The Dark Arts
Original Female Witch Severus Snape
Drama General
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 11/28/2007
Updated: 07/15/2011
Words: 243,156
Chapters: 32
Hits: 8,991

Armilla II

Coral Grace

Story Summary:
Sequel to Armilla. Armilla's story continues: the wizarding world is now at war and it seems old grudges must be put aside for the good of the Light. As Severus struggles to do this, Armilla also faces her own personal hardships. HBP year, but now AU

Chapter 29 - Love, Greed and Survival


Chapter 29

It was the following Friday before the rest of the wizarding world found out that Aurelius Snape was dead. I was surprised that it wasn't leaked from the Ministry sooner. I had sat down to breakfast on Friday morning and it had been no more than two minutes later that the whispers I'd tuned out on my way in finally reached my ears.

"It's Snape's father - look."

"Didn't know the greasy git had a father."

"Of course he had a father, you idiot. He's dead - there's his picture."

"Creepy looking bloke, wasn't he?"

"Well, that's where Snape got his nose."

"It says he died mysteriously."

"Nah, that's just Ministry talk for not knowing the cause of death."

And so that was the way it was all day on Friday. There was one thing that kept my spirits relatively cheerful all that day. Indeed, every time I thought of it, I couldn't help but smile. I was certain that if my friends had not known of what had happened, they would have thought that I was a little strange by Friday night because I was a little too cheerful for someone who was attending her father's funeral the next day.

It was all to do with Zita Rougier. The previous Saturday, though a terribly trying day, had turned out to have some light at the end of the tunnel. A very satisfying light. After Rougier had flooed away, Severus had turned to me with a knowing smirk on his face. The memory of it made me smile all over again.

"Don't pay her the ten thousand galleons."

I frowned. "But Rosethorne said that-" I stopped as I heard the man's words in my ears. An annual sum to Mrs Zita Snape for living conditions for the period of five years, of no more than 10,000 Galleons.

"No more than 10,000 Galleons," I said slowly, realisation dawning. Perhaps it was the tension in the room earlier that had stopped me from paying attention to the technicalities. Why would Father have had it worded that way in his will?

I shook my head, smiling. "I'd make a terrible lawyer."

Severus smiled. "And so would Rougier."

"I'd pay her a Galleon per annum," I said, "but that would be something Rougier would talk to the media about if she wanted all this to be public. I'll have to pay her more. Perhaps no more than 1000 Galleons a year?"

"No more than that," Severus said, nodding. "I daresay she has enough money of her own."

I had needed plenty of happy thoughts that following week. The thought of Rougier being pregnant was enough to make me feel disgusted and Severus readily shared in the appropriate amount of shuddering the mention of it provided. I had also contacted Rosethorne early in the week to confirm a funeral for the following Saturday at Snape Manor, and to stipulate an annual sum for Rougier. I was also sure to have Rosethorne forward the details of the funeral to Rougier.

As it turned out, it was a good thing I always checked my mail for curses and the like before opening it, because, judging from the letter I received on Wednesday, Rougier was not a happy woman. After Severus had managed to cancel whatever unpleasant surprises had been concealed within the parchment, I had met with a very abrupt letter, informing me of the exact level of scum I'd reached and a decline to attend the funeral because, to quote I could not imagine myself tolerating the miserable presence of you or your ghastly brother for more than two minutes. I am willing to sacrifice saying goodbye to my beloved husband if it means having to pleasure of being without the company of two conniving, paltry and utterly repugnant people who are a disgrace to their father and to the wizarding world. You would have me live as a beggar rather than allow me the loose change of your pockets!

Truth be told, I was still worried that Rougier had a lot more up her sleeve than the baby. I was worried that she would sell her story to the media and Severus and I weren't the kind of people to retaliate by sharing our own business with the wizarding world.

So it was that thinking about Rougier's lack of inheritance kept my spirits up all throughout the week.

Severus and I went home to the Merrigan Estate on Friday night, and travelled from there to Snape Manor on Saturday morning.

