Draco Malfoy Luna Lovegood Neville Longbottom
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/20/2004
Updated: 05/23/2005
Words: 183,271
Chapters: 28
Hits: 51,099


dan's girl62

Story Summary:
Year six is over, Harry has grown into a great wizard with powers even surpassing and surprising the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. He has found his soul mate and has discovered the fifth point of the star. But can he find the Green Flame Torch prophesized to be the link to Voldemort’s destruction? Can he save the wizarding world before the son of evil is born and will he be able to let go of the past and build a future, or will he use his powers to change all that he has become to regain all that he has lost? Rated R for future chapters.

Chapter 24

Chapter Summary:
Year six is over, and Harry and his friends have moved past UNEXPECTED BEGININGS. Harry has grown into a great wizard with powers even surpassing and surprising the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. He has found his soul mate and has discovered the fifth point of the star. But can he find the Green Flame Torch prophesized to be the link to Voldemort’s destruction? Can he save the wizarding world before the son of evil is born and will he be able to let go of the past and build a future, or will he use his powers to change all that he has become to regain all that he has lost? Rated R for future chapters.
Author's Note:
Hope the length was worth the wait!!

Chapter twenty-four

Harry sighed his fatigue, his eyes closed to the sights around him. The evening had gone by quickly and he was actually feeling quite happy he decided to come home to the Burrow for Christmas. He listened to his aunt and uncle in the room down the hall, complaining about their simple accommodations. They complained about the size of the bed, the state of the curtains, the faded wallpaper, and the worn carpet. There was nothing that seemed to please those two.

Dudley lay in the cot across the room from him; his deep breathing and loud snore assured Harry that he was fast asleep. They had spent over two hours playing snaps with the twins and Harry actually found spending time with his cousin pleasant. He had changed since he discovered he was a wizard. Somehow, he seemed to have settled down, he was more content and even accepting of his situation, if only his parents would.

Ginny had retired shortly after her father had arrived home with the Dursleys. Mrs. Weasley had kept her promise and made the young woman realize that being a mother was not only rewarding, but also the hardest work she'd ever do. With Penelope leaning over the toilet so often and Mrs. Weasley hustling to clean and cook for so many people, Ginny was left to look after little Molly. She fed her, cleaned up after her, changed her nappy, bathed her and after struggling for over an hour, had finally managed to get her to sleep. By the time the rest of the house had settled in for the night, Ginny was tucked in her own bed, sound asleep. She had offered Harry a simple goodnight kiss, whispering she was exhausted, and then climbed the stairs to her room. With a knowing smile, Harry watched her, thankful that his idea to ask Mrs. Weasley for help - even though it was embarrassing - had been one of the wisest decision he could have made. Ginny was finally thinking twice about having a child of her own.

The sounds of the Weasleys in the kitchen below, made Harry feel more at home then he ever had. Tonks and Remus had returned from their short trip to Grimmauld Place to check on the reports from the Aurors protecting the Ministry of Magic. Their voices mingled with those of Mrs. and Mr. Weasley. Harry began to drift to sleep, the soft laughter from Fred and George in the room above him, made him smile. They were undoubtedly plotting tomorrow's activities for their visitors. In his dreams, Harry was at school again for the first time, a young boy filled with fear and excitement. He saw McGonagall and remembered the anxieties he had. He moved through the castle as though Buckbeak were flying him along each corridor and each passage. He saw his classmates cowering in the corners as they looked up and pointed to him. He couldn't understand why they were so afraid of him, and he instinctively reached up and touched his scar. His head was on fire, though he felt cold. He could feel his heart beating inside his chest like thunder, his eyes watering with the searing pain from his scar. He nearly doubled over with agony, but quickly found his footing and forced himself to stay upright.

He continued to fly, feeling more and more apprehensive, his vision clouded from pain, but somehow he managed to focus on the objects that passed him by. Nearly Headless Nick and Peeves turned toward him, fear etched their ghostly faces. He tried to speak but found his throat had no voice of its own. He floated down the stairs, passing by many students who watched him. Ron and Hermione stood at the foot of the stairs; they looked up at him and frowned. Fear echoed in their eyes, yet their hands held tightly to the wands in their hands. Ginny was there, along with Malfoy, Longbottom and the rest of the Gryffindor class. They watched as Harry slowly passed each one, wands held tightly in their hands as though they expected trouble.

In the Great Hall, he could see himself sitting in front of the rest of the school, the sorting hat on his head. He remembered how he had begged the sorting hat to place him in any house other than Slytherin, but as he dipped closer to the sights, he could hear the cold laughter echo all around him, as the sorting hat called out, "Slytherin". This was wrong, Harry thought. He didn't belong in Slytherin. He was a Gryffindor, that's where he belonged. Even Dumbledore had told him he was a true Gryffindor, after he rescued Ginny from the Chamber of Secrets. Then a large figure came plummeting into the Great Hall, and all the students turned to see Hagrid stumble his way down the rows of tables toward Dumbledore. He was covered in ash, his face red and flushed, his hands blistered and burned. He coughed and sputtered, then reached out to the Headmaster.

"It's happened, sir," Hagrid gasped. "He's come to Hogwart's."

"Who?" Harry heard himself calling out and watched as Hagrid turned toward him, his face burned and charred from fires.

