Draco Malfoy Luna Lovegood Neville Longbottom
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/20/2004
Updated: 05/23/2005
Words: 183,271
Chapters: 28
Hits: 51,099


dan's girl62

Story Summary:
Year six is over, Harry has grown into a great wizard with powers even surpassing and surprising the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. He has found his soul mate and has discovered the fifth point of the star. But can he find the Green Flame Torch prophesized to be the link to Voldemort’s destruction? Can he save the wizarding world before the son of evil is born and will he be able to let go of the past and build a future, or will he use his powers to change all that he has become to regain all that he has lost? Rated R for future chapters.

Chapter 26

Chapter Summary:
How does a single student handle the fate of an entire world, a school, the lives of his friends and still manage homework? Well, I guess it's just part of a typical day if your name is Harry Potter. Year seven is nearly over, and Harry and his friends have moved past UNEXPECTED BEGININGS. Harry has grown into a great wizard with powers even surpassing and surprising the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. Can he let go of the past and build a future, or will he use his powers to change all that he has become to regain all that he has lost? Rated R for future and past chapters.
Author's Note:
A very special thank you for all who have remained loyal. I promise, the next chapter is being worked on as we speak (or rather read)

Chapter twenty-six

"I can't believe this is happening," a young Hufflepuff girl said as the dark mahogany casket was led out the front entrance of Hogwart's. The students were gathered in the Great Hall to bid their final farewells to their beloved Headmaster, before leaving Hogwart's for the last time.

"Without Professor Dumbledore, what will become of Hogwart's?" a Ravenclaw first year boy asked.

"It's the end, you big dummy," his friend answered, wiping his tears with the back of his hand.

"It happened so fast," Hermione said with a sniff.

"I can't imagine what will become of the wizarding world now," Ginny commented, glancing up the row of students to where the teachers and Ministry officials were following behind the casket.

"I guess it's up to Harry now," Ron said softly; glancing down the row to where his best friend stood, separate from them. He had chosen to stand alone, keeping his distance from all of them the past week, as preparations were made for Dumbledore's funeral. He had seemed different, distracted and preoccupied with his own thoughts since the night he returned to the North tower, with the news of their Headmaster's death.

"I can't imagine what he's feeling," Hermione said, as the students filed out the door of the main hall.

"The time has come, and he knows it," Ginny said, her heart heavy as she thought of what her beloved Harry must be going through.

The casket was loaded on a flower-encased carriage, and then slowly pulled away, being drawn by four of the school's thestrals. The road was lined with mourners, Ministry officials, students and parents, Aurors; many of which Harry knew personally, various businesspersons from around the world, dignitaries from other schools and even the American President of Magical Affairs. Tears and soft sobbing could be heard throughout the grounds as Hagrid led the thestrals down the path to the main gate, followed behind by the Minister of Magic, the teachers of Hogwart's and finally the students; seventh year down. Harry walked beside Mr. Weasley, as the last heir to the royal throne. He looked straight ahead, his eyes set on the back of the carriage, his head held high and his jaw set in a stern line.

The procession walked slowly down the road that led to Hogsmeade, stepping up to the waiting train, which puffed black smoke into the gray sky. Dumbledore's body was to be taken to a secret location and buried, it was said, along side his family. The students watched silently as Hagrid, Harry, Mr. Weasley, Snape and Filch lifted the casket into a special car set aside for the occasion. Slowly the six rejoined the large group and watched as the doors were closed and sealed, to protect anyone trying to morbidly steal the late Headmaster's body. McGonagall cleared her throat, wiping tears from her cheeks, and then turned to the students.

"Hogwart's Express will be leaving in twenty minutes," she said with shaky words. "All students and their parents are to be aboard no later than twelve o'clock." McGonagall turned away with the rest of the school's staff and walked back toward the castle.

"I can't believe it's over," Mandy Brocklehurst from Ravenclaw said, wiping the tears with a white kerchief.

"It's the end of Hogwart's," Luna Lovegood said as they all walked back to the school.

"It's the end of our world," Neville said, wrapping his arm around Luna's waist.

"Where's Potter?" Millicent Bulstrode from Slytherin asked, causing several heads to turn and scan the crowd.

"He left just after the train doors closed," Colin Creevey said in defense of his Gryffindor brethren.

"He's really acting weird, isn't he?" Denis Creevey asked.

"Harry was very close to Dumbledore," Dean Thomas answered.

"He was like a father to him," Seamus commented.

"Without Professor Dumbledore, who's to help Harry against the Dark Lord?" Lavender Brown asked those around her.

"He's on his own," Seamus said again.

"No he's not," Hermione interrupted. "He has the D.A. and all the support of the Ministry of Magic. Harry will never be alone."

"You all know your duty and your orders," Malfoy said as they neared the front gate. "You'll wait for the order until one of us gives it to you."

"But we're leaving," Neville said with a frown. "McGonagall told us to be on the train by noon."

"And so we shall," Malfoy said with an evil grin. "Spread the word. We will not disappoint the acting Headmistress."


The students gathered together one last time in the Great Hall, bags and trunks lining the main entrance. The silence echoed off the walls, with only a few sniffles breaking through. Harry had not arrived with the other Gryffindors; in fact, he was not in either his house common room or the one he shared with his friends. Rumor had it; Harry had gone back to the Ministry with Mr. Weasley, but when the Minister appeared at the teacher's table to bid farewell to the students, suspicion began to spread among the houses.

There was no one who felt the impending doom as deeply as Harry, as he stood alone at the window of the Astronomy Tower. He stared out at the approaching storm and sighed. The whistle of the Hogwart's Express could be heard through the distance between the castle and Hogsmeade. Harry looked toward the black and red locomotive, waiting patiently for the students to board. He remembered the first time he saw the train. He was never so excited or so scared. Leaving the Dursleys was all he could think of. He was filled with so much anticipation, he could barely think straight. One minute he was an awkward, mistreated little boy who slept under the stairs at Number Four Privet Drive, and the next moment he was a wizard, living in a world he had never even imagined could be real.

Harry smiled as he thought back over the years to the first time he saw Hogwart's from the boats Hagrid took all the first years across the lake in. It was impressive to say the least. Majestic and inviting, ancient and magical, everything a young boy could hope for in a fairy tale world. He thought back on how the sorting hat had wanted to place him in Slytherin, to the day he survived his first encounter with Voldemort. He remembered the first time he road a broomstick and the excitement of playing Quidditch. He thought about the time Ginny had sent him that Valentine's card in his second year and how embarrassed he was, to that day he had rescued her from Tom Riddle's memory in the Chamber of Secrets.

