Astronomy Tower
Cho Chang Draco Malfoy
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 03/27/2002
Updated: 07/01/2002
Words: 9,785
Chapters: 2
Hits: 2,588

The Dragon's Gambit


Story Summary:
Theirs was an unlikely friendship, forged in misery, but evolving into something deeper. The bond is severed when an unforgiving pride wars against an indomitable strength of will. Knowing that he must accept most, if not all the blame, Draco, ever the master tactician, devises a plan to win back the one person who has always believed and trusted so completely in him. How much is he willing to risk to regain his friendship with Cho?

Chapter 01

Theirs was an unlikely friendship, forged in misery, but evolving into something deeper. The bond is severed when an unforgiving pride wars against an indomitable strength of will. Knowing that he must accept most, if not all the blame, Draco, ever the master tactician, devises a plan to win back the one person who has always believed and trusted so completely in him. How much is he willing to risk to regain his friendship with Cho?

Words: 2,859
Hits: 1,624
Chapter 02

Theirs was an unlikely friendship, forged in misery, but evolving into something deeper. The bond is severed when an unforgiving pride wars against an indomitable strength of will. Knowing that he must accept most, if not all the blame, Draco, ever the master tactician, devises a plan to win back the one person who has always believed and trusted so completely in him. How much is he willing to risk to regain his friendship with Cho?

Words: 6,926
Hits: 964