Draco Malfoy
Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 08/05/2004
Updated: 11/09/2005
Words: 106,740
Chapters: 22
Hits: 13,436

Hermione Granger and The Secret Fire


Story Summary:
A secret fire burns within. The seventh year begins and there are new faces, old rivals and a secret so dangerous no one is safe from getting burned.

Hermione Granger and The Secret Fire 03 - 04

Chapter Summary:
The secret fire is burning and it begins to scorch all in its path. But who is its first victim? What is it about Hermione's new friend that makes Hermione question everything she thought was true?
Author's Note:
Thank you to all who have reviewed. I have included two chapters for the price of one, for the cheap price of reviews!

Chapter Three- Changes: Some expected, Some Not

Malfoy had returned to his egotistical, cunning self on Saturday morning. Hermione and Misten had both slept in the common room and Malfoy had gotten up early to make their lives miserable. It was just as Hermione expected, but had hoped would not take place.

Like a chapter out of a really bad B-movie, Malfoy had transfigured several pieces of furniture into clear, boxed cages around the girls. He then charmed rope to lie over the girls and to tighten if they struggled. He also arranged to have spiders and moths crawling inside the cages with the girls, and got several of the house elves to provide him with a sweet sticky substance, much like honey. He smeared this all over the girl's hands and clothes before hiding their wands in his room.

He awoke the girls by screaming his head off as his tipped-off Slytherin buddies ran in to watch the commotion. As the girls began to thrash about trying to get the ropes off while avoiding the bugs, they wound up smearing the sticky substance on their faces and hair. As they felt the ropes tightened and confine them, the bugs free roamed over them running toward the sticky substance. The free access caused the insects to walk across the girls' faces and then get stuck in various places on their heads, which in turn made the girls fight and struggle even more. This vicious circle continued while Misten and Hermione screamed in fright at the prospect of being in a box with spiders and moths drawn to the sweet substance on their faces while being tangled in rope.

Hermione called for her wand several times, but the box had very small air holes that did not allow her voice to project loud enough to be heard upstairs. The more she screamed and struggled, the tighter the ropes became and the opportunity for her to save herself became less and less.

The Slytherin boys could hardly contain their glee and thunderous hilarity at the sight in front of them. Several of the boys were doubled-over in laughter and had tears streaming from their eyes.

This went on for several minutes before Hermione's brain caught up to what was causing the ropes to tighten. As she relaxed, so did the ropes and, remarkably, the bugs moved less, which caused Hermione to think that the bugs were enchanted too. As everything calmed in her box, Misten watched and copied Hermione's actions causing the same response in the second cage.

Malfoy, seeing that the gag had reached its end, re-transfigured the boxes back into furniture. He left the ropes around the girls, brilliantly, so the Slytherins could escape.

"Not so fast, Malfoy," Hermione spat. "Where in Gods name do you think you are going?"

But Misten wasn't waiting for anyone to leave, or anyone to come a save her. "Accio wand," she called. Her wand came out of Malfoy's room and slammed into her body, before falling to the floor. The ropes were still tight enough to not allow Misten to grab her wand.

"Ah Granger, Finnegan," Malfoy spoke slowly. "Having a little trouble this morning? I thought those rumors of Muggle girl sleep over pranks were just stories."

"Malfoy, you little ferret. Get us out of these ropes. NOW!" Hermione screamed.

"I don't think so. I think the two of you are smart enough to get yourselves out of this. In fact, I am feeling a bit hungry so I think I might go take in a long, leisurely breakfast," Malfoy responded with his trademark smirk.

"Don't you dare! Do you really think you are going to get away with this?" Hermione warned.

"As soon as we are free we're going to Dumbledore and we're going to tell him about the torture you inflicted on the Head Girl and her friend who happens to be a new student," Misten added in.

For a brief moment, anger and pain flashed across Malfoy's face. "What do either of you know about torture?" But just as quickly, the anger and pain were covered up with the typical Malfoy mask. "Still, we can't have you two telling lies to the Headmaster."

With a flick of his wand, all evidence of the struggling and messy morning disappeared. Even the sweet sticky substance smeared in both girls hair was removed. This took place not a minute too soon, as Professor Snape sauntered into the common room and glared at the occupants.

"What is going on in here, Mr. Malfoy? I can hear Miss Granger's screaming six floors down."

"Professor Snape, Malfoy sabotaged us this morning and put bugs on us and honey in our hair and..." but Hermione was not able to finish her story because Malfoy interrupted.

"What? I don't see any bugs or honey. How could I have done that when I have been in the Slytherin common room all morning? They can account for my presence. Besides where is your evidence?"

Snape turned back and forth between Hermione and Malfoy as if he was watching a tennis match. At Malfoy's question, he turned back to Hermione and Misten.

"Well?" Snape asked.

"I...we..." Misten stammered.

"Ladies, it looks like you are fine and I highly doubt Mr. Malfoy would do anything to harm his roommate. Now, if you don't mind, I would like to go and eat my breakfast in peace," Snape answered and stomped out of the room twirling his robes behind him.

