Draco Malfoy Luna Lovegood Neville Longbottom
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/20/2004
Updated: 05/23/2005
Words: 183,271
Chapters: 28
Hits: 51,099


dan's girl62

Story Summary:
Year six is over, Harry has grown into a great wizard with powers even surpassing and surprising the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. He has found his soul mate and has discovered the fifth point of the star. But can he find the Green Flame Torch prophesized to be the link to Voldemort’s destruction? Can he save the wizarding world before the son of evil is born and will he be able to let go of the past and build a future, or will he use his powers to change all that he has become to regain all that he has lost? Rated R for future chapters.

Chapter 14

Chapter Summary:
Year six is over, and Harry and his friends have moved past UNEXPECTED BEGININGS. Harry has grown into a great wizard with powers even surpassing and surprising the Dark Lord and Dumbledore. He has found his soul mate and has discovered the fifth point of the star. But can he find the Green Flame Torch prophesized to be the link to Voldemort’s destruction? Can he save the wizarding world before the son of evil is born and will he be able to let go of the past and build a future, or will he use his powers to change all that he has become to regain all that he has lost? Rated R for future chapters.
Author's Note:
Sorry readers, I couldn't find the information I wanted on when Quidditch actually starts and I couldn't remember a lot of the scoring. Please forgive me and just enjoy the story for what it is. Remember, I'm working without Beta support.

Chapter fourteen

"I can't believe it," Ron said excitedly as Harry and Ginny joined the Gryffindor table for breakfast. "Quidditch! I didn't think it was ever going to get here."

"I just hope I'm up for the challenge," Harry grumbled, pushing his plate aside untouched.

"Why wouldn't you be?" Ron asked around a mouth full of eggs and sausages.

"Ron, I've only had one real practice this whole season, remember? The rest of you have learned the plays and worked out the moves, I'm coming into this practically blind."

"That's not true, Harry," Ginny assured him gently. "They were your plays and we all went over them with you. You know them as well as we do."

"I suppose," Harry grumbled softly.

"So, you're back on the Gryffindor team, I see," a voice said from behind them. Harry didn't have to turn around to see who it was, he felt his presence the moment he entered the Great Hall. The room suddenly became quite still as Harry stood and turned around to confront the darkly robed man. They stood facing each other, daring the opposite to make the first move.

"Harry," Ginny whispered fearfully, glancing to the head table and watching as Dumbledore and Charlie both stood from their seats.

"I suppose I owe you an apology," Harry said suddenly. "I wasn't aware you had an interest in my team."

"When your team plays Slytherin, I always have an interest in the game," Snape said in a tone that sounded much less human and much more frozen water crackling on the lake. "Try not to fall off your broomstick again this year, Potter. It would be a tragedy to have the famed golden boy injured...again."

"Thanks for your concern. I'll do my best." Snape and Harry stood a few tense moments longer, before the elder turned on his heel and left the room, ignoring the whispers from the other students at his retreat. Harry glanced to the head table and saw Dumbledore and Charlie walking toward him, and then glanced to the Slytherin table, watching as Malfoy nodded. He wasn't sure if he was acknowledging his actions or indicating his approval for the way he handled the situation, either way it still seemed odd to have the blond on his side.

"Well Harry," Dumbledore said as he neared the young man. "This is proving to be a most eventful day for you."

"Excuse me, Professor?"

"Your first game of the season, your last season at Hogwart's and the day your relatives arrive for their first visit."

"What?" Harry snapped, his eyes pulling into a deep frown. "I signed for sponsorship, but they weren't supposed to come before Halloween."

"True, but the Minister had business in Hogsmeade and your cousin was eager to see more of his new world. There isn't a problem, is there?" Harry groaned, glancing to Ron who was staring open mouthed.

"No sir, no problem at all. May I ask how long they plan on staying?"

"Don't worry Harry," Charlie commented with a knowing smile. "It's just for one day."

"Well, Harry, good luck today," Dumbledore said, patting the Gryffindor captain on the shoulder and walking down the isle to the main entrance.