Vision after vision passed through his mind, his eyes seeing the happiness and the sorrow of so many events. He remembered the horror of watching Cedric Diggory being killed, to the pain of being possessed by Voldemort in the Ministry of Magic. Then he began to concentrate on the more recent events. His mental contact with the Dark Lord, the splitting pain of being in contact with him, to the many encounters over the years he had with the one person responsible for all his sorrow. Harry clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes. There were many things the evil lord had to pay for and he was tired of playing his cat and mouse games. It was time to get this over once and for all.

The sounds of voices below him caused Harry to glance down to the students as they began their journey to Hogsmeade and their final trip on the massive train. He frowned as he caught sight of Malfoy, Ron, Hermione and Ginny walking together toward town. Neville and Luna were holding hands, as were many of the other older students. For a moment, all he could do was stare, wishing he were with them, but then he remembered the past few days and the events that had led to this moment.

"Well, Potter," a voice said from the doorway of the tower. "Seems as though you're finally on your own. Where's the great Trio now?"

"Shove off Snape," Harry said, his eyes remaining on the image of his friends leaving him behind.

"Do you honestly think you can protect the school, now that Dumbledore isn't here to help you?"

"I'll do what I have to do."

"There are many who will be very eager to stop you."

"Yes, I know, some are much closer than others. Tell me, Snape," Harry said, turning his eyes toward the greasy haired, darkly clad man looming in the threshold. "Are you still willing to stand on the side of right and fight against your former Lord and Master, or was Dumbledore wrong about you all along?"

"Still arrogant, even without your friends?" Snape sneered through dark eyes. "So much like your father."

"You haven't answered me. Whose side are you going to fight on?"

"What I choose to do with my life is my business, not yours."

"What about your daughter? Are you willing to hand her over to Voldemort as one of his loyal servants? She won't be safe you know? She's a Mudblood, she'll never be more than dirt to your old friends."

"Leave her out of this, Potter. My daughter's welfare is of no concern to you."

"I'll leave her out of it, but will he?"

"Amanda is my problem and I'll do what I must to keep her safe." Harry nodded, knowing in his heart, the greasy git meant what he said. They stood staring at each other for a moment before Harry narrowed his eyes again.

"If I find out you lied to Dumbledore all these years, if you betray his trust in you, I promise, I'll be there for you to answer to."

"Think you'll survive the Dark Lord's powers? He's not as weak as you think."

"I'm ready for him, and you if necessary."

"We'll see," Snape said with a threatening glare, then turned and walked away, leaving Harry to watch his shadow slowly disappear down the winding staircase.

"I know you trusted him Professor," Harry said, turning back to the train and watching as it pulled out of the station, taking with it his friends and the body of his former Headmaster. "But I still can't help wondering if it was wise," he finished in a deep breath, then turned away as the smoke from the train disappeared around the edge of the hillside.

Harry walked down the stairs and through an empty castle, listening to the echo of his shoes on the stone floors. It was strange being alone in the castle. He knew the professors were still there, each insisting on doing what was necessary to defend the castle, but even as he approached the main entrance, he could sense the thick sensation of dread swelling up around him. Even the many ghosts that haunted the castle were silent, floating among the corridors like whispers of mist.

Harry stopped in front of the closed doors to the Great Hall. So many years of walking across this threshold and now he felt as though he were doing it for the last time. With a heavy heart and a deep sigh, Harry straightened his cloaks and squared his shoulders, pushing the doors open and walking up the isle between the long tables. The room was silent as he entered. He walked methodically toward the head of the Gryffindor table, where he had spent so many meals with is friends and classmates.

"About time you got here," a voice said, causing Harry to smile softly.

"Do you think it worked?" another voice asked. Harry sighed, stopping next to his best friends, and slipping his hand inside the warmth of the young red haired girl who waited for him.

"It worked," Harry said through strong tones.

"What do we do now?" Ron asked, glancing to Hermione.

"We wait," Harry said. "He'll be here soon."

"All is ready in the Forrest," Frienze said as he entered the hall, his hooves clacking on the wooden floorboards. "And there's good news. The centaurs have decided to join the fight. After what happened this past winter, they now know there is no hiding from the truth."

"That's very good news," Mr. Weasley said, stepping through the side door to the Great Hall. Harry smiled when he looked up and saw McGonagall walking in behind the Minister, along with the Weasley boys, Hagrid, and a familiar green haired old woman.

"Gilda!" Ginny exclaimed, slipping past Ron and Hermione and hurrying to the old woman, offering her a warm hug.

"I decided it was time I came back home," Gilda said with a twinkle in her eyes. "Besides, Frienze convinced me his brother wouldn't have cared for the idea of my hiding all these years."

"His brother?" Ginny asked.

"It's a long story, child. Remind me to tell you about it when this is over." Ginny smiled and turned to her eldest brother, who patted her on the head as he stepped around her.

"Many of the goblins have chosen to stand against the Dark Lord," Bill said proudly. "It took a great deal of persuasion, along with a sworn not from Ministry that their honor and property will be returned to them once this is over, though there are still those who follow Voldemort. At least we have the edge on them."

"The house elves are ready too, Harry Potter," Dobby said as he appeared around the shinny metal legs of one of the suits of armor near the side door. "All house elves want what Harry Potter has promised them."

"What was that?" Hermione asked with a frown.

"I promised to support their decision whether to become free or stay as servants to the wizarding world." Hermione opened her mouth to object, but Harry stopped her with the raise of his hand. "It's their choice to make Hermione," he clarified gently. "They will have the full support of the Ministry in whatever path they wish to take."

"But it's not right," Hermione began.

"It's their decision to make, not ours."

"Give it a break 'Mione," Ron insisted, squeezing her hand. "We've got enough to worry about right now, we don't need any lectures about your spew."

"That's S.P....oh forget it," Hermione sighed with disgust. She knew he was right, but regardless of all that they were about to face, she was still determined to free the house elves someday. Harry glanced up, seeing the faint shadow of a rodent scurry beneath the table. He reached for his wand and drew it out, pointing it to the familiar image of Ron's former pet.

"Pettigrew, I should have known you wouldn't miss out on this. How's your boss?" Harry asked, watching as the rat transfigured into the sniveling wizard who had betrayed his parents.

"It's not what you think Harry," Pettigrew insisted, cringing as Bill and Charlie Weasley headed toward him, with Lupin and Tonks in close proximity. "I owe you a wizard's debt. I have chosen to fight on your side. I swear it. I want to make up for what I did to James and Lily."