As both girls stared at the spot where Snape had been standing, Malfoy's smile lit up the room. He smiled at the realization that he had just gotten out of a serious jam and he knew if it had been any other professor he would be in a heap of trouble.

He glanced at the two dumfounded girls and loudly whispered, "Consider yourselves initiated." The portrait swung open and he exited.


It was Hermione's week for Head duties. As she began monitoring the hallways at 8:00 pm on the Sunday after Misten's confession, Hermione felt excited at the prospect of having a new friend.

Misten had confided in Hermione a secret so deep and so scandalous that even 'innocent' Hermione could see the ramifications if it was ever exposed. Hermione had felt so alone, so misunderstood, so...tired for the past two years after she began to realize she didn't really have any friends to confide in, to be confided in. Some days it had been too much, emotionally, to handle. Often, she had cried, felt sorry for herself and at her lowest had wondered why she had been dealt this lot in life. But other days she felt like she could handle the churning emotions. She saw how her intelligence helped Ron through a Transfiguration essay or how Harry needed her calm, cool head to think his way out of a problem. Even her roommates had needed her for a sounding board or assistance in helping with their female problems.

But now Hermione saw a person with whom she would be able to share information. Someone to divulge wishes and dreams to in her time of need. Someone who Hermione could see would make a wonderful best friend. She wasn't the perfect person, but she was the best shot Hermione had at finding a good friend.

Hermione couldn't help but smile at the thought that she would have a person in her life that understood not only her need at excelling at school, but also her blooming interest in men. Misten had real life experience with men (not just the boys who were so immature). Misten would be able to help Hermione understand how they think. How they make decisions, why they make the choices that they do. Misten would provide her with the inside track on what make them tick.

But Misten would also understand when Hermione buckled down and worked on homework for a few hours. She'd understand the importance of buckling down and doing revisions while preparing for upcoming tests and chapter work.

Hermione spent the entire evening walking around the school and returning students to their common rooms. She was getting close to finishing her rounds as she walked down the stairs into the dungeon. She decided to check to make sure the classrooms were empty when she looked at her watch and realized it was close to midnight.

A noise down one of the hallways caused her to change her plan and investigate. She walked into an unused classroom to find Crabbe, Goyle, Bullstrode and a bunch of other sixth and seventh year Slytherins involved in a game of strip poker. Most of the students in the room had the majority of their clothing still on their bodies, but several did not. Pansy Parkinson had evidently lost the last round as she was trying, with some degree of difficulty, to get her t-shirt off over her head.

"Come on guys, give me a hand," Pansy whined as she struggled with her clothing.

"What, Pansy? Not used to having to do it your self? Have you gotten way to used to some random boy removing it for you?" giggled Millicent.

All the boys, and several of the girls laughed out loud, vociferously. They were much more interested in watching the girl struggle than they were concerned at helping her out.

"What, exactly, is going on in here?" Hermione spoke in a tone that could have rivaled Snape's best intimidating manner. "All of you are going to be written up, not only for being out of bounds after curfew, but also for participating in a game that I am sure breaks several house, as well as school, rules."

Pansy stopped dead in her attempt to free herself from her binding shirt. The sixth and seventh years all looked at Hermione and froze in fear and embarrassment. Crabbe and Goyle looked down at their feet as if something very interesting had suddenly occurred there.

Only Millicent had something to say. "What are you going to do, MUDBLOOD, punish us? There is one of you and seventeen of us. Don't tell me your Gryffindor bravado is strong enough to interfere where you are not welcome?"

Several of the students tried to muffle their giggles as they attempted to be fearless in front of their friends.

Hermione tried to hide the internal damage caused by the hateful and cruel words that Millicent had said. She often wondered if bullies realized how their words could hurt. She tried to make it look like anger and disgust, but she was grossly unsuccessful. Just as she was getting ready to respond, Professor McGonagall practically materialized into the classroom.

"Miss Bullstrode that will be 75 points from Slytherin for insulting the Head Girl. The rest of you have also caused a point loss of 170, ten points from each of you, for your choice in taking part of tonight's activities. You each will be serving a detention with Miss Granger tomorrow evening in my classroom at 6:00 pm. I will also be in attendance, so do not get any ideas on misbehaving during it. And for goodness sake, Miss Parkinson, put your clothing back on," McGonagall screeched, losing her remaining patience.

Hermione and Professor McGonagall got the students to clean up the classroom. After corralling them all back into the Slytherin common room and threatening the portrait that stood guard at the entrance with de-hanging if she allowed any students out before 6:00 am, the two women walked back toward Hermione's private quarters.

Hermione had been wondering how Professor McGonagall had arrived at the perfect time at a classroom had been obviously not been used in several years. She decided to ask the Professor that specific question.

The Professor causally looked at Hermione and responded with a question of her own. "Miss Granger, have you ever wondered how the Headmaster seems to know exactly what is going on in this school at all times? Have you noticed he seems to be aware of more things than he lets on?"

Hermione nodded and McGonagall continued, "Things here are not always as them seem. The walls here tell more stories than the students care to know. Not only do the inhabitants of the portraits talk, but be aware that the walls almost have eyes of their own."

