Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Original Female Witch
Slash Romance
Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 02/14/2006
Updated: 11/04/2007
Words: 12,572
Chapters: 13
Hits: 21,337

Always Loving You


Story Summary:
Draco disappears at the night when Dumbledore is killed, leaving concerned Harry behind. What will Harry do when Draco reappears ten years later?

Chapter 04 - Chapter Four

Chapter Summary:
Harry and Draco talk about the future.

Chapter four

Harry was ready to Apparate to meet Draco and Hannah at the Spinners End. It had taken an awfully long time for the whole situation to sink in. Draco was back and they had a daughter. He wanted desperately to see Draco now. He almost started to cry at the thought.

When he arrived at the Snape's house, he knocked on the door and, of course, Snape came to answer it.

"Potter," Snape grunted, letting him pass.

Harry greeted Snape just to be polite, walking in.

Snape grabbed him by his shoulder. "Don't be too harsh on him. He's been through a lot." Snape released him, stepping back.

Harry nodded once as acknowledgement. Snape showed him Draco's room and he stepped in.

Draco was sitting on the edge of the bed and stood up as Harry entered. "Harry," he said softly.

Harry was reminded of their school years. He couldn't believe his eyes. Draco was standing so close but yet so far. How could not have a future together when they even had a child. He slowly walked toward Draco and reached out. He hugged Draco and he hugged him back just as tightly.

They didn't want to let go now that they had finally had each other again.

"It's so good to see you again," Harry said, pulling back. He fought hard not to cry.

Draco smiled at him. "You have no idea."

Harry looked at his face. He found a few new scars. How badly had they treated Draco there? He didn't want to know, but he was sure he was going to at some point.

Harry released his hold and stepped back. "We have to talk."

"Of course." A strained smiled crossed Draco's face. "Please, sit down."

Harry sat down on the bed, looking at Draco. "What do you think we should do now?"

Draco sighed. "If you want I can arrange it so, that you will be able to meet Hannah as much as possible."

"Wait a minute," Harry interrupted. "Are you still planning to leave to France?"

"Yes," Draco answered looking away.

"But I thought you would stay here." Harry stood up, placing his hand on Draco's arm.

"And why would we? Where would we stay? I don't have money anymore. Severus had been helping us too much already." Draco stepped away.

"You can stay with me," Harry said, taking a step towards Draco.

"I can't pay you any rent."

"You don't have to. All I want is to be part of Hannah's life. She's starting school next year?" Harry queried.

"I would like to send her to Beauxbatons but since I'm broke...."

"What if we reopened Hogwarts?" Harry asked smiling.

"You must be mental?!" Draco yelped, not believing his ears.

"We can ask the Ministry to assist us. They'll be pleased to have their school back, I'm sure."

"But what about the teachers? Many of them died during the war."

"If I remember correctly, you were pretty good at Potions, am I right?" Harry asked, watching the storm of emotions on Draco's face.

"But what about Snape?" Draco asked.

"Do you honestly believe I'll give him a job, even when he's the best? He betrayed, killed Dumbledore and joined Voldemort again." Harry's eyes flamed with hatred.

"He only did it to save me!" Draco argued.

Harry's eyes softened. "What do you mean?"

"He made an Unbreakable Vow with my mother. She made him promise to help me if I failed to kill Dumbledore," Draco said, looking away.

"I had forgot all about that. What an idiot." Harry snorted. "Sorry, that was uncalled-for," he added when Draco glared at him. He knew how much Draco respected Snape, not wanting to hurt Draco he kept his mouth shut about Snape.

"It's okay. I know how much you hate him, but he looked out for me all these years." Draco walked past Harry to the window on the other side of the room.

Harry stared his back, wondering what had Hannah's childhood been like among the Death Eaters. He knew that it couldn't have been happy one with Voldemort hanging around all the time. Did Hannah know the truth about them? "Does Hannah know I'm her father?"

Draco turned his head slightly to look at Harry by the corner of his eye. "I told her how she was conceived, but I didn't tell her who her father was. It would have complicated things."

"Didn't Voldemort want to tell her?"

"Actually he told me not to. He wanted to turn her against you and it would not have helped if she thought you as her father."

Harry started to understand certain things. So she had been Voldemort's secret weapon he had been hiding. "What is she like?" Harry asked, curiosity colouring his voice.

Draco smiled warmly. "She's just like you; stubborn and always in trouble. You have no idea how many times Tom was on the edge to have a nervous breakdown."

Harry's eyebrows shut up. "You mean Tom as in Voldemort?"

"Yes. It was hilarious when Hannah tried to say Voldemort when she was just a toddler, so Voldemort gave her a permission to call him Tom. It's much easier for a child to say especially when she called him Lolt Voltemolt."

They shared a laugh, both gazing each other's eyes.

"Come on. You've got to meet her." Draco dragged Harry to Hannah's room. "Hannah?" Draco stepped into a small bedroom.

"Yes, Dad?" a bright voice answered.

Harry stood next to Draco, looking at a little girl sitting on the bed.

"Hannah, this is Harry, Harry this is Hannah," Draco introduced them.

Hannah stood up, offering her hand to Harry. "I'm pleased to meet you Mr. Potter."

Harry shook it, smiling. "Call me Harry."

Hannah nodded, throwing a questioning glance towards Draco.

"Hannah, I want you to meet your father." Draco gestured toward Harry.

Hannah's eyes widened, a smile spreading on her face. "You are much more handsome than Dad let me believe."

Harry laughed, glancing at Draco. "Is that so? Then it's good that I'm here, isn't it?"

Hannah looked at her dad. "Are we going to live with Harry from now on, Dad?"

"That is something we have to discuss about," Draco answered, looking at Harry.

"What there is to discuss if Hannah wants you to move in with me?" Harry asked, placing a hand on Hannah's shoulder.

"Are you sure you want it, Hannah?" Draco stared at his daughter.

"Yes, Dad, I'm sure. We have nothing to worry about. He's the Harry Potter after all," Hannah answered, smiling brightly.

Harry looked uncomfortable after Hannah's comment. "I don't want to be rude or mean, but I don't appreciate comments about me being the great Harry Potter."

"Sorry," Hannah said, looking honestly apologetic.

"It's okay. Should you be packing or something if you are going to move in with me?" Harry asked, smiling.

"Of course!" Hannah yelped, hurrying to look for a suitcase.

"I'll be back to pick you up in two hours," Harry said, exiting the room with Draco.

Draco looked sad for some reason.

"What is it?" Harry asked, concerned.

"It's nothing. We'll be ready when you come back." Draco walked back to his room, leaving Harry to find his way out on his own.


"You are moving together with Potter?" Snape asked as he watched Draco pack.

"Yes," Draco answered, packing his shirts.

"You could stay here if you want. I am, after all, your godfather."

"No, you have done enough, and it's good for Hannah to get to know her father," Draco said, looking for a missing sock.

Snape found it under the bed and handed it to Draco. "I understand, but remember you are always welcomed here."

Draco smiled, taking the sock from Severus. "Thank you, Severus."

"For finding the sock or...?" Snape smiled.

"Everything," Draco replied.