"There will never be any way you can make up for betraying them to Voldemort," Lupin said bitterly.

"But I must try. I must fight on the side that is right. Please, I am not with the Dark Lord anymore. Wasn't I the one who helped you find him? Didn't I tell you straight?"

"Leave him be," Harry told the others, then lifted his wand to point under the wizard's chin. "But understand this, Wormtail. If I learn you've turned tail again, I will hunt you down to the end of eternity. You will pay for your treachery."

"I am loyal to you Harry, I promise," Pettigrew sniveled.

"You'd better hope you mean it," Bill warned, pulling the man by his worn cloak to where the Minister stood talking to Dobby.

"Do you think he'll come tonight?" one student whispered behind Harry a few moments later, causing him to turn and see the frightened face of a first year Hufflepuff staring at her older brother.

"They shouldn't be here," Harry said softly. "They should have all gone back home."

"This is our world too, Harry," Dudley said, stepping up behind him. "My mum and dad are home, they don't know I'm here, but I had to help. It's my way of saying...I'm sorry...for a lot of wrongs I've done to you."

"Thanks Dudley," Harry said with a smile, trying to push aside the screeching voices of his aunt and uncle from his mind, when they found out their precious baby boy had followed their good-for-nothing nephew into a battle between good an evil.

"We all have a stake in the outcome," Dean continued, a moment later.

"Besides," Neville said boldly, looking much older and more stable than he had looked in all the years Harry had known him. "You're not the only one who has a score to settle."

"Don't worry about the rest of the students Harry," Ginny said, stepping back to his side and wrapping her arm around his waist. "We have it all under control."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means, the D.A. have taken steps to protect the school," Hermione said with a smile.

"We've told you before, mate, you're not alone in this thing," Ron said, slapping his friend's arm.

"But they're so young," Harry frowned, looking back at the small first year holding onto her brother's hand.

"Do you remember what you were doing in your first year?" Ginny asked with a knowing smile. "Not to mention your second."

"Or third," Ron added with a broad grin.

"Or every year since you discovered you were a wizard," a deep voice said from behind them. Harry turned to see the shinning silver eyes he had admired for so long, staring at him from above the half moon glasses. "You have come a long way Harry, and I must say, I have never been prouder of any student that passed through those doors."

"Thank you Professor," Harry said with a forced smile. Dumbledore reached out and patted his shoulder, smiling sincerely at the young man.

"Everything that has happened to you, has lead you to this moment. It's your turn to take control of your destiny. I've helped you down the path, but it's up to you now, Harry. Make us all proud." The old man stepped around the group of students and walked toward his staff members and Ministry officials.

"Do you think Voldemort believed Dumbledore's death?" Ron asked with a frown.

"He believed it," Harry assured his friends. "I knew he was trying to use me to see what was happening here at school, like he did before, but he didn't know I was in control of what he saw. So when Dumbledore suggested we use his intrusion to our advantage, I made sure he saw what we wanted him to. I made sure he saw Dumbledore die in the hospital and the casket being loaded on the train and the students leaving the school. I even let him eavesdrop on Snape and I earlier."

"When do you think he'll be here?" Ron asked, glancing around at the students who listened and watched closely.

"He's on his way. It's only a matter of time. He's arranged an attack, what he thinks is a secret attack, to get the school and control of the Terra Auxilium Ducere. He has no idea what's waiting for him."

"I thought the Terra what's - it was moved?" Ron said, turning back to Harry.

"It was, but Voldemort doesn't know that. He didn't know what the Terra Auxilium Ducere was, all he knew was there was something of great magical power here that held the balance between our world and the Muggle world. He wanted whatever it was so badly, he was willing to do anything to get it."

"That's why Harry said the Terra Auxilium Ducere was unprotected, when he returned to the North tower the night Dumbledore supposedly died," Hermione continued.

"Voldemort was still connected to me. I had to let him think it was still here."

"I just hope he hasn't been tricking us," Ron said with a disgusted look on his face. "That snake is untrustworthy. He's played games with you before Harry."

"But Potter's the one holding all the cards this time," Malfoy said joining the group.

"Unless there's a little rodent spying on the school for his master," Ron growled. "Say a little ferret, perhaps."

"Haven't you two given up insulting each other?" Harry asked with a weary sigh.

"Insults are the only form of communication this Neanderthal knows, Potter. Didn't you know that?" Malfoy asked with his trademark smirk. Ron opened his mouth to comment but was stopped by Harry's sudden cry of pain, as he grasped his head and fell to his knees, struggling to regain control over the pain ripping through his scar.

"He's here," Harry said weakly, forcing his legs to straighten as he used every fiber in his soul to stamp the searing pain down.

The ceiling of the Great Hall took on an eerie appearance; gray green clouds began to form over the school, blocking out the moon and stars. As the sky grew darker with thickening clouds, an image began to take shape. A large snake with glowing red eyes began to slither its way out of the open mouth of a large skull, wrapping its massive body around the layers of sky. The Dark Mark hung over the school, echoing in the fear of years past, just as it had that night when Harry's parents had been killed. A silence spread across the room, while the whispers of cloaks flapping in the wind echoed through the thick castle walls. Among the clouds of fear floated the dark, decaying forms of the soul sucking Dementors. The students drew a deep breath. This was the moment foretold by prophecy, predicted by those knowledgeable of such things and feared by the honest witch and wizard worldwide.

"Get the others ready," Malfoy ordered in a hushed tone. Ron glanced up and saw Neville, Seamus, Dean and Collin begin waving their hands toward the different houses.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked in a voice raked with pain as he pulled in all of his resources to fight the splitting agony in his head.

"We've been doing a little preparing on our own," Malfoy assured him.

"You can't do this," Harry insisted. "They shouldn't be here. It's me he wants. Send the others away."

"Too late Harry," little Sabrina said as she edged closer to him. "We're not leaving you alone."

"It's our school too," a young first year Slytherin said from the other side of the room.

"You do what you have to, Potter," Millicent Bulstrode called out. "Leave the rest to us."

"We told you, you would never be alone," Ginny insisted, reaching out and touching Harry's shoulder. Instantly, he pulled her toward him, crushing her in a strong embrace.

"I want you out of here," he whispered against her ear. "Please, Ginny. Leave. I can't bare to have you hurt."

"No," was all she said, before a strong hand fell to his shoulder.

