Desires In Another Mirror


Story Summary:
Almost six years after he first looked into the Mirror of Erised, Harry's still wishing for a family, still wishing that his parents hadn't died on that night in October. He's about to get his wish. But it won't be what he was expecting, and things aren't quite what they seem...

Chapter 06


Harry spent much of his spare time that week reading through the newspapers, and asking Luna questions for clarification. It was a frightening story. The progress of Voldemort's takeover was chronicled starkly on the front pages.

For January 23rd, 1983, Harry read:

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Makes Announcement

Yesterday evening, in a meeting attended by many Death Eaters, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named declared himself ruler of Great Britain.

Needless to say, the Ministry of Magic and the Muggle Government do not accept this.

By that May, it was worse:

Famous Muggle Building Taken Over

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has taken over one of the most important and iconic buildings in London - Buckingham Palace, the home of the Muggle Royal Family, and traditional symbol of British pride and history.

At present, it has not been confirmed whether anyone was resident at the palace when the Death Eaters moved in.

Then, in October:

Muggle murders encouraged by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, currently styling himself ruler of Great Britain, yesterday passed a number of "laws", the most unbelievable of which was one relating to the treatment of Muggles.

Under this "law", mistreatment and murder of Muggles is actively encouraged, and witches and wizards are advised to think of Muggles as no better than animals.

The Ministry of Magic has condemned all of the new "laws", and the Minister made it clear in his statement soon afterward that anyone found mistreating Muggles will be dealt with using the utmost severity of the law.

By April of the following year, the Prophet was printed on cheap paper, and there were no pictures:

Attacks on Muggles Continue

Numbers of Muggle killings are on the rise every day as the ranks of the Death Eaters grow. Even the most conservative estimates now place the death toll in the thousands.

Ministry of Magic initiatives have so far been unsuccessful in protecting the Muggle population, who live in fear of being enslaved or killed.

Sources have suggested that the Order of the Phoenix is arranging safe passage out of the country for some Muggles, and helping others to go into hiding.

The headline on July 2nd of 1984 shocked Harry more than the others put together:

Muggle Rights Activist Captured

Arthur Weasley, a former employee of the Ministry of Magic and always an outspoken defender of Muggle rights, was captured by Death Eaters two days ago, while attempting to transport a large family of Muggles to America for safety.

It is assumed that he is being confined in Buckingham Palace.

Harry flipped hurriedly through the papers, until he found the one for October 14th:

Daring Escape From Buckingham Palace

Arthur Weasley, captured by Death Eaters three months ago, has been reunited with family and friends after making a miraculous escape from Buckingham Palace.

Sources suggest that he may have had help from the Order of the Phoenix, of which he is rumoured to be a member.

Harry could only imagine how awful Ron and Ginny and the other Weasleys must have felt, losing their father for so long. And then, of course, he had been killed in the battle at Buckingham Palace, some six years later. He didn't know how Ron and Ginny - and of course, Hermione too - could stay so positive in the face of everything. He hardly knew how anyone could.

After that, there were a few more headlines about the rising numbers of Muggle deaths, but the true, final takeover was not chronicled.

'That happened after the Prophet offices got destroyed,' Luna told him, as they put the papers away. 'Voldemort declared himself leader, Dumbledore was hunting for the horcruxes, everything was very bad for a long time.'

'But at least all the horcruxes are gone now, right?'

Luna shook her head, and sighed.

'We think he made some more, after the battle. And now that he knows we know about them, they'll be better guarded too.'

Harry grimaced. 'No wonder you're all living in secret,' he said. 'It sounds like he's impossible to beat now...'

'Nothing's impossible,' said Luna, serenely. 'Remember, people said that toads couldn't fly! We just have to trust that everything will be alright.'

* * *

The week went by quickly. Lessons were more or less the same as they had been at Hogwarts, except that classes were smaller and some of the teachers were different. Also, he found that there was a lot of emphasis on Defence Against the Dark Arts, which suited him fine since it had always been his best subject. And he was being taught by Professor Lupin, who had always been his favourite teacher.

He patrolled at night twice that week, with Lupin and a boy named Simon Pevensie. Both times were uneventful - all they did was walk the school, watching and listening for intruders. There was plenty of time for talking, and Lupin was fond of reminiscing about his youth with Sirius, James and Lily. He didn't mention Peter, and Harry was a little afraid to ask about him. But Lupin was a good storyteller and Harry and Simon both found the stories entertaining, and Harry's delight at hearing about his parents was enhanced by the knowledge that he would be with them again that weekend.