As they reached the Mime Princess' portrait, Hermione thanked her former Head of House for her assistance in the evening's difficult situation. After a brief reminder of the following nights detention, the Professor walked off. Thankfully, Malfoy was not in the common room and was missing from the bathroom. Hermione went to bed and thought about how differently the evening could have gone if she had been left alone in the presence of double digit Slytherins. An unconscious chill ran over her and she turned to fall asleep.


The following evening, fifteen minutes before the Slytherin students were to arrive, Hermione found herself in front of Professor McGonagall's classroom feeling very jittery.

'I am Head Girl,' she told herself. 'I have nothing to be nervous about.'

She walked into the classroom with her head held high only to find it occupied by two people she didn't think she'd find there.

"Professor Snape? Malfoy? What are you doing here?" Hermione said in a tone filled with disgust before she could catch herself.

"Careful, Miss Granger. Your tone is unsuitable in this situation," stated Professor Snape, a note of irritation in his voice.

"Forgive me, Professor, but where are the students who are supposed to be sitting detention tonight with Professor McGonagall?" Hermione questioned, dreading the response. 'I bet Malfoy got them out of it!' she thought.

"Miss Granger! If you would allow me to speak, I would like to inform you that Professor McGonagall has had to reschedule the detention for Friday night. You and Mr. Malfoy will be supervising it. Mr. Malfoy was just on his way to let the Slytherins know of the rescheduling," Snape said sternly, while nodding at Malfoy to let him know it was okay for him to leave. "Professor McGonagall and I have decided to meet with you and Mr. Malfoy this evening."

"Hermione," Professor McGonagall began, pushing out a chair for Hermione to sit in before she took a seat at her desk. "I made Professors Snape and Dumbledore aware of what happened last night."

She continued gently, looking empathetically at Hermione, "We decided, that is, I have decided that it is very unwise for you to continue doing rounds by yourself."

"But Malfoy and I agreed to take every other week and..."

Professor Snape held up a hand to quiet Hermione's rambling, as he took a seat on the corner of McGonagall's desk. "Be that as it may, we have decided that you and Mr. Malfoy should be completing rounds as a team. That way if you should run into another group of Slytherins, or an unbearable group such as Gryffindors, you can handle the situation without threat from the opposing house."

"But I don't need Malfoy's help. If the Slytherins could contain their..."

"Miss Granger!" Snape interrupted, pinching his nose with his fore finger and thumb, "Your lack of respect to the decisions made by your Professors regarding this matter is remarkable."

"What Professor Snape is trying to tell you, Hermione, is that this decision is not in response to an opinion that you cannot handle the position given to you. Nor is it due to anything we have noted in your work ethic. It is due primarily to the fact that Mr. Malfoy has brought it to our attention that several of the students were planning retaliatory events after last evening's situation. It is the opinion of all of us," she continued while glancing at Snape's pained expression, "that it would be safest for both you and Mr. Malfoy if you were to work together on this aspect of your Head duties."

Hermione's crestfallen appearance betrayed her attempt at looking like she was okay with the decision. She looked at Professor McGonagall before asking, "When does this change take place?"

"This evening. Mr. Malfoy has graciously agreed to change his evening plans this week to assist you. However, he will be honoring a previous family obligation on Saturday night, so you will complete that nights duties unaccompanied."

Hermione almost choked when Professor McGonagall said the words Malfoy and graciously in the same sentence. She somehow doubted that Malfoy had ever done anything graciously.

Malfoy came into the classroom and informed the Professors that the Slytherins knew of the change of the detention date. The meeting continued with the four of them discussing other duties and ending with a warning from Professor McGonagall.

"Remember that the two of you are representing the student population. The other students will imitate your behavior. There will be no allowance for disagreements between the two of you, unless you are looking for adult supervision while you are completing your duties."


"So what really happened last night, Granger? Can't handle a few naked Slytherins?" Malfoy asked with a smirk. As they began their tour of the building, Hermione was relieved Malfoy's mood was back with its typical sting, even if it wasn't agreeable to hers.

"Stuff it, Malfoy. I am not happy that I have to be escorted around to complete my job," Hermione responded.

"And you think I am looking forward to baby-sitting on the week I was to have off?"

"Babysitting? I don't need babysitting. I didn't even want you to tag along. I am fully capable of doing rounds without you accompanying me. Look, I am tired this evening and I could do without an argument before we have our little raid tonight."

Malfoy stopped walking and looked at her strangely. "I hardly count this bantering an argument, but, fine. We'll complete rounds in silence then?"

Professors McGonagall and Snape had decided that the first of many raids on the Astronomy tower were to take place that evening at 10:30pm. They had warned Hermione and Malfoy that it would probably take over an hour to write up all the students and complete the paperwork necessary to take away the appropriate amount of points and assign detention with the available staff members. Hermione was surprised to find that Malfoy had taken off quickly after the meeting was over and was closed up in his room, sleeping she assumed, when she got back to the common room. While Malfoy had slept, Hermione had practiced her newly learned Transfiguration methods, thinking she did not need the time to sleep.

After a half an hour of silence, minus the time they spent correcting student behavior, Hermione thought she was going to go mad. 'But what to say?' she thought.

