Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Romance Drama
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 11/08/2006
Updated: 11/17/2006
Words: 31,376
Chapters: 19
Hits: 43,656

Bad Medicine

Cheryl Dyson

Story Summary:
Draco's boredom turns to something quite different when he spies Hermione sneaking through Hogwarts on a mission of her own. What he finds leads him down a completely unexpected path...

Draco's boredom turns to something quite different when he spies Hermione sneaking through Hogwarts on a mission of her own. What he finds leads him down a completely unexpected path...

Words: 2,367
Hits: 3,729

Draco takes up spying as a hobby.

Words: 1,419
Hits: 2,573

Hermione suspects Draco is up to something.

Words: 1,685
Hits: 2,409

Draco makes a deal.

Words: 1,798
Hits: 2,302

Hermione and Draco have a confrontation.

Words: 2,192
Hits: 2,271

The tension between Draco and Hermione grows...

Words: 2,176
Hits: 2,358

Hermione's revenge.

Words: 1,331
Hits: 2,189

The truce.

Words: 926
Hits: 2,137

Hermione and Draco discuss Harry's finer qualities, much to Draco's annoyance.

Words: 1,448
Hits: 2,180

Hermione has a cold.

Words: 1,933
Hits: 2,378

Hermione discovers... well you'll just have to read it, eh?

Words: 1,717
Hits: 2,188

Sparks are flying...

Words: 1,607
Hits: 2,201

Complications arise.

Words: 1,262
Hits: 2,282

Hermione and Harry have a little chat. Sort of.

Words: 1,715
Hits: 2,123

Draco falls.

Words: 1,290
Hits: 2,098

Lover's quarrel?

Words: 1,456
Hits: 2,259

I don't want to spoil it.

Words: 2,294
Hits: 1,978

Draco's decision.

Words: 2,264
Hits: 2,062

The end!

Words: 496
Hits: 3,296