"Chin up Harry," Charlie added with a soft chuckle. "It's just for one day and you'll have the advantage. It's your school and your...what is the Muggles say...turf? They are only visitors and if your relatives even think of making any comments about wizards or magic, they'll have more than you to answer to."

"Let's hope they get a witch so irritated, she turns them all into Blast-Ended Skrewts," Ron chimed in, receiving a snicker from Charlie and Ginny and a disapproving glare from Hermione.

"The way my day is shaping up, I highly doubt we'll even find a witch," Harry snorted, reaching down to Ginny and pulling her to her feet. "Come on, we better get ready."

"I'll see you out there," Charlie added with a pat on his shoulder. "Make me proud Harry."

"As long as I don't fall on my face, I'll be happy."

"You'll do fine. I'll see you all later. I have to go meet dad at the train station."

"You mean they're coming now?" Harry gasped.

"Sure, didn't you know? Well I guess not, since Dumbledore just told you. Your cousin wanted to see what Quidditch was all about, so dad thought it might be nice for your relatives to see how skilled you are."

"This day is just keeps getting better all the time," Harry grunted after Charlie left.


"By the way, thanks for the other night," Harry said as he and Ron headed up the stairs to collect his Firebolt from Gryffindor tower. "I've been meaning to talk to you about it."

"You aren't angry because we tricked you, are you?" Harry chuckled.

"No Ron, I'm not angry. In fact, I think I learned more about Ginny then I ever thought I would. She gave me a real reason to try and get control over these powers."

"I won't ask how...actually, I don't want to know. I'm just glad you aren't fighting any more."

"I owe you an apology as well," Harry said after they climbed through the portrait hole.

"What for?"

"I know you've been concerned about Ginny, since all of these powers began to develop. I'm sorry I put you through all of that."

"I'll admit I am concerned, but not so much about you as I am about your powers. Did Ginny talk to you about anything that happened when she was younger?" Harry stared at his friend, seeing a brief glimpse of dead chickens filter through his mind before he forced himself to back off.

"Yeah she did," he told him.

"Harry, it was really hard for her, but she got through it and you will too."

"I hope so," Harry said skeptically. "I know how important it is to get a handle on all of this. But how did you know? I thought Charlie was the only one..."

"Ginny and I have always been close. I guess it comes from being the two youngest and the twins' favorite targets. It's only natural that when she's upset she comes to me."

"I'm glad you were there for her," Harry said distantly. "I wish I had known her then."

"Why? She was really kind of annoying."

"I'm sure you weren't much better there, Ron."

"Well, I got over it. And if you really want to find a way to deal with it, then think about Quidditch. It's sort of like life. You make plans, set your maneuvers and follow through. Sometimes you get a bludger thrown at your head, but with a little practice and quick thinking, you can dodge it without having your skull bashed in." Harry laughed, collecting his broom and walking back toward the Quidditch pitch with the red head.

"Do you ever think of anything other than Quidditch?"

"Yeah, but I don't think you would want to know about it. I know Hermione would kill me if she knew what I thought about the most."

"I don't want to know," Harry laughed, stepping out the front entrance. They were nearly to the pitch when Harry saw the horseless coach heading toward the main castle, recognizing the Ministry emblem on the side.

"They're here," he grumbled, looking away. Ron glanced around seeing the coach, then back to his friend.

"Don't let them get to you. You know you're better than they are."

"I just always thought of the wizarding world as the one place I was safe from them. I never thought for a single moment, that I would one day have them here with me."

"I'll bet your uncle is as purple as a plumb," Ron snickered.

"If he hasn't already been transfigured into a tea cozy," Harry smiled.

'That's the spirit. Don't give them another thought. We have enough on our minds today, to worry about some pig headed Muggle."

"You're right," Harry said with a bright smile. "This is the first of a year long winning streak. We have to stay focused."

"That's the spirit. Now lets go kick some Slytherin butt."

Harry and Ron hurried to the locker room, finding the rest of the team already assembled inside, struggling to get their uniforms on. He glanced around to see Ginny step out from behind a closed door, her broomstick in one hand, and wrist cuffs in the other. Ron hurried to his own locker and began scrounging for his uniform, while Harry sat on a bench before his locker and began removing his shoes.