"The Dark Lord has sent Death Eaters into the Forbidden Forest. They've attacked the centaurs and set fire to my hut. The Forest is burning. We have to fight."

"No," Dumbledore was saying. "It is what he wants, to lure Harry into a battle he is not prepared for. We must not act in haste. Arrange the Aurors and send out the Dementors who are still loyal to us. Send them into the forest to protect it. We will bide our time and fight when we are ready."

"But Headmaster," Hagrid sputtered. "Harry can help us. He's the only one who can save us."

"Not yet, he's not ready. The time is coming, but it is not now."

"Harry," a voice said from behind him, cold as the winter night, mocking him in his sleep. "Harry Potter, I'm waiting for you."

Harry opened his eyes with a start, looking into the honey brown eyes of Ginny. For a moment he just stared at her, then drew a deep breath and looked around the dark room. The throbbing pain in his scar assured him, it was not a simple dream.

"Harry wake up," Ginny insisted, her tone eager and filled with an urgency he had rarely heard. "Hogwart's has been attacked. Death Eaters..."

"Attacked the Forbidden Forest and set fire to Hagrid's hut," Harry finished, sitting straight up in bed. It wasn't a dream, he knew what was happening. He had to get to school, but as he tossed the covers aside and began dressing he could hear Dumbledore's warning. "We must not act in haste," he had said. "We will bide our time and fight when we are ready."

"I'm ready now," Harry heard himself saying. "He wants me to fight him, so it's a fight he'll get."

"Dad and Bill are downstairs organizing the Aurors. Harry, there's something else," she said, catching him by the arm as he tried to leave the room. "It's Hagrid."

"He's been hurt, I know."

"How do you know?"

"I saw it in a dream." Ginny frowned. She knew his dreams were never ordinary, but it had been so long since he had experienced any 'visions' that the news took her by surprise. Harry grabbed his clothes and began dressing quickly, glancing down to Dudley who had stirred awake and was sitting on the end of the cot, his long husky legs exposed from the edge of the blanket.

"What is it?" he asked in a groggy voice. "What's going on?"

"Hogwart's has been attacked," Harry said in a monotone voice.

"You-Know-Who?" Dudley asked as he began to grow more alert.

"His name is Voldemort," Harry snapped. "He doesn't deserve anyone's fear or respect."

"Harry," Dudley said quickly as his cousin started for the door. "I know my powers are no where near what yours are, but I want to help. I want to fight."

"Your parents would kill me for sure if you got involved."

"I don't care. I'm a part of this world and I know what he did to your mum and dad. I want to help you." Harry stared at the face he had once hated to look at and for the first real time since he could remember, he found himself bounding with the young man. He smiled and nodded, then continued his way out of the room and down the stairs.

The kitchen was filled with Aurors; Mad Eye Moody was there, as was Tonks, Lupin, Dedalus Diggle, Elphias Doge, Hestia Jones, Kingsley Shacklebolt and newest member, Amos Diggory. Harry stepped through the door, wand in his hand and a determined look on his face. The others stopped and stared at the young man, as though seeing him for the first time.

"How's Hagrid?" he asked when he spied McGonagall entering the kitchen from the living room.

"He'll be all right," she assured him in a very serious tone. "Madame Pomfrey says he's suffered only minor burns when he tried to put out the fires."

"And the centaurs?" Harry asked, causing the others to glance toward each other.

"How did you know..." McGonagall began, but was interrupted when the tall, gray haired man stepped up behind her.

"Firenze has gone to seek out those who fled," Dumbledore said.

"How many were killed?" Harry asked.

"Seven were injured, but none were killed."

"What's going to happen, Professor?" Ginny asked from where she stood next to Harry.

"We're going to continue as we always have," he said stepping to the table and sitting at the head. "The Aurors will do their jobs, the teachers will do theirs and the students will continue with classes as usual."

"I'm going to find him," Harry said determinedly. "I'm the reason he came to Hogwart's, I'm the reason he attacked Hagrid. If it's me he wants, then I'll be damned happy to oblige him."

"No, Harry," Dumbledore insisted, watching as Harry's face grew dark with anger. "That's what he wants, for you to go after him unprepared. He knows you'll come after him, he knows you want revenge, but you're not ready. Your powers are strong, as strong as they ever will be, but your emotions are not developed enough to withstand him. Your love and your compassion will overcome you and weaken your reserves. Revenge and anger will get in the way of your common sense and will make you act rashly. You have to work at strengthening those feelings. Voldemort cannot withstand your emotions, he cannot understand them, but if you are not able to rein them in, they will be your undoing instead of his. We can rebuild Hagrid's hut and the spells and charms that protect Hogwart's are still in place. They could not penetrate the castle grounds, only the forest. There was no real harm done, yet. If you go after Voldemort now, you will not survive and all you have worked to protect will be for naught."

"I can't just let him get away with this, Professor," Harry argued.

"Yes you can and you must. Harry, not going to fight him now, will make him grow anxious and nervous. He will become over confident and he'll come again, but we will be ready for him...you will be ready. You must let him come to you, Harry."

"I'm tired of waiting, Professor," Harry said, ignoring the others in the room. "He killed my parents, and hundreds of others. How many more do we have to hand him, before you feel I'm ready to fight?"

