The Dark Arts
Ron Weasley
Harry and Classmates Post-Hogwarts
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 11/20/2006
Updated: 11/20/2006
Words: 499
Chapters: 1
Hits: 130

I Will Always Be There

Contessa Natasha

Story Summary:
I will always be there for him.

Chapter 01


I will always be there for him.

Harry, the hero, who will always save the day.

Hermione, the Brain, who always knows the right bit of information.

And me.

The best mate.

The comic relief, usually the one killed in those Muggle novels.

The one no one really sees, in school, with my friends or even in my family.

Bill is cool, with a globe-trotting job and a beautiful wife. Charlie is tough and strong, is working with his passion, and knows what he wants out of life. Percy is bossy with a stick up his arse, but he is successful and knows his and everyone else's place in life, and will not hesitate to say precisely what he thinks of you. The twins are unique, not just because they are the twins but because of their flair. They may have dropped out of school, but they are still successful, and have a certain aura about them, when they are not pulling some outrageous prank. And Gin is the youngest, the pretty little witch, one of a kind in out family. She can hold her own, but is still the pretty one, the delicate yet fiery one. The one who fell in love with the heir of the family we all hate, and who got us to accept Draco Malfoy into our home. The passionate, manipulative, beloved one.

Me? I am known for being Harry Potter's best friend.

I could have backed out. There were many times I considered it.

In third year, when I was hurt and in the Hospital Wing, he and Hermione went around with a little plot, exchanging knowing, smug looks. They thought I would not notice. I did.

Fourth year, I came so close. So bloody close. I would have done it, had he not been up against the dragons. I'm his best mate, and have to see the danger in everything.

Hermione copes. "Hermione has got her studies" they say "Hermione lives for school" and "Hermione's in love with her work" Hermione hides in her work. Hides from facing her failure, facing her loneliness, facing the fact that she lives a lie. She only focuses on school because she cannot handle the chaos that is the real world. With her books everything is logical. A+B=C. In the real world, there are not certainties, only hopeful possibilities or likelihoods.

Harry refuses to cope. He needs to brood, to be the tragic hero. I get it. Yes, he had a rough life, and yes, he has a huge weight on his shoulders, but he takes everything for granted. How much would I love to be recognized, at least once, while he complains about it all? He takes everything for granted. His life, his studies, his friends. Me. He knows I can't abandon him; the thought never crosses his mind. It's a completely foreign idea to him; that I may want my own life, might have my own dreams.

I will always be there for him.