Draco Malfoy
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 08/05/2004
Updated: 11/09/2005
Words: 106,740
Chapters: 22
Hits: 13,436

Hermione Granger and The Secret Fire


Story Summary:
A secret fire burns within. The seventh year begins and there are new faces, old rivals and a secret so dangerous no one is safe from getting burned.

Chapter 24

Chapter Summary:
A secret fire burns within. The seventh year begins and there are new faces, old rivals and a secret so dangerous no one is safe from getting burned.

Chapter 24-Finally Woken

Hermione's afternoon with the "boys" was reminiscent of the "good-old days" when the three of them were younger. They laughed, they schemed and they all were reminded why they were friends in the first place. As dinnertime rolled near, Harry finally got serious.

"Hermione, I am sure you are wondering why we didn't get on the train," Harry stated looking his oldest female friend. "I'd like to say that it was totally your doing; listening to your warnings earlier. And, I suppose, that is part of the reason. But the truth is the plan was half-baked at best and Charlie decided to come home for the holiday. We really weren't trying to exclude you, Hermione. We just thought the less people know the better."

"What Harry is trying to say, Hermione, is we're glad you're back in the fold," Ron piped in. His smiled warmed her heart, especially because Ron so rarely offered kind words.

As Hermione smiled at her friends' thoughtfulness, Misten stumbled down the stairs, obviously just having woken up. "What's going on down here, gang?"

"Gang? What gang? We're just a bunch of sentimental fools," Hermione chided.

Ron looked quite confused at Hermione's words but piped up with, "Fools that are hungry enough to eat a Hippogriff, although they can be quite fatty. But they eat ferrets! Sorry, Hermione. Let's go to see what there is to eat in the Great Hall."

"Ugh, Ron! Must you be so gross?" Harry asked.

Misten stumbled down the remainder of the stairs and the four went off in search of food, and possibly an adventure.


Several mornings later, Hermione awoke to an owl scratching at her window. Scrambling out of bed, she managed to pull a robe over her shoulders before opening her window. No sooner than she got the letter off, the owl hooted and flew back out the window and into the dawning sky. It was still a few days from the holiday and she was sure it wasn't a holiday greeting.

Yawning and rubbing the back of her hand over her eyes, Hermione climbed back into bed, taking the time to cover herself with the sleep warmed blankets. She had stayed up entirely too late last night and, since it was just dawn, she wasn't really ready to wake up. Harry, Ron, Misten, and she had become the late night owls, staying up playing games, sneaking around the castle, and playing stupid tricks on one another. It was especially easy to tease Misten, as she wasn't as well versed at subterfuge as the rest of them.

Hermione stared at the envelope in her hand and noticed the black wax seal. After casting several spells to see if the letter was safe because it bore no mark of a family, and knowing you could not be too careful in these perilous times, Hermione let her curiosity get the best of her. Slipping her finger under the flap, she slit open the envelope and unfolded the letter.

My dearest Hermione,

I am penning this now while I have the chance, as I do not know what else the holidays will bring. I am lounging in my mother's sitting room, waiting for my father to arrive home for yet another 'family' supper. The house elves have promised that they'll alert me of his arrival before he finds me here. I hate to think of his reaction to something I am certain will be an interpretation of weakness.

I wanted to make you aware of something that I am fairly certain will occur at the end of the break. I am truthfully sorry that I am doing this through a letter, Hermione, but I can't fathom having to see your face as I break the news. I do not think I will be returning to Hogwarts anytime soon. I had hoped this would not be the case, but my many meetings with Father over the last few evenings have convinced me that this is true. He is become suspicious of my relationships at school and has decided that it would be better for the family honor if I were to remain home and finish my schooling with a tutor. One who is well versed in the dark arts, I would assume. I feel that it is safer to agree and not be at the receiving end of his wrath.

