Draco Malfoy Luna Lovegood Neville Longbottom
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/20/2004
Updated: 05/23/2005
Words: 183,271
Chapters: 28
Hits: 51,099


dan's girl62

Story Summary:
Year six is over, Harry has grown into a great wizard with powers even surpassing and surprising the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. He has found his soul mate and has discovered the fifth point of the star. But can he find the Green Flame Torch prophesized to be the link to Voldemort’s destruction? Can he save the wizarding world before the son of evil is born and will he be able to let go of the past and build a future, or will he use his powers to change all that he has become to regain all that he has lost? Rated R for future chapters.

Chapter 17

Chapter Summary:
Year six is over, and Harry and his friends have moved past UNEXPECTED BEGININGS. Harry has grown into a great wizard with powers even surpassing and surprising the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. He has found his soul mate and has discovered the fifth point of the star. But can he find the Green Flame Torch prophesized to be the link to Voldemort’s destruction? Can he save the wizarding world before the son of evil is born and will he be able to let go of the past and build a future, or will he use his powers to change all that he has become to regain all that he has lost? Rated R for future chapters.
Author's Note:
A special thanks to Lynda for being a great new beta.

Chapter seventeen

Harry sat at the edge of the large oval shaped pool, his feet dangling in the water, his eyes distant and far away. He couldn't stop thinking about the image he had seen in the mirror. There was something about the eyes that told him the image he had seen, had turned into his worse nightmare. He was evil, he had crossed over and the cause of Hogwart's destruction was attributed to him. What made the nightmare hit home was that he had looked into his own eyes, seen his own soul and feared his own future. Was this what he had to look forward to, if he survived his battle with Voldemort? Was the payment for ridding the world of such evil, the soul of another? Was he to take the place of the darkest wizard to ever live?

"Potter? Wake up," Malfoy shouted as a large wave of water washed up out of the pool and across Harry's face and head. "What's the matter with you?" Harry stood up out of the water, coughing and sputtering.

"What's the matter with me?" Harry shouted, is voice echoing off the tiled walls of the large room. "What the bloody hell is the matter with you? I thought you were on our side, why are trying to drown me?"

"That wasn't me, it was your little buddy over there," Malfoy yelled back pointing to a very red faced Ron.

"Harry, I'm sorry," Ron began splashing over the edge. "I wasn't trying to get you. Malfoy was being...well, Malfoy and I was trying to drown him. He's the one who waved the water toward you."

"Why can't you two just try and get along for one damned day?" Harry growled, grabbing a towel from the stack Misty had brought and left on a nearby chair. "I am so sick of you two and your constant bickering, I'm ready to put both of you in stasis until we return to school."

"I am willing to try and get along, but Weasel there doesn't know how to be civil." Malfoy sloshed water out of the pool as he climbed the stairs, pulling on his heart shorts.

"Me?" Ron snapped joining his friend and the blond standing a few feet away. "You're the one who keeps calling me 'Weasel'."

"And you keep calling me 'Ferret-Face'," Malfoy replied.

"It's not my fault you were turned into a ferret, or that you look so much like one."

"And I suppose you think it was my fault?"

"You're the one who snuck up behind Harry and tried to..."

"Enough!" Harry yelled, his voice booming off the walls like thunder. "For two people who claim to hate each other, you sure as hell act alike."

"Are you mental?" Ron gasped.

"I act nothing like Weasel," Malfoy defended.

"If you're not careful," Harry said with a glare, knowing how irritated he was making both young men and how happy to have something to distract his current thoughts. "People may just begin to think you like each other. After all Ron, you and Hermione fight about as much as you and Malfoy do, and Malfoy you fight with Ron as much as you do everyone else, which is probably the closest you can come to actual emotion."

"I have never been so insulted in my entire life," Malfoy gasped, his face turning an identical shade of red to Ron's.

"Hang around Malfoy," Harry sneered. "You're still young."

"Why don't we all go into the game room and play a civilized game," Ginny said quickly. "I think we should all take a break from insults for awhile."

"I agree with Ginny," Hermione added, climbing out of the pool. "We only have a few more hours here and then it's back to school. We should be enjoying ourselves and not ripping each other's throats out."

"Fine," Harry said in a nonchalant manner. "I could go for a round of cards or snaps."

"Why not try that spin the bottle thing the girls were talking about?" Ron asked as they began walking toward the game room Misty told them about.

