Draco Malfoy
General Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 12/31/2003
Updated: 04/18/2004
Words: 181,191
Chapters: 46
Hits: 99,765

Harry Potter and Unexpected Beginnings

dan's girl62

Story Summary:
The summer after OoTP, Harry discovers he has control of his connection with Voldemort, and uses it to his advantage. With the help of his friends, and an unexpected joining of their team, Harry and the gang return to school for their 6th year and go in search of a way to defeat Voldemort. However, when teenage hormones set in, can Harry find room in his heart to love, or will he reject her based on fear of a prophecy that dictates his future...or lack thereof. Rated R for future chapters.

Chapter 13

Chapter Summary:
After OoTP, Harry discovers he has control of his connection with Voldemort, and uses it to his advantage. With the help of his friends, and an unexpected joining of their team, Harry and the gang return to school for their 6th year and go in search of a way to defeat Voldemort. However, when teenage hormones set in, can Harry find room in his heart to love, or will he reject her based on fear of a prophecy that dictates his future...or lack thereof. Rated R for future chapters

Chapter thirteen

Morning brought with it the usual rush of excitement, always associated with the end of the summer. Mrs. Weasley was rushing to find everyone's toothbrushes, hairbrushes, socks, scarves, and school bags. Shoes were assembled in the kitchen, while matches were being looked for among the other rooms and closets. Misty had already packed Harry's trunk, leaving him the only one capable of stringing together more than two sentences, that didn't begin or end with "where did you put it?"

Harry was sitting at the kitchen table listening to Ron's complaints about Mrs. Weasley going mental, a glass of milk in front of him, and the daily prophet in his hands. He was trying to concentrate on the Quiddich scores, while Ron ranted. Hermione and Ginny were upstairs trying to help Mrs. Weasley find the last minute items, before they left for train station. The twins had arrived shortly after seven that morning, bringing with them an assortment of treats and pastries, knowing how their mother was the last day of summer. They were sitting at the table with Ron and Harry, trying to read over Harry's shoulder, while the listened to Ron's complaints.

"Well, you're mother is nearly ready," Mr. Weasley said, joining the boys. He looked worn out and tired, not surprising, since Mrs. Weasley had the man chasing about the house all morning in search for mislaid items.

"Mum won't be ready, until Christmas," George complained, pouring more coffee for himself, and a cup for his father.

"She's been this way every year since I can remember," Fred told them, a smile on his face. "Even with Bill and Charlie, she was a nutter the last day of summer."

"Your mother just wants to make certain everything is packed, and goes well. It's just her way," Mr. Weasley insisted, knowing his boy's were right.

"Hey, look at this," Harry said, turning the page of the paper. "Malfoy Manor Seized By Ministry Officials" he read aloud.

"What?" George exclaimed, looking over Harry's shoulder again.

"It's impossible," Ron said, leaning closer to his friend.

"That's what it says," Harry insisted, reading the article.

"Ministry officials seized the property of Lucius Malfoy, Friday by order of the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge. Ministry insiders stated that there has been no sighting of Malfoy, since his escape from Azkaban Prison, in late July. As you may remember, Lucius Malfoy was among those captured Death Eaters arrested earlier this year, after breaking into the Ministry of Magic, assuring the wizarding world that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had indeed returned to power. Harry Potter stated in an exclusive interview with the Daily Prophet, that he had been warning the Ministry of the return of the Dark Lord, but it was Cornelius Fudge who insisted it was impossible. With the support of Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwart's, Harry Potter and several unknown members of a club curiously called the D.A. (short for Defense Association) were able to trap and secure the arrest of Malfoy and his cohorts. After the outcome of the events at the Ministry of Magic, Minister Fudge has lost a great deal of supporters who had at first agreed with him on the unlikelihood of the Dark Lord's return. Since the escape of the Death Eaters from Azkaban Prison, many members of the wizarding community are now demanding the removal of the Ministry of Magic. According to one Ministry insider, it is speculated that Albus Dumbledore is in line for the position, if Fudge is impeached from office. This news has been met with a great deal of enthusiasm. Keep reading for further updates on this story."

"Unknown members?" Ron snorted. "And where do they get off calling the D.A. the Defense Association?"

"I can't believe Fudge is being booted out," Fred said.

"Serves him right," George insisted. "Remember how he refused to pay up on all those bets, after the World Cup? Should have known then, that he was no good."

"Do you really think Dumbledore will accept the position of Minister of Magic?" Harry asked, looking to Mr. Weasley. "What about Hogwart's? Who would take over as Headmaster?"