Please, Hermione, please understand that this is not of my doing. I wish for nothing but the chance to hold you in my arms and awake to your smile once again. Father's suspicions will only put all at Hogwarts in danger and I cannot be responsible for the death and destruction that would result.

I need to see you again, Hermione. I need to touch your beautiful face and hold your warm hand in mine. I want to kiss you and feel you sigh as you relax into my touch. I want to see the happiness in your eyes when we meet, knowing that you are probably the only person in my life since my Mother's death that is happy to see me.

I would like to meet in Diagon Alley on the 28th. I know how difficult it will be for you to get there, but I beg of you try. My father will be away on business from late the evening of the 27th until the afternoon of the 29th. I shudder to think of what business he may be attending, and would feel better if you were in my company. If you arrive in the early afternoon by train, we should have more than 24 hours to be together. Please come, Hermione. I miss you terribly.

Please do not send any correspondence back to me as I am certain Father is having his most loyal house elf monitor everything that comes in and out. I am sending this letter with my Mother's house elf, Hakkey, who often goes to town. I am fairly certain she will be able to send it with Owl-post unnoticed that way.

I will be waiting at the Leaky Cauldron, room 9, for you my sweet.

All my love,


Hermione looked up from the letter, tears brimming in her eyes, and once again slid out of her warm bed to dress. Taking her time and not thinking too deeply, as she knew she'd lose any control over her emotions she had, Hermione headed for Gryffindor tower. She knew she would find the help she needed from her friends there.


The next day, Hermione and Misten started to put into action the plan that Ron, Harry, and they had created. Hermione was to leave via the 8 am Hogwarts express to visit with her parents in London on the day of the 28th. She would be spending the night with them and would return on the 6 pm train on the 29th. Misten composed a letter from the Grangers to show Professor McGonagall, as special permission was needed because both the Head Boy and Head Girl would not be on campus. Thankfully, Professor Dumbledore did not blink an eye when giving permission.

Ron and Harry would be accompanying her, under the guise of a final "trio" holiday. In fact they were going primarily for Hermione's safety during travel, buy were also looking forward to their own adventure in Muggle London. Ron was giddy with delight at getting to have the holiday he wanted with Harry, but quickly became subdued when Hermione burst into tears at the thought of why she was creating the lie for them to be going to London in the first place.

Misten was taking advantage of the situation and planning on using Harry's invisibility cloak to sneak out. She planned a romantic holiday interlude herself with Patrick. She was quite eager for the opportunity to be out all night without the danger of trying to sneak back inside. She tried her best to make Hermione share the excitement that was building for the other Gryffindors, so she would not focus on the reality that this could be the last time she saw Draco. It wasn't working.

"How am I supposed to leave him in the afternoon of the 29th knowing I may not see him again for years?" Hermione cried from her place on the couch in front of the fire. The foursome was finalizing plans in the Heads' suite and were getting more depressed with every word that came out of Hermione's mouth. "How do I say good-bye to the only man I have ever loved?"

Ron, tired of listening to Hermione's moaning and trying to lighten the mood, said, "What? You don't love me?" To which he got a swift whack in the head from Misten.

"Hermione," Harry said, carefully weighting his words, "have you given any thought as to why Malfoy wants to meet at the Leaky Cauldron? I mean wouldn't it just be easier to meet at Malfoy Manor, since his father will be gone, and all?"

Hermione turned in exasperation and spat out, "I don't know, Harry! Perhaps he's worried about bringing a Mudblood like me into his childhood home. That's really what you mean to say, isn't it? Or maybe it's because he doesn't want me to know where he lives because he doesn't really love me. This is just some plot of his and his father's to lure me out of Hogwarts for my brains. The sex we had was simply part of the act. The poor guy, having to deal with seeing me naked and having to pretend to enjoy all those orgasms!"

Ron moaned and wrinkled his face in disgust. "Hermione!"

"You know I didn't mean it like that," Harry said, holding his hands in front of his face in defense. "I just want to have everything thought out. None of us needs to be going into a situation..."