"Don't get enough with the lights out you have to play games too?" Malfoy asked, his tone light but the look on his face a deliberate temptation at another conflict.

"Grow up, Malfoy," Ron growled catching the look on Harry's face.

"Just as soon as you show me how," the blond sneered.

"Let's see what kind of games you've got here," Hermione said quickly as they stepped through the door to a large room filled with a billiard table, a Muggle pinball game, darts, a chess board, a shelf filled with boxes each with an unusual name like "Candy Land" or "Yahtzee". There were several stacks of cards, a card table, a shuffleboard and Quidditch training game.

"What should we play first?" Hermione asked, slipping her arms into a long red robe.

"What was that game you told me about over the summer?" Ginny asked, sitting down on a large leather sofa.

"What? You mean Bunko?" Hermione answered.

"That's it. Want to give that one a try?"

"I still vote for the bottle game," Ron said, sitting in a chair beside the card table.

"Why are you so anxious to play a truth or dare game, Weasel?" Malfoy asked with a frown. "Have a few dares in mind that you couldn't get away with at Hogwart's?"

"Maybe. Why? You scared?"

"Bring it on mate."

"That does it. Harry, we're playing the bottle game and we're going to wipe the floor with this snake." Ron looked to Harry for encouragement, but received instead a disgusted look of impatience.

"We'll only play it, if you promise to behave yourselves and stop this ridiculous bickering," Ginny ordered, watching as Ron and Malfoy squared off, and then slowly nodded in agreement. She turned back to Harry and raised her eyebrows, a gentle smile crossing her lips.

"Fine," Harry said with a roll of his eyes. "Just keep the dares safe. I'm not really anxious to explain to Dumbledore that we lost a limb to a game."

"I'll go first," Ron volunteered quickly, sitting next to Hermione on the carpeted floor. Malfoy narrowed his eyes, but joined the group and sat next to Hermione, folding his legs beneath him. Harry sat on the other side of Ron, hoping to keep him under control if he decided to jump on Malfoy, while Ginny sat between Harry and their blond guest. Hermione seemed to scoot closer to Ron, and for the first time since arriving, Harry noticed her actions. He thought back over the way she had been acting toward Malfoy lately. Even Ron seemed to be more on edge since they arrived at the castle. Harry glanced to Ginny as she slid her hand inside his, seeing the concern echoed in her eyes. So he wasn't the only one who had noticed the way Hermione was acting.

Ron had retrieved an empty butter beer bottle and placed in the center of the room. He glared at Malfoy, his hand tightly holding Hermione's. Ginny watched the silent exchange, and then cleared her throat softly.

"What are the rules, Hermione?" she asked the other girl.

"One person spins the bottle," Hermione began in her usual know-it-all tone. "The person the bottle points to chooses whether they want to tell the truth or take the dare. You can only ask one question. When your turn is over, the person who the bottle landed on spins and the game continues."

"When's it over?" Ginny asked with a frown. "How do you know who wins?"

"There is no winner in this game, but when I played it, it ended when my friend's mother told us it was time for bed."

"We'll play until everyone has had a turn and then decide if we continue or not, agreed?" Harry asked, hoping to put a quick end to the game before Ron and Malfoy killed each other.

"I think we should put a truth spell on the bottle," Ron suggested, his tone thick. "Just in case anyone chooses to lie instead of taking the dare." Harry drew a deep breath and retrieved his wand since he was the only one who had it with him. He had grown accustomed to carrying his wand and found that leaving it upstairs, even in his own home difficult. He tapped the tip of the bottle and uttered the words, "Responsum veritas." The bottle glowed in a soft golden hue for a brief moment before returning to its dark brown. Harry looked to the others who all nodded their acceptance and watched as Ron picked up the bottle and spun it. Several seconds passed before the bottle slowed, the tip pointing at Malfoy. A superior expression crossed Ron's face and Harry felt the urge to freeze him again before Malfoy could react.

"Truth or dare?" Ron asked, watching as the blond stared him in the eye.

"Truth," Malfoy answered with his trademark smirk.


"My turn," Malfoy sneered, reaching for the bottle and spinning it hard. The bottle spun around quickly for several seconds before coming to a halt in front of Harry. The look on his face was triumphant and Harry had a sudden feeling he was being baited.