"Harry, I wanted to tell you how proud I was of you this morning," Ginny said when she joined him. Harry glanced to her and frowned.

"Proud of what?"

"You didn't provoke Snape when it was obvious he was goading you," she told him.

"It wasn't easy you know? I wanted to twist his cooked nose in a knot."

"But you didn't and I know it wasn't easy. You didn't even try to read his mind, did you?" Harry took her by the arm and pulled her behind a row of lockers, where he could speak with her privately.

"I told you I was going to get control over this, and I meant it," he said seriously. "Having these powers is one thing; using them is easy and very pleasurable, but seeing your nightmares and the fear in your eyes when you look at me, is something I can't stand. I promised you I'd get control of them and I will do it." Ginny reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing against him fully.

"I love you Harry Potter and if you can go the remainder of the day without hexing anyone, or throwing your relatives in a bottomless pit, then I promise to reward you for your patience."

"Really," Harry smiled, pulling her closer to him and feeling the immediate reaction his body had to her contact. "What did you have in mind?"

"Charlie told me when I was learning to control my powers, that taking a break from them occasionally made the control stronger. If you're a very good boy, I'll let you see what I have in my mind." Ginny leaned into his lips, kissing them with the promise that whether he read her mind or not, he would definitely know what she had planned soon enough.

"Hey, are we going to play Quidditch or not?" Ron asked, poking his head around the corner of the lockers.

"Yeah, we're playing," Harry smiled, winking at the girl he reluctantly pushed away from him.

"Harry, I think maybe you should say something to the team," Collin said, joining the three. "They are really nervous and Denis is scared as sin. They've never played against Slytherin, but they've watched often enough to feel justified in their concerns." Harry glanced to Seamus and Denis who were trying to get their cloaks on with trembling fingers.

"They do look scared," Ginny said quietly.

"Yeah." Harry walked to the center of the locker room and cleared his throat, gaining immediate attention from his team. "I'm not very good at speeches, so I won't try and make one," he began with a soft blush to his handsome face. "I just wanted all of you to know, I think we're this is the strongest team we've ever had. You're all great players and as long as we can remember the moves, there's nothing that can stand in our way of winning."

"Even against Malfoy?" Denis asked with a shaky voice. Harry chuckled. It was amazing how a reputation seemed to stick with a person.

"Let me worry about Ferret-face," Harry smiled. "After all, it's me he's going to be watching. You just keep your eyes open and remember what you're supposed to do. And don't forget, today is the first Hogsmeade weekend. If we win, the butter beers are on me." A loud round of cheers erupted from the team, lead primarily by Ron and Seamus.


"And Gryffindor scores again," Mandy Brockelhurst from Ravenclaw shouted. The crowd roared with excitement. "That makes Gryffindor 150 to 40. It's simple outstanding the way this new team has come together."

Harry raised his hand to Madam Hooch, requesting a time out. The whistle blew and the game was placed on a thirty-second time out. The Gryffindor team gathered closer to Harry while Malfoy called his own team together.

"We're kicking arse, Harry," Denis squeaked excitedly.

"For now," Harry told them. "I've been watching Malfoy, he's caught on to the third maneuver. When the game starts up again, I want you start out the same as before, but Seamus before you follow through with the goal, send the Quaffle to Dean, and you take it in. Throw them off. Try changing the pattern between maneuvers two, five and seven. Keep them rotating so Malfoy can't catch up." The whistle blew again and the players returned to their positions as Madam Hooch tossed the Quaffle back to Gryffindor, who had it last.

The excitement mounted as Malfoy, the Slytherin's new captain, had told his team about the routine he had picked up on. Just as predicted, the Slytherin chasers, Tracey Davis and Daphne Greengrass headed toward Seamus, but their actions were too late. Dean had just grabbed the Quaffle and scored another ten points for Gryffindor before the Slytherin knew what happened. Malfoy was livid, he began screeching at his team, shouting obscenities just like the old Malfoy they had all grown to hate and despise.

