General Suspense
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 03/10/2005
Updated: 06/15/2006
Words: 39,223
Chapters: 9
Hits: 7,177

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


Story Summary:
A name that’s masked; A name untrue; and lines unknown will soon shine through. With Voldemort’s return accepted, the same can not hold true for the Ministers Position. The chaos is not from Voldemort, but the magical community itself. Is there one at Hogwarts who holds a secret that might prove most vital to the future of the magical community at large? Hidden past, dark secrets, and dangerous portents ahead; you are about to embark on a journey of discovery, understanding and courage. You will need it as the ordeal of Harry's sixth year begins in a flash of coldness, and a rise of anger.

Chapter 01

A name that’s masked; A name untrue; and lines unknown will soon shine through. With Voldemort’s return accepted, the same can not hold true for the Ministers Position. The chaos is not from Voldemort, but the magical community itself. Is there one at Hogwarts who holds a secret that might prove most vital to the future of the magical community at large? Hidden past, dark secrets, and dangerous portents ahead; you are about to embark on a journey of discovery, understanding and courage. You will need it as the ordeal of Harry's sixth year begins in a flash of coldness, and a rise of anger.

Words: 4,084
Hits: 2,643
Chapter 02

Left at number 4 privet drive to wait; to wonder; to try to overcome the gaping whole that had appeared in his life, Harry Potter must accept what has happened, and understand that he is not the only person at privet drive who’s mind is preoccupied with the events of late. What secrets will be revealed as he waits to leave privet drive to return to the magical world in its chaos and anger. For once though, those a small part of him wish to remain? A daring flight; an unwelcome risk; and a place new and unknown to him await; a sanctuary from the anger that is tearing at the failing bonds of the magical community.

Words: 4,207
Hits: 734
Chapter 03

A new place and a fresh start await them all. Harry has returned to the magical world amid its chaos only to find himself in a place he had never been before. Though he is back with his friends, free from the solitude of Privet drive, something weighs heavily on his mind. There is a mystery held within the walls of this seemingly unassuming building. Though he has returned to his friend’s side, something about this house unsettles him. What secrets are hidden behind the doors looking so innocent? And what portents do they hold in the growing chaos of the second war.

Words: 3,768
Hits: 729
Chapter 04

Life at Spinners End is quiet and relaxed. Though mysteries still abound within the locked rooms, Harry has other things on his mind. He can not worry about what lies behind the 2nd floor doors, for he has Apparation to work on, and an unexpected surprise growing on the horizon. It seems as if the world outside, in its chaos seemed distant; but how long will that casual peace last?

Words: 3,901
Hits: 547
Chapter 05

The summer heat was growing, but still they could be seen practicing out in the clearing. Amid the celebrations; amid the successes; there is a danger growing. Fear is arising on both sides, and Harry is at the base of these. Could he really be a danger to both the order, and the deatheaters? Unless he learns to control his emotions, he very well may be.

Words: 4,796
Hits: 513
Chapter 06

A chance to stretch his legs, to venture forth into the magical world was just what Harry thought he needed. However, it may prove to be more of a curse then a blessing. A deep sense of foreboding falls when Harry enters the cobbled shop lined street of Diagon Alley. What dark secrets are whispered in the cold silence of this once bustling street? What darks times will arise in response to the detour of one Hogwarts student?

Words: 4,342
Hits: 550
Chapter 07

Even after the darkness of the past few weeks, at least something was going to be right in the world. Harry longed for the halls of Hogwarts, the home he so longed to return to. What a shock it is for Harry to enter the train journey sitting with the people who had followed him, who had fought with him, who had risked their lives for him. But even with this, the call of Hogwarts was a call of safety, and as he sets down in the Gryffindor table, what was happening outside Hogwarts seemed to fade away. He was back at last.

Words: 5,116
Hits: 549
Chapter 08

What can be more fun then hours upon hours of lectures and notes? Ron certainly can find a much better use of this time. Life is not getting any easier, nor are the classes. As Harry, Ron, and Hermione sit that night in the common room, trying to piece together a nasty potions assignment by Snape, Harry's mind seemed to strained pay attention to anything that was happening inside Hogwarts, or outside… how wrong he was.

Words: 4,323
Hits: 667

Danger is growing on the horizon, and it is not only the escaped followers of Voldemort, who once again slipped from the Ministry’s grasp. No, the danger is much closer then Harry might want to think. The tides of change are coming closer, when the events of the past will pale in comparison to the horrors that form in the distance. Harry must soon learn that he can’t carry the knowledge of his burden alone. Will he be willing to tell?

Words: 4,686
Hits: 245