'I know you are one of my biggest enemies, but how was your summer?' or 'so, going to hang out with your Death Eater Dad this weekend, huh? Going to go golfing or take in a Football game?' Hermione giggled out loud at the thought of her silly questions.

"Amusing yourself, Granger?" Malfoy said looking at Hermione sideways.

Hermione was drawn out of her private thoughts and wondered about something else for the hundredth time that night. She decided to ask it before she chickened out.

"Aren't you the least bit annoyed that you have to spend the evening with me? Or that this is the first of many we'll be forced together?"

Malfoy stopped walking and took a deep breath before beginning to walk again. "I can't say I care one way or the other. While walking around the building is not how I prefer to spend my evening, I don't really care with whom I am walking it."

"Even me?" Hermione spoke out without thinking.

"Even you," Malfoy agreed. "At least I have someone to talk to," he added softly.

"But wouldn't you rather be with your friends? Speaking of, how come you weren't with them in their stripping game last night?" Hermione asked.

Malfoy's face showed sadness first, and then anger. "Those morons are not my friends! Granger, don't assume just because I am in the same house as an idiot that I associate with that idiot."

Hermione's temper flared at the tone of contempt Malfoy used. "Well excuse me! You are the one that has been hanging out with the members of your house every time I have seen you for the past six years."

Malfoy's sadness covered his face once again as he responded, "Well, things changed this summer."

Hermione remembered what Professor McGonagall had told her about Malfoy's mother, and she immediately felt remorseful for her insensitivity. The question was bad enough, but the cutting remark about his housemates was inexcusable after the loss he suffered. Hermione felt sympathetic toward Malfoy's situation.

"Malfoy, I..." Hermione began, but she didn't know how to finish it. 'Am sorry?' she thought. 'Feel bad about your Mom?' she tossed out.

"Save yourself, Granger, before you say something you will regret," Malfoy joked. "Besides, I need to stop here for a moment."

Hermione saw they were near the main entrance. "Did you hear something? Anything I can help you with, Malfoy? Is there someone outside? After all it is my night for Head duties."

"Um, it's not something I want your help with, Granger. But I'll keep your offer in mind if I ever need help," Malfoy said flushing with embarrassment as he entered the boys lavatory.


By Friday night, Hermione was ready for the detentions with the Slytherins. She was looking forward to the week coming to an end. She was exhausted, over worked and stressed out from the events of the week, but especially from the Astronomy Tower raid. Not only had it taken over two hours to complete all the paperwork, but she had found Ron snogging Kirian McDonahugh. She was embarrassed because of their relationship but also because he was a Gryffindor and should know better. Malfoy had taken great pleasure in writing up Ron.

Hermione was also surprised to find Misten hanging out with a group of Hufflepuffs. They were not misbehaving in any way she could see, but Hermione was pretty sure they had been drinking butterbeer.

She sighed as she entered Professor McGonagall's classroom getting ready to prepare the written assignment she and Malfoy had agreed upon. Malfoy had suggested the writing assignment as punishment and Hermione had argued at first. She wondered how anyone could think that something as academic as writing an essay could be viewed as punishment. She had thought that a physical task would be a better consequence. Malfoy had responded that it was punishment because he knew the Slytherins would rather die than write.

The Slytherins arrived and Professor McGonagall explained the parameters for the written assignment. Malfoy arrived, fifteen minutes late, Hermione noted, and Professor McGonagall left.

"Oh, thank Gods!" Millicent exclaimed as soon as the door behind Professor McGonagall closed. "I was beginning to think I was actually going to have to write this thing!"

The other Slytherins nodded and grumbled in agreement as they put down their quills.

"Millicent, get back to work unless you would like another night of detention. I happen to know Mr. Filch is looking for someone to clean the second floor lavatory tomorrow night," Hermione responded, trying to gather control of the situation before it got out of hand.

"Shut up Granger, you are the minority here," threatened Derek Sanderson, a sixth year.

"Hey!" Draco said.

"Draco, do we really have to sit through this?" Pansy asked, speaking in her sweetest baby girl voice. "That filthy Mudblood is making my life miserable. If I have to write that much, I might break a nail!"

"Stop!" Malfoy yelled, slamming his fist down on the desk, "this is a punishment from the Head Girl and the Head Boy. Get back to work before I lengthen the assignment."

Hermione found herself starring at Malfoy with the same stunned expression that the Slytherins were sporting.

"Now!" Malfoy yelled, noting that no one was writing.

The rest of the evening passed in quiet peacefulness.


On the following night, Hermione found herself in the dungeons at midnight once again. She was alone, since it was Saturday. Hermione found herself wondering about Malfoy's evening, and not for the first time.

She couldn't stop thinking about what he had said the previous night in detention. She was still amazed that Malfoy had stood up for her in front of the Slytherins. Granted he had told her that they were no longer friends, but she still had expected him to side with his housemates. Hermione turned down an empty hallway and froze in her tracks at a noise she heard coming from one of the classrooms at the end of the hall.

'A moan: that was definitely a moan,' she thought as she tiptoed toward the classroom.

"Hmmm....Ohh. A little more to the left...no my left. Hmmmm...yeah...right there!" a female voice rang out softly.