"I know, Harry! Do you really still have doubts about Draco? I can't believe you!' Hermione replied.

"Best shut it down now, mate," Ron said helpfully to Harry.

With a loud sigh of frustration, Harry tried again, "None of us needs to be going into a situation where we are unprepared. I just want to know we're all on the same page."

"Then lets discuss the plans again," Misten interrupted. "Ron, Hermione, and you will take the train to Kings Cross Station on the morning of the 28th. Hermione will travel on to the Leaky Cauldron where she'll meet up with Draco. Ron and you will go off and do whatever it is that boys like you will do in Muggle London. At 4:00 pm on the 29th you will meet back up with Hermione at the Leaky Cauldron and you'll depart for Kings Cross Station. You'll take the luxurious Hogwarts Express back to Hogsmeade and travel on to Hogwarts. It'll be a whirlwind trip, but you'll all survive."

"But that still doesn't answer how am I supposed to leave him on the morning of the 29th knowing I may not see him again for years?" Hermione sulked.

"One would think you'd be excited with the prospect with getting to see Malfoy before the two weeks is up!" Ron snapped, finally having enough of Hermione's crying.

Misten twisted towards him faster than a seeker's grasp of a snitch and said, "One would think you'd know when to shut up!" But this was not before another wail escaped from Hermione, knowing it would be the last time she saw him.

Ron, properly put into his place, quieted.

"Right then," Harry said, trying to break the tension, "lets move on with the arrangements. Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore know of our supposed plans and us leaving for our holiday. "

"Yes," Misten said and made an X with her finger as if checking off a list.

"And the tickets were bought through Owl post for the trip to and back," Harry continued. "Ron's and my reservations have been made and confirmed and we're ready to escort Hermione."

"So we're all set, nothing to do but wait for the 28th. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to take a bath and go to bed," stated Hermione.

Ron got up to leave, but not before he grumbled, "Thank the Gods! The woman is annoying us all."

Misten grabbed him firmly by the shoulders and said, "Shouldn't you be visiting with Kirian right about now? Her parents are coming for her tomorrow on the Eve, right?"

Harry followed the two out of the portrait and turned to smile at Hermione. "Don't worry, Hermione. It'll all work out the way it is supposed to."


The morning of the 28th dawned to a beautiful red and pink sky. Hermione was up to see the dawn, having spent the night in Draco's bed, as she had been doing often lately, just because it smelled of him. She was overly excited but anxious to see him. So much so that she had awoken well before dawn and was now sitting in the Great Hall with a cup of tea and a dry piece of toast.

Hermione had packed carefully the evening before, taking great care to only pack her prettiest clothes. She decided to wear the jumper Misten had given her for Christmas to London. It was the lightest of pinks and had delicate little flowers along the collar. Paired with jeans and a pair of boots, she looked ever the sophisticate woman of London. Luckily her parents had sent her gifts and she had gotten a warm wool coat to complete the fashion picture.

Ron and Harry stumbled into the Great Hall, looking exhausted. Hermione knew they were excited about their part of the trip, and she was determined to be excited with them. After all, she could cry the whole way back tomorrow.

"Hi boys. Come have something to eat before we go," Hermione said. Spying Professor McGonagall walking their way she added, "My parents are expecting us for a late lunch so you should eat a hearty breakfast to carry you over."

"Miss Granger," Professor McGonagall interrupted, "I'd like to speak with you for a moment."

Hermione got up and followed her Head of House out into a seldom-used classroom. Professor McGonagall looked her over and handed her a well-wrapped package. "This, Miss Granger, is to be used in case of emergency. In these times it is safe to have a back-up plan and Professor Dumbledore asked me to give you this package. Please do not open it unless you are in an emergency situation. Do not tell Mr. Potter or Mr. Weasley that you have this unless the situation arises. No need for concern. I trust you will use it wisely, which is why I am giving it to you."