"Potter, truth or dare?" Harry stared at him for a moment, considering the question. On the one hand if he chose truth, there was a chance Malfoy would ask a question he wouldn't be able to answer, or one that Dumbledore would never allow him to reveal. He believed Malfoy was on their side, but if it were a trick, and if he was working for Voldemort, he could ask about the prophecy. There was so much that Harry still didn't know about the fate of his own destiny, but what he did know would only aid the Dark Lord in his task of trying to destroy him. Then again, there was the dare. Knowing Malfoy, he could be dared to do anything from throwing a Quidditch game to doing something illegal or immoral. So either way, Harry felt as though he were damned.

"Dare," Harry finally answered. The look on Malfoy's face was worth all the gold in Harry's vault at Gringott's. He truly wasn't expecting Harry to choose anything but the truth. He was silent for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and replaced the look of shock with his usual sneer.

"I dare you to kiss Granger," Malfoy challenged, seeing the shocked expressions on the four faces staring at him. "Haven't you ever wondered if you made the wrong choice? This may be your only chance to find out."

"I didn't make the wrong choice," Harry assured him, glancing to Ginny and seeing the anger in her eyes. "I'm with my soul mate."

"Isn't that sweet?" Malfoy said in an almost disgusted tone. "But you're still in the game and the dare has been stated. So start kissing Potter."

"I'm going to kill you Malfoy," Ron growled, but Harry was faster than his friend and moved his wand sitting on the floor next to him aside.

"There's nothing to fear," Harry said softly.

"I didn't choose wrong, either," Hermione told the red head, a gentle hand on his arm. Ron's jaw grew tight and his teeth began grinding when Harry stood and walked to Hermione, reaching down to her and taking her hand. He helped her to her feet and glanced to Malfoy.

"You can't kiss her on the cheek, Potter," the blond said, reading the expression on Harry's face. "This may be your only chance, so do it right. Kiss her the way you would Weaselette."

"I'm going to kill you," Ron snarled again. Harry reached down and placed a warning hand on his friend's shoulder, keeping him from standing. He turned back to Hermione with a warm blush, watching the embarrassment creep across her own cheeks. He smiled softly, then leaned in and placed his lips softly to hers. For a moment they simply touched lips, but after a breath's length of time, Harry found his arms circling her waist tenderly, his kiss deepening. Without thought, his tongue slipped between her watermelon flavored lips. He felt her tongue touch his and the kiss instantly grew deeper. A surge seemed to pass through them for a few precious moments and some where in the back of Harry's mind he wondered if he could have made a mistake. Hermione was his friend, but had he ever given her a thought beyond that? Could he have found more in her than friendship? Then another image floated into his mind. A young, red haired image. He could feel Ginny's arms around him, feel her body pressed against his and instantly he knew his decision was the right one. Hermione may have been beautiful and there may have even been a part of him that was enjoying having her in his arms, but it was Ginny he loved. She was his soul mate and he knew that in his heart and in his mind. A few seconds more passed before the two pulled away from each other. They smiled and turned back to the three watching. The expression on Ron's face was one of pure fury; his eyes were narrowed on the two, his jaw clenched tight and his frame rigid, ready to attack. Ginny looked slightly concerned, but the fear left her eyes the moment Harry locked his gaze with her.

"Thank you Malfoy," Harry said, his arm circling around Hermione's waist.

"Change your mind, Potter?" the blond asked with a smirk.

"No, actually you made me realize just how lucky I am to have Hermione as my friend. I love her, but not like Ginny."

"Harry is my best friend and if I had a brother, I'd want him to be Harry," Hermione smiled. "But Ron is still my first and only choice."

"You felt nothing?" Malfoy asked bitterly.

"Sorry to disappoint you," Harry said, smiling back to Hermione and taking his seat next to Ginny, his hand brushing the stands of long red hair from her face.

"True love doesn't need reason or rhyme," Hermione stated, her arm wrapping through Ron's.

"Harry Potter sir," Misty said softly, peaking her head into the door. "Misty must speak with you please."

"Sure," Harry said with a frown. "Somebody take my turn." Ron immediately grabbed the bottle before anyone had the chance to think. He glared at Malfoy as he flipped his wrist, sending the empty bottle into a violent rotation.

"Keep an eye on them," Harry whispered to Ginny, kissing her cheek before standing up and leaving the room behind the house elf.