Harry watched the skies in amusement, continuing to be amazed by the actions of the Slytherin team, who just couldn't seem to keep up with Gryffindor's changing moves. Two goals more and Harry saw the golden glint of a pair of fluttering wings. He glanced to Malfoy who was more interested on his team then his own position. A little further, a little closer and Harry sped off, straight past Malfoy who finally realized what was happening and flew after him. Harry was in the lead, two steps ahead of Malfoy, but as he neared the Snitch the voices of the crowd began to filter into his mind and he became dizzy and confused, nearly falling off his broom with the impact of unspoken thoughts cluttering his brain. He shook it off, gaining control just in time to see Malfoy fly past him. With a set jaw and a determined look, Harry moved his Firebolt into position, quickly catching up to his component.

"Give it up Potter," Malfoy shouted. "No powers can help you win this game now."

"Sod off Malfoy," Harry shouted back. "Even if you catch the Snitch, we'll still win. We have more points then you do," just then the crowd cheered again and Mandy's voice echoed through the skies, "Gryffindor scores again 190 to 40."

"You won't win, we'll tie," Malfoy shouted over his shoulder.

"Then I'll make sure we do win," Harry yelled as he ducked under Malfoy's broom, cutting him off as he dodged back in front of him. Malfoy was taken aback for a precious few seconds, but long enough to see Harry's long fingers wrap around the fluttering golden object they had both been chasing. Harry raised it in the air and turned back to the game, hearing Mandy's shout, "Potter has the Snitch! Gryffindor wins 340 to 40! Incredible!" The cheers that greeted Harry as he joined his team were unsurpassable. The ground vibrated with the screams and shouts of excitement, while sparks and confetti were shot to the team from hundreds of wands. Harry was ecstatic, he couldn't have been more happy if he had just been told they won the World Cup.

"That was wicked!" Collin shouted as they all hurried to the locker room.

"Did you see the look on Malfoy's face?" Seamus asked with as much enthusiasm as the rest of his team.

"I can't believe the score!" Dean shouted.

"This calls for the biggest celebration Hogwart's has ever seen," Ron shouted.

"I'm really proud of all of you," Harry said over the voices, trying to bring the excitement under control. "I knew we could do it. This is the best team Gryffindor has ever seen!"

"It takes a great captain to bring together some really amazing plays," Ginny cheered, listening as the rest of the team joined in, whooping and hollering.

It took a full twenty minutes before the team was under control enough to return to the castle. Once they entered, the cheering began again. Girls seemed to come out of everywhere, hugging Dean, Seamus, Collin and Denis, while Ron hugged Hermione and Harry held tight to Ginny's waist. Hands patted the backs of all of them as they headed to the Great Hall for a much-deserved lunch. Harry glanced to Malfoy who seemed to be searing in his own anger. He smiled thinking about how familiar this whole situation seemed.

"Students, please," McGonagall shouted above the cheers and excitement that greeted the Gryffindor team. "Please take your seats immediately." The hall eventually fell under a quieter form of enthusiasm, but it took several more shouts from McGonagall to get there. Exasperated, she sat back down, her face filled with frustration. Dumbledore on the other hand sat with a large smile on his face, amused with the way the students reacted to the day's activities. Slowly the Headmaster stood and the room fell into an obedient silence.

"I am very glad to see that you all enjoyed the game, and a marvelous game it was. Our congratulations go out to the Gryffindor team. This has proved to be a wonderful opening game to our Quidditch season," Dumbledore commented with a smile as the room broke into another loud cheer. "I think that with such a unique outcome to the opening game of the season, it would only seem fitting to extend curfew this night to midnight. I'm sure the time will be appreciated for the celebrations that undoubtedly will echo the halls of the castle for the next week." The students cheered again and Dumbledore waved his hand and the tables filled with dishes of food.

"This is great!" Ron told Harry. "An extension to the curfew, Hogsmeade, an incredible win, what else could happen to us today?" As though on cue, Dumbledore continued gaining the attention of the students.

