The Dark Arts
Sirius Black
General Mystery
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/25/2003
Updated: 07/14/2005
Words: 89,214
Chapters: 19
Hits: 16,000

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Passage


Story Summary:
Starting off where we finished with Order of the Phoenix while attempting to stay true to canon. Harry deals with grief, depression, love, and adolescence while questioning life and death in a Rowlingesque adventure that begins at the Dursleys and spans his sixth year at Hogwarts. Harry will discover many revelations about his past and answers to the many questions that remain. If all goes as planned, this is as close as you'll get to the real thing, as I try to remain true to canon and the themes from mythology and folklore that Rowling uses so liberally.

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
The closest thing to Book 6 you'll find anywhere! Or so I'm told. Continues where OotP left off in an adventure that will span Harry's 6th year at Hogwarts. Chapter 5: "Property of Lily Evans" up now

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Passage by Cendrillon

Chapter 6: Property of Lily Evans

Harry held the small book in his hands just staring at the tiny lily on the cover. He slowly opened it, hardly daring to think and yet hoping to find some evidence that it was what he thought it might be.

He found what he was looking for immediately on the back of the front cover. There, written in tiny perfect script, he read, "Property of Lily Evans." Below it was scrawled in the same feminine handwriting, "PETUNIA, KEEP OUT!" This confirmed his suspicions immediately - it was his mother's diary. Harry flipped through the pages again more slowly, making sure to look carefully at every page. But it was no use, the book was entirely blank except for the cover.

Harry quickly threw open his trunk and removed a quill and ink. He sat down on the bed and opened the book to the first page. He dipped his quill in the ink and poised it over the page. He decided to write the same words he first wrote in Tom Riddle's diary.

"My name is Harry Potter," Harry scribbled on the first page. The ink absorbed into the paper but did not vanish as it did with Riddle's diary. Harry waited five full minutes, but no new words ever appeared. Ten more minutes and still the only words on the page were the ones he had written.

"Lily?" Harry wrote. Once again, no response.

"Mum, please talk to me!" he scrawled hastily. Nothing - no perfect tiny script replied, "Hello, Harry!" or "Harry, I'm here."

Perhaps the diary was blank after all. Perhaps it was rubbish, Harry thought bitterly. Even worse, perhaps this was all some very nasty joke from the Dursleys. If so, they had never been more cruel, even when they starved him or hit him or locked him in the cupboard under the stairs.

* * * * *

The next morning, Harry awoke in a very bad mood with his head down on the book and the quill still in his hand. He had filled five pages of the diary, begging for a response, before finally collapsing from exhaustion and frustration.

He reluctantly put on his robe and headed downstairs to join everyone for breakfast. Harry didn't really want to face anyone right now, but he knew they would come to find him if he did not make an appearance and that would be much worse.

"Morning," Harry called as he entered the dining room. Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Remus were already seated around the table and eating breakfast.

"Good morning, Harry," Remus greeted him warmly. "Happy Birthday."

"Yeah, Happy Birthday, Harry!" Ron said with Hermione and Ginny joining in.

"Dobby's made you a very nice breakfast for your birthday," Remus said as he served Harry a plate full of food. There were eggs benedict, thick sausages, exotic fruits, and warm raisin and cinnamon scones with fresh Devonshire cream. It was quite an elaborate feast for so early in the day.

Along with the food came a mug full of rich hot chocolate and a tall glass of freshly squeezed pumpkin juice. It was an incredible spread and it smelled delicious, but Harry could do little more than pick at it. He just didn't have any appetite this morning.

"Are you all right, Harry?" Hermione asked skeptically. "You look like you didn't get very much sleep. Is something wrong?"

"No," Harry said flatly, not leaving room for discussion.

"Well, Harry, is there anything you'd like to do today?" Remus asked.

Harry shrugged and continued picking at his food. What Harry really felt like doing, he couldn't do here and it certainly didn't involve other people. Right now, he would have liked nothing better than to be all by himself watching a television program that would drown out his every thought and concern. After all, it worked for Dudley, perhaps it would work for him.

"There you go again," Ginny said with disgust as she dropped her fork loudly on her plate.

"What?" Harry asked defensively.

"Blocking us out, just like you did last Christmas."

"She's right, Harry," Hermione said, "You are doing it again. Just tell us what's going on. It will help to talk about it, I promise."

"There's nothing wrong," Harry replied angrily.

"Harry!" Hermione replied even more angrily standing up with her hands on her hips. She had the determination and fire in her eyes that Harry knew from experience to take as an immediate warning signal.

"All right, all right, so maybe there is something wrong," he muttered.

"Go on," Hermione prodded.

"Well, after Ron and Ginny left last night, I opened my gift from the Dursleys."

"Oh, they didn't give you a tissue again, did they?" Ron asked. "Don't let the Muggles get you down, Harry."