"It's time Harry," Charlie said, a look as serious as death echoed in his eyes. Harry nodded, then glanced back to his friends. Hermione looked stubborn and determined, just as she did whenever he and Ron would insist on playing Quidditch rather than doing their homework. Ron looked scared, but something in his eyes said he was ready to face anything he had to for his friend. Malfoy appeared steady and rather stiff, yet he sported his trademark smirk that made Harry's lips curl in a tiny a grin. Ginny, however, never looked more beautiful. She had aged perfectly in the year they had been together and the pride and confidence that shined on her delicate face made his heart melt.

"Mr. Weasley," Dumbledore said with a soft clearing of his throat. "A moment please." Harry turned to look at the old man, recognizing the determined set of his jaw. It was the same as when he last met Voldemort at the Ministry of Magic, two years before. He stepped up, placing a heavy hand on Harry's shoulder, as he gazed at the other four.

"There is little I can say to you at this point, that you do not already know," he said in a very serious tone. "But you must remember, together you share your powers as one, divided you fall as five. Join your wands together." The five drew their wands from their cloaks and placed them together, tip to tip as Dumbledore laid his own wand atop them.

"I invoke the power of the circle of five," the old wizard began as the tips of their wands began to glow green. "Joined together with the power of life. Like points of a star shall will never be far, together as one, this power be done. To defeat the evil and share in the vigil, I bind you now from five into one." The glow of their wands continued, until the small circle of friends were encased in a soft hue of green vapors, that seemed to vanish within their cloaks. Harry blinked, feeling a strange tingling travel up his arms and into his chest.

"That was bloody weird," Ron said with a hard swallow, flexing his wand hand. "Did you feel that?" Nobody answered; they only nodded, then turned back to Dumbledore, who smiled.

"Lets not keep our guests waiting," he said and turned to join McGonagall and the Minister who were standing near the large doors of the Great Hall, waiting and watching in silence.

"Be careful," Ginny whispered, squeezing Harry's hand. Harry looked mournful, he wanted to tell her again to run, but as the words formed in his mind, they were stopped from leaving his lips by the gasp from Hermione.

"That's it!" she exclaimed. "How could I have been so stupid?"

"What are you on about Granger?" Malfoy asked with a look that said he was as disgusted by her sudden reaction as he would have been by a slug crawling across his shoe.

"Harry, the prophecy. It wasn't just word, it was a spell. Don't you remember? 'The circle of five...to keep one alive, like points of a star...will never be far...together as one...the power be done...to defeat the evil...we share the vigil.' It's the spell Professor Dumbledore just cast to join our powers together. The rest of it must be part of a spell as well."

"But how do I use it?" Harry asked with a frown.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling you'll understand it when the time comes." Without another word, the five glanced toward the ceiling and watched for a moment as the image of the Dark Mark continued to grow stronger.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Ron asked with a croaking sound to his voice. "The battle's out there."

"Right," Malfoy said, a little less confident as he had been a short time before.

"Let's go," Hermione added, feeling much braver and prouder of herself now that she figured out what the prophecy was trying to say, or rather, what it was pointing to.

The night of the battle was growing darker and as they hurried out the front entrance, they paused to see the damage that had already been done. The Forbidden Forest was ablaze in burning embers; tall trees centuries old were lit up in flames of red and yellow. Smoke billowed around them, and the voices of students shouting spells could be heard from every direction.

Harry saw two dark cloaked figures approach a couple of years girls, but before he could shout or move to help, he watched in amazement as the dark figures began to wobble on their unsteady legs from the simple jelly legs jinx the girls used, allowing them a chance to escape. A few yards away a young Hufflepuff boy Harry knew could be no older than a third year was successfully warning off one of Voldemort's goblins with an Avis spell, conjuring a flock of birds to swarm around the small spindly creature, pecking at his long ears and pointed nose.

"Potter, look out!" Harry heard a split second before he was thrown to the ground by a heavy body. He struggled to catch his breath as Millicent Bulstrode rolled off him and stood up, brushing her arms. "Instead of standing around day dreaming, maybe you should try helping us." Harry nodded, realizing he had just been standing there on the front steps like a statue, watching as his fellow students fought for their school.

"Thanks Millicent," Harry said, struggling to stand.

"Don't mention it," she said and started to walk away, before turning and narrowing her eyes at him. "I mean it. Don't mention it, ever." Harry smiled, realizing that they may be on the same side for now, but the rivalry between their Houses would continue for a long time to come.

Ron and Hermione were battling two Dementors near the edge of the lake, forcing them back across the water, where the giant squid reached up and wrapped a large tentacle around them, pulling the decaying figures beneath the surface. Dudley was holding his own along with a group of second years, who found tormenting a Death Eater with a Musical Blocking Charm. Ginny was helping Collin Creevey with a rather large giant, when a much smaller yet considerably large Grawp stomped out of the Forrest, swinging a dead tree trunk at the giants, catching them off guard and knocking them to the ground, so Ginny and Collin were able to secure them with binding spells.

Malfoy was battling his own demons, his two former friends Crabbe and Goyle. It wasn't difficult to see that Malfoy was not only better skilled with his wand, but that he still commanded authority over the two. Crabbe was quickly subdued with a large vine that began growing out of the ground, while Goyle was transfigured into a sniffler and began scurrying around the bushes.

Harry knew his school would be all right, seeing how well the students were prepared. His attention quickly turned to the task at hand. He scanned the area of dark robes, Dementors, distrusting goblins, fallen giants and bumbling ogres, but could not see any sign of Voldemort. The grounds were littered with sparks and fires, spells and jinxes, the echo of voices casting hexes and curses and the many shouts of fights and screams of anger and fear. The Aurors were busy defending the students, while the students were busy fighting for their futures. Dumbledore was easily casting spells against goblins, giants or whoever came in his path, even Mrs. Weasley was causing quite a stir with pixies and doxies she had been training over the past several months in secret.

Centaurs, banshees, Blast-Ended Skrewts, house elves, fairies, ghosts and ghouls all gathered among the side of Hogwart's, using their unique powers to fight for the freedom and survival of all witches and wizards worldwide. Even several wizards from America, Australia, Africa, India and Russia were there, not to mention the familiar faces of the Headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy, Olympe Maxime and Viktor Krum were among those fighting on Dumbledore's side. It seemed the whole world was there, except for the one who started it all. Lord Voldemort, though notorious for being the evilest and coldest of all wizards, was nowhere to be seen. Harry knew it couldn't be this easy. There was something else going on, that they hadn't anticipated. Then he saw it. Four dark cloaked figures edging around the side of the castle, unseen by those fighting. Harry glanced around, watching the battle for a moment, before hurrying in the direction he had seen the Death Eaters. He knew they were trying to get inside the castle, no doubt trying to get to the Terra Auxilium Ducere. With the device in their hands, they could easily turn the tables on the battle, upset the balance of right and wrong and destroy the school and everything near it.