Hermione couldn't calm the fairies that had begun to take flight in her stomach. 'Must be Slytherins!' She was excited at the prospect of catching two students in the dungeon so late after curfew. And the inner gossip inside her was thrilled by the idea of finding out from whom the moans were coming!

Sneaking into the classroom was not very 'Head Girl', but she didn't want to alert them to her presence before she had a chance to see exactly what they were doing.

As she arrived at the classroom, she tried to peak in through the window, but all she could see was a girl from behind. From what Hermione could see, the male this girl was interacting with had his hands on her head, stoking her hair.

"Maybe we can find a more comfortable position for you," the male spoke in a hushed, familiar voice.

Hermione decided she had heard enough. She realized that she was quite worn-out after her difficult week and she was tired of students misbehaving.

She decided to loudly barge into the classroom. She threw the door back and it hit the wall behind it. She was looking at the door thinking about her strength at opening it when she said, "Okay, you two. You are out of bounds and it is..." Hermione's voice died as her eyes traveled to the inhabitants of the classroom. Her mouth fell open in the shape of an 'Oh' as she realized who she was seeing.

"Misten?" Hermione asked. "Why are you? What are you doing with him?"

Chapter 4-Uncomfortable doesn't even begin to describe it

"Miss Granger," Professor Snape began, "close your mouth and close the door on your way out."

Hermione just stared at her Potions Professor. Her brain, usually so good at processing information, was stuck. No part was working. It wasn't even thinking. It was locked in on what it was observing, but it wouldn't process the stimuli. Hermione was sure she looked like the old Muggle truism; a deer stuck in the headlights. The trouble was that this deer was stuck in the headlights of a rather large lorry.

'Is that really Misten? Why would Misten be here? Where are the students I just heard having sex? Why is Professor Snape here? Who would be having sex in front of Professor Snape?' she thought in record speed.

"Miss Granger! Please leave!" ordered Professor Snape.

Hermione turned around quickly and vacated the classroom. She was halfway back to her dorm before she began to understand what she had walked in on in the classroom. "Oh my Gods! Misten and Snape were doing...what were they doing? Why were they even in there?'

And then, right before she got to the Portrait of the Mime Priestess, the entire sequence of what she had just witnessed dawned on her. The thought hit her like a ton of bricks crashing down on her head. In fact, the thought hit her so hard she had to stop walking to catch the breath that escaped her. 'MISTEN was with Professor Snape having...what? She had thought that the noises she heard were two people having sex. Hermione firmly believed that she was walking in on two students having sex!

'I know that he's human and a man and all, but SEX? With Snape?' Hermione was by no means a prude, but she really never thought about her Professors having sexual relations with anyone. That would require her to think of Professor Dumbledore in the throes of passion. Or, even worse, having to imagine Professor McGonagall having an orgasm! She shuddered at the visualization now burning in her brain.

'But Misten couldn't have been having sex with anyone. She is a good student, who is worried about her grades and who transferred from that school in Chicago for...doing exactly that! OH MY GODS! Misten had transferred because she had been in a sexual relationship with a Professor! Misten had transferred because she had been in a sexual relationship with her POTIONS Professor!' A wave of nausea slammed into Hermione.

'But they were still dressed, right? They were still fully dressed, right?' she thought as she finally tumbled into the common room. 'Oh Gods, why can't I remember if they were both fully dressed?'

Hermione flopped into one of the leather couches close to the fire. Normally, a fantastically comfortable seat like the one she was presently settled in with a warm inviting fire would cause Hermione to unwind and finally relax from her day. But tonight, after what she had just seen, Hermione was anything but comfortable. In fact, uncomfortable didn't even begin to describe what she was feeling!

'Misten was doing what with Snape?' she thought. But all her brain could process was what she had heard before she saw the two of them together. Crookshanks meowing and curling up on her lap momentarily disturbed her line of thought.

"I don't know what I just saw, Crookshanks. But I hope it is not what I think it was!" Hermione whispered. Crookshanks had been her only true confidant for the last three years. She often talked to him as if he could understand (which she was secretly sure he could).

No matter what Hermione did, she couldn't derail the thought train currently traveling on a crash course in her brain. After sitting for what seemed like hours, she got up and proceeded to get ready for bed.

Hermione walked into the lavatory and started by washing her face. She was part way through her evening ritual of getting ready for bed, when she heard a noise. She carefully and quietly snuck over to Malfoy's door, where she thought the noise had come from.

'Voices. I hear voices. But that is crazy. Malfoy is at home for a family function, isn't he?' she thought.

Once again, Hermione heard the voices chattering and then she heard a noise suspiciously like the one she had heard in the dungeons earlier that night. Hermione's eyes widened with horror as she realized what she was hearing.

'Oh Gods! Malfoy is having sex! Malfoy is having SEX IN THE NEXT ROOM! Am I the only one in the castle not having sex tonight? Granted, I have never had it before, so I'd be a stretch that I would be having it tonight, but for Gods sake! What in the hell is the matter with people? Can't they be quiet when they have sex? Why must I hear them?'