"Misty is sorry Harry Potter," the little creature said softly. "But Dobby was here. He said there was news about the Dursleys."

"What is it?"

"Misty was told that Minister Weasley's sons, Fred and George arrived at Hogwart's to visit their father and that tricks were played on the Dursleys. Vernon Dursley was in the hospital wing with purple scales and Petunia Dursley was hiding in the dungeons after growing a horse's snot. Misty is very sorry sir, but Professor Dumbledore has asked that Harry Potter return to school right away. The Headmaster wishes to speak with Harry Potter at once."

"All right," Harry sighed with a slight smile. "Did anything happen to Dudley?"

"Misty does not know, sir. Dobby did not say."

"All right Misty, thank you. I'll let the others know before I leave." Harry watched the little creature smile and hurry down to the kitchen, before turning back to the door. The idea of going back to school so soon didn't exactly set very well with him, even though he was eager to see his relatives' conditions. He had often seen Uncle Vernon purple with rage, but he had never imaged him with scales before.

Harry smiled to himself, thinking about his horse-faced aunt with actual snot as he stepped back into the room. The images of his Muggle relatives evaporated in an instant cloud of disbelief. Standing barely fifty feet in front of him was Ginny and Malfoy, wrapped in each other's arms. Malfoy was kissing her and by the way her head was titled, she wasn't objecting very strongly.

A sudden explosion erupted behind Harry's eyes and he slammed his fists to his temples to stop the pain. He could hear his name being called out, but felt the ground growing up around him as he fell backwards against the wall, sliding down to the thick-carpeted floor. The pain intensified and without thought, Harry felt his legs curl up beneath him, he felt hot, his breath coming in the form of heavy pants and the twisting in his head seemed to pull at him in every direction. His hands, his feet, his neck, they all felt stiff and tight and when he tried to move all he could do was moan. He closed his eyes and held his breath, praying the pain would stop. It was worse then any he had ever experienced. Even the connection with Voldemort never felt this intense.

Several moments passed by and Harry could sense the others near him, but nobody touched him. He slowly felt the throbbing pain begin to ease, his eyes opening to the bright light, blurry and filled with unshed tears. What had just happened? It couldn't have been Voldemort, the spells and charms placed on the old royal palace were still intact and as strong as ever. They were nearly as invincible as those placed on Hogwart's. Still, something had caused the fire that burned in his veins and when he looked up from the floor, he saw at once the person who he blamed for the pain. Malfoy was standing next to Ginny, Ron and Hermione, their eyes wide and staring. Anger and hatred flowed through Harry and when he tried to scream his anger, all he could do was growl. The sound was primal, deep in his throat and rumbled from his chest. He tried to stand but couldn't seem to get off his knees.

The urge to lung at Malfoy was as intense as the pain had once been. He didn't care that he couldn't stand, he didn't care that his voice was nothing more than a growl, he wanted Malfoy's blood and all he could think of ripping him to shreds. He began to slowly advance on the blond, the thirst for blood seemed to rage in his veins, he could see the fear in his eyes and Harry thought he could actually taste it. It was sweet and he savored it as he neared his prey. A shuffle brought Harry's attention to the other three standing nearby staring at him. Their fear was nearly as delicious as Malfoy's, but there was something else, a sensation that brought Harry's eyes to the young woman slowly approaching him, her hand stretched out and her knees bending slightly. He tried to speak, but his voice was gone. Instead he heard a whimper. He wanted to ask her why she had betrayed him, but his love for her was burning in his soul.

Ginny knelt down in front of him, reaching his face and softly touching it. Harry turned his mouth to the warmth of her flesh and licked it. Without thought, he jumped toward her. All he wanted was to hold her in his arms and kiss her, make her forget the touch of Malfoy's lips on hers, force her to tell him it was he she still loved. The sensation of kissing her was strangely different. He thought for a moment and realized he was licking her, he wasn't kissing her, he was actually licking her! He moved backwards a step and fell. He turned to see his feet tangled in the length of a long silver tail. His tail! Good God what had happened to him. Harry looked up and tried to speak, but instead he heard himself...bark?

"It's all right Harry," Ginny was saying, her hand stroking his face.

"Did you know he could do this?" Malfoy asked in a hushed tone, causing Harry's eyes to turn back to him. Immediately, Harry stood on four legs and began to approach the blond. He didn't care that he was on all fours or that his hands were shaped like paws, he wanted Malfoy's blood. He wanted it so badly he could taste it.