Harry fell against the stonewall, trying to catch his breath. He could hear the scraping of wands as spells were cast and repelled against the magic protecting the castle. He smiled, knowing they had believed Dumbledore dead, even now, they didn't bother to look around them, and learn the man who held the magic and protected the wizarding world still lived. With a deep breath, Harry stepped around the corner of the wall, and raised his wand.

"Don't you know," he said sternly, "it's impolite not to use the front door?"

"Potter, stand back," the voice of Walden Macnair said, turning his wand toward Harry.

"Is that any way to address your host?" Harry asked with a smirk. "I thought you were in prison?"

"There is no prison wall, that can withstand the force of the Dark Lord," Avery said with a chuckle.

"Dark Lord? Oh, you mean Tom Riddle," Harry goaded. "You still following that half-blooded fool? Thought by now you'd have grown tired of his lies and short comings, and find a real job."

"Watch your tongue Potter," a cold hiss sounded from the shadows a few yards away. "You never know who's listening."

"So, there you are Riddle," Harry said, using Voldemort's birth name. He could feel the hatred emerge from the shadows as Voldemort slowly began walking toward him. "I was wondering if you were going to show up, or not. Got my message, did you?"

"What message might that be?" Voldemort hissed.

"Why the message that Dumbledore had died, of course. Hope you enjoyed the little play we staged for you. Though I must admit, I'm not much of an actor, I do think I played my role rather convincing don't you?"

"What are you rambling on about, Potter? I have seen through your eyes, the death of that old fool you followed. I have seen his dead body and heard the sad offerings of your pitiful friends."

"Sorry to disappoint you Tom, but Albus Dumbledore is very much alive. If you don't believe me, look for yourself. At the moment, I believe he has your Dementors rather tied up." Harry glanced across his shoulder as he spoke, watching as the Headmaster subdued four of the dark, decaying figures of Azkaban's once loyal guards.

"He's alive," Avery gasped, following the direction Harry indicated.

"I thought you said he was dead?" Macnair growled toward their leader.

"That is impossible," Voldemort hissed. "It's a trick. Dumbledore is dead. I saw it myself."

"No, what you saw was what I wanted you to see," Harry said. "You see, Riddle, I've advanced beyond you. I can control your mind now. How does it feel to have the student become the master?"

"Your powers will never surpass mine," Voldemort growled venomously. "I am Lord Voldemort."

"No, you're a pathetic old man named Tom Riddle. Now, if you and your friends are finished playing at the back door, I believe there are a few Ministry of Magic officials who would like to ask you a few questions." A cold laugh echoed the skies, as Voldemort responded to Harry's attempt to intimidate him.

"Do you think yourself better than me? Then perhaps you would care to show me." Harry raised his wand instinctively, as a flash of red light surrounded him. He felt his head spinning and his stomach jerking, then found himself falling from the air, to the soft sand of earth beneath him. Harry shook his head and struggled to stand. He didn't know where he was, but he knew he was no longer at Hogwart's. The sound of shouts and echoes vanished, leaving only the whisper of the wind and the stale stench of death to fill his lungs. The night was dark, but there was an eerie glow from the moon above him, casting a dim shadow of light to illuminate his surroundings. Harry turned a full circle, but saw nothing for miles. There was nothing but sand, no trees, no water, no sound of crickets, birds or life anywhere to be heard.

"Where am I?" Harry asked, feeling the presence of another person nearby.

"You are where I wanted you to be," the cold, familiar hiss replied. "This is the beginning of the end for you Potter. This is the place where you will join me or die."

"That doesn't exactly answer my question, now does it?"

"You might say this is the only place on earth, where time has yet to touch it. It is the moment before daylight, and the second after sunset. It is that place where you go when you have yet to begin dreaming but have no will to awaken. It is simply...space, nothing more and nothing less. It is the passage between our world and the next, the spot where sunlight turns to night and night to dawn. It is the most magical spot in all creation and yet the one place where magic cannot touch."

"So this is the place you chose to die in?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"No Potter. It is the place where you will surrender your magic to me. You were right, but only to a point. You do have more powers then I do, but not for long. You see, Potter, I plan on taking them from you the moment your lungs expel your last breath. Only here is that possible. Only here, can I control what happens in the last moment of life."

"You're a fool if you think I'm just going to stand by and let you strike me dead."

"I am not a fool!" Voldemort snapped, his voice echoing through the distance of time. "I grow tired of your games, Potter. Decide now, either join me and rule at my side, or die."

"If it's the choice of living life like you, or death, then I chose death."

"What a pity. You could have been great. You could have ruled the world."

"No, I could have lived like you. Pathetic, hated, feared, my name disgusting all who heard it. That's the real reason nobody wants to speak your name, you know. It's not because they fear you, it's because you disgust them. You're no better then the rotting flesh that makes the Dementors solid. You wanted to be the greatest wizard who ever lived, but instead you became the greatest joke who ever lived. You're being made a fool of, by your own followers, did you know that? Did you know your mistress shares her bed, not with you, but with Lucius Malfoy? Did you know your precious son, whom you believed would make you invincible, was a girl? Did you know Bellatrix and Malfoy planned your fall from grace? Did you know your Death Eaters laugh at your ridiculous face, behind your back?" Harry's words caught in his throat, as a searing pain burned within his stomach, trailing upward to his head.

"I have heard enough!" Voldemort growled. "You think yourself so cleaver, you believe yourself to be more powerful then I am? Then show your strengths to me now, Potter. Prove you are worthy to walk the same earth I do." Harry fell to his knees as the pain eased, tearing the breath from his lungs in deep pants. The stench around him burned in his chest, but it was a welcome sensation. At least he knew he was still alive for a few more moments.

"What's the matter, boy? No courage to fight back? Will you cry for your Mudblood mummy now? Do you think they would even care what happened to you? Your parents were useless. Their entire lives were spent following that fool Dumbledore. They believed they could hide from me...ME! They thought they could defeat me. Hah! I showed them, and I'll show you. Nobody stands against the great Lord Voldemort and lives to tell the story."