"And here I was hoping never to set foot in this place again," I said, as we reached the front door.

"The day had to come sooner or later," Severus grumbled, glaring up at the narrow windows.

The door unlocked for me without any effort and we stepped into the darkened hall.

"Musty," I said, wrinkling my nose. "Jiffy's kept the place closed up."

"It reminds me of Jiffy's scent, actually," Severus replied, closing the door.

"Speaking of," I said, spotting the wretched house elf himself coming down the stairs.

Jiffy headed straight to me, his wrinkly face expressionless. "Jiffy acknowledges Miss Armilla as his Mistress," he said, bowing so low that his long nose scraped the marble floor. "Jiffy wishes to express his condolences to Mistress for the death of Master Aurelius. Jiffy is very sad and grieves for his noble Master. Master was very good to Jiffy."

"Old bread, carrot peels and a home under the laundry tub," said Severus, sneering down at the elf. "Yes, a fortunate life indeed."

Jiffy's face seemed to become twice as wrinkled as he glowered at my brother. "Jiffy wonders why the traitor is in his Master's home. Master Aurelius was good to his son. Scum!"

Severus had his wand out a split second later, ready to demonstrate more of the animosity the two had shared years before. "I won the last one, elf," Severus spat. "Do you recall?"

"No," I said, placing my hand on Severus' arm. "Don't do this." I looked down at Jiffy. "You acknowledge me as your Mistress?"

"Yes, Mistress," Jiffy said, bowing low.

"Then as your Mistress," I continued, "I require you to also obey any orders that Severus gives you in addition to mine and do so with good grace."

Jiffy suddenly looked as if he had a mouth full of soap. "Yes...Mistress," he said, bowing once more. "Jiffy is...happy to be serving you."

"That will be all then, Jiffy," Severus ordered, walking away across the hall.

Jiffy chewed on the insides of his cheeks as he bowed. He didn't spare me another glance as he turned and headed towards the kitchen.

Sighing, I turned and followed Severus down a hallway off the entrance foyer. It was hard to ignore the whispered comments of the many Snapes in their portraits.

"At last, they're here. I knew they'd come."

"And Severus is here too, I see! Aurelius would not be happy."

"Oh, hush you fool! Severus does more for the name of Snape - more than his father ever did-"

"I didn't ask you, Adeline. I was merely-"

"Just agree to disagree," I suggested dryly, as I passed. I didn't stop to see their faces, but I smiled at their reactions.

"Such impertinence I never saw!"

"I did - Hazel Snape."

"You could never get a moment's peace in these halls," Severus muttered as we reached Father's study door. He tried the handle and did not look at all surprised to find it locked.

"Of course." He took out his wand and began casting silently his eyes fixed on the keyhole. It was a few minutes later that we finally heard the clicking of the lock.

"Not paranoid then?" I asked, as Severus pushed the door open.

"No more than the average man on the run," he replied, heading straight for Father's desk. "Don't touch anything," he said over his shoulder, his wand still in his hand. "There could be any number of curses and security alarms in this room."

I nodded, watching as he began muttering incantations under his breath and he wand traced over the contents of the meticulously neat desk.

"What are you looking for?"

"Anything of use that would be better kept in our hands than those of anyone else," he replied, not looking up. "Old family documents and the like - just in case anyone has managed to gain access to this room - which I sincerely doubt."

"I'm going to go up to my room," I told him. "I'm guessing Father will be in his own bedroom? I don't want to come across him somewhere."

Severus paused. "I am assuming that's where he'll be," he said slowly. "Just wait a moment while I ensure that everything is in order here and then I'll have a look upstairs. I do want to see him."

I waited for fifteen minutes or so while Severus rummaged through parchments around the room. I amused myself by examining photos on the wall that I'd never seen before. There were several of my parents - their wedding day, as well as many others of them at different stages during their marriage. Severus was in several of them too, not looking entirely happy about being in such close vicinity to Father. I was surprised that Father had not removed these photos, considering that he'd written his son out of his will.