When he wasn't patrolling, or poring over the newspapers either by himself or with Luna, he was mostly in the Hall. Everyone tended to congregate there after dinner for most of the evening, and Harry usually found himself doing homework with Ron, Hermione and Neville, or helping Ed with his, or sitting with his arms wrapped around Ginny and hearing about her day. It had been easier than he'd imagined to cope with his sudden relationship with Ginny - she was easy to talk to, and had a wonderful sense of humour. It was just like spending time with her over the summer had been, except with added kissing.

Even the teachers were usually in the Hall for some of the evening - McGonagall would be playing chess with Flitwick, or gossiping with Hooch; Lupin and Sirius would be talking, or recounting one of their adventures to a group of rapt children; Hestia and Mrs Figg were often arguing vehemently about a book they had just read.

On Friday, everyone congregated in the Hall after afternoon classes, and listened to an announcement by McGonagall.

'Now, most of you know how this goes by now,' she said. 'We'll Portkey you all home, in family groups, in alphabetical order. So, wait here until your name is called, and hopefully we can get you all back home in time for tea. Now, Hannah Abbot?'

Hannah hugged Susan and said goodbye to the other sixth years before walking to the front of the room, where Professor Flitwick was holding an old tie. As she grabbed hold of it, both she and Flitwick disappeared.

'Susan Bones?' said McGonagall.

The students began to talk amongst themselves as the room slowly emptied.

'Harry?' said Ginny, slipping her hand into his as they all sat at one of the big tables. 'Could I talk to you? In private?'

She got up, and he followed her to the corner of the room, where it was a little quieter.

'What is it, Gin?' he asked.

'Well, I... you know I missed you over the summer, don't you?'

'Of course! I missed you too!'

'Well... we've been together a pretty long time now... almost a year...'


'Harry... when are we going to sleep together?'

Harry just stared at her, mouth open.

'Oh, come on, Harry,' she sighed. 'Don't tell me you haven't thought about it. All those times we had to stop ourselves from going too far... I just think maybe it's time we didn't.'

Harry gulped.

'But, Gin... do you really think we're ready? Don't you think... we're a bit young?'

'No, I don't! I think we're mature enough to handle it. Don't you?'

'Well, of course... it's just... a big decision, that's all.'

'We don't have to decide right away,' she soothed. 'Why don't you think about it over the weekend? I just wanted to bring it up before the end of the week.'

'Alright,' said Harry, with a smile. 'I'll think about it over the weekend.'

'McGonagall's already up to M, you'll be going in a minute,' Ginny said. 'You'd better go and make sure you've got everything.'

He kissed her, she hugged him, and they went to join the others.

'Have you got everything, Ed?' Harry asked, checking his own bag.

'Of course,' sighed Ed. 'Victoria already asked me.'

'Have a good weekend, everyone!' said Victoria. 'See you on Monday.'

'Potters!' called McGonagall.

Harry, Victoria, Dudley and Ed went to join Lupin with the Portkey, and within a few moments they were back in the kitchen at Godric's Hollow.

Harry was lost for a moment in a blur of sight and sound, as everyone hugged everyone else. Marigold jumped on his back, squealing, while Daisy hung from Dudley's neck. Lily hugged each of the returning children in turn, asking them questions in rapid succession.

'Are you alright? Were you good? Ed, how was your first week? Do you have any homework? How was Ginny? How was Kitty? Did you learn anything new? Harry, have you been in detention yet?'

'Lil, leave them be for a second!' James laughed, coming in from the next room. 'There'll be plenty of time over the weekend to hear what they've been up to, give the poor things a bit of room!'

'Daddy!' squealed Victoria, skipping across the room to hug her father. He whirled her around once, then set her back down.

'Everything alright at the school, Remus?' he asked.

'All quiet so far,' he said. 'I'd better get back, I've still got one lot to take home. See you all soon!'

He kissed Lily, patted James on the back and waved goodbye to the children before clutching the Portkey again and disappearing.

'Well, Ed,' said Lily. 'Since you're back from your first ever week at school, Daisy suggested that we should make your favourite dinner...'

'Bangers and mash?' Ed asked.

'Yes, bangers and mash! It's nearly ready, too. Take your things to your rooms, wash your hands and get back down here!'

Dinner was a noisy meal, as everyone exchanged stories of what they had been up to all week.

'We baked, the Muggle way!' Daisy said. 'And it was easy, wasn't it, Mari? We made a cake for afters!'

'And Mum did a new potion with us,' Marigold added.

'What did you do, Victoria?' Lily asked, helping herself to more mashed potato from the pot in the centre of the table.

'Ooh, lots,' Victoria said. 'Uncle Remus has been teaching us all about curses! And Kitty showed me a new way to plait my hair.'

'You're quiet, Harry,' James said. 'Everything alright?'