"As we all enjoy our celebration feast, I would like to ask all of you to extend a welcome to our visiting dignitaries," the Headmaster said. "We are privileged to have the Minster himself here today, and I am sure we will all agree, it is an honor to have him with us." Mr. Weasley stood as the Great Hall broke into applause, bringing Harry's attention to the end of the head table, where the very frightened looking forms of Vernon and Petunia Dursley sat beside a very large Hagrid. Dudley was on the opposite side of his mother, pinning her between father and son, but the expression on his face was less fearful and more enthusiastic.

"We would also like to extend a welcome to our visiting neighbors, the Dursleys, who are here to visit Hogwart's for the first time," Dumbledore continued. "I am sure we would all like to welcome our guests and invite them to share this magnificent feast with us." The applause that followed was much less enthusiastic, but polite nevertheless, causing the horse-like face of Petunia Dursley to turn a shade of red to compete with the large apples sitting in a bowl in front of her.

The sound of voices began to chatter again, when Dumbledore sat down allowing the students to return to their own conversations. Harry grunted as he began to fill his golden plate, ignoring the feeling of eyes on him from the head table. He was determined to have at least one mean this weekend, that didn't consist of choking down his words.

"Is that them?" Seamus asked, scooting closer to Harry. "Is that your Muggle relatives?"

"Yeah, that's them," Harry grunted, stuffing his mouth full of Shepard's pie.

"They don't look like you," Collin commented, picking up the familiar camera from the seat next to him. Ron placed his hand on the camera forcing the boy to keep it concealed.

"I'd have killed myself years ago, if I looked anything like them," Harry grumbled.

"Don't let them spoil your day, Harry," Ginny insisted. "You have too much for them to take away from you, just remember that...Prince Harry." Harry smiled as he thought of his relatives' reactions to the news that their worthless nephew was royalty.

"Well done today Harry," Nearly Headless Nick said as he floated up the isle behind the Gryffindor table.

"Thank you Nick," Harry answered, and then glanced to his robust relatives trying to avoid speaking with Hagrid and Mr. Weasley. "Hey Nick, do you see those people up there next to the Minister?"

"The horrified looking ones?" the ghost asked.

"Yeah that's them. They have never met a real ghost before, especially one of noble standing. Why don't you go talk to them?"

"Well, it really would be rude of me not to say hello to our visitors," the ghost said as he straightened his robes and checked to make sure his head was on straight. Harry watched as he floated toward the head tables, a wicked smile creeping across his lips. Petunia looked up from her plate and gasped, nearly tipping her chair backwards. Vernon instantly began fanning at his wife who looked as if she were about to faint, his face purple with emotion and the vein in his neck was protruding worse then Harry had ever seen it. Dudley looked frightened at first, but quickly regained his composure and began speaking with Nick.

"That was mean," Ginny scolded softly as she saw the smile spread across Harry's face.

"Are you kidding?" Ron nearly choked on his laughter. "That was great. Way to go Harry."

"Your aunt and uncle look like they aren't enjoying themselves much," Dean said with a snicker.

"Poor things," Hermione said sympathetically.

"What? Now you're going to feel sorry for them?" Ron gasped. "Go back to your spew 'Mione. At least you stand a chance of getting someone to feel sorry for the house elves, but you'll never get anyone to cry over the Dursleys."

"Ron that was rude," Hermione scolded. "They are after all, in a strange place. You could be a little sympathetic. And it's S.P.E.W, not spew."

"Whatever. After the way they have always treated Harry and you don't think they deserve a little shaking up? Just whose side are you on?"

"Enough," Harry insisted softly. "Lets just get finished and get out of here. The last time we planned a trip to Hogsmeade, we missed it. I don't want to repeat history."

"You won't have to," Seamus commented. "Snape isn't even here. I heard he left for wasn't here to see the game, or he would never have let him live it down. I do know he left suddenly, though. He received an urgent owl and left straight away. Professor Flitwick told McGonagall about it after the game."

"I wonder what old Beak Nose is up to," Ron said under his breath. "Sounds a little suspicious if you ask me." Harry London before the game."

