Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Slash Romance
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 02/15/2006
Updated: 05/20/2006
Words: 7,978
Chapters: 11
Hits: 43,247

There Is a Beast in My Bed


Story Summary:
He stepped inside to the dorm and went straight to his bed and took his robes off before he noticed something odd. There was already someone in it.

Chapter 07 - Getting Soft


~Chapter Seven~

~Getting soft~

Don't walk away. Don't walk away, oh when the heart is yearning.

Draco had run to get Snape as soon as he got over his shock. Madam Pomfrey was now trying to calm the hysterical boy, but without success.

Draco bawled, shaking all over. "Oh Merlin, Harry, I'm so sorry. This is completely my fault." Harry lay in one of the beds and Draco sat next to him, squeezing his hand. "I shouldn't have pushed you away." Draco leaned over Harry and, in desperation, kissed the unconscious boy.

"You lost the bet," Harry said, opening his eyes as Draco pulled away.


"You kissed me." Harry smiled impishly.

Draco glared at him, pulling his wand from his pocket. "Obliviate."

Harry blinked a few times, looking at Draco in confusion.

"Oh, Harry, please forgive me. It's all my fault!" He took advantage of his good acting skills.


"I shouldn't have been so forceful. I just panicked, you know," Draco continued like he had not heard Harry's question. "You had that sex maniac look in your eyes, and I thought you would have your way with me-- though I wouldn't have minded," he said quickly.

"What!?" Harry jumped upright.

"Oh, Harry, you're awake!" he pushed Harry back on the bed. "Just lie still and I'll get Pomfrey."

"Harry!" Hermione rushed through the door after Draco left. "Professor Snape told us what happened."

Harry groaned, knowing that Snape propably had told his friends every little detail.

"Don't worry, Harry, we won't tell anyone, but you could have told us you were harassing Malfoy! What were you thinking, Harry!"

Harry groaned again. "Hermione, please! I don't know what Snape told you, but--"

"Harry James Potter, you stop that right now! Don't even try to lie to me! I know you too well."

Harry hid under the covers, but Hermione yanked them away.

Draco watched this from afar, smiling to himself. It had taken this little accident for him to see that he had something no one other could have.



Harry was released from the Hospital Wing the next day. Draco was beside himself with excitement. He had been planning a surprise for Harry since last night. It had been hard on short notice to have anything special, but now everything was almost ready.

He was stalking Harry by the doors of the Great Hall. He saw Harry coming down the stairs with Granger and Weasel. He waited behind a large statue until Harry's friends had passed him before he grabbed Harry and dragged him into a dark closet near by.

"What the hell, Draco?!" Harry asked as he was shoved into a cupboard.

Draco pulled him close. "Meet me at the lake tonight at seven," He whispered into Harry's ear hastily before leaving and disappearing to the stairs leading down to the dungeons.

Harry watched him go, completely dumbfounded.

"Harry! Where did you disappear off to?" Hermione asked as Harry sat besides her.

Harry smiled wickedly. "Wouldn't you want to know?"

"You mean you were snogging Mal--!"

Harry slapped a hand over her mouth. "Not a word, Hermione! Or I'll tell Ron all about your secret stash you keep under your bed," Harry whispered.

Hermione nodded since she was unable to speak at the moment.

"Good girl," Harry said, releasing her.

Author's notes: Lyrics by Poets of the Fall - Carnival of Rust - I don't own them...