Hermione went from mortified to irritated in short form. She practically ran back to the sink to finish her routine when she heard a loud "OH, GOD, YES! YES! YES!"

Hermione decided she didn't care if she wasn't done with her evening schedule; she was going back into her dorm room, warding the door and never coming back out!


The next morning, Hermione honestly thought she was going to be bombarded with the sounds of heavy action coming from Draco's room again. She was pleasantly surprised to hear the sweet sounds of silence instead.

She decided to read in the common room because it had the most comfortable couches. "Okay," she said mostly to Crookshanks, but also aloud to herself, as she grabbed her Transfiguration textbook. "If I was being honest with myself, I'd admit I am curious as to who is in Malfoy's room with him. But really, it's the comfort of the furniture drawing me to the common room!"

Hermione skipped down the steps and snuggled in on the couch. She read for almost an hour before she heard a noise just outside the portrait that made her look up. Malfoy walked into the common room, followed closely by Professor Snape. Hermione just about swallowed her teeth. 'Oh Gods, it's too soon to run into them already! And then it has to be both of them in the same place at the same time? Together? Really? Oh, how lovely,' she thought as she tried to duck down before they saw her. The irony of her words was not lost on her. To-get-her. 'In this case,' she thought sardonically, 'the words just might be true.'

"So I told my Father that I would, of course, be there. As we discussed before I left here yesterday, I thought it would be prudent to..." Draco drawled as he strolled into the room. He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the room was already occupied.

"Granger? Nice look. How typical of you to come out of that room that should be called your 'cave' looking like something that even your cat wouldn't drag in," Malfoy snickered.

Hermione didn't even have time to be insulted as she jockeyed looks between her Professor, who she had heard having sex last night, and her roommate, who, by some quirk of fate, she had also heard having sex last night!

"Yeah, I was just going," Hermione managed to get out of her mouth before she bolted for her bedroom.

Hermione got dressed and opened her door a crack to hear if anyone was still in the common room. Hearing no voices, she ventured out and quickly took the steps intent on running out the entrance. Luck, however, was not on her side.

"Granger, where are you going? It's only 9:00 in the am. The library doesn't open for another two hours," Malfoy asked, now alone, sitting on the couch doing revisions.

Hermione looked at Malfoy and wished, once again, for Harry's invisibility cloak so she could make a clean exit.

"Ah...Malfoy," she stammered. 'THINK Hermione. Think of something to say. Say anything!'

"I didn't realize you were coming back last night," she finally got out.

"What are you talking about? Why would you care where I was?" Malfoy said, looking at her strangely.

Hermione could feel her face becoming red and warm. She knew she was blushing because all she could think of was the girl screaming in his room the night before.

However, the longer she stood there, the more her embarrassment became anger. She was angry, damn it!

"Look Malfoy. Your room is your room, but I would appreciate it if you could keep your little escapades out of our space."

"Escapades? What are you talking about?"

Hermione looked at him incredulously. Was he actually going to sit there and deny it? "Malfoy, I heard your little girlfriend last night."

"What are you talking about Granger? Not that it is any of your business, but I was...wait. What did you hear?" Malfoy said, very interested in the change in conversation.

Hermione could not believe that he was going to try to cover up for the noises she had clearly heard. She firmly expected him to brag and make fun of her for not having a visitor too. "What do you mean, what did I hear? I heard enough to know what was going on in there. And please don't make me relive that experience, even if it is only to replay it in my mind."

"Did you hear a male voice, or a female voice? Or did you hear two female voices?" he added with a smirk.

"Ugg. Don't put that picture in my head. Look just don't bring back any of your floozies to our suite again, okay?" Hermione winced in mental pain as the words came out of her mouth.

Malfoy seemed to accept what she said at first, but then blanched at the words. "What is it to you, anyway. This suite is half mine and I will bring back whomever I want, whenever I want. As long as I am not having sex in your room, you have no say."

Hermione almost threw up at the thought of him in her room having sex. "Bullocks. This is our suite and I won't have that going on here. You'll just have to find someplace else to do that. You're a Slytherin. I thought Slytherins were supposed to be crafty and clever. Think of another place, and then go there."

Malfoy, who had been lounging on the couch, jumped up and ran to stand in front of Hermione.

"I will not! This is our suite and that means I can do whatever I want in my half. Just because your Gryffindor arse could never get anyone to come back here but Potty or Weasel, doesn't mean I have to be punished. Oh wait, you can't even get them to come back here because they have chosen other girls over you!"

Malfoy's words were mean and hurtful. And, truth be told, they stung more than a little bit. Hermione was amazed that he always seemed to know which insult to say to do the most harm. It seemed like he had a radar to know what words would leave the biggest damage.

Hermione thought quickly and decided to plant an evil insult of her own. "Just because you can get your Daddy and Mommy to buy you anything you want, it does not mean that you can have carte blanche here, too. Or don't they care enough to be interested in who or what you want?"

Hermione's brain registered the anguish on Malfoy's face as she said the words. Then she remembered Malfoy's mothers' death and immediately felt horrible.

Malfoy, however, went from mildly annoyed to absolutely furious. "DON'T pretend you know anything about my life and don't talk about my mother, again." He turned around and stomped out of the common room before Hermione could even apologize.