Harry drew all his strength together in one mighty force, then glanced up to the dark robed man in front of him. Narrowing his eyes, Harry released his resistance, molding his thoughts with those of his enemy. For a moment, the two simply stared each other down, but as Harry began to rise up on his legs, Voldemort realized what was happening. The image that filtered before his eyes was...himself? He was seeing through Harry's eyes, watching himself stagger backwards in the sand, dazed and out of control.

"I am more powerful than you ever hoped to be," Harry said in a deep growl, forcing his mind to stay in control of Voldemort's. "My powers are stronger than your weak attempt to defeat me. I have no intention of ruling by your side, but I will seize your throne from you and rule in your place. You wanted your name to be whispered among the ages, to be feared among the masses, but instead it will die on the wings of a fairy, easily forgotten. The name they will remember is mine, HARRY POTTER! The greatest wizard to walk the face of the earth! You wanted to destroy me? Learn now, you weak fool, just how powerful I have become." Harry reached his mind further, throwing Voldemort across the distance of several yards to land face down in the sand. He kept his hold on the other man, feeling the intoxicating rush of power fill his veins. He had never felt so incredibly warm and strong. He knew there was nothing he could not do. He would demand respect, first from this worthless excuse of a wizard, then from his weak Muggle relatives and then the world. Everyone will know of his power and fall at his feet. He would rule the entire wizarding world, just as he was meant to. He would have all the riches and love he was due. Then within a blink of an eye, an image filtered before his eyes. He saw a glimpse of what he had left behind. He saw the image of a red haired girl, falling in a crash of pain as the spell of her enemy struck her down.

"Ginny," Harry whispered, his mind focusing back on his task of defending her, protecting all he loved and cherished. He didn't want to rule, he wanted to live. He wanted to grow old with the girl of his dreams, but all of that was gone in the flash of a curse. Ginny lay on the grown motionless as Bellatrix stood over her, laughing at the fate that tore his heart in two and drove him to wish he was dead.

A soft moan echoed from the sand in front of him, and Harry glanced down, seeing Voldemort struggle to regain his composure.

"You did this," he snarled at the dark image. "You killed her."

"She deserved to die," Voldemort said weakly as he pushed himself up on shaking arms. Harry couldn't bare the pain. He looked at his wand and saw the tip glowing green and realized he still had her powers with him. At least he could do this one last thing for her. Remembering what Hermione had said, the prophecy was a spell and he would know when the time was right, made him recite the words he had memorized over the past months.

"The blood of the mother run through his veins...saved for the night when he breaks the chains," Harry said softly as the words filtered through his mind. "Powers known not will save or destroy...the points of the star he will employ...when the clouds have settled and all is done...kill or be killed...one or none."

"Listen to yourself Potter," Voldemort said, forcing himself up on his legs. "You've lost your mind. You can't even think straight enough to issue a simple spell."

"A simple spell," Harry repeated, thinking harder on the words that predicted his fate before he was born. As if acting on instinct, Harry looked up at Voldemort and repeated the words echoing in his mind, his voice strong and filled with determination.

"Encase the evil within the star...a circle of friends one and for all...the wings of time a prison cell...the hour is neigh as told by the bell," Harry spoke the words flowing from his lips and watched as five golden phoenixes appeared in thin air, flying toward Voldemort. The sound of a bell began to chime, first one then another, as the large colorful creatures landed near Voldemort. They stretched out their wings, as thin green lines formed at the tips encasing the Dark Lord in the image of a star. Harry continued to watch as the birds transformed from living creatures into five large, golden statues in the sand.

"What the hell kind of trick is this?" the Voldemort asked, taking a step toward the star's outline, but finding himself trapped inside them. Fear rose in his red eyes as he stared at Harry, the bell tolling three, then four, but Harry felt the power of the prophecy within him, compelling him to raised his wand and continued to speak.

"The green flame of time a power of old...bound by the lives of the blood you once stole." The walls of the star began to grow taller and thicker, closing in around the dark robed man who paced the confines like a caged animal.

"Potter, what do you think you're doing? Stop this at once," Voldemort shouted. "Stop this now and I will forgive you. I will allow you to live. I will even allow you to return to your school. We can just forget all about this and go about our separate lives."

"Payment now due the cost of your crimes," Harry continued, listening as the bell chimed five, six, seven and then eight. "I sentence you to pay on the bell's final chime...blood of the magic and Muggle unite... to condemn you now your sentence to die." Harry stepped back, his eyes growing larger as he watched the star close in tighter around his enemy. The bell continued to toll, nine, ten, eleven, as the walls grew closer. Voldemort fell to his knees, his hands raised over his head as if to prevent the sky from falling in on him.

"Potter stop this!" he shouted, fear raking his voice. "Potter, please, show mercy. I'll do anything you ask, please stop this!"

"This is for you mum and dad," Harry whispered as the bell's final toll closed the star completely around the cringing frame of the once great Lord Voldemort. The skies burned a brilliant shade of green and gold as the statues of the phoenixes grew larger, falling into the massive walls of the star, exploding into a burst of stars, blinding Harry's eyes with the brightness.


Back at Hogwart's the sounds of shouting continued, as Ginny felt the sudden sharp pain flow from her stomach. She fell backwards from the slicing spell that ripped her abdomen open. Blood began to spill freely from her wound as she crashed hard to the earth. A soft, evil laughter echoed above her and she forced her eyes to focus on the dark haired woman towering above her.

"You are such a fool," Bellatrix said, kneeling beside her. "Tell me now where my child is and I may let you live."

"Don't you mean your daughter?" Ginny asked in weak gasps of pain.

"Tell me! Where is she?"

"Safe from the likes of you." Ginny could feel herself fading away quickly, the warm wetness covering her hands and legs assured her there was little life left to cling to.

"I'll find her, and I'll have my kingdom, mark my words. That brat will give me what is rightfully mine." Bellatrix finished her vow with a scream of pain, as she was picked up from the ground and thrown a hundred yards away, landing on her back unconscious.

"Miss Ginny," Misty said in a panicked tone. "Please Miss Ginny, Misty will help you."

"Tell Harry," Ginny gasped in pain. "Tell him...I love him."

"You tell him, Miss Ginny." Misty raised her hands to her heart, causing her arms and face to glow with soft golden embers. She stretched her hands out and touched Ginny's gaping stomach, groaning softly as she continued to use all her strength and power to mend the wound. Several seconds passed by, before Ginny felt the warmth of life flow back into her. She could fell the cold ground beneath her, the cool air of night around her and the stench of fires and death she had become accustomed to over the past hour or so. With a deep breath, Ginny struggled to sit up, her hand instinctively reaching for her stomach. There was no pain, no blood, no throbbing organs exposed from their cavity. She glanced to Misty, watching the small creature fall to her knees, panting.

