The Dark Arts
Other Canon Witch
Angst Drama
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Published: 12/18/2011
Updated: 12/27/2011
Words: 10,157
Chapters: 9
Hits: 956

Lost Innocence


Story Summary:
Tracey Davis is fourteen, and about to learn some hard life lessons.

Chapter 08 - Beautiful Boy

Chapter Summary:
Tracey makes the hardest decision she's ever made

Lost Innocence

Part 7

Tracey was only four weeks away from her due date. She spent most of the time trying to rest and take it easy. It was all she had the energy to do. This pregnancy took a lot out of her, more than she was expecting (thought if there was a plus side, at least her chores had been cut down somewhat). Tracey had one final appointment and check up with Madam Nurturessa. She was definitely feeling nervous about the baby coming now.

"Looking good. Head down position, gaining weight," said Madam Nurturessa. "He's ready very soon; we're getting to the home stretch now. After this week, you're at 37 weeks and from there onwards, it's full term."

"I'll be glad when this is over and he's finally here, for more than one reason," said Tracey, looking at the picture of the baby. "I'm waiting awhile after this before I get involved with guys again, and definitely waiting a very long time before I have any more children."

"I'm sure," said Madam Nurturessa.

Tracey was in bed that night. She was having some trouble sleeping because of pain in her back, so she went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. She was feeling a bit shivery for some reason, though it was a warm July night. Tracey felt something trickle down her leg so she got up and went to the bathroom, but she could still feel it. Panicking, she ran into her parents' room.

"Mum!" she whispered, shaking her mother. "Mum, wake up!"

Tracey's mother woke up right away and sat up. Tracey's father also turned over.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" asked Tracey's mother.

"I'm not sure. .but I think my water just broke," said Tracey. "I was having these back pains and was having trouble sleeping, and I felt this trickle. I went to the bathroom but it was still there!"

"OK, OK," said Tracey's mother. "Just stay calm, Tracey, it sounds like the baby is coming."

"But it's not due for another four weeks! It's not even full term yet!" said Tracey, starting to panic. "AARGH!" she cried as she felt the first contraction.

"At this point it's only slightly preterm, so odds are it will be fine," Tracey's mother said reassuringly, as she helped Tracey into the living room.

"I'll get some blankets," said Tracey's father.

"Maybe you can contact Madam Nurturessa, too. Tell her the baby's on its way," suggested Tracey's mother. Tracey's father ran over to write to Madam Nurturessa and let her know the baby was coming, and then ran back with some blankets. Madam Nurturessa was still in her nightgown and dressing coat; she apparated outside the door. He let her in.

"Thanks for coming," he said.

"No problem. Where is Tracey?" she asked.

"In the living room; she said her water broke, so she went to wake up Vivien," said Tracey's father.

Tracey's mother was coaching Tracey through the labour.

"Tracey?" said Madam Nurturessa. "Are you OK?"

"I'll be better when this is over," Tracey replied. "Is it almost over?"

"No, it's just started," said Madam Nurturessa.

Tracey's father left and returned with some hot packs and cold packs.

"Here, this might help," he said.

"Good thinking," said Tracey's mother, she put the hot pack gently on Tracey's abdomen. She then placed the cold pack on Tracey's back to relieve the pain.

"It helped with you. So it just jumped back to memory," said Tracey's father.

Tracey's mother and Madam Nurturessa helped Tracey get through the labour while Tracey's father watched on and supplied fresh blankets. Tracey did as her mother and Madam Nurturessa told her to do. Finally after sixteen hours (and what, to Tracey, felt like forever) the baby was born. The baby had slightly dark skin from Blaise, but the little bit of hair was curly like Tracey. Its eyes were dark brown, and Tracey wondered if they would stay brown or change into green, like her eyes.

"He's here!" said Tracey's mother as the baby cried loudly. Madam Nurturessa gently cut the umbilical cord and washed him, then handed him to Tracey.

"He's beautiful," said Tracey's father.

"He's perfectly healthy. I guess he was just in a bit of a hurry," said Madam Nurturessa.

Tracey couldn't take her eyes off the newborn baby boy. It was the most beautiful and cutest baby she had ever seen, and her heart was full of love for him. How could she have ever considered him a nuisance? At the same time, her heart was filling with sadness and guilt knowing she wasn't going to be keeping him. This baby deserved a good life, and good parents, and Tracey couldn't fulfill that role.

A bit later in the day, the Phillipses and their daughter, Chloe, arrived to bring the baby home.

"I'm getting a bwothew!" Chloe kept squealing when they arrived.

"Yes, sweetie," said Emily, smiling. "You are. Remember, be gentle. Newborns are very delicate."

The Phillipses walked into the living room.

"This is Chloe, she's been excited since we told her we were adopting a baby boy," said Alexander.

"Hi, sweetie," said Tracey's father. "Tracey is in the living room, with her mother spending time with the baby."

Mr Dunstan introduced himself to the couple, and spoke to them. Tracey's father went upstairs.

"Tracey," he said softly. "Sweetheart, the Phillipses are here."

"OK," Tracey said.

Mr Dustan and the Phillips family walked in.

"Hey," she said. "Is she your daughter?"

"Yep, this is Chloe," said Alexander.

"Hey, Chloe," said Tracey's mother, and Chloe pretended to be coy.

"She's definitely not shy, don't be fooled," said Emily.

"Are you ready?" Mr Dunstan asked Tracey gently. Tracey nodded.

"Yeah, or as ready as I'll ever be," she said, and carefully handed the newborn over to Emily, feeling that by doing so a part of her was being handed over as well.

"He's so beautiful," said Emily.

"Does he have a name?" asked Alexander.

"I was thinking of Brendan for his name, but it's your choice," Tracey replied.

"Brendan . . . that's a nice name, I think we'll stay with that name," said Emily.

"It means 'prince'," Tracey told them.

"Hey there," Emily cooed at Brendan who was looking around innocently.

"Thank you so much. We promise we'll keep in touch and keep you updated as much as possible," said Alexander.

"Look after yourself," said Emily, smiling at Tracey and putting her hand gently on Tracey's shoulder.

As they turned to leave Chloe turned and went over to Tracey.

"Thank you for the baby bwothew," she said, giving Tracey a hug.

"You're welcome," said Tracey, hugging Chloe back.

Tracey watched with a heavy heart as the Phillipses left with her baby. That would be his life and his home from now on.