"Probably McGonagall," Ron said, interrupting his father from answering.

"Could be Snape," Fred said with a grin.

"Bite your tongue," Ron snapped bitterly. "If Snape becomes Headmaster, I'm dropping out of school."

"Calm down, all of you," Mr. Weasley insisted. "It's true, Fudge has lost a lot of support, and there are some very influential wizards demanding he step down from his post, but I doubt Dumbledore will accept the position. He has said, for a great number of years, that he doesn't want the job. Every time there's a new Minister, the Daily Prophet insists that Dumbledore will be the next Minister of Magic, and when it doesn't happen, they claim to have known all along, that he didn't want to leave his position at Hogwart's."

"The article really didn't say much about Malfoy," Harry said as he reread the words again. "It didn't mention anything about Mrs. Malfoy or Draco Malfoy. Where were they at?"

"Draco Malfoy has been under the custody of his godfather for a number of weeks now," Mr. Weasley began, glancing down at the table. "His mother disappeared several weeks ago, and hasn't been seen since."

"That's what he meant," Harry said softly.

"What who meant?" Ron asked, causing Harry to look up, realizing he had spoken his thoughts aloud. He glanced around the table, trying to find the right excuse, but was saved having to think of one with the arrival of the girls and Mrs. Weasley.

"What are you all just sitting around for?" argued Mrs. Weasley. "Get a move on, or you'll be late. We have to be leaving in a few minutes. Arthur, go contact Remus and Moody. We can't go until they get here, and we're running out of time."

"Calm down Molly," Lupin said, entering the room beside Moody. "We have everything under control."

"Well it's about time," Mrs. Weasley argued.

"Relax mum, or you'll have an stroke," George teased.

"Besides, the Hogwart's express doesn't leave for another two hours. We'll get there on time," Fred insisted.

"You two going back to school, then?" Ron teased, his mouth full of the muffins sitting in the center of the table.

"Not a chance," George said.

"Why would we go back to school, when we're practically millionaires?" Fred asked.

"That reminds me," Mrs. Weasley began. "Ronald Weasley, how much money did you take out of the account at Gringott's?"

"I promise, I didn't take any more than I was told to," Ron answered, hoping he didn't sound as guilty as he felt.

"That's it exactly," Mrs. Weasley with a narrowing of her eyes. "I received an account balance from Gringott's and there was nothing taken out, as you were told. Where did you get the money for those books, and how did you afford new robes?"

"I...um...it was just..." Ron stammered, his face turning bright red.

"Give him a break, mum," Fred said. "We gave Ron the money for this year's supplies."

"You did what?" Mrs. Weasley gasped.

"I thought we already told you boys, we didn't need your help?" Mr. Weasley scolded.

"You won't let us pay rent, you won't let us help with the solicitors, and we have the money to help out," George argued.

"We're not Percy," Fred insisted. "We have no intention of watching our parents struggle, when we can help out."

"Why don't you discuss this later," Lupin interrupted, looking at the expression on the four older Weasleys. "You said it yourself, Molly, we're running late."

"And that distraction spell we placed on the neighbors will only last a little while," Moody insisted. "Why don't you two go get the girls, so we can leave."

Harry and Ron jumped up from the table, hurrying out of the room, hearing Mrs. Weasley scolding the twins for spending their money on items that was the parents' responsibility.

"I hope mum lets Fred and George live until after Christmas," Ron told Harry as they hurried up the stairs.

"Why?" Harry turned a frown to his friend.

"Because, I'm asking them for a new wizard chess set, and a new broom. Maybe I can get a Firebolt too."

"You're too much Ron," Harry chuckled.

"Why? They've got it don't they? And besides, after all the years of torment they put me through, I think I deserve a little retribution."

Harry and Ron met the girls upstairs, as they were heading out of their room, dragging their trunks behind them. The boys hurried into their own room, securing their trunks and carried them out to join the girls. Harry nearly fell over Misty as she popped into the hall in front of him. He dropped his trunk to the floor, smashing it to his toes and cursed loudly at the pain that radiated up his foot. He looked down at the little elf, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and shock.

"Misty is sorry Harry Potter," the house elf said in a small voice.

"You nearly killed us both," Harry scolded, holding his throbbing foot in his hand, leaning against the doorframe to his room. Misty looked fearful for a moment.

"Misty is so sorry, sir," she answered, a slight quiver in her voice. "Misty just wanted to tell Harry Potter that she would see him at Hogwart's."

"What? You're going to Hogwart's? Why?" Harry felt guilty at the tone of his voice, but the pain and shock still lingered in his words.