"Misty, are you all right?" she asked, picking the house elf up into her lap.

"Misty is fine, Miss Ginny. Just tired," the house elf smiled. "Misty could not save Harry Potter's parents, but she could save his love. Misty is proud to be a Potter."

"Thank you so much, Misty," Ginny began to sob. "I'll never forget this."

"Miss Ginny must live for Harry Potter. He will want her when he comes home."

"Oh, God, Misty. I pray he does come home."


Harry fell to the sand, his eyes blinking to see through the now dark night. He felt strange, almost empty. His scar no longer hurt, his mind felt clear for the first time in his entire life. But there was a deep sense of sorrow. At what cost did he pay for this new freedom? How many other lives were lost besides his Ginny's.

"Ginny," he whispered, grief filling his soul. He began to sob, the horror of what he had seen filled every fiber of his being. He glanced down to his hand, tears clouding his vision. He saw his wand and remembered reading once about a wizard who had taken his own life when he had lost his family during the plague that ravaged Europe. He thought barely once about this, then raised the tip of his wand to his heart and closed his eyes.

"What are you doing?" a voice asked softly from behind him. Harry rose quickly, turning to see Mutgeb standing there in the sand. His anger began to grow as his grief and sorrow continued to build.

"You knew, didn't you?" he shouted at her. "You knew she was going to die. Why didn't you tell me? You could have warned me!"

"So because she is dead, you feel it only right you die as well?" Mutgeb asked calmly. "What about those who need you? What about those who rely on you to lead them into the future, to show them the sacrifices they made were worth the freedom they have gained."

"To hell with them!" Harry shouted. "I don't care about any of that. Without Ginny, I have no future!"

"Then those who have given their lives have done so in vain. What a sad ending to a life shared with pain and sacrifice."

"I hate you," Harry sad softly, dropping his wand in the sand. Mutgeb walked slowly toward him, placing a motherly hand on his shoulder. Harry's head dropped as tears flowed freely from his eyes. Mutgeb wrapped her arms around him, holding his head to her shoulder. For several long minutes, all Harry could do was cry. He had never felt so alone or so empty in all his life. Even the dark cupboard under the Dursley's stairs, didn't compare to this pain. Nothing prepared him for this. He had anticipated his own death, planned it and prepared for it, but not hers.

"You have to return to Hogwart's, Harry," Mutgeb said. "You are needed there. I only wish I could help you more." Harry sniffed, wiping the tears from his face.

"I still have my wish," he said, reaching within his shirt and pulling out the teardrop shaped crystal. "I can bring her back."

"Perhaps you should wait until you return home," Mutgeb urged. "There are others who need you more than those who have passed."

"I'll go home," Harry said, squaring his shoulders and raising his head. "But I will bring her back. I promise you that."

"Life has a way of changing with each passing moment."

"Don't give me any more riddles," Harry snapped. "I just destroyed the last Riddle I ever want to hear."

"Of course. If you're ready, I'll take you home now."

"How did you know I was here?" Harry asked with a frown.

"There are ripples in time, that meet with the space of the present. I felt the change and knew you had been taken where nobody could find you. The evil has always looked for this place, either in dreams or in fantasy, but only one ever found it."

"Then this place is real? It's not just...I don't know....a nightmare?"

"This place is as real as you want it."

"Is he really gone this time? It's not just another way of hiding, is it?"

"No Harry, he is gone. The star and the power of the five were too powerful for him to confront."

"Now there's only four," Harry said sadly.

"As I have said before, Harry. Time has a way of changing everything."


"Wormtail, get out from under that shrub," Ron snarled, pointing his wand to the bush nearby and the transfigured wizard, now in rat form, cringing beneath it. "Don't think you can hide from all of this, just so you can show up a few hours from now claiming to be a hero." The rat refused to transfigure, instead he just began chattering quickly, then scurried off toward the castle, no doubt where he thought he could hide. Unfortunately for him, Mrs. Norris was hiding behind a statue near the front steps and pounced at the rat as soon as he neared. A struggle commenced and the rat ran inside, followed close behind by a very angry cat.

"Serves you right, you mangy beast," Ron muttered beneath his breath.

"Weasley, look out!" Malfoy shouted, causing Ron to turn just in time to see Lucius Malfoy raise his wand. He threw himself to the ground barely in time to avoid having his head blown off by an incendio spell.

"That bloody bastard!" Ron shouted, watching the older Malfoy turn and flee as two Aurors headed in Ron's direction. "Did you see what he nearly did?"

"I saw and it's a good thing for you I did," the younger Malfoy snapped as he hurried to Ron's side, offering a hand up from the ground. "You need to watch your own arse for a change, and stop watching Granger's."

"I wasn't watching Hermione's arse, I was trying to find her."

"She's over there, doing quite nicely if you must know," Malfoy said, pointing to where the girl stood near a stunned looking Dudley, two tea cozies and a fat chicken clucking nearby. "I don't think Malciber or Rockwood will ever get over being transfigured into tea cozies by a Muggle."

"Who's the chicken?" Ron asked with a smirk.

"The elder Goyle. Actually, I don't remember him ever looking better." Ron snickered at the comment, then turned back in the direction Lucius Malfoy had ran off.

"It's my problem now," Malfoy said, sensing the red head's desire to chase after his father.

"But he's your father," Ron said with a frown. "Can you confront him?"

"I'm a Malfoy," the blond said. "I was raised to confront all who stand against me, family or friend, it doesn't matter."

"But your dad?"

"You have a dad, Weasley. I have a sperm donor." With that said, the younger Malfoy stepped away, walking around the side of the castle, heading toward the Quidditch pitch. For him, all he had hidden from, all he had feared and all he had hated his whole life, was waiting in the shadows for him. And it was time to stop running.

The Aurors who had chased after Malfoy, Dedalus Diggle and Mundungus Fletcher lay unconscious in the grass. The sound of the night was nearly deafening as the footsteps of the son sought out those of the father's. He knew he was hiding; he always hid until he was certain he had the upper hand. Actually, Draco Malfoy thought of his father as a coward, and not for the first time. He realized that night long ago, when he had been given the Muggle girl as a present, that his father was despicable and loathsome. He had grown to despise and detest the man. The death of his mother only offered him the fuel he needed to be more of the man she wanted him to be and less the one his father had tormented and threatened.

