Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/05/2004
Updated: 07/01/2007
Words: 19,922
Chapters: 7
Hits: 7,915

The Spy Series


Story Summary:
A series of ficlets about Harry and Draco and their blossoming relationship. H/D.

Chapter 01

A series of ficlets about Harry and Draco and their blossoming relationship. H/D.

Words: 2,480
Hits: 2,078
Chapter 02

Draco saves Harry’s life during the Final Battle and Harry finds out something he hadn’t even suspected. Slash. HP/DM. This is the second installment of The Spy Series.

Words: 3,691
Hits: 1,476
Chapter 03

Draco wants to tell everyone about his relationship with Harry and he wants to do it in a big way – during the graduation ceremony. Slash. HP/DM. This is the third installment of The Spy Series.

Words: 2,938
Hits: 1,511

“Move in with me.” Draco wants Harry to move into Malfoy Manor and Harry agrees to do so for the summer. It doesn’t start too well for Draco, however. Slash. HP/DM.

Words: 3,372
Hits: 794

Harry and Draco haven’t left the Manor in three weeks and so, when they do, chaos breaks lose. Slash. HP/DM.

Words: 2,910
Hits: 703

They have been together for five months and Harry still hasn’t said the magic words. Slash. HP/DM.

Words: 2,138
Hits: 823

It’s Christmas time and Harry and Draco have received an invitation from the Weasleys to celebrate the holiday with them. Slash.

Words: 2,393
Hits: 530