"Misty must take care of Harry Potter," answered the small voice. "Misty will stay out of the way. Harry Potter will never know she is there."

"You can't go with me, Misty," Harry told her, his tone softening as he saw the sad look in her big green eyes.

"Harry Potter does not want Misty?"

"It's not that," he began, kneeling down to her and placing a warm hand on her shoulder. "I do want you with me, and we'll be together again soon, I promise. It's just that...Mrs. Weasley could really use your help here." He knew the woman could manage on her own, as she always had, but he had to find an excuse to make her stay behind.

"Yeah," Ron said, seeing the look in Harry's eyes as he searched for help. "Mum isn't really that organized, and she's kind of scatter-brained, you know, she looses things a lot. She could really use help, right Ginny?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah right," the girl chimed in. "Especially with the Order and all. She could use help keeping the place clean and fixing the meals, and stuff."

"Misty, you don't know how much help Mrs. Weasley really needs," Hermione added, kneeling down beside her. "She's a wonderful lady, but she's not as young as she used to be."

"Misty is not needed with Harry Potter?" the elf asked shyly.

"There are a lot of house elves at Hogwart's already," Harry assured her. "I'm sure there's always room for more, but you're much more needed here. Will you stay here, and help Mrs. Weasley? Please?" Misty looked at the four suspiciously, and then smiled.

"Misty likes to be helpful, sir," she told them. "If Mrs. Weasley needs Misty's help, she will be happy to stay here. But Harry Potter must promise to be careful. Misty will be very sad if Harry Potter gets hurt, and she's not there to make it better for him."

"I promise to be careful, Misty, and I'll write you every chance I get." Harry hugged the little elf, and stood up, watching her dry a tear before smiling and disappearing.

"Bloody hell," Ron grumbled softly. "The things we have to do, just to go back to school."

Lupin and Moody led the way in Kings Cross, as Mr. Weasley and the twins lead up the rear. Mrs. Weasley walked next to Harry and Ginny, with Ron and Hermione on the other side of her. Harry knew from the way she walked with her hands in her pockets, she had hold of her wand. He felt strange, knowing how much these people were putting on the line, in order to protect him.

They came to the wall entrance of Platform 9 ¾, stopping and looking around casually. Lupin and Moody leaned against the bricks nonchalantly, quickly disappearing through them to the other side. Next were Ron and Hermione, followed by Harry and Ginny. Behind them were Mrs. Weasley, Mr. Weasley, and the twins. Harry looked around the platform, seeing a number of students he recognized from the past years at school, as well as a large number of first years, all bidding their parents good-bye, many tearfully hugging and a couple of them begging the adults who were pushing them into the train, not to send them.

"Now hurry up you four," Mrs. Weasley was saying, as Mr. Weasley, Fred and George loaded the trunks and cages f animals onto the train, to await their owners. "Be sure to stay together, and be very careful."

"Blimey, mum," Ron complained. "We're not babies, you know? We've done this every year for the past five years. I think we can get on the train, by ourselves."

"Don't give me any lip, Ronald Weasley," his mother insisted. "And Harry dear, please try and stay out of trouble."

"I never try to get into trouble, Mrs. Weasley," Harry assured her. "Trouble just sort of finds me."

"Don't worry mum," Ginny assured the woman, as she squeezed Harry's hand. "I'll keep him out of trouble."

"You're one to the things, I want him to stay out of trouble with," Mrs. Weasley insisted, hugging her daughter, then Ron, and finally Hermione and Harry.

"Remember Harry, if you need us, just owl," Lupin told him, placing a strong hand on his shoulder.

"And keep your eyes and ears open," Moody insisted.

"Be sure and let Dumbledore know of any more dreams," Mr. Weasley insisted, shaking his hand.

"Don't worry, I will." Harry promised.

"Hey Harry," Fred said hurrying up to his side. "Have a good year, and tell Filch we said hello." Harry frowned, as George crowded closer to his side, pulling his hand it out of sight of their mother, as he slipped a brown wrapped package into it.

"Yeah, tell old Snape hello for us too," George said with a wink. Harry nodded, hiding the package behind his back.

"Come on," Ron complained, seeing the way several of the students stared at them as they passed by. "Lets get a compartment, before we get stuck sharing with Crabbe and Goyle."

Ron lead the way into the train, pulling his trunk and holding Pigwidgeon's cage, followed by Hermione, who carried Crookshanks, and Harry and Ginny, who carried along Hedwig and their trunks. They found an empty compartment and piled in, lifting their trunks to the luggage racks and putting the cages with the birds on top. Hermione let Crookshanks out of his cage, and then sat next to Ron. Harry looked out the window as he sat down, remembering what it was like last year at this time. He remembered the large black dog lumbering beside the train as it sped away, and felt a pang of grief strike through him.