"Draco," a voice said from the shrubbery guarding the path that lead to Hagrid's hut.

"Hello father," the son said.

"I knew you'd come to your senses," Lucius said. "The Dark Lord insisted Potter had converted you with his pleas of power and righteousness, but I knew better. Come with me son. Bellatrix and I have a plan to get control from the Dark Lord once he's destroyed Potter. You will rule by my side, as the true prince of our world."

"Potter is the true prince, I'm nothing more than the son of a lying snake. I'm not here to join you, I'm here to make you suffer for what you did to my mother."

"You're a traitor?" Malfoy snapped with venom oozing in his every word. "I should have known better. The seed of that sniveling woman could never be more than whining brat."

"Tell me something, Father," the son asked in a voice filled with contempt. "What did my mother ever see in you, to begin with?"

"I have the power, the blood, the fortune to win any woman. Do you think that hag was my only lover? Hah!" the older man said. "I have had more women over the years, then I can remember. She merely tricked me by getting pregnant with you. I couldn't allow my son to be raised by a simple whore, now could I?"

"My mother was not a whore," the younger Malfoy growled, raising his wand and striking his father with a spell that sent him flying through the air, to land hard on the stone path. "The only mistake my mother made, was getting involved with you."

"I am Lucius Malfoy," the man said struggling to his feet, and suddenly realizing his wand was nowhere to be found. Fear flickered in his soul, but only for a moment. He knew he had the power to intimidate and stamp this boy's confidence and right now, it was the only card he had to play with. "I am your father and you will do as I tell you. Do honestly think you could survive without me? You can't even beat that Mudblood Granger at a simple transfiguring exam." With all the sophistication he had grown accustomed to over the years, Lucius Malfoy straightened his cloak, smoothed his silver hair and adjusted his tie. He felt certain he had achieved the upper hand with his disobedient son, until he looked up and saw the tip of the wand pointed at his chest.

Without a word, he whispered the spell he had been forced to learn at the tender age of four, "Crucio." The son watched as his father twitched in agony under the unforgivable spell, watched as he unconsciously raised his wand again and clenched his teeth, and in a strong firm voice said, "Avada Kedavra." He stood there for several seconds watching, his father's lifeless body lay motionless just inches from his feet. He drew a deep breath, knelt down and straightened the tie that lay twisted among the mass of silver hair, a result of his fits a few moments before. Straightening up on his legs, the son smoothed his own silver blond hair back from his face, ignoring the tears that crept down his cheeks.

"You may be Lucius Malfoy, but I'm Draco Malfoy, son of Narcissa Malfoy," he said sternly. "Rest in peace mother," he whispered then turned around to leave.

Malfoy stopped a few feet away and looked up into the stern, surprised eyes of two red heads and a mousy, bushy haired Muggle. They didn't say a word, they didn't have to. They all knew the outcome of his actions could mean a life's sentence in Azkaban.

The sounds of war around them slowly began to fade as the sky lit with a brilliant explosion of green and gold. Malfoy, Ron, Hermione and Ginny all looked up to see the Dark Mark explode in an array of stars. The light continued to glow changing from a bright green to a golden hue, then they began to rearrange into a shape that made their hearts jump and their voices gasp. In the spot where the Dark Mark had floated for so long, overseeing the battle below formed the head of a lion, golden embers outlined it's mouth and the spectators watched in amazement as the massive jaws of power clamped down on the image of a snake, destroying it's last resemblance of life.

Suddenly the air around them burst into an excited roar of cheers. The skies were alive with the golden image of the lion as it lay down, licking its mighty paws.

"He's done it," Ron said with a wide grin. "Harry's bloody well done it!"

"Hurray for Harry!" the students cheered, while Aurors, Ministry officials and teachers gathered together the remaining Death Eaters, who had stood in stunned silence, watching as their great leader's mark was devoured by the image of the Gryffindor lion.

"Well, so much for guessing who is better," Ron said, turning to Malfoy. "It's obvious now, that Gryffindor can beat any pure blood that comes down the pike."

"Granger, do us all a favor," Malfoy said, as he began to walk around him. "Marry the guy and put him in his place, will you. He's really becoming quite a bore.'

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ron snapped following behind the blond.

"Isn't it obvious?" Malfoy asked, his tone filled with his trademark sarcasm. "All Weasley men are pussy whipped and lead around by their women."

"That is not true!" Ron shouted.

"All I can say is the Weasley women must be great lovers. I know of no Malfoy who would allow a woman to control him like that, unless they had sore peckers from the constant shagging."

"Anybody ever tell you, you have a really evil tongue, Malfoy?" Ron growled.

"Only the girls who have discovered that first handed," Malfoy chuckled, turning to see the color that crept up Ron's neck.

The four neared the large group of students and teachers, still cheering and applauding the image in the sky, then stopped dead in their tracks as Bellatrix stood from where she had been laying on the ground, unconscious. She raised her wand and pointed it at Dumbledore, and as a stream of red light shot out from the tip, a dark image dove for the woman, knocking her to her back. The dark robed image lay motionless atop the woman who struggled and screamed to get off. Dumbledore, McGonagall, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Malfoy all ran to the site, as Filch rolled the lifeless body of Severus Snape off of Bellatrix. He knelt down next to the potions Professor for several seconds, and then looked up to Dumbledore, a sad expression on his stern face.

"He's dead Headmaster," Filch said. The sound of silence echoed through the moonlit sky. Many lives had been lost that night; many had been saved and spared. But among those tears shed were those of a tiny little girl, who ran from her hiding place in the castle, where she had been watching in horror at the events that played out before her. She fell to her knees, her face burying in the thick robes of the lifeless man.

"Daddy," she sobbed. "Daddy, wake up." Dumbledore reached down to the small child and lifted her into his strong arms, supporting her quaking frame against his robes.

"Take her back to Azkaban," the older man said in a strong tone, as he glanced down to Bellatrix. "Make her comfortable in her old prison cell." Lupin grabbed Bellatrix under the arm, as did Shacklebolt and drug the stunned woman off in the darkness. So many lives lost, so many years of pain and suffering all summed up in a little girl's tears. Somehow, nothing seemed important anymore. It didn't matter what side won, everyone had lost a part of themselves, that fateful night, when Harry Potter had defeated Lord Voldemort.

Author notes: I'm sorry this has taken so long to get uploaded. I've tried twice to submit it, but it hasn't worked, plus I've had serious computer problems that wiped out my story, so I had to recreate this entire chapter from memory. Please continue to R/R and thank you for your patience and loyalty.