"What? Why?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Don't know. I just overheard Malfoy telling Parvati that it was a good thing Snape stared at Ron silently. It sounded very suspicious, if you asked him.

"Hello Harry," the deep familiar tone said from behind him. Harry turned to see Arthur Weasley standing in the isle and watched as Ginny stood and embraced her father.

"Hello Minister," Harry answered, shaking the hand he extended. "How are you?"

"I am quite well, thank you. I have to tell you Harry, that was a most incredible game today. I've never been so excited. You two did exceptionally well, besides," he added, glancing to his two children.

"Thanks," Ron said proudly and Ginny kissed her father's cheek.

"Well, with all this excitement, I suppose going to Hogsmeade must seem like a let down to you," Mr. Weasley continued.

"Not a chance," Harry said with a smile. "I've been looking forward to it for weeks."

"Yes, well, considering how the past few weeks have been for you, I can understand your feelings."

"You heard about that?" Harry asked with a grimace, causing the Minister to laugh.

"I did indeed. Not to worry. The Ministery felt Dumbledore handled the situation quite well. I hope we won't have to worry about a repeat occasion?"

"No sir, you won't. If I even think about it, Ginny's promised to hex me into next week," Harry teased, repeating the young woman's familiar threat.

"Good girl," the older man said with a smile. "Keeping him under control, eh?"

"I try dad," Ginny smiled.

"Well, all that aside, I think your relatives are eager to leave. They don't seem very comfortable here." Harry followed the Minister's eyes as he settled on the three who were trying to escape conversation with Hagrid.

"I don't imagine they would be comfortable anywhere that wasn't appropriately decorated to their standards," Harry insisted with a disgusted tone.

Harry felt Ginny slip her hand inside his, squeezing it gently when the stout figure of his uncle finally broke away and headed toward him. He felt as if he were nine again, fearing his uncle's reaction to something he might have done or said. He had to remind himself twice before his uncle reached him, that he was an adult, legal in the wizarding world and much wealthier than his relatives would ever have guessed. Still, that did little to relieve the pounding in his temples.

"Potter!" Uncle Vernon snapped as he neared him. "I'll have a word with you."

"Really?" Harry asked, hoping to avoid a confrontation in the middle of the Great Hall.

"How dare you? What have you done to our son?"

"Me? I haven't done anything. If you're worried about Dudley's powers and his abilities as a wizard, you may want to speak with your wife. It is after all, her blood that created him." Without hesitation to see the outcome of his words, Harry turned in the direction of Ron and Hermione. "We're going to Hogsmeade, that's a town nearby," he continued without waiting for an acknowledgment from his relatives. "There are some great shops there and a pub as well. If you'd like you can join us. I promised my team a butter beer if they won, so I don't want to keep them waiting."

"Harry, that game you played today," Dudley said enthusiastically. "It was incredible. How did you ever learn to play like that?"

"It wasn't difficult. I've been doing it for seven years."

"Can you teach me? I'd love to play sometime."

"I suppose I could," Harry answered, turning a curious eye back to see the disapproval on his uncle's robust face.

"Great. Now about this Hogsmeade place, is there a Quidnick shop there? I'd love to see the equipment up close."

"The term is Quidditch and if you really want to get decent equipment, you'll have to go to Diagon Alley."

"Is that far?" Harry nodded his head.

"It's in London. Maybe you can see it sometime. It's quite a unique place."

"Are you kidding? This whole place is incredible. When we first got here, I had such a powerful urge to turn around and leave, I actually thought I had some clothes I needed to wash, but your friend Charlie insisted we sit still. It was the oddest thing. Once we passed the main gate, the urge was no longer there. I was able to see a real castle and not an abandoned pile of stones."

"It's a special kind of spell placed on Hogwart's and the grounds to keep curious Muggles away," Hermione explained.

"Well it works," Dudley added, looking Hermione up and down. "You must be Hermonee, right? I've seen you at the train station when we've come to pick up Harry. You're much prettier up close."

"My name is Hermione," she corrected with a warm blush. "And I thank you for the compliment."