"Is that the type of gift they usually give you, Harry? If I had known, I would never have given it to you," Remus said apologetically.

"No. No, you don't understand, it isn't like that this time. It isn't trash. Or maybe it is. I just…I just don't know," Harry said in frustration pushing aside his food and putting his head down on his crossed arms on the table so that he wouldn't have to look at anyone.

"Harry," Hermione said tentatively as she touched his arm. "Harry, look at me. You can tell us anything, I hope you know that by now. Tell me, what did they give you?"

"It's…it's a book."

"And?" Hermione prodded.

"And…well…there was a lily on the front and the inside cover says it was the property of my mother, but the pages are blank," Harry said in a rush of words. "I just thought…I thought that maybe-"

"You thought it was a diary like his, like Tom Riddle's, didn't you?" Ginny said quietly with complete understanding.

"Yes," Harry confessed miserably, slumping back in his chair.

"I take it writing in the book did nothing, then?" Ginny asked.

"No, I filled up five pages waiting for a response, but there was nothing. Now I'm wondering if it was all just one big cruel joke from the Dursleys. It sounds like something Dudley would do if he had any idea how much something like that would mean to me."

"No, I don't think it was a joke, Harry," Remus said frowning. "Maybe…I hate to tell you this, but maybe it is just an empty book. Perhaps they thought you could use it for taking notes at school."

"Maybe," Harry replied glumly.

"Harry?" Hermione asked cautiously. "You did check for simple charms and invisible ink first, didn't you?" She laughed slightly, "Oh, I'm being silly, of course you did. I mean you wouldn't write in the diary without doing that first."

Harry felt like his heart had stopped beating. His face blanched and his eyes grew wide. "No…I…um…kind of …didn't."

"What!? You have to be kidding me. Your mother probably was just trying to hide the text, she wouldn't need a spell as complex as Riddle's," Hermione said exasperated, making Harry feel like a complete idiot. "All right, bring it down here, let me see what I can do."

Harry immediately got up and ran to collect the book. By the time he returned, Hermione already had a Revealer in her hand. As Harry handed her the book, everyone moved in to get a closer look.

"Well, it does look like a diary, Harry," Ginny said.

Hermione opened the book to the first page. "See the note she left for your aunt, Harry. I bet she was just trying to hide the writing from her sister. Since she was Muggleborn, she wouldn't need a complex spell to make the pages appear invisible if she was hiding it from her family."

"I guess that makes sense," Harry said. "Aunt Petunia is a great snoop, she spends her days spying on the neighbors. I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to read Mum's diary when they were younger."

Hermione had turned her attention to Harry's writings on the first page and paused with the Revealer, which looked like a large red eraser, in hand over the page.

"Hurry up, Hermione. Try the Revealer," Harry said anxiously.

"Well, I can't do it here. Harry, you filled the whole page! If anything does appear, it's going to be difficult to read," Hermione commented as she flipped to the next page and the next. "You filled five pages? I wish you had come to me sooner."

"Well, it's too late now isn't it?" Harry spat. "Now use the Revealer already or give it to me."

"Fine, fine, don't get upset," Hermione said as she flipped to a blank page and started to rub the page with the red eraser. Nothing appeared. Harry sighed.

"Don't get discouraged yet," Hermione said, "Let's try another page." Another page was rubbed, but still no writing appeared.

"Sorry, mate," Ron said sympathetically to Harry, "Looks like it's blank after all."

"Hold on," Hermione said, "That was just to see if she used invisible ink. We don't know if there's a charm on it yet."

"Aparecium!" Hermione said after she tapped the book three times. Black spots slowly appeared on the page gradually spreading to form letters. Within seconds, the page was filled with the same feminine script that appeared on the cover. Hermione smiled with triumph as she handed the book back to Harry.

"I can't believe it. You did it!" Harry said with astonishment.

"Well it wasn't that hard really. She chose a fairly basic concealing charm."

"This is amazing, Hermione," Harry said as he flipped through the now filled pages. He turned to the first page and started trying to read in between his own handwriting, but became suddenly aware of all the people standing behind him. He snapped the book shut and turned around.

"I would sort of like to…um…be alone when I read this. I'll tell you about it later, of course, but-"

"Oh, right, of course, Harry," Remus said immediately. "I have to go back to Diagon Alley anyways on an errand. Why don't you three join me?"

Hermione and Ginny agreed immediately but Ron objected, "Nah, I think I'll just stay here. I don't care for shopping that much." Ginny elbowed him in the ribs. "Ouch! Hey! Then again, um, maybe I'll just check out the new broomsticks at Quality Quidditch Supplies."

After they left, Harry went up to his bedroom and closed the door, determined not to be bothered when he read his mother's diary. He settled himself down on the bed and turned back to the first page. It wasn't that hard to distinguish her handwriting from his after all since they had used different colors of ink and his handwriting was so much larger than hers. He started to read the first entry.