"I have finished here," Severus announced finally. "Come, we'll head upstairs."

I followed him upstairs, wondering where exactly Father's bedroom was. Strange, I thought, not knowing something like that. I voiced this thought to my brother.

He shook his head. "That's nothing. Think how many years I lived in this house - I've only been in his bedroom once."

That wasn't so bad then. I didn't think it wise to ask how Severus came to be in Father's bedroom.

We came to a set of double doors at the end of a long hallway.

"It's your decision if you want to come in," Severus said, glancing back at me as he grasped the door handle.

I nodded.

He opened the door and I followed him in. Though almost dark inside due to most of the curtains being drawn, the sheer size of the room immediately distracted me from looking for the whereabouts of Father. There were lounges and a large table, a huge mantelpiece and several more doors. At one side of the room there was a huge four poster bed with black and green bedding.

Upon the bed lay Father, looking merely asleep, just as Mother had looked all those months ago. He was wearing dark grey and silvery robes, which reminded me of the attire Lucius Malfoy often wore.

"He still irritates me in death," Severus said, staring at Father from his place at the foot of the bed.

I walked over to stand at Severus' side. Though it may have been appropriate to be overwhelmed by emotion at that moment, nothing came.

Severus took out his wand.

"What are you doing?"

"Investigating," he replied, moving to Father's side. "Call it a second opinion."

"Are you looking for something other than dark magic or a certain kind of dark magic?" I asked.


I watched as he waved his wand over Father wordlessly, performing complicated movements that looked a little like he was conducting an orchestra.

"Well?" I asked several minutes later as he pocketed his wand.

"Dark magic," he confirmed, frowning at Father, "but from more than one person I believe. I could detect traces of a weaker curse under a much stronger one."

"Maybe the person cast it twice," I suggested.

He shook his head. "No, it was quite clear that each curse had come from a different person. The magical signature felt quite different."

As I had many times before, I once again marvelled at how Severus was able to pick up on these things.

"Rougier must have been one of them," I said, "otherwise it's far too coincidental. She couldn't have married him just because she wanted to and didn't see anything it in for herself."

"She definitely saw some personal gain," Severus agreed. "It is quite possible that Rougier has established darker links than we've previously guessed."

I stared at him. "You mean...she may have sold him out?"

He nodded. "Many Death Eaters have their own secret allies and connections that they use at their own discretion. Dark Lord, of course, is able to read their minds, but he'd be a fool to openly discuss it. Keeping note of alliances allows him to narrow down the culprit when things don't go according to plan."

"What was in this for Rougier aside from the money?"

"That's anyone's guess," he replied. "It may have been just about the money. If these is more, I shall do my very best to draw it out of Rougier the next time I see her."

"Didn't you use Legilimency when we saw her last weekend?"

He nodded. "I was looking for a certain answer at the time, though. Other information didn't come so readily."

I looked down at Father. I wondered how many Death Eaters wondered about the natures of their own deaths.

o o o o o o o o o o o o

"May Jiffy be so bold as to ask if he may be worthy enough to be attending Master Aurelius' funeral?"

"I suppose so," Severus answered, sparing Jiffy a sideways glanced as we stepped out into the garden with Dumbledore, who had decided to join us. "Father needs the numbers."

Jiffy glowered at him, but trotted along behind us all the same.

"Now, now, Severus," Dumbledore said. "It would be prudent to-"

"-If you're about to give me advice about the treatment of an insubordinate house elf," Severus interrupted smoothly, "I assure you, your efforts would be fruitless."

Dumbledore blinked. "Then I have nothing more to say than a rather undignified Hmph!"

"Jiffy is not needing help from muggle-loving-"

"Be quiet, Jiffy," I muttered, scowling at the elf behind me. I looked over at Severus. "Doesn't he make you appreciate Docky even more?"

Severus stared straight ahead. "I thank Merlin for the delight that is Docky every day."