'Yeah, fine,' said Harry. 'Just a bit tired, that's all. I've started going on patrol this week, I don't think I've really caught up on my sleep yet.'

'Aah,' said Lily. 'Well, make sure you get plenty of early nights when you're not patrolling! Don't stay up too late talking!'

'That's rich coming from you,' said James. 'I heard that the other girls in your dormitory never got a wink of sleep if you had something to talk about.'

Lily punched him on the arm, and grinned at Harry.

'This is a clear case of 'Do as I say, not as I do',' she said. 'And besides, we didn't have to patrol. It's different.' She leaned over to ruffle Harry's hair. 'Well, you're sixteen now, and while you're away at school I can't tell you what to do,' she said. 'But do use your judgement, won't you, Harry?'

'Of course, Mum!' he said, brightly. 'Dud, could you pass the carrots?'

'Oh, yes, how are things with Kitty?' James asked Dudley.

'Good,' said Dudley, blushing furiously.

'Ooh, any details?' Marigold asked.

'Definitely not!' Dudley grinned. 'If you want something to be nosy about, why don't you ask Harry how he and Ginny are getting on?'

'Ooooh?' said Lily, turning to Harry.

'I don't want to talk about it,' he said.

'Spoilsport!' said Victoria.

Harry laughed, feeling very uncomfortable. He had almost forgotten the conversation with Ginny in the excitement of coming back to his family, but now that he had remembered again, it weighed rather heavily on his mind.

He didn't stop thinking about it all evening. After dinner they played cards, Daisy and Marigold were sent to bed with much protest, and Ed followed a little later, tired out from his first week at school. Lily and James talked over the news of the week with the older children, before they all went to bed. But Harry barely paid attention to any of it.

It was even worse once he was in bed, in the dark, with nothing to distract him. Ginny wanted to sleep with him. Was she really ready? Was he?

Suddenly, it hit Harry that he couldn't sleep with Ginny. It would be wrong. She thought he was the other Harry, the Harry who had been going out with her for a year, the Harry who had been in love with her for months, who knew her well.

For the first time, he wondered what had happened to the Harry who was supposed to be here. Was he living Harry's life, back at Hogwarts? How awful to be catapulted from his loving family and suddenly orphaned and in a strange place! He must miss his parents and siblings terribly. And would he find out that Sirius was dead? Would he be upset that he wasn't dating Ginny?

All week Harry had been wavering, wondering if it might be possible to stay here with his family, and help make things better. But this thought settled it - he had no right to steal the other Harry's life, no right to be loved by his parents, certainly no right to sleep with his girlfriend.

He had to find a way back. He resolved to get Luna's help on the matter as soon as he got back to school. And, with that thought, he fell asleep, feeling better about things.

* * *

The weekend passed pleasantly. They couldn't go out for fear of being spotted by Death Eaters, but it was a rainy weekend anyway, so they didn't mind. They weren't able to do much magic either - any magic left traces that could be detected, so only essential magic was allowed. Harry spent Saturday morning doing homework with Victoria, Dudley and Ed, and Saturday afternoon chatting with his mother as she rearranged the kitchen cupboards. On Sunday he slept almost until lunchtime, and in the afternoon the family all sat in the living room together, Lily engrossed in a crossword, James and Dudley playing, and growing increasingly frustrated, with a Muggle toy called a Rubik's Cube, Victoria and Ed reading (a romance novel and a comic respectively), and Harry drawing pictures with the twins. In the evening they talked, and Lily sent all of the children to bed early for school the next day.

Harry overslept again, Victoria helped him to get ready in time again with a martyred sigh, there were goodbye hugs, and soon he was back in the Hall.

He spotted Luna at once. She was sitting upside-down on a chair, her feet hanging over the back, her hair brushing the floor.

'Good weekend?' he asked, leaning over her.

'Not bad,' she said. 'I can see right up your nose...'

'Sorry. Look, I need to talk to you...'

She swung around to sit upright, and looked earnestly at him.

'Tell me what it is now, before too many people arrive.'

Harry explained quickly what he had been thinking about over the weekend.

'And so, I need to get back,' he finished. 'And I think the only way to do it is to find that mirror again. Do you think there's any chance we could go to Grimmauld Place and use it?'

'I don't think so,' said Luna.

'Well, what if we asked Sirius really nicely?'

'Oh, Harry. Sirius doesn't own Grimmauld Place. Bellatrix Lestrange does. When Sirius joined the Order, his parents left it to her instead.'

'But the mirror is probably still there, right?'

'I don't know, it might be, if it was ever there to begin with in this reality...'

'Well, I have to find out...'

'Harry, you can't just walk into Grimmauld Place!'

'I can,' he said, firmly. 'Because I have to.'