"You all right?" Ginny asked him, wrapping her arm through his.

"I just realized, how much I missed Sirius," he said sadly. "I wish I could have told him how I felt."

"He knew, Harry," Ginny said softly. "He loved you like a son, and he knew you felt towards him as a father. He didn't miss out on any of that, just because you never used words." Harry smiled, leaning over and kissing her cheek.

"Have I told you lately, how great I think you are?" Ginny blushed, lowering her eyes.

"Yes, but I won't argue if you want to tell me again." Harry chuckled, wrapping her in his arms, and hugging her tightly.

"Get a grip," Ron complained, his face distorted in a grimace.

"I have one Ron," Harry smiled. "A firm one, on your sister."

"Ugh... that's so gross," Ron complained, slouching in his seat.

"Depends on who's on the receiving end," Hermione told him, a sly smile crossing her face. Ron blushed deeply, glaring at Harry and Ginny who laughed at his sudden predicament.

"Hey, what was that the twins gave you?" Ron asked, seeing the package Harry had laid on the seat next to him. Harry lifted the package and pulled apart the strings that held it closed. He unrolled it, exposing the contents to the other three.

Inside was an assortment of their newest creations, Weasley Wicked Whistlers, Ginny Gum Drops, Wicked Squirters, and Musical Maladies for Every Occasion. There was also several of the old stand bys, Dungbombs, Wild-Fire Whiz-Bangs, Canary Creams, Fainting Fancy, and Fever Fudge.

"You had best not try those out on Filch or Snape," Hermione warned, a look of disapproval on her stern face.

"Lighten up, 'Mione," Ron scolded with a wicked smirk on his freckled face. "These may come in handy."

"How, may I ask, Ronald Weasley?"

"If we ever need a break from the ordinary, we can use these," Ron said lifting the Musical Maladies for Every Occasion, "and while the teachers are trying to find out who's suffering the unique flatulence, we can sneak into a closet and snog."

"You're impossible," Hermione snarled, leaning back into her seat and folding her arms across her chest.

"Oh, come on 'Mione," Ron said pleadingly. "I was just kidding, don't go getting all sour with me. I didn't mean it."

"I should certainly hope you did not mean it," she told him, a look of warning in her honey brown eyes. "Are you forgetting we're prefects? We have a standard to uphold."

"I remember, and I was only kidding. Gees, if you can't take a break once in awhile, then this is going to be a really long year." Harry and Ginny smiled at each other, as the package was folded up again and rewrapped. Harry stood up, placed the tricks in his trunk, and then sat back beside Ginny, taking her hand in his again.

"Well, I don't know about you two," Ginny began sternly. "But I have my first O.W.Ls to study for this year, and I intend to spend a lot of time with my nose in a book." Harry looked at her with disbelief. "But, I'm always up for study breaks," she told him, leaning against his shoulder. "Say, in the Astronomy Tower, after dark?"

"Hey, wait up there," Ron said, stopping Harry from kissing her. "The Astronomy Tower is used for...well, couples use it for...well, it's not called the deflower tower, for nothing you know."

"And how would you know about that?" Hermione asked him, watching the blush creep up from his neck to his hairline.

"I heard the Patil sisters talking about it," Ron told her, then gasped. "Hermione, I have never...I mean, I'd never try...you don't think I...bloody hell!"

"I think we should have a long talk, when we get back to school, Ronald Weasley," Hermione said, huffing slightly, a look so stern she could have rivaled McGonagall.

The four of them spent the next couple of hours talking and playing exploding snaps, until the lunch cart came around. Mrs. Weasley had made sandwiches of pork back bacon and cheese, porkpies and twiglets. But once the aromas from the sweets the lunch cart carried, they forgot about the nutritious foods, and chose instead a large supply of fruit filled pastry cakes, chocolate mini rolls, raspberry sponge cakes, assorted battenbergs, fruit tarts and jammie dodgers. Harry and Ron insisted on their usual treats, chocolate frogs, Bertie Botts Every Flavor Bean, assorted toffees, and licorice. They ate their treats with happy conversation, until Hermione noted the time.

"We have to go to the Prefects meeting, Ron," she told him, standing and retrieving her cloak from her trunk. Ron wiped his chocolate stained fingers on his pants, and then scavenged around his trunk for his own robes.

"We'll be back soon," Hermione promised, taking Ron's hand and heading out the door, leaving Harry and Ginny alone inside.