We stopped at a small clearing up ahead. The small area already had many tombstones scattered about, most bearing the name Snape.

Upon a small platform, concealed by emerald cloth, was Father, along with a photo of my mother, as requested in his will.

Dumbledore stood back a little, clearly happy to let us conduct the ceremony.

"I am not sure I have the words to perform an appropriate eulogy," Severus said.

"It's a good thing Rougier isn't here," I replied. "I'm sure she'd have plenty to say."

"And nothing of consequence at that."

"Keep it short then." I was fine with giving my father a dignified burial, but I didn't want to linger, trying to call forth nostalgic thoughts that weren't going come.

"I suppose," my brother began solemnly as he stared at the emerald cloth which concealed Father, "there's nothing much more to say to you, except that I hope you are pleasanter in the afterlife than you were here."


Severus gave me a nonchalant look. "His death hasn't improved my opinion of him, Armilla."

He had a point. I pondered what my parents were doing in the afterlife as Severus took out his wand. I watched as he cast a complicated wand movement, causing the silken bundle to burst into white flames.

"Let us hope then," Dumbledore said, "that he does change for the better in the afterlife."

We watched silently as the flames eventually subsides, leaving a white tombstone behind.

Aurelius Merula Snape

1st February 1930 - 6th February 1997

"Let's return to the house." Severus turned and began walking away.

"Well, the afterlife is supposed to be a happy sort of place," I said thoughtfully, catching up with him a moment later. "For Father, that would probably mean being somewhere near Mother." I shook my head. "And for Mother, that would mean-"

"-Being as far away as she could be from Father," Severus finished dryly. "So they're doomed to play hide and seek for all eternity."

o o o o o o o o o o o

Dumbledore stayed and dined with us that evening and for once I didn't have to excuse myself soon after the meal before of Order related business. Neither Dumbledore nor my brother brought up any subject even slightly related to the Dark Lord.

That was until the doorbell rang, just as Dumbledore was putting on his travelling cloak, saying his goodbyes.

"Draco!" Severus hissed, when he opened the door. "What are you-"

Dumbledore and I moved closer to the door to see a very wet Draco Malfoy on the doorstep. If seeing a sodden, greyish Malfoy wasn't surprise enough, the greater shock came from seeing the bundle in his arms.

A small, auburn haired girl, about two years old at most I guessed, lay in Malfoy's arms. If I was optimistic, I would have said that she was merely sleeping, but the gash on her forehead, not to mention the dried blood around her mouth, led me to conclude that she was unconscious. Like Malfoy, she was saturated from the rain.

"Who is she?" Severus demanded.

"I don't know!" Malfoy sobbed. "Some muggle. They're all the same, aren't they?"

Severus stood back to let him in. "Why are you here?"

"Sa-saw the Prophet," Malfoy said shakily, looking anywhere but at the child he was holding. He looked at the Headmaster and I, but his face didn't seem to acknowledge or even register our presence. "Your father...dead," he went on, "...figured you'd be here...took the chance...doesn't matter anymore. I'm going to die...kill myself before the Dark Lord does." He hiccoughed. "Won't give him the satisfaction."

"Now, now," Dumbledore said, frowning at Malfoy. "Your death won't help us at all."

Malfoy didn't appear to have heard. Instead, he pushed the little girl into Severus' arms. "Here," he said roughly. "She's alive. You serve the Dark Lord. You're his most faithful servant. You finish her off and take her back to him. Just tell him you found me with her and I had already killed myself...so you decided to have fun with her. I don't want any part of it. I don't want any part of this life."

Severus, who was holding the child away from his body, a repulsed expression on his face, shook his head at Malfoy. "I don't make a habit of killing little muggle girls for fun, Draco."

"Unless absolutely necessary," Malfoy replied. He shook his head. "You can't send her back to her family...the Dark Lord killed the rest of them. She's the only one left. I've had to torture her...I have to ki-kill her...prove that I can do it...and I won't!" He suddenly had a maniacal expression on his face. "I won't!" he yelled. "I don't like muggleborns, but I don't have to kill them to prove it!"