Hermione's mind scrambled though her confused state and she responded, "I don't think there will be any emergency, Professor. What do you think could happen? We'll be with my parents."

Looking Hermione straight in the eyes, McGonagall responded, "You never know what will happen if you'll get separated from Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley." She swiftly walked out of the classroom leaving Hermione to wonder if she knew the real plans.

Getting aboard the train and leaving for their journey turned out to be quite easy. The train was quite empty, but the students were warned that the trip back would be much more crowded as some of the students returned to school. Hermione, Ron and Harry quickly found a carriage and settled themselves in for the long ride to London. There was no witch selling candy from a cart, so Ron had packed several of his holiday treats as sustenance for the extensive trip. He and Harry set about making piles of candy for each hour, as to not run out too early, and began to play Exploding Snap, reminding Hermione of their first years as students.


"Must you play that game over and over?" Hermione said after the third hour of the game. She had become more and more aggravated with the snapping noise the closer they got to London.

"Must you be so angry?" Ron bit out. He rolled his eyes, but sat back on the bench across from Hermione and seemed to resign himself to the fact that Hermione was nervous.

"Stop it," Harry said to both of them as he folded the cards and put them away. "Hermione, I've written down the phone number of the hotel where Ron and I will be in case you need us. I trust you'll be able to find a phone if there is an emergency."

Hermione sighed, but took the paper from Harry. "I won't need it. What is with everyone and 'emergencies'?"

Harry looked at her strangely and said, "What do you mean?"

Immediately Hermione realized her mistake, but covered it nicely with, "Nothing, really. Misten was worried too and wanted to make sure I was okay."

Harry nodded and went back to cleaning up the mess. Hermione could tell he was bothered by her explanation, but didn't say anything about it. She smiled at his attempt at consideration and was thankful for his friendship once again.

Hermione stared out onto the countryside and thought that London couldn't come fast enough.


Hermione practically darted out of the cab as it came to a stop in front of the Leaky Cauldron.

"Are you certain this is the business you want, Miss?" the cabbie questioned. "It doesn't look like the kind of establishment a nice girl like you should be going to."

Hermione had no time for nosy cab drivers, especially with Draco just 200 meters away. "Yes, sir. I am meeting my parents here." She threw a 20-pound note at the driver, knowing it was well more than he deserved, and climbed out of the cab.

Walking into the Leaky Cauldron, Hermione was surprised at how empty the bar area was and couldn't help but wonder where the day traffic was hiding. Tom saw her come in and as she walked up to the counter he said, "Ah, Miss Granger, nice to see you again. There was a note left for you in the dining area. I'll just be a minute getting it."

Hermione was suddenly terrified that Draco had not shown and that the note was his way of saying good-bye. The fear and disappointment rolled over her in waves, almost making her stomach ill. She saw Tom return and took the note. Opening it she read quickly.

My dearest Hermione,

As promised, my things are up in room 9, enclosed you will find a key to the room. I need to go meet with the solicitor of my Mother's family estate and will be back no later than 3:00 pm.

Remain in the room for me, darling. I can't wait to see you!



Hermione found herself smiling at the note and was embarrassed to see that Tom was still watching her. When he saw her notice that he was watching, he grabbed her things and walked up towards room 9. Hermione gave him a small tip for carrying her bags and wished him well before opening the door.

Walking in, Hermione could smell Draco's scent all over the room. She wandered throughout the room, lifting a jumper to smell that he had left on a chair, touching his quill and ink set, running her fingers over an indented pillow. She knew she was being silly; after all, it wasn't like she hadn't been in his room at Hogwarts this morning! But she was jut so happy and relieved to be back among his things.

"God, what a sight for sore eyes you are," Draco whistled as he walked into the room. Hermione jumped, not hearing the lock or latch on the door. She turned just as Draco swept her into his arms and passionately kissed her.

It was amazing. The kiss was fantastic, romantic and miraculous. Hermione quickly melted into Draco's strong capable arms and knew she was where she belonged.

