Astronomy Tower
Draco Malfoy/Original Female Witch
Original Female Witch
Romance Adventure
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 07/05/2002
Updated: 08/14/2004
Words: 36,220
Chapters: 9
Hits: 2,588

When Lightning Struck

Chailyn Cole Runewood

Story Summary:
Two American girls, best friends, get zapped into the Harry Potter reality. As witches with the inside knowledge that the books give, they find themselves in London preparing to go into their fifth year at Hogwarts as transfer students.

Chapter 01

Two American girls, best friends, get zapped into the Harry Potter reality, where they are powerful witches with the inside knowledge that the books give. Though both were born and raised in the U.S. they find themselves in London preparing to go into their fifth year at Hogwarts as transfer students. They have all the knowledge their previous years of schooling would have given them.

Words: 5,463
Hits: 742
Chapter 02

Two American girls, best friends, get zapped into the Harry Potter reality, where they are powerful witches with the inside knowledge that the books give. Though both were born and raised in the U.S. they find themselves in London preparing to go into their fifth year at Hogwarts as transfer students. They have all the knowledge their previous years of schooling would have given them.

Words: 4,588
Hits: 229

Same as before.

Words: 6,724
Hits: 259

Same as before. I'm not typing it again.

Words: 2,902
Hits: 224

You know by know, right? Meega and Mione get struck by lightening, and now they go to Hogwarts. Good.

Words: 3,830
Hits: 241

Same as always... :D

Words: 2,753
Hits: 217

The Halloween Ball is here! Meega has fun dressing up, but does she look a bit better than she wants to? Draco has a gift for her, and Fred and George are . . . Carrots?

Words: 4,044
Hits: 210
Chapter 08

After the episode at the Halloween Ball, Meega has a chat with her mirror, pulls a prank involving magical hair dye, and proves to be even more of a Harry Potter obsessie than we knew by quoting large chunks of the books.

Words: 4,052
Hits: 214
Chapter 09

Meega drags Draco into the Gryffindor common room--and then to visit a certian escaped convict.

Words: 1,864
Hits: 252