"Muggleborn?" Dumbledore repeated, his eyes fixed on Malfoy's. "I thought you said this child is a muggle."

"Muggle, muggleborn, who cares?" Malfoy snapped.

"What sign did she give you that she was muggleborn?" Severus pressed.

Malfoy suddenly pulled opened his wand hand and revealed a large burn that went from two of his fingers all the way down his forearm. "She burnt me," He said, disdainfully. "That's when I stopped."

"Severus," Dumbledore said, authority in his voice, "take the child upstairs and do what you can for her. I shall tend to young Mr Malfoy." Before Severus could say anything, the Headmaster turned to me. "Armilla, go with him and provide assistance." He held his hand out suddenly and Malfoy's wand flew from within his robes and landed in Dumbledore's hand.

Malfoy opened his mouth, looking outraged, but the Headmaster held up a hand to stop him.

"I wish to have a chat first, Draco, without any sudden surprises, I'm sure you understand." He gave Malfoy a meaningful look. "At the end of it, if you still wish to end your life, we'll discuss putting the wand back in your possession." He turned to me. "May we make use of one of your sitting rooms, Armilla?"

I nodded, feeling uncomfortable that my permission would be asked over my brother's. There was no time for that sort of worry though; there were more important things at hand to be tended to.

Severus and I moved quickly up the stairs. I wanted to tell him not to hold the child at arm's length like she was a dangerous specimen, but I figured my advice at that moment wouldn't be well received.

We went into the bedroom closest to the stairs. Severus put the child down on the bed, took out his wand and immediately began casting diagnostic charms.

Malfoy must have been outside somewhere with her, perhaps the family's backyard. She was dirty and her clothes were torn in several places.

"No damaging internal injuries, other than a knock to the head," said Severus a moment later. "Just shock and bruises."

"He didn't torture her badly then?"

He shook his head. "Draco didn't use an Unforgivable, if that's what you mean. He's used some mild hexes, just enough to terrify a two year old." He stared down at the child, his expression unreadable. "I daresay his heart wasn't in it."

"So he has been held by the Dark Lord all this time?"

He gave a stiff nod. "I believe the Dark Lord is aware that Draco had his doubts. Draco believes in maintaining pure bloodlines, but he hasn't got torture and murder in him. This whole fiasco is more than likely a ploy to scare Lucius and Narcissa."

I suppressed a shudder as Severus summoned some healing potions and cloths. "She'll need a pain reliever for that, I expect," he said, examining the wound on the child's forehead. "She's hit something sharp."

I watched as he applied a healing potion to the girl's forehead and covered the wound with waterproof dressing. "I trust you can bath her?" he asked me, sealing his bottle of healing potion.

I nodded, beginning to take off her dirty shoes and tights. Severus summoned Jiffy and the elf appeared a moment later, looked most ill tempered.

"Muggle filth in my Master's house," he muttered, glaring at the little girl.

"Mistress, actually," I told him, giving him a scornful look. "Don't speak like that about her again."

"Run a bath, Jiffy," Severus ordered, "and then wash and mend the child's clothes. You are not to do anything that may harm the child in any way."

Jiffy jerked his head in a reluctant bow, before disappearing into the bathroom.

"I am going to join the Headmaster and Draco," Severus said, as I took the last of the child's clothes off. Her body had a number of new bruises. Severus handed me a bottle of salve. "Rub this into the bruises when she is clean," he instructed. "I will come back and help you if you need it."

I nodded, looking down at the girl. "Will Professor Dumbledore try to find muggle relatives for her if she's muggleborn?"

Severus nodded. "I believe so. We shall see what the Headmaster has decided to do. Chances are she'll be placed with relatives under a protection spell from the Dark Lord."

Thirty minutes later I sat back in the bedroom, watching the child on the bed. Jiffy had brought back her clothes, looking much cleaner.