"There will be no more innocent deaths. Voldemort wants you and only you, Harry. He is saving his strength for you. He will not waste his time or his powers against others in order to get to you. He will seek you out alone. It's the Death Eaters we must worry about. Our Aurors will track them down; we've always been able to fight them. But inside information has it; they are growing tired of their leader's lack of control. They are beginning to see him as weak. You have done more harm to him already then you realize, Harry. When you told his followers that he was a half blood, it made him less than perfect in their eyes. You put doubt into their minds and brought Voldemort down from the pedestal they had placed him on. He is no longer the great and powerful dark lord they once feared and obediently served."

"So I'm to just go back to school, and pretend none of this ever happened?" Harry asked in doubt, uncertain if he truly wanted to believe all he was hearing or not.

"Exactly. There are those who need you, more than you know. One of your group was nearly lost today. Young Mr. Malfoy was led into a trap that could have cost him his life."

"How?" Ginny asked in surprise.

"It doesn't matter, all that is important is that Voldemort realizes how important Mr. Malfoy is to our side. He will stop at nothing to separate the five of you. That is why I have ordered the Minister to return you to Hogwart's immediately. You must be within the castle walls and together in order to remain safe. I have set up special accommodations for the five of you, your own house if you will. It is time you learned to work together as one."

"But how is that possible?" Harry asked. "Slytherin and Gryffindor together? There are too many differences to get in the way. Quidditch for one, not to mention the feelings Ron and Malfoy have against each other, or Malfoy's less than chaste ideas about Ginny and Hermione. We can't live in the same house, it will be impossible."

"You will find a way to make it work. You must, if you are ever going to join in battle and fulfill the prophecy. As for Quidditch, I'm afraid it is too dangerous for you to continue. The season has been canceled."

"Canceled?" Ginny asked in surprise. "But Professor, we're in the lead for the House Cup, you can't cancel Quidditch now. We've only got two games left."

"I'm sorry Miss Weasley, but it is for the best. There is no possible way to protect all of you while you're playing. Inside the castle I can make certain you are safe, but I cannot guard you well enough while you are in the open."

"Do Ron and Hermione know about all of this?"

"Members of the Order have been dispatched to pick them up and return them to Hogwart's. Mr. Malfoy is already there and you two will leave with me."

"But what about Christmas?" Ginny asked. "What about our families? Are you going to cancel the holiday as well?"

"We will not deprive you of your holiday, Miss Weasley," McGonagall assured her.

"We have arranged for your families to stay at Hogwart's until the New Year," Dumbledore continued. "They will join you in the morning and your holiday festivities will continue as planned. Have no fears, Christmas will come to Hogwart's as it would here." Dumbledore stood and began walking toward the fireplace as he spoke.

"Professor," Harry said, stopping the old man from trying to leave the room. "I saw the attack in a dream. They've started again."

"Voldemort has found his link with you through your sleep Harry," the old man said matter-of-factly. "You must work harder at blocking your mind and controlling your emotions. It is all that remains to weaken your powers. The right path is within you, Harry. You must seek it out in order to find peace and control. Only then will your mind be truly yours." Dumbledore patted Mr. Weasley on the shoulder and walked with the Minister out of the room, leaving Harry feeling more confused then when he had entered the room.

"Why do I feel like I just got another riddle from Mutgeb?" Harry asked turning back to Ginny who simply shrugged her shoulders.


"I can't believe it," Ron growled as they gathered together in the Great Hall later the next morning. "In a private house with Malfoy. It's going to be murder...his!"

"We have to find a way to get along," Ginny insisted.

"You know what Professor Dumbledore said," Hermione added. "We have to learn to work together."

"But the same house?" Ron grumbled. "Why not just lock us in Snape's dungeon for the remainder of the school year? It's the same effect. And what about Quidditch? I can't believe it's been canceled. We were in the lead for the House cup, for the fourth year. It's all Ferret-face's fault."

"I'm not exactly pleased about any of this either, Weasel," Malfoy said joining the small group at the front of the Gryffindor table. "At least the four of you will still be together, I have to leave my house and my friends and live with you. I'd have been better off, being handed over to my father and the Dark Lord."

"My heart bleeds for you, Malfoy," Ron snarled. "How do we even know you really were in danger? It was, after all, your best buddies who were waiting for you. Do you really think we're supposed to just accept that they were going to turn you over to Voldemort, that is his name by the way, not the Dark Lord?"

"Give it up Ron," Ginny snapped in response. "Malfoy is on our side. The least you can do is pretend to be civil."

"Civil? To a Malfoy? Are you mental?" Ron barked, his voice bouncing off the walls of the nearly empty room.

"Listen Weasley, I'm not thrilled about having to live with you either. I'd rather cover myself in dragon dung and offer up my soul to the devil, but as it is, I have no say in the matter and neither do you, so deal with it. We're stuck with this the way Dumbledore orders and that's all there is to it."

"All right, enough," Harry said, hoping to put a stop to the shouting match between the two, while his own anger was growing to dangerous levels. "If you want to point blame, then you may as well start with me. I'm the reason we have to make these changes, I'm the reason Voldemort came here and I'm the one he wants. It's my fault we had our games canceled, and it's my fault we're being uprooted from our houses. Does that make you feel better? And just for the record, I wanted to put an end to all of this once and for all, but Dumbledore insisted it wasn't the right time, so lay off each other. I'm sick of listening to it."