August 23, 1975

A brand new diary is such a lovely thing. A blank book to fill with all my hopes, dreams, and emotions. Hopefully, Petunia won't steal this one like the others. Even if she does, she won't be able to read it at least. I finally decided to put a charm on it. Sometimes it pays to be the only witch in the family.

My Hogwarts letter came today with the seventh year book list and great news - I'm HEAD GIRL! Mum and Dad were so proud they bought me an owl. It's very cute, like a little brown ball of fluff. I named him Frodo after a character in this book I read over the summer. It seems to fit him.

Petunia is pea green with envy as usual. Mum and Dad aren't so pleased with her right now because she didn't pass her entrance exams for university. Ever since I was accepted to Hogwarts, she's been impossible to live with. She always puts me down and tells me I'll go to Hell for being a witch, but I think the truth is she really wishes she had some magical abilities. I mean who wouldn't? One time I caught her trying to use my wand, she kept shaking it and saying nonsense words. She was so angry when nothing happened. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen!

But then again, maybe she should be thankful she isn't a witch, at least a Muggleborn one anyway. It's pretty frightening being a Muggleborn witch right now with You-Know-Who out there and all. It's hard to believe I might be facing him myself shortly, after I start Auror training next year. Maybe someday I'll be known as the famous Lily Evans, the girl who defeated the Dark Lord. Or maybe I'll just be another nameless Mudblood victim of You-Know-Who, but I'd prefer to think the former.

Oh, I forgot to mention the bad news of the day - Potter is Head Boy this year. Why Dumbledore would make that asinine jerk Head Boy is beyond me. Why wasn't Remus made Head Boy? He's been Prefect for the last two years, not Potter. And just when I was hoping to get to know Remus better. But nooo, jerk face Potter has to step in. Must be because of that incident with Snape last year. No one would tell us what happened, but suddenly Potter is Dumbledore's golden boy.

Making matters worse, in our new duties, Potter and I will have to meet regularly to discuss school issues. I can just imagine what will take place:

Me: So what activities should we plan for the Halloween Feast?
James: How about feasting with me, Evans?
Me: In your dreams, Potter!

I can't even begin to fathom why the boy keeps asking me out, despite the fact that I've turned him down at least three times a day for the last four years. You'd think that at least would have deflated his head a bit by now.

I don't know why the other girls find him so attractive. I mean he's good looking and athletic and smart I suppose, but what good are those when he behaves like an immature brat. A handsome face and great Quidditch skills can't make up for a bad personality in my opinion. I could never go out with someone who would play such cruel pranks, even if they are usually played on a complete slimeball like Snape. I'd even take that little rat, Pettigrew, over Potter.

Harry slammed the book shut. He couldn't take anymore, not yet. He couldn't read another word of his mother disparaging his father. It only confirmed his worst suspicions from last year. She hated him. She truly and utterly hated him. Why did she marry him? Why did she ever agree to go out with him in the first place? It just didn't make sense.

* * * * *

As Harry went to bed that night, he was still haunted by the diary. The image of his mother yelling at his father in Snape's memory kept replaying in his head as he drifted off to sleep.

"I wouldn't go out with you if it was a choice between you and the giant squid," Lily spat at James.

"You will go out with me, Evans," James threatened darkly, "unless you'd like to turn out like Snivellus here." James directed his wand to Snape behind him who was hovering upside down above the ground with pink soap bubbles coming out of his mouth every time he tried to speak. But then the bubbles stopped and Snape's body revolved in the air until he was right side up. But still no sound could issue from his mouth, even though it looked like he was screaming. It was as though someone had taken away his voice. He looked terrified as James directed his wand at him.

James looked back at Lily and smiled sinisterly before turning back to Snape and yelling, "Crucio!" Snape yelled and shook with the pain until James finally lowered his wand and Snape collapsed at his feet.

"Someday, Evans, you will be where he is. On the ground, bowing to me," James said triumphantly. He began to laugh horribly and uncontrollably. He doubled up with the laughter and when he raised his head again, it was no longer James Potter but Voldemort who looked up.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thank you to all those who have reviewed so far. And to those that haven't, speak up! I included a lot of details in this chapter that you can analyze, particularly details of the diary and Harry's dream. I'd love to hear how you, the readers, interpret all of that.

Sorry, this chapter took longer than the others. I've been very busy the last couple of weeks and I really wanted to get this right, but I'm hoping to get the next chapter out much quicker. The next chapter will involve Harry's award at the Ministry. This is not the last you will see of the diary, although it may not reappear for another couple of chapters.

As a reward for your patience, I have a deleted scene from this chapter that will be posted very soon as a separate story and will be titled "HPFP Chapter 6: Deleted Scene." This is a much lighter scene I created to balance out the angst in this chapter but it didn't seem to quite fit and it's not Rowlingesque enough to include here.