I thought of going downstairs, but I didn't really want to take the child anywhere near Malfoy. It made me feel sick to think that this child had been hurt by Malfoy. Her family was dead because of the Dark Lord. They all had names, they'd all had a history, they'd made a family...and now this child was all that remained. I shook my head, feeling my stomach churn. This was apparently the life that the Dark Lord planned if he was to win the war.

I sat with the child for another half hour, just watching her, wondering when she would wake. Severus came in just as it was getting dark, looking more stressed than before he'd left. He sat down on the other side of the child and began casting diagnostic charms again.

"She's fine," he said, nodding to himself as he put his wand away. "She'll wake when she's ready."

"Malfoy?" I asked.

"Is to be placed in hiding," he said flatly, closing his eyes as he rubbed his temples. "I gave him Veritaserum and his main concern is his mother and father. His view of muggleborns and muggles remains questionable, but he in no way supports the Dark Lord any longer."

"Does he know that you don't either?"

He shook his head. "No, he remains nervous of me, probably convinced that I will inform the Dark Lord the first chance I get. The Headmaster received some information from him as to the Dark Lord's latest activities and was satisfied. He's placing Draco in hiding, under strong security for the sake of the Light and the Dark. He won't have trust from either." He nodded down at the child. "He can't return to the Dark Lord without bringing this child with him it would seem."

I cringed. "I would rather her life be spared than have her used as a means for Malfoy to take on a role like yours."

Severus nodded. "In all honesty, I do not believe Malfoy would be capable of carrying out the duties of a Double Agent. He feels too deeply and lets the world know it." He looked down at the girl again. "As for the child, as soon as the Headmaster finishes dealing with Draco, he will look into finding relatives of the child and will modify her memory."

He stood up and strode to the door. "Dumbledore is waiting for us downstairs. Bring the child with you."

"Take her back downstairs?" I repeated. "Near Malfoy?"

"Headmaster's instructions, Armilla," Severus answered, disappearing into the corridor.

I shook my head, picking the little girl up. Something didn't feel right.

I caught up with Severus in the corridor and followed him down the stairs. The child didn't stir.

"You've gone mad," I heard Malfoy say scathingly, as we entered the sitting room. He and Dumbledore were sitting in opposite each other; the Headmaster had his back to us, but our clear view of Malfoy revealed an ashen face.

They both looked at us as we entered, each with a different reaction; Dumbledore had what could only be described as a shrewd expression on his face as his eyes rested on the girl, while Malfoy looked almost scared of her.

"It's the ultimate test, Draco," Dumbledore said smoothly, turning back to face him. "You clearly don't want to kill this child. It seems she's a muggle born...we'll just have to wait for proof. You know what love is; otherwise you would not feel as forlorn about your parents as you do. It is quite possible that this girl has no other family."

Malfoy narrowed his eyes at Dumbledore, but his usual sneer wasn't in place.

"Just think, Draco," the Headmaster went on, "it is quite possible that you will see your parents again and have their love bestowed on you, as you are used to. Sadly though, this child will never know love from her parents again. That was forcibly taken from her. An innocent child, Draco."

"I'm sure there are plenty of muggles available to take her in," Malfoy said, his voice shaking slightly. "They're pretty docile about kids, aren't they? I'm sure leaving...her on a doorstep somewhere wouldn't bother them."

"And if the same thing happened to you, Draco?" Dumbledore enquired. "If we decided all wizarding families were just the same and you had been left on a doorstep with some family?"

"It's a bit late to give me an ethics lesson, don't you think, Dumbledore?" Malfoy said tersely. "If I am to go into hiding, it would be ridiculous to take the muggleborn with me."

What? I looked over in horror at Severus, but he shook his head slightly. He walked towards the sofa and I followed, biting very hard on my tongue in an effort not to loudly protest at what I had just heard.

"Call me conniving if you will," Dumbledore went on, leaning forward, "but if you desire my assurance that your mother will be protected, then you must make yourself useful in return." He leaned back again. "And this, Draco, will turn out to be as important to you as it presently is to me."