"That goes for us as well," Hermione said boldly, glancing across the table to Ginny. "We're in this thing together and we'll see it out...together."

"So knock it off you and learn to get along," Ginny picked up the conversation. "This is not anyone's fault, least of all Harry's, it's just the way it has to be. We're here to join our forces as one, not to put daggers into each other."

"Well, it's nice to see the five of you getting along so well," Fred said as he and George joined them, arms full of presents.

"Mum and dad want all of us to have Christmas in your new common room," George snickered. "They want to celebrate the holiday in style."

"Where is this new house, anyway?" Ron asked, his tone filled with disgruntled bitterness.

"Dumbledore has commandeered the North Tower and converted it for your use, Your Majesty," Fred said with a smile and a bow, and then realized he was teasing real royalty and blushed. "Sorry Harry," he said in a soft tone.

"But Professor Trelawney's classroom is in the North tower," Ginny said with a frown.

"Not anymore," George said with a smile. "She's been booted out. She'll be using one of the empty rooms on the second floor and sharing accommodations with Madame Hooch."

"But they hate each other," Hermione said. "Madame Hooch still resents Trelawney for predicted she would be fired after her first Quidditch season, when she started here."

"Really?" Fred asked in a mocking tone. "Too bad someone didn't tell Professor Dumbledore that."

"Dumbledore felt the North Tower would be the best place for you five, since there is only one way in or out," George continued. "He's had all of your stuff moved up there, and enchanted suits of armor have been placed as guards to the entrance. You should be as safe as if you were in your own little cribs."

"I can just hear what the other students will say now," Ron grumbled as the small group stood to follow the twins. "It's bad enough having to take class from Trelawney, but to take her class from her? We'll never live it down."

"At least you're not going to have to endure any more of Hagrid's classes," Malfoy snarled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Harry snapped.

"Dumbledore has canceled all of our classes outside of the castle. He says it's too dangerous for us to be out in the open, that includes Hagrid's and Herbology.."

"Bloody hell," Ron growled again. "We may as well have been locked up in Azkaban, for all the freedom we have here."

"At least we're together," Ginny said, slipping her hand inside Harry's as they began to climb the stairs leading to the North Tower and their new common room.

"And you don't have to endure the holiday with Hermione's family," Harry continued. "By the way, how did your first night go with the Grangers, anyway?"

"I don't want to talk about it," Ron snarled.

"He accidentally downloaded a virus, that wiped out the hard drive on my dad's computer," Hermione explained, knowing only Harry would understand what she was saying.

"How was I supposed to know that box had so much information inside it?" Ron growled. "I've never heard of anything called the Internet and I had no idea a machine could get sick. He kept yelling about his documents and his ram. I thought he was talking about an animal, or a pet, or something."

"What's a ram?" Ginny asked in a soft tone.

"It's complicated. I'll explain it later." Harry walked hand in hand with Ginny, following close behind Ron and Hermione who continued to argue about Mr.Granger's computer, while Malfoy followed behind the twins who led the way to the North Tower. All the way up the corridor that led to Trelawney's former classroom, all Harry could think of the many long hours they'd spend together over the next several months, and found himself actually hoping Voldemort would attack again - soon. The small entourage stepped up the rungs of the ladder that led to Trelawney's former classroom, one by one, nearing the top of the creaking steps with each passing second. Ron reached upwards, climbing hand over hand to help lift him toward the trap door Fred had opened and disappeared through ahead of his twin. He reached up to the next wrung just as Malfoy stepped backwards to avoid being hit in the head by the door that slipped from George's grip. Pain shot through Ron's fingers and he screamed violently, as Malfoy's heel meet the tip of his fingers, squashing them soundly between foot and wood. The red head began shouting obscenities at Malfoy, cursing him for what he was certain was a deliberate act. Harry sighed and looked to Ginny as she stopped on the bottom wrung, waiting for her brother to continue up into the room.

"It's going to be a very long winter," he whispered to her, then stepped up the stairs that took him to his new home.

Harry climbed the last rung of the ladder and found himself standing in the round room, he had so often fallen asleep in. The walls, once lined with bookshelves now held many portraits of both Slytherin and Gryffindor historical figures. The room was redecorated in a pale yellow, with warm tan drapes hanging across the window. The squishy chairs that had occupied the room, along with the round tables and copper teakettle were gone and in their place were two large sofas of coffee brown, four arm chairs of tan and gold and a round table with five chairs. By the fireplace stood Hedwig's cage, Pig's cage, Crookshank's old tattered bed, and a wooden stool, which could second as a guest seat. Near the window was a large, overly decorated Christmas tree, complete with the many presents that had occupied the Weasley's home the night before. A long buffet table sat on the wall closest to trap door and on it was a variety of food; turkey, ham, potatoes, vegetables, salads, pies and drinks to name only a few.

Vernon and Petunia Dursley were sitting alone at the table, staring at the others with distasteful eyes. The twins were sitting near the tree, picking up presents with their names on them and shaking them, trying to determine what was inside. Percy was sitting on the floor near one of the chairs, rubbing Petunia's feet, while little Molly played near the warm fireplace. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were talking quietly by the buffet table with Bill and Charlie and Dudley was sitting in a chair opposite Penelope, reading from his History Of Magic book.