Hermione left the common room and decided to go for a walk. She went outside and began the long walk around the lake. Her mind was swimming from all the events of the past week. Somewhere around the middle of her walk, the tears started flowing freely.

'Malfoy has been hot and cold since we got back from school. At least when he was always cold I knew what to expect from him. Now, half the time he is angry and argumentative, while the other half he's sort of thoughtful and almost considerate. These moments of sticky sweetness are nearly too much to take,' she cried. 'For Gods sake, he's almost as hormonal as a girl!'

'And then there is Misten. What the hell was she doing with Snape last night? Why would she be starting a relationship with a Professor again? And if she wants to royally fuck up her life, why would she do it with Snape? Why is it that the one person I was finally feeling comfortable being myself around had to go and do something so incredibly stupid?

"What is it in my personality that attracts sadistic, depressing homicidal maniacs? First Harry and all his You-know-Who dramas, and Ron with his 'I am a temperamental, stereotypical redhead and I am going to blow a gasket every time something doesn't go the exact way I plan!' Do I crave some attention to be needed? Do I have some desire to be emotionally wanted? It's almost like I have to prove my intelligence by surrounding myself with people who are obviously too stupid, maniacal and perilous to get themselves out of trouble without me. I apparently like to be around people who are disadvantaged and clingy!" she continued to mutter to herself, half out loud.

Hermione unrelenting self-barrage went on until she reached the castle once again. She walked inside and decided to go to the library to look for a self-help book on dealing with irrational, dangerous wizards and witches and the idiots that loved them!

Hermione cherished the library, not just because she found that it provided her the calmness and serenity she needed to concentrate, although that was a lot of it. No, she loved that the books never expected anything back from her. They weren't looking for advice or someone to solve all their problems. They never demanded her attention and if she had a pressing matter to take care of, they were willing to wait.

Books provided Hermione with knowledge on every subject she needed to know about, whenever the situation was presented. And Hermione was not the type of person who liked not knowing something about any subject. She also never had to be witty with books or worry if what she was thinking or saying was the appropriate thing. She could vegetate in front of them and think, or she could escape into another world and not think of anything at all. She could just be herself. Her neurotic, 'thinks to much but absolutely needed by everyone on the planet' self.

Sighing as she walked in, Hermione headed for her favorite table in the back corner. She did a fine job of ignoring some of the fourth year Gryffindors who, she was pretty sure, just wanted her attention to talk about boys.

She was almost there when a hand on her shoulder stopped her. "Hermione? Are you okay? You look like you have been crying!"

She turned toward the familiar, but not needed, voice. "No, Ron. I am not okay. Are you always this observant? Ron, the Master of the Obvious!"

Hermione looked up and saw the concern and worry fixed on Ron's face. Harry popped out from behind a row of books and mirrored Ron's look.

"What are you guys doing in here anyway? You never do homework when I am not around," Hermione shot at them with a little more venom than she intended.

"Maybe that was true in the past, Hermione," Harry reasoned coming up to stand in front of his friends. "But you are never around any more and if Ron and I have it in mind to graduate, we'll have to start sometime."

"Yeah, too bad that time isn't now, though. We're here researching, something...ah...extracurricular," Ron whispered.

Hermione rolled her eyes and hoped it wasn't something sexual. She had dealt with more of that than she cared to dwell on.

"We have had a situation arise and we may need some new spells to deal with it," Harry said cryptically.

"Well why are you in this section? The best spell books are behind the Magical Creature section," Hermione said before thinking. 'Wasn't I just complaining that I was tired of being in situations where I was needed for my intelligence? I guess I do crave some attention to be needed.'

"Thanks Hermione!" Ron said and then bounded off towards the correct section without a second of thought as to his original intent for stopping her.

"Seriously, Hermione, what's the matter?" Harry asked gently, not forgetting his manners.

Hermione sighed and gave great thought as to what to tell him. "Nothing, Harry. Just forget about it."

"Are you sure? Ron's and my research can wait," Harry said as his eyes trailed over to where Ron was investigating.

"Yep. I am fine." Hermione said valiantly. Her tone was lost on Harry.

"Okay. We'll catch up later. You just have to hear why we need the potion!" Harry announced as he walked backwards over to Ron.

'This is why I hate being friends with boys.' Hermione laid her head down on the table and was interrupted by another Gryffindor voice.

"Hey, Hermione. Did you get that Potions project done?" Misten questioned as she set her bag on the table. "Ohh! What's wrong with you?"

Hermione sighed as she picked up her head and looked in the cool, enveloping, and wide blue eyes of one of the people who were the source of the unbelievable amount of stress in her life. "Nothing, Misten. Please, can't anyone just forget about it?"

"No way. I can see you are really upset. Talk to me, Hermione," she begged.

Hermione was tempted to hassle her 'friend' after last night's encounter, but her upbringing made her think better of it. "I said something to Malfoy that was inappropriate."

"Uh-oh! What happened?"

Hermione's crave for female friendship overrode her personal embarrassment by what she said. "I overheard Malfoy having sex last night when I was in the bathroom. It upset me so I confronted him this morning."