"Harry, stop," Ginny ordered as Harry heard a savage snarl escape his throat.

"It was just a game, Potter," Malfoy began backing slowly away from Harry. "Weasel dared me to kiss her. It didn't mean anything."

"Harry, stop it!" Ginny ordered, bringing Harry's attention back to her. "Malfoy was following the rules of the game. That was all it was. Now stop it and change back." Harry stopped and stared at Ginny, his head cocked to the side. What was talking about? Change back into what?

"You didn't know you could do this, did you?" Hermione asked her tone filled with amazement.

"Bloody hell, Harry," Ron said in a choked voice. "You're an Animagus. Harry, you're a wolf!" Harry gasped and stumbled back across his tail, falling to his back and scrambling to flip back over to his feet.

"Harry relax," Ginny said softly, reaching out and capturing around the neck. "Don't panic. I've seen Professor McGonagall do this before. Just think about turning back into yourself." Harry was panting, his heart pounding and his spinning. He could feel the pain start again, but it was less intense as it was at first. He felt nauseated, his stomach lurching and his back aching as if he had just been beaten with a rod.

"Harry, that was wicked," Ron said, kneeling down beside him.

"Ron, not now," Ginny scolded. "Harry, are you all right?"

"What happened?" he asked, hearing his words echo through the silence.

"Harry, you turned into a wolf. Don't you remember?"

"How? Why" Harry felt exhausted and his legs and arms shook violently.

"Enough," Ginny said softly. "We have to get you to bed. You don't look well." She stood up and tried to help him to his feet, but he was shaking too much and fell back to the floor. "Ron, Malfoy, help get him upstairs. Hermione, you'd better send for Dumbledore," Ginny ordered, heading to the door and swinging it open. Harry knew he couldn't stay, because he had to get to Hogwart's, Dumbledore had sent for him, but right now he couldn't do more than lean heavily against Malfoy and Ron's shoulders.

"Wait," Malfoy ordered after struggling to Harry up to his room. "Let's just summons a stretcher. It will help us get him upstairs without killing all three of us." Ron held Harry's weight as Malfoy pulled Harry's wand from the waistband of his swimming trunks and waved it in the air. Instantly, a white cloth covered board appeared and slid neatly beneath Harry, lifting him in the air. Ron sighed his relief and Malfoy waved the wand, guiding the now prone Harry up the stairs and down the hall to his oversized bed. The two eased him off the board and into the bed, waving the blankets aside with Harry's wand.

"Harry, you okay mate?" Ron asked, sitting on the side of the bed, a deep frown etching it pale features. Harry nodded, closing his eyes. He had never felt like this. It was as if he had no muscles left in his entire body, worse then the year Gilderoy Lockhart had made the bones of his broken arm vanish from his body. The pain of growing them back was nothing compared to the pain now searing every inch of his body.

"Did you know you were an Animagus, Potter?" Malfoy asked with little _expression.

"No," Harry said weakly.

"How could this happen?" Ron asked, glancing up to Malfoy. Their feud completely forgotten in the moment of concern for their friend, actually made the whole thing seem less stressful.

"If I remember the rumors correctly, your father was an Animagus too, wasn't he?" Malfoy asked, watching as Harry nodded his head. "And that big black dog that used to follow you around, that was an Animagus as well, wasn't it?" Again Harry nodded thinking of the many times Sirius was near or on Hogwart's grounds.

"What's that got to do with this?" Ron asked with the indignity he was sure Harry would use, if he had the strength.

"Magical powers come from the blood Weasley," Malfoy said, using Ron's correct name. "His ability was inherited. I just don't understand why it showed itself now."

"It's because he saw you kissing Ginny, idiot," Ron scolded.

"You dared me to," Malfoy argued. "You were upset because I dared Potter to kiss your Mud...Granger, so you wanted to get even."

"I wasn't expecting Harry to turn into a wolf. I just thought he'd punch you in that turned up nose of yours."

"Well congratulations Weasley, he wanted my throat instead."

"Stop it you two," Ginny insisted, joining the three. "Harry needs to rest, not listen to any more of your childish bickering."

"Did you know he could do this?" Ron asked in an accusing tone.

"No, but I'm not surprised," she answered. "He's been under so much stress lately, it was only a matter of time. If he was ever to change, it was bound to happen soon."