Pulling away with a mischievous smile, Draco asked, "Miss me?"

"Are you kidding? Your note arriving was the highlight of week. Getting to come here is the greatest thing that could have happened!" Hermione smiled, but it slipped a bit as she remembered the circumstances that led to the meeting. Her head dropped to her chest as she thought about the fact that Draco was not returning with her.

"Hush, now," Draco said, tilting her head back up to meet his eyes, "we'll talk about my leaving Hogwarts tomorrow. I want to enjoy all my time with you today. Besides, I can think of a few things I'd rather do than talk."

Hermione giggled at his suggestion and quickly found herself being tickled as Draco dragged her toward the bed. Lying on her back, Hermione was quickly covered head to toe by Draco. Both were smiling and, although she couldn't breathe this way for long, Hermione was quite comfortable with the weight of her boyfriend on her.

Draco began to sneak kisses. Once on her lips, a kiss to each eye lid, a peck to her cheeks, a slow, open-mouthed kiss to her neck. Hermione smiled and made a noise of contentment as Draco moved closer to her ear. He began licking and sucking the skin covering her ear and just behind it. As he did he whispered, "My Hermione! My beautiful, wonderful Hermione. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Gods, you're sexy! I've spent the last several nights dreaming of this day. I need you. I want you so badly. It's been nearly impossible not to touch myself when I think of you. Mmm, my Hermione."

As he moved across her neck and over to the other ear he continued, "I want to worship you, Hermione. I want to show adulation for each inch of your skin so you'll know how desirable, how lovely you are. Tonight let's be lovers. Tomorrow we'll be back to reality, but just for tonight...just one night...let me love you."

Hermione had tears in eyes at the sweetness from Draco words. She knew they came from his heart and indeed felt loved beyond anything she had felt before. Draco moved up quickly and swiftly captured her lips, drawing a moan from Hermione's throat. She barely noticed as Draco lifted her up to remove her jumper, but as he laid her back down, she took the time to unbutton each button of her blouse, looking him straight in the eye.

"Mmm, oh God, Hermione," Draco drawled watching her watching him, "oh, fuck that's hot!"

Hermione licked her lips and removed her blouse. Grabbing Draco's jumper, she yanked it over his head, drawing a groan from him. "Mmm, feeling like being rough today?"

Hermione smiled and began yanking on his trousers, but Draco stilled her fingers.

"Not yet, my sweet. Not yet," Draco gently removed her boots and took great care at pulling off her jeans. He carefully laid her wand on the nightstand and returned to kiss each hipbone, each thigh, each knee and each ankle. He continued kissing his way up her right leg, lathing each part with a wet, warm, open-mouth kiss.

Hermione was trying not to squirm, but it felt so good and she wanted Draco's mouth on hers. Twice she tried to pull him up to her, but both times he chuckled and said, "Not yet, my sweet."

Draco kissed his way back down her left leg and Hermione began moaning in need. Finally Draco kissed his way onto her stomach, up to worship each nipple and put his glorious tongue into her mouth. She sucked it in quite forcefully and wiggled her way underneath Draco's warm, welcoming body. Tilting her hips up, she hoped he could tell she was ready for him. But instead of taking her like she wanted, he slipped his hand down inside her panties and began to rub.

"No. No, Draco. I want...I want..." Hermione tried to say.

Draco chuckled and said, "Shh! I know what you want. Just relax. You first."

Hermione nearly cried once again as she reached completion, grasping Draco's shoulders and letting wave after wave of pleasure roll over her.

"Fuck, that was good, Draco!" Hermione whispered once she had the strength to talk. Her hands wandered down to grab him when she exclaimed, "Oh, Gods, you don't even have your trousers off yet!"