The room was warm, but nowhere near as uncomfortable as it once was as a Divination's class. The smells of food and the chatter of laughter and conversations filled the small confines with a sense of normality. It was as if everyone belonged exactly where they were, as though they had always been right there. Harry felt content and smiled when Ginny stepped up to him, handing him a green foil wrapped box.

"Happy Christmas," she smiled. Harry returned the smile and took the package, opening it with eager fingers. Inside was a gold pocket watch, very different then what Harry had ever worn and very old. He frowned at it, as he looked up to Ginny.

"Open it," she told him, indicating to the lever on the stem that wound the time. Harry pushed it and watched as the lid opened, revealing an enchanted photo inside of a couple he had never seen before. He looked back to Ginny, waiting for her to explain.

"It's your grandparents on their wedding day," she said softly. "Misty found it while she was cleaning out the attic at the castle. I thought it would be a nice present for you, a link to your past." Harry sighed. It seemed odd to think about it, but looking at that small photo, staring into the black and white expressions of the smiling couple made him feel like he had a connection to them. Somehow he didn't feel as if he were alone so much, as though somewhere he too would have a place in history, that someday someone would look at his picture and realize that they were connected as well.

"Thank you," he said, kissing her cheek. "I love it."

"I know you don't wear pocket watches, but I liked the photo and hoped you would. Look at your grandfather, Harry. He looks just like you, except for the eyes."

"I know, I have my mother's eyes. I've heard it before."

"But don't you see? The uncontrollable messy hair, the honest smile, the nose; you look just like him."

"He looks like the pictures I've seen of my father, as well."

"I guess that means our son will look like the Potters too," she said, watching the expression cross Harry's face. "Don't worry, I'm not all that eager anymore to have a baby, at least not right away. Your plan worked, Harry. I never really thought about the work that went into being a mother before. I love Molly, but she's a lot of work and I'm not ready for that."

"I'm glad, but what do you mean my plan worked?" he asked, feeling the twinge of guilt. Ginny smiled, slipping a folded up piece of parchment from her jumper pocket and handing it to him. He opened it, reading the familiar words he had written to Mrs. Weasley.

"This is very difficult for me to write to you, but I don't know what else to do," the words read. "Please understand, I love Ginny more than life itself, but she's determined that she is ready to start a family. Mrs. Weasley, I need your help. I am too young to be a father and Ginny has another year of school. I can't make her understand. I need your help convincing her now is not the right time for us to have a child. I have always looked up to you and admired your wisdom when it comes to your family. I can't convince Ginny on my own."

"I'm sorry," Harry said, folding the parchment again. "You wouldn't listen to me, I had to do something."

"Well, you probably did the best thing. My mum has a way of making a person change their minds. The problem is, Harry, after taking care of Molly even for one day, I don't know if I will ever want children."

"You will, someday," he told her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "When the time is right, you'll make a great mother, but that time isn't now."

"No kidding. I've never been so bloody tired in all my life. How can one small child get so messy, or have so much energy? I swear, I'll need to practice my suspending spells for our children, just to keep them still long enough to wash them."

"No you won't. It will all work out, in time."

"Hey you two," Ron yelled from near the buffet. "Are you going to snog all night, or you going to eat?" Harry blushed a deep red when everyone turned to see Ginny locked in his embrace. It was one thing to let the Weasleys see them like this, but the Dursleys were there, and Dumbledore and McGonagall had arrived while Harry was opening his gift. Suddenly the room seemed very small, and very crowded.


Supper was finished much later than usual, the presents had been opened and the fire was burning down to a soft glow. Percy and Penelope had retired to the Gryffindor Prefect's common room, where Percy had once lived while in school. The Dursleys were given a room in the Hufflepuff's dormitory, while the rest of the Weasleys either dispersed among the Gryffindor dormitories, or left for the Burrow. Bill, Tonks, Lupin and Mr. Weasley all returned home where they would leave early the next day to start their investigations, while the twins left for their store and flat in Hogsmeade - eager to meet up with Katie and Angelina and finish the holiday alone. Mrs. Weasley insisted on staying behind at Hogwart's and so had an extra bunk placed in the room Ginny and Hermione would share, and Charlie retired to his private residence near the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Ron, Harry and Malfoy found their bedroom rather cramped, with three beds stuffed into the once private office of Trelawney. Their trunks and personal belongings had been placed neatly in the dressers and closet and their school belongings arranged on their bedside tables. Ginny and Hermione found their room - the former residence of the Divination Professor - rather easy to handle. Their beds, trunks, dressers and school belongings fit nicely in the large room, even with space to spare around Mrs. Weasley's bunk. The beds for each of the students were the customary four-poster, the drapes hanging across them represented their individual houses they had grown up in, while the rest of the rooms were neutral and rather bland in color. Harry assumed this was to help keep the rivalry down between Gryffindor and Slytherin, but it did little to stop Ron from grumbling.

The night was slipping away quickly by the time the beds were filled with their occupants, the moon large and full, the sound of the storm outside blowing against the tightly closed windows. Harry lay in bed for quite awhile, listening to the sounds of Ron and Malfoy as they drifted to sleep. He was amused to hear Ron's normal, vibrant snore, while Malfoy was nearly silent with only a deep breathing to assure that he was asleep. Harry was tired, there was no doubt about that, but the thought that Voldemort had linked with him during his sleep, made wanting to close his eyes uninviting. At last, after two very long hours of practicing his Occlumency lessons learned over the past two years, Harry was able to close his eyes in peace. There was much to do, preparations to make and the grounds to clean up before the students arrived back to school in just a little less than a week. The last thing Harry needed was Voldemort knowing what plans were being made around him.