"What do you mean?" Ron asked with a frown.

"Mental and emotion stress can do very odd things to a young wizard, Mr. Weasley," a deep tone said by the door. Ron jumped from the bed as his eyes laid hold of the tall, white haired image of their Headmaster.

"Is he going to be all right, Professor?" Ron asked, stepping aside as Dumbledore took up his abandoned place beside the now sleeping Harry.

"He will be fine in a few hours," the old wizard assured them. "The first few times of transfiguring can be extremely complicated and physically challenging. He needs to rest for now. I'll sit with him. You better get some sleep, all of you. It has been a very hectic day for everyone."

"Yes sir," the others said alternately, stepping out the door of the room. Ginny paused for a moment in the doorway and looked back to Harry, sleeping soundly in the very large bed. He looked so small and helpless amongst the many blankets and pillows.

"He'll be fine, Miss Weasley," Dumbledore smiled. Ginny blushed as she shut the door, leaving the old wizard with his pupil and greatest admirer. If anyone could help Harry understand this, it was Hogwart's Headmaster. After all, he had helped her understand once, a few years ago.


"Ginny?" Harry asked, turning to see the dark shadow sitting next to the bed.

"No Harry, it's me," Dumbledore answered. "How are you feeling?"

"Stupid," Harry said, struggling to pull his now controllable frame up against the stack of pillows. Dumbledore chuckled as he stood up and poured a small amount of liquid into a glass and handed it to the young man.

&ldqo;There's no need," the old man said. "Drink this. Madame Pomfrey sent it. It's her famous Pepperup Potion." Harry swallowed the liquid and grimaced, handing the glass back to the man.

"I'm sorry I didn't come to Hogwart's when you sent for me." Dumbledore chuckled again.

"That's quite all right, Harry. You seem to have had your hands full here. I only thought, considering the way your aunt and uncle treated you earlier, you would like to...help them, if you would, recover from the young Mr. Weasleys unique talents."

"I would have loved to see them," Harry smiled softly; his legs and arms still felt slightly weak as he struggled to retain his position.

"It was quite a sight, I'll give them that." Dumbledore smiled as he thought back on the evening's events.

"Professor, why are all these things happening to me?" Harry asked after a moment. "First the quick advancement of this lapis gelu thing, then being able to speak with animals and reading people's minds and now this. Why is it all happening now?"

"If you had been raised in our world, Harry, all of this would be perfectly natural to you." Dumbledore sighed as he sat back in the chair beside the massive bed. "I have often wondered if I was wrong to leave you with your Muggle relatives. It seemed the only solution at the time, the only way to protect you. To be honest, I have actually expected you to show signs of these powers long before now."


"James was an Animagus. He had an ability that I have no doubt he passed on to you. Harry," Dumbledore continued seriously, "I've told you before, you exhibit a great many powers your parents possessed. As you mature, your powers also mature."

"But why now? Does it have anything to do with Voldemort?"

"The path your destiny has laid out for you is unknown, even to me. I cannot say that you will not need these powers when the Dark Lord choses to show himself, but I do not believe they will be lost in the battle."

"Professor," Harry began hesitantly, then looked up into the aged eyes that watched him from beneath half moon glasses. "Will you tell me about the prophecy now? All of it? I want to know what I'm facing." Dumbledore studied Harry's face for a moment in intense concentration.

"I have studied it for many years Harry, and I have yet to understand the intensity of it," the Headmaster said honestly. "I have spent many sleepless nights trying to comprehend the meaning of its entirety, but alas, I have not been able to do so."

"What have you been able to understand of it?" Dumbledore stared at Harry, his eyes locking with the younger wizard's.

"I've already told you Harry, you must confront Voldemort in battle."

"I know, I either have to kill or be killed, but there has to be more to it then that."

"There is Harry," the old wizard said softly. "If you are not able to defeat Lord Voldemort, if you only vanquish him as you did when you were a baby, the powers you possess will consume you. You will be the next Dark Lord. If that happens, those you love the most will have no choice but to kill you, or die trying."

Author notes: Sorry this has taken so long to get up. I've been busy moving houses and I've been too exhausted to write. I'll try and make the next chapter appear soon, but I haven't found my wand yet, so I'll have to do it the Muggle way! Please continue to R/R, even though I've been V-E-R-Y slow!!!