"You're a Muggle right? The Minister told me about Harry's friends. He said you were a great witch, but you were Muggle born."

"Yes. My parents are both dentists," Hermione explained proudly.

"Wonderful. Maybe you can show me around Hogsmade."

"Hogsmeade," Hermione corrected. "You can join us. We're all going to the same shops."

"Thank you. And I recognize you from when you came to get Harry a few years ago. Ron, right?" Dudley continued looking toward the red head who quickly wrapped his arm around Hermione's waist.

"That's right," Ron answered with a disgusted tone. "And Hermione is my fiancé, so stop looking at her like she's your favorite dessert."

"We need to go upstairs and collect our coats," Ginny said quickly, making an excuse to separate the group before Ron and Dudley started a war of their own. "We'll meet you back down here in a few minutes." She grabbed Ron by his free arm and literally drug him up the stairs toward Gryffindor tower.

"Harry, I'm going to turn your cousin into a raisin muffin," Ron growled.

"Are you expecting me to stop you?" Harry asked.

"Enough of this," Hermione scolded. "Dudley is a stranger in our world and it's our responsibility to make him feel welcome."

"You don't have to make him feel that welcome," Ron snapped.

"Why do I have a feeling we're never going to have a normal visit to Hogsmeade again?" Harry asked Ginny softly.

"It won't be that bad, if we can keep your cousin from drooling all over Hermione," Ginny commented.

"The only way to do that, is point him in the direction of the nearest baker," Harry smiled at her.

"I did not gush over him, Ronald Weasley," Hermione said, bringing Harry and Ginny's conversation to a halt. "I was just trying to make him feel comfortable."

"Any more comfortable and he would have asked to lay his head on your lap."

"That's ridiculous Ron," Hermione snorted.

"Do you think Fred and George will donate some treats to our celebration?" Harry asked quickly, trying to stop the raging argument.

"Who cares?" Ron growled.

"Don't act like such a clot," Hermione commented as they walked through the portrait hole. "Your mood is going to spoil everyone's day."

"Well, maybe I should just stay here then? I wouldn't want to intrude on your new friendship with that...Mudblood."

"Ronald Weasley!" Ginny and Hermione both said at once.

"Well, he is. If anyone deserves to be called that, it's that oversized...overbearing...fat arsed...Muggle."

"Okay enough!" Harry snapped angrily. "Look, I'll be the first to agree Dudley and the Dursleys deserve every nasty name known to man, but we can't let them ruin our day. We've worked really hard and have a right to wind down. Ron, you're jealous because Dudley found Hermione attractive. Get used to it. She's very beautiful and you're going to have a lot of guys staring at her for many years to come. And Hermione, you're angry because Ron's jealous. You should be happy. Most guys don't get this worked up over other guys staring at their girls. It's a compliment and you need to accept the fact Ron loves you enough to want to defend you. It's his way of telling you he finds you attractive and he'll fight for you. It's chivalrous. Now both of you quit acting like a couple of prats and lets just have some fun."

"Wow, Harry," Ginny said with a shocked look. "I don't think I've ever heard you tell these two off before."

"I never really had a reason to, before now." Harry took her hand and walked up the stairs toward the boy's dormitory, leaving Ron and Hermione to look after him.

"Harry's right," Hermione said softly. "I'm sorry I yelled at you."

"Yeah, so am I," Ron said grudgingly. "It just really burns me up to see another guy looking at you."

"All you have to remember is that I'm yours," Hermione told him with a warm blush.

"Even if I'm a prat and a clot?" he asked her with a childish smile. Hermione chuckled, reaching out and embracing him.

"I'd love you even if you weren't a prat and a clot," she told him, showing him all the passion and love she could manage with her lips. Ron accepted her affection, supplying a little of his own in return. Now he really did wish he could stay behind...with her, of course. The promise of what her lips had started, proved to be much more pleasurable then spending the day in Hogsmeade with Harry Potter's Muggle relatives.

Author notes: Thank you everyone who continues to R/R. I love hearing from everyone and I promise, we'll get back to some sort of regular schedule sooner or later.