In his sleep, Harry found his control growing. He knew as his eyes closed for the last time, his powers were back in control of his actions. He had allowed them to lapse over the past several weeks of silence from the dark side, but after practicing in silence, he knew he had them back in hand. He saw himself walking through the woods, but he wasn't sure where he was. He could feel something familiar around him, the sense of comfort and contentment as he continued to walk forward. The sun was high, though the light was barely visible through the tall trees, but the warmth of it filled the air and he breathed in the serenity. The sounds of birds in the trees curiously began to chatter about the visitor to their woods, and the rats that scurried among the brush and grasses wondered who he was.

A large old house came into view as he neared the edge of the woods and he recognized it at once. It was the house his parents were hiding in, when Voldemort attacked. But in the real world, there were no woods nearby, no birds to welcome him and the only rat that came near the place was missing one toe. He frowned as he saw the front door open and his mother appear on the stoop. She smiled to him and waved, beckoning him in. Harry couldn't refuse, he wanted to be there, to speak with his parents again and to know that all was right, but inside him, he knew it was all just a dream.

"You're worrying too much again, Harry," his father said, stepping into the room as the young man entered behind his mother. He carried a large tray of tea and cakes with him, setting it on the buffet between the windows of the dining room, then reached out to his son, hugging him tightly in his strong embrace.

"I have a lot on my mind, dad," Harry heard himself saying.

"We know that, remember, we're always with you. But you can't allow yourself to take all of this on yourself. We've told you before, there are others willing to help, able to help. All you have to do is open up your heart and let them in."

"You mean Ron, Hermione and Ginny, don't you?" Harry asked with a sigh.

"And Malfoy," his mother said, ignoring her husband's disgruntled snort. "They are there for you. Eventually, you're going to have to open up to them."

"But I don't know that I totally trust Malfoy, yet," Harry said, watching the smirk that crossed his father's face. "After all these years, it's hard to just forget all he's done and said."

"He could have been killed in Hogsmeade, if he hadn't recognized the trap in time," Lily said.

"How did get led into something like that, anyway?" Harry asked.

"Your classmate was tricked into believing he would be safer with Crabbe and Goyle."

"What classmate?"

"Parvati Patil," James answered. "Trelawney received what she believed was a premonition from the other side, warning that Malfoy was in danger."

"Dumbledore said she's only had two real premonitions that he knows of," Harry said.

"And that record still stands," James said with a chuckle. "She's not what you would call, reliable. She's a scatter-brained idiot, if you ask me."

"Hermione feels pretty much the same way," Harry chuckled.

"It wasn't Sibyl's fault," Lily said in a scolding tone. "She was tricked by a master."

"Voldemort," Harry said, suddenly very serious.

"He knew how easy she would be to reach. She believes in her own talent so much, that she sees things that aren't there and hears voices that never speak. This time, however, she heard the words of the evilest conniver of all. Voldemort came to her in a dream and warned her that Malfoy was in danger. He knew about Parvati, his spies had seen them together in Hogsmeade and he knew she would be the best one to lure him away. Trelawney was told that Parvati was Malfoy's true love and that she would save him."

"Parvati and Malfoy?" Harry asked with wide eyes. "I didn't know either one of them knew what love was."

"The only person a Malfoy loves, is the reflection in the mirror," James said bitterly.

"Parvati believes in Trelawney's gift," Lily continued with a disgusted glare at the older version of her son. "She would believe her, even if she were told that Hedwig was a prince in disguise. She was the perfect stooge."

"How did Malfoy take being told that Parvati was his true love?" Harry asked, accepting the teacup his father handed him.

"He didn't believe it. I think he would have killed Crabbe, if it weren't for Aberforth coming to his aide."

"Aberforth? You mean Dumbledore's brother? It really is him at the Hog's Head Inn, isn't it?" Harry asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, Harry, but nobody must know. He has been a loyal, albeit, a secret member of the Order for many years."

"Mum, do you know what Hermione and Ron said about Dumbledore?" Harry asked after a moment. "Is he dad's great-great-whatever?"

"We never believed it when we first saw the painting, but it does seem to make sense."

"How? That would make him much older then he really is."

"Little is known about Albus, Harry," James said, stuffing a cream cake in his mouth. "We do know he had a wife once, as well as a couple of children, but something happened to them and he lost them all. It was rumored that they were killed by plague, but magical folks aren't affected by such Muggle diseases."

"If he is a relative, he can sign the Document of Cessation if I'm...not around to do it," Harry stumbled over his own words.

"He could, but he won't," James replied.

"If you don't survive the battle with Voldemort, Harry," Lily said, her tone quivering slightly as she mentioned the possible future, "then there will be no reason for the document to be signed by anyone. Harry, if Voldemort lives, the Ministry is finished."

"So I have another brick added to the load I'm already carrying," Harry said softly. He looked up when he felt his mother's warm hand press down against his shoulder.

"You have a lot on you son," she said sadly. "I would do anything to take this from you, but it is your destiny. Just don't think you have to carry the load alone."