"Plenty of time for that, Hermione. It must have been good for you to use such strong words. How do you feel?" Draco asked with a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Glorious!" was all she could say before rolling over and off the bed. "Give me a minute. I've got an idea." Hermione, still in her panties, practically skipped into the adjoining lavatory looking for a washcloth she could warm for her hands before she used the massage oil Misten had given her for Christmas. She hadn't been in there more than two minutes when she heard a crash out in the room. As she opened her mouth to call out to Draco, she heard a voice that caused a ripple of revulsion to crawl over her.

"You didn't really think you'd get away with this, did you my pet? Certainly you know better than that by now." Lucius Malfoy's voice glided like silk over the words.

"Father...I..." Draco began, and Hermione could hear the terror in his voice.

"Sending a letter to the Mudblood through your Mother's elf? Did you think Hakkey wouldn't tell me? Did you think I wouldn't know? Foolish boy!" Lucius' tone went from silk to nails as he chastised his son.

Hermione didn't know what to do. Should she leave the relative safety of the lavatory? She didn't have her wand on her; it was lying on the nightstand. She was mostly naked and wasn't even sure Lucius was aware that she was there. Draco could have been napping shirtless for all he knew and she was thankful they hadn't undressed him anymore than that yet.

"Father...I don't know what..." Draco began again, this time with a bit more confidence in his tone.

Lucius however was not fooled, "Don't lie to me, boy! I know all about your affair with the Mudblood. I know it's been going on for months. Your fellow Slytherin's were only too happy to share that piece of news with me when I went to visit their homes today to find out what was going on. Oh how disappointed our Lord will be. But you probably don't care about him, if you're willing to sully yourself with such trash."

"She's not trash!" Hermione heard Draco argue. She was sure Lucius would not appreciate his son's insolence.

Lucius laughed a hollow, mean-spirited laugh. "Do you even follow our Lord's teachings, Draco? How long have you been playing me the fool? How dare you think that I could be so blind as to not see where your true alliances are at?"

"But Father, I need to explain to you..." Draco interrupted.

"SILENCE!" Lucius yelled. It was the first time Hermione heard Lucius Malfoy lose any kind of control.

"You will not lie to me anymore and you will not be spending any time with your Mudblood lover. I question turning you over to our Lord, excuse me My Lord, before I exact punishment of my own," Lucius said, giving Hermione a small taste of the anger Draco saw in his father. "Perhaps I should take you home and we can visit the room for those idiotic enough not to follow willingly."

Hermione heard the tremor in Draco's voice when he replied, "Please Father, no. Father, I am ever our Lord's servant. I...ouch, Father, please!"

And with that tremor and plea, Hermione made her choice. Grabbing a towel to cover her chest, she burst into the room just in time to see Draco being dragged from the bed by his arm. Lucius yanked Draco's arm out of the socket as he tugged him up into a standing position. Thankfully for Hermione, Draco and his father were on the opposite side of the bed from her wand. She wanted to sprint to get it but was terrified by the alarm she saw in her boyfriend's eyes when he saw her come out of the bathroom.

"Oh, what a pleasant surprise! The Mudblood is here! What a curious development! Say good-bye Draco. Say good-bye to this piece of trash," Lucius said with a smile. Hermione had no doubt he was enjoying this latest development. He raised his wand at her, as she tried to reach the bedside.

The alarm barely had time to turn to resignation. Draco looked as if he was about to cry. "I love you, Herm..."

Lucius' eyes widened at his son's words. It seemed he did not know everything about his son's relationship! Before Draco could finish the thought, Lucius apparated them away and Hermione was left to wonder what had just happened and where Draco had been taken.

Author notes: I am so sorry my faithful (and dearly loved) readers. I promised an update MONTHS ago. I have failed you and I am sorry. I have no excuse that would ever be enough, but know my muses left me for an extended vacation. It seems that they have returned.

If it brings you any comfort, chapter 25 is already in the works and should be posted in the next week or two.

We're getting near the end folks...PLEASE REVIEW! Even if it is only to yell at me or give me guilt (which actually started the ball rolling for this chapter).