"I'm glad was have a chance to be alone," Ginny told him, leaning across the seat and kissing his cheek. "I can't believe this may be the last chance we have, to be together, until Christmas break."

"We'll find convenient times to be together," he promised her, wrapping her in his warm embrace. "Remember, you were the one to suggest study breaks."

"Maybe a reward for us both?" Ginny asked, tilting her head backwards, as Harry began planting warm kisses along her jaw line and throat.

"I may actually study, if I know what kind of reward I have awaiting me."

"Harry, I have to ask you something," Ginny pulled slightly away from him, looking at his chest. "You heard what Ron said about the Astronomy Tower, right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"I know you said you weren't ready for that much...but if you want to...I mean when you are ready...will you consider me?" Harry looked at her deeply, lifting her chin in his hand and smiling.

"You're the only one I ever will want to do that with," he promised.

"When?" she asked. Harry sighed deeply.

"Are you saying you're ready?" Ginny blushed deeply, lowering her eyes from his.

"I think I've been ready since I gave you, your birthday present." Harry leaned back in the corner of the seat, his hands still holding her around the waist, his face stern with thought. Several tense moments passed, before he spoke to her again.

"When the time comes, Ginny," he began. "And it will come, I promise, I don't want it to be in the Astronomy Tower. I want it to be special, for both of us. Until you came into my life, I never really took the time to think about that side of growing up, or dating. Now that I have you, I find it difficult not to think about it."

"I won't lie to you, Harry," she said, her tone soft, barely above a whisper. "I want you to make love to me. I know I'm younger than you, but that doesn't mean I don't know what I want." Harry smiled at her, running his finger along her cheek, down her throat to the opening of her shirt.

"I know what I want too," he told her gently. "I want to make love to you, Ginny, but I don't know when. It's hard for me to deal with all these emotions, right now. I've never had anyone care for me, and I've never dreamt I'd ever feel like this about another person. When I'm with you, I feel alive in a way I've never known. You make me think that there may be another day for me. I actually believe it's possible for me to defeat Voldemort. I have never imagined myself succeeding before."

"Of course you can defeat him," she told him sternly. "Nobody else has the powers you do."

"If you would have told me that four months ago, I wouldn't have believed it. Now I do." Ginny leaned into him, kissing his lips with her own. Harry reached forward, wrapping his arms around her, and pulling her down as he lay on the seat beside her. He leaned over her, his kisses deepening, his tongue easing its way into her mouth, tasting the sweet remains of their lunch. Harry moaned deeply, as she reached up, slipping her hands beneath his jumper. Her hands against his bare skin felt like fire, and he could barely contain his desires. His lips left hers, causing her to groan her regret, followed by a gasp, as he kissed his way down her throat, to the opening of her shirt. She felt like she was going to explode in a ball of flames, as his tongue licked a path between her breasts, back up her chest, to her neck, and finally tracing the contours of her ear. She shifted her position slightly, allowing him to place one long leg between hers, as he lay partly on her and partly on the seat.

"We can't do this," he told her reluctantly, his hands finding their way inside her shirt, resting just below her breast. "There are consequences to consider, Ginny. Things I don't know if you've thought about."

"I love you, Harry," she told him, her tone husky and deep. "What more is there to consider?"

"What if we do this, and you become...what if there's a...baby?" Ginny opened her eyes, realizing the possible outcome in a way she had never thought of. Harry rose above her, his eyes filled with passion, as he looked at her, seeing how deeply his words were making an impact.

"I never thought about that," she told him. Harry smiled, kissing the tip of her nose, then her lips.

"I didn't think you had," he told her a moment later.

"We'll just have to be careful," she told him.

"Careful and preventative planning, before this happens." Harry smiled at her, lying next to her on the seat. "I won't do this, until we've thought through all the possibilities. We have to take precautions, Ginny. Until we do, there's no way I'll go any further."

"If we can find a way to do this without accidents?" she asked, her voice filled with hopefulness.

"There won't be anything left to stand in our way," he assured her, as she curled up in his arms, pressing her back against his chest, as he wrapped her in his warm embrace.

"Then I'll look for a spell, or a charm, or something."

"Just, promise me, you won't want our first time to be in a closet or the Astronomy Tower?"

"How about on a cloud, in the middle of a star filled night, high above the world?" Harry chuckled, as he pulled her against him tighter, before whispering his reply.

"It's a date."

Author notes: Sorry, but another teaser is always nice. It's about time Harry and Ginny openly discussed what they wanted, don't you think. Please keep R/R, I love hearing from all of you.