"Why am I here?" Harry asked after several moments of silence. Thinking about the future and all that lay ahead of him, made him feel the sorrow he knew he would have to endure sooner or later, and right now, he'd rather it be much later.

"We thought you might like to spend Christmas with us," James said with a warm smile. "We know we'll never compete with your Ginny or her family, but we have only had one Christmas with you."

"You don't have to feel like you're competing with anyone," Harry said with a broad smile. "Once this is over, once I'm able to use my wish, I'm going to make all of this real. I'm going to bring you back, I promise."

"Your wish is not meant for us, Harry," Lily said sadly.

"It's my wish and I'll use it as I want. I'll take care of everything else...somehow...and then there won't be any reason left to stop me from wishing you alive again."

"Don't rush through life hoping that wishes will give you what you want," James said sternly. "No wish in the world will ever replace the love we have for you. Sometimes, you just have to look past the want and find the need."

"No more riddles!" Harry snapped, placing his hands on his head. "I can't take another one. Why can't you just say what you mean?"

"All right. We will never be your wish, Harry," James said boldly. "We were meant to die, it was our destiny, just as yours is to face Voldemort. I only wish I could tell you what's going to happen."

"I don't care what happens, I'm still going to bring you back. I promise, I'll have my family together again."

"Harry..." his mother interrupted, but was stopped short by her son standing and walking to the opposite side of the room, opening the door that lead outside. He turned to stare at them, a determined look on his face.

"I will have my family back together, and I'll do it without dreaming." Harry turned and left the little house, his eyes fluttering open and he found himself staring at the curtains covering his bed, the shadows from the moonlit sky, casting shadows across the ceiling. He was more determined then ever to learn all he could to defeat Voldemort. He had his family depending on it.


The morning sunshine brought with it a headache, Harry was certain would cause his brain to explode. He was tired, his eyes throbbed and his stomach lurched. For a moment, he wondered if he had caught a Muggle flu bug while he was at the Burrow, but then the burning sensation in his scar made him realize what it was that was making him feel so sick.

"Harry Potter," the icy voice said, echoing through Harry's mind. "I'm waiting for you."

"Go to hell Riddle," Harry snapped in the silent room, his hand landing hard on his scar to stop the pain from ripping his skull apart.

"Is that any way to speak to someone who only has your best interest at heart?" Voldemort chuckled, his tone cold and emotionless.

"Best interest my arse."

"I'm hurt, Harry," the cold voice said in a mocking tone. "And after the gift I left for you. Didn't you like how I redecorated the Forbidden Forest for you?"

"Yeah, it was great. I can tell by your aim, you were leading your attacks by your fork tongue. Tell me Riddle, how's your family life lately?"

"Do you think that by hiding my son from me, it will stop me from taking over the world? My powers are stronger than you will ever hope to achieve."

"Your powers are weak, old man," Harry said, forcing his thoughts to fill with humor, even though his head was throbbing in pain. He knew Voldemort could only get into his mind if he himself allowed it, so as long as he was there, he was going to have a little fun with the Dark Lord and see how far in he tried to go.

"And to think," Harry continued. "You honestly have no idea what kind of tricks are being played behind your back."

"Do not mock me Potter, it will be the last thing you do."

"And what are you going to do about it, Tom? You can't even tell the difference between a follower and a deceiver."

"Find yourself amusing, do you? Then perhaps I should do more than deliver you the bodies of your precious giant and those ridiculous centaurs as a Christmas present. Perhaps you would like your little whore to be boxed up next?"

"You didn't kill anyone, you stupid old fool," Harry snapped, his anger filling his thoughts where humor once occupied. He was getting tired of this intrusion, and much to his amazement, his anger was easing the pain in his scar. He felt in complete control of how far into his mind he allowed his enemy to travel.

"The best you could do was burn down a few trees and an old hut that can easily be rebuilt with a simple spell."

"You are lying. I know that fool Hagrid is dead. I saw his body with my own eyes."

"I don't care what you think you saw, Hagrid is alive and well and living in the castle. Maybe you should have your eyes examined, or better yet, choose a better seer to do your dirty work for you," Harry said, suddenly seeing the image of Voldemort speaking through Trelawney. He could see it all, the way in which Voldemort had tricked the Divination's teacher into believing she was having a true psychic experience, the way he had used the naïve professor to convince Parvati into delivering Malfoy to Hogsmeade. The anger and punishment he delivered on Crabbe and Goyle for their failure in completing their task. He saw it all and realized, he was inside Voldemort's mind and the dark wizard had no idea he was there.

"I shall have to see about this," Voldemort hissed angrily. "In the meantime, Potter, you should know I have a few other surprises in store for you. You will let me know what you think of them, won't you?" Voldemort broke his connection with the young wizard, but not before Harry saw exactly what he was thinking.

Harry sat up in bed, amazed and confused. He had been inside Voldemort's mind undetected. What did that mean? Were his powers growing stronger? Was he at last able to control his thoughts enough to learn the secrets of his enemy? Harry couldn't be certain, but he knew he had to tell Dumbledore what he had seen and heard. He tossed the covers aside and jumped out of bed, gathering his clothes from the floor where he had tossed them the night before and dressed in haste as he hurried into the next room.