Misten looked at her strangely and said, "I thought he was at home last night. Didn't you say he was staying at Malfoy Manor this weekend?"

Hermione seemed to not hear her and continued, "The more we talked about it, the angrier I became and I made a offensive comment about his Mother not caring about him and what he wants."

Misten's eyes widened in shock and her mouth twisted into a grimace. "Wow. What did he say?"

"Something about never speaking to him about his Mother again and then he left."

"Oh wow, Hermione. I am sorry to hear that. Do you think it is repairable?" Misten questioned with compassion in her voice. Something about the concern in her voice shoved Hermione off the very thin ledge on which she was standing.

"Misten, were you having sex with Professor Snape last night?" Hermione quickly slapped her hand over her mouth as the words poured out before she thought them through.

"WHAT? Are you crazy? What makes you think that? And where did that come from? I thought we were talking about Draco?" Misten said, practically shrieking and appalled by Hermione's comments.

"I think that because I heard two people having sex last night in an empty classroom and I walked in to find you and Professor Snape doing whatever it was you two were doing." Hermione whispered the words out with growing embarrassment and irritation.

"Whatever you heard was not that," Misten said, quieter this time but still taken aback by Hermione's accusation. "I went down to ask him a question about the Potions project and I rested my hand on a desk that had some old potion on it. When I wiped my eyes, I got some particle that was stuck to the desk in my eye. I asked him to help me remove it and he did. How could we have been having sex? We were both still fully dressed. Didn't you see that?"

'I guess that could happen,' Hermione admitted internally. 'I can't remember if they were dressed or not!' But she did remember what she heard as she wandered down the hallway.

"But you were moaning and he was looking for a more comfortable position for you!" Hermione wanted desperately to believe her. She wanted to believe that Misten's groans of pleasure were due to the relief at getting something uncomfortable out of her rather than getting something put into her.

"We were looking for some place for me to sit down so I'd be relaxed and stop wiggling as he dug into my eye!" Misten giggled nervously. "I can't believe you thought we were having sex!"

"Oh. You're not mad at me, are you?" Hermione questioned with a tinge of regret in her voice. She still wasn't exactly sure how to make up with a female friend. The boys always forgave and forgot. But girls tended to hold grudges longer.

Misten looked at her with mock anger and annoyance, "Well, I suppose you have had quite a difficult week with all your Slytherin problems and raging hormones at catching all the Astronomy Tower perverts. I'll forgive you this time."

"Good. Now that we are on the same page, what I am going to do about Malfoy?" Hermione moaned putting her head back into her arms.

"Do you really care what he thinks? I know what you said was bad and all, but it's not like you and Draco have ever been that friendly. And other than the times you have to work together, do you really think you'll see him that much?"

"Well considering that I have practically every class with him and we have to share a common room, a lavatory and almost every evening, I think yes, I'll see him a lot!" Hermione said sarcastically. "Besides, Malfoy has been different this year. He's been the same, but different. Do you know what I mean?"

"Not really," laughed Misten. "But do whatever you think is best. Now, I have to get started on this Potions project before the due date gets any closer. Have you started?"

"Yes, actually. I finished it yesterday afternoon," Hermione answered. "Look, I am going to go back to my common room. It's time to feed Crookshanks. Do you want to come there and work on your project? We could compare notes?" Hermione knew she had just missed a major land mind with her accusation of Misten's behavior with Snape before she had all the information. She wanted to make certain that she was forgiven. 'What better way to do that than an old fashion bribe?'

"Anything is better than listening to Ron and Harry go on about their 'problem'. Do you even know what they are researching?" Misten questioned.

"No. And I am not sure I want to know." Hermione said with all seriousness.

Walking back to Hermione's suite, the girls giggled as they contemplated who had been in Malfoy's room the night before. They tossed around names from Pansy Parkinson to the one that Hermione hoped was the farthest from the truth, Ginny Weasley.

"I kid you not, Hermione. That girl has an unnatural obsession with his body parts. I know her brother would kill her if she acted on it, but she goes on and on about his stomach and his arms and his..."

"Stop!" Hermione interrupted. "I don't want to know any more than I do. I have heard for years about Ginny's obsession of the male body."

Misten changed the subject back to the project. Even as she explained what she learned from Snape the night before, Hermione still wasn't sure if Misten was telling the truth. She decided to ignore the pestering questions in favor of having her friend back in good graces. It never occurred to her to ask Misten why she was out of bounds after curfew. It also never occurred to her to ask Misten why she kept calling Malfoy by his given name.

Hermione gave the password to the Mime Priestess and walked into the common room. She had made it a grand total of three steps before she was assaulted with the aroma of cologne weakly covering up some burning smell. Draco was standing next to the fire tossing papers and what looked like childhood mementos into the fire with reckless abandon. He was muttering under his breath and looked like a madman.

"Malfoy? What are you doing?" Hermione asked, her face frowning in confusion.

He spun around to glare at her and she realized he looked more perfidious than normal.

He growled when he said, "Sit down, Granger. We need to talk!"

Author notes: Thanks again, and please remember to review!