to pound violently. He had to find her, time was running out. He didn't wait for the others to catch up to him; he took off running as hard as he could, his wand in his hand, rain beginning to splatter across his face. He didn't know where he was going, or what direction he was heading, but he knew his heart was leading him, he would find her, but when was the problem and fear that kept his legs moving. Visions of his dream came hauntingly back into his mind, filtering before his eyes. He was living the worst nightmare of his life, and he was powerless to stop it.

The clock at the end of the street behind him chimed three and Harry nearly screamed her name, seeing her standing by the entrance to the twins shop. She was trying to get home; she was going to be attacked on her own brothers' doorstep. Harry ran harder than he ever had, his heart pounding, his side aching, his breath in heavy painful pants. Then he saw him, through the sheet of rain pelting him. A cloaked figure stepped out of the shadows a wand in his hand. Harry was closer to her, but not close enough to protect her. He raised his hand, the only thought in his head was saving Ginny, he couldn't allow his dream to come true.

He pointed his wand in the man's direction, barely twenty yards from him. Without thought, he began to whisper the words "Avada..."

"NO!" Ron shouted, grabbing at Harry's arm.

"Expelliarmus," Hermione shouted and watched as the robed figure flew through the air, landing a few feet away, in a crumpled mass of dark robes. Ginny nearly fell to the ground, as the door was jerked open and her brothers emerged, wands in hand. Harry ignored everyone around them, and ran straight to the girl, grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her hard.

"What do you think you're doing?" he demanded angrily. "I warned you not to leave, didn't I tell you not to leave the house? Why didn't you listen?" Ginny began to sob, shaking uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry," she said weakly, as Harry wrapped his arms around her, holding her to him as tightly as he could. His breath was coming in hard pants, his heart beating harder than it ever had. He couldn't tell if he was more angry or scared at the moment. But one thing he did feel was relief. Ginny was still alive, though not by her careless acts.

Harry closed his eyes, fighting the tears that threatened to escape. He glanced across her shoulder, seeing Bill and Charlie rushing to the unconscious figure's side, wands raised and angry stares etched on their faces. Bill pulled the cloak back to reveal the face of the man who attacked not one, but two of his siblings. He looked back to Charlie then turned to where Mr. Weasley stood guard.

"It's Fudge," he said.

"It can't be," Percy said in astonishment, stepping around his brothers. Lying in a crumpled heap was indeed the pudgy figure of Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic himself.

Author notes: Thank you and please keep R/R. I love it. There's more excitement to come, so stay tuned. Hope you like how it plays out.