Mrs. Weasley was sitting in the chair closets to the fireplace, rocking little Molly, while Percy and Penelope took up the space nearby on the sofa. Ginny and Hermione were sitting at the table with Ron, laughing about something they had been discussing, while Vernon and Petunia looked to their son and Malfoy reviewing simple spells with disgust. They all turned to Harry as he tossed open the door, hopping on one stocking clad foot, while struggling to put his shoes on and walk at the same time.

"Harry, what on earth?" Mrs. Weasley asked with a frown.

"I just had contact with Voldemort," he said rather breathless. The room fell into silence as the occupants watched Harry struggle to finish dressing.

"What did he say?" Percy asked with a frown to match his mother's.

"He said he had a few surprises for me," Harry answered, heading to the trap door that lead down the ladder to the corridor below.

"Like what?" Ron asked, following his friend, who was followed close behind by Hermione, Ginny and Malfoy.

"I can't talk, I have to find Dumbledore." Harry slid down the sides of the ladder and took off running, right past the enchanted suits of armor, straight through a rather shocked Nearly Headless Nick and ran all the way to the gargoyle that stood guard over the Headmaster's staircase. He was about to speak the secret password, when the gargoyle jumped aside and McGonagall stepped out along with Dumbledore and Snape.

"Mr. Potter, what are you doing here?" McGonagall asked with wide eyes. "Shouldn't you be enjoying your holiday with your friends and family?"

"Professor," Harry began, looking past the other two and locking his gaze to the Headmaster. "I had a vision of Voldemort. I know about Trelawney and Parvati. He thinks Hagrid's dead, he's not right? He is still alive."

"Of course he is alive, Harry," Dumbledore answered with a curious frown. "But how could he think he was dead?"

"It's a long story," Harry gasped, feeling his heart pounding inside his chest.

"Perhaps we should discuss this over a nice cup of tea. Professors if you will excuse us. You five come up to my office." Dumbledore turned and lead the way back up the winding staircase and into the office beyond. There Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Malfoy took up chairs next to Harry and listened patiently as he told them all of the conversation he had had with their enemy.

"Professor," Harry continued a moment later after sipping on the tea that had poured for him. "I was inside his mind and he didn't know it. How is that possible?"

"Your powers are great, Harry, stronger than any I've seen for a very long time. You have a natural connection to Voldemort, but that connection has grown deeper. I should have anticipated this, when you began to display such advanced talents for Occlumency."

"But this is good, right?" Ginny asked with wide eyes.

"It is indeed, Miss Weasley," Dumbledore answered with a smile.

"How exactly is this good?" Ron asked with a frown.

"Because now Potter can use the Dark Lord's mind against him," Malfoy surmised.

"Harry will be able to put thoughts into Voldemort's mind without his knowing they aren't his own, isn't that right Professor?" Hermione continued.

"Exactly. And with his connection to Professor Trelawney, he will not only be able to link to Harry, but he will be able to see all that goes on inside these castle walls."

"But that's not good," Harry said suddenly. "He'll know of any plans we make."

"Or he could be lured into believing those plans are true," Dumbledore replied. "Harry, I think it's time we took matters into our own hands. This could just be the break we've been hoping for. I have a few ideas, I think perhaps we should discuss."

The five listened with interest as Dumbledore told of an elaborate plan to lure the Dark Lord out of hiding and into the battle that had been predicted so many years before. After nearly two hours of plotting, the students stood to leave, when Harry remembered what else he had been told and what he had seen in Voldemort's mind.

"Professor, he's set in motion three attacks," Harry reported. "The first one will be soon, I'm not sure how soon, but I know he was thinking it was imminent. He has arranged for Dolohov and Avery to set loose a swarm of acromantula on the Ministry itself. He's hoping at least a few will be killed. After that there will be an attack by Dementors on Hogsmeade, I saw the attack occurring during the night when there was no moon and the last is on a Muggle town near Council Flats, where he plans on destroying a building full of children. I'm not sure when, but it has to do with a celebration. I think it's the orphanage where he grew up."

"That is very good to know," Dumbledore said with a serious expression. "I don't want you to worry any more about this. I'll see that nobody is harmed and perhaps Azkaban will have a few more patrons by the time the third attack has been foiled."

"Professor," Hermione began with a shy blush to her attractive cheeks. "I don't want to be the one to remind you, but we have N.E.W.T.S. soon. Will there be any reason to postpone them?"

"No Miss Granger, I don't see why we would need to postpone your tests. I believe they are scheduled to begin in late March. That only gives you a few weeks to brush up on your lessons." Dumbledore smiled at the look Ron gave his girlfriend, then walked the five to the door and shut it behind them.

"This is excellent news," Phineas said from his perch on the wall.

"It is indeed," Dumbledore said as he sat back behind his desk and motioned for the teapot to pour another cup.

"If Potter has advanced this much in his powers," Dippet began. "What's to stop him from turning on Hogwart's?" Dumbledore sipped his tea in silence for a moment, then looked up to the wall where all the former heads of Hogwart's stared down at him. With a warm smile crossing his aging lips, he drew a deep breath.

"I would not worry about Harry turning against the school," he said knowingly. "He is only one point of a very powerful star. They will not let the dark side get him quite so easily. Harry Potter will be protected, even as he is protecting all of us."

Author notes: Sorry it's taken so long to get it out. Christmas was very HECTIC. Thanks for hanging in there and I promise, we're getting close to the end. Please continue to R/R.