Sirius Black
Drama Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 09/04/2001
Updated: 07/25/2004
Words: 32,041
Chapters: 10
Hits: 12,986

Fate's Manipulation


Story Summary:
What REALLY happened to Lily and James that fateful night? Two lost souls are trying to make their way back to Hogwarts and Harry Potter, but many obstacles stand in their way. Will the Potters get their happily ever after or is this just a cruel manipulation of fate?

Chapter 04

Author's Note:
Hello there!

Chapter 4

Snape's anger faded immediately into a white gauzy haze of shock. Was he to be a witness to Harry and Lily's reunion? What was Dumbledore about exactly? He affixed the trusted headmaster with a steely, yet curious look before taking a step into the cottage. "Yes, Headmaster, that was my plan." He turned to watch the headmaster with the students.

Harry shot the Weasley siblings and Hermione a panicked look. Was Sirius in there? Snape could be responsible for his godfather's death and Dumbledore didn't look in the least bit panicked. Harry would have been hard pressed to describe the headmaster's expression. He saw curiosity in the old man's gaze as well as anticipation and keen interest.

"Sir?" Harry gulped back his panic as his voice emitted a shrill sound. "Sir?" he repeated a little breathlessly. "We were ordered here by a friend and I don't think that Professor Snape…." He trailed off and gestured helplessly at his potions professor.

Dumbledore nodded in comprehension and placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. As he gently squeezed the boy's arm, he tried to convey reassurance in his gaze. "Professor Snape has been asked here by me, Harry. He will not cause any problems for you or your friends." He turned back to give Snape a meaningful look. "This is correct is it not, Severus? You mean no harm to Harry and his friends."

Severus started to speak but then reminded himself that Lily was in the room behind him and he owed her many kindnesses for all that she had done for him when they had been young. "I mean Mr. Potter no harm at all." Despite his words, Severus spoke in a vaguely menacing tone. "Your food, Headmaster." He added as an afterthought, motioning to the picnic basket.

"Thank you Severus." Professor Dumbledore's voice softened before he turned back to Harry and his friends. "It warms my heart to see that you have accompanied Harry, Ms. Granger, Mr. and Ms. Weasley. Please do come inside."

Ron patted Harry on the shoulder as he walked in slightly ahead of his friends. As he stepped inside Ron, Hermione and Ginny lingered further behind, exchanging glances of confusion. Something big was about to happen; they could just feel the electricity in the air.

Harry stepped inside to find a motley assortment of people in the small and homey space. His eyes first glanced over the stiff form of the potions professor and then settled upon Assistant Headmaster McGonagall. Instead of her usual severe expression she wore a look of almost maternal misty pride. Both her presence and expression greatly unsettled Harry and he turned his head, seeking the familiar and reassuring forms of Professor Lupin and his godfather.

"James." The whispered name was the only word that came to Lily's mind as she watched her son enter the cottage. Hidden as she was, she was able to observe her son minutely. He was an absolute dead ringer for her husband and even as her heart soared in wonder and appreciation of the young man that stood a mere wooden barrier away, she mourned the fact that his father was still lost to them.

"I will reunite you both." Lily whispered fiercely into the darkness as Harry slowly looked about the room. "I will make us whole again, my precious child."

Sirius had not stopped watching his godson since the door had opened. He was touched by Harry's state of worry for him, and fought with every fiber of his being to stay calm and in control while Harry stood in the doorway. Remus' gently restraining arm on his was the boost his self control needed, but his legs strained with the effort of staying still when all he wanted to do was to launch himself at his godson and share the news.

"Harry." His voice was roughened by the emotion that he held in check.

Harry allowed a tentative grin to begin as he watched Sirius. Something was afoot and judging by the barely repressed smile on his godfather's face it was good news. If Ginny and his professors hadn't been there, Harry might have launched himself at Sirius for a hug, but he settled for a manly handshake. "Hi Sirius, hi Professor Lupin." He ducked as Sirius attempted to ruffle his hair. "Has something happened?"

Sirius shared a glance with Remus before answering Harry. "Something has." He began slowly.

Sirius wanted to capture this moment for a lifetime. Harry's eyes shone emerald, the same emerald he had just seen on the redhead that was hidden away from her son for the moment. Harry's expression was a mixture of intrigue and subtle hopeful enthusiasm tempered with caution. The boy had seen far too much to let his emotions carry him away.

"So." Harry asked shakily. "What is it?" It must have been something major to bring people like Professor McGonagall, Snape, and Sirius and Professor Lupin to the same place. Suddenly, he had a horrible thought and he paled. Maybe it wasn't good news after all…what if it was horrible news that Sirius had to give him? Harry's mind raced, his good mood disappeared in a second, giving way to terror and he focused on the one person that could elicit the most fear in him. Voldemort. It had to be Voldemort! Had he attacked The Dursleys? Though the Dursleys were hardly Harry's favorite people in the world, he had no desire to see them dead at the hands of the dark lord.

"Who is it Sirius? Who has Voldemort killed?" Harry looked from face to face to see shock and horror registering with everyone. "Tell me Sirius." He pleaded in a quiet tone. "I want to know."

Sirius almost seemed to be looking beyond Harry as he shook his slowly. "Voldemort hasn’t done anything Harry." Sirius assured in an extra calm tone of voice. Harry felt himself relax just a bit though fear and uncertainty continued to curl in his stomach. Sirius seemed so sure of himself and so relaxed, yet there was something inexplicable brewing in his gaze and that kept Harry feeling distinctly off balance.

"Please tell me what it is then?" Harry knew that he sounded shrill, but as his panic mounted he found that he was unable to stop the nervousness that coursed through him and the feeling that something life changing was about to take place. Around him stood some of the most powerful people in the wizarding world and the true seat of authority for Hogwarts. They were all in a cottage, a cottage that was well removed from the main castle, yet still well onto Hogwarts property for a reason. But what was it?

Sirius nodded slowly. "Are you ready for this Harry?" His voice sounded grave but at the same time there was a mysterious note coloring the older man's words. Sirius was a study in differing emotions, Harry realized, wondering which emotion would color the announcement.

Harry swallowed hard. "Yes." He whispered.


As James passed by his bedroom, he winced. He just wasn't able to deal with his wife right now and hoped that someday she'd understand. So many emotions from the past were flowing over him, and for the first time in ages, James Potter felt as if he was drowning in his memories. His heart ached to hold Lily, to ruffle Harry's hair, and he wanted so desperately to be among his own kind again.

Throughout the years James had adjusted to this world where magic was just found in books, but he never forgot who he was. He never forgot his family, his friends, his precious child but he had accepted his fate. Now, the thoughts and feelings that had perpetually hovered on the outskirts of his consciousness had bubbled to the surface and he didn't know where he truly belonged any longer.

Wizarding was in his blood and his former life would still be his home if he had been able to return to it so long ago. When he hadn't, he had begun to build a life for himself in his new world. Now, children and a marriage were involved and circumstances no longer presented themselves in stark blacks and whites.

James stood in the darkened hallway and allowed himself to dream. If he could have his fondest wish, he would be home again, introducing all his children to each other and forming a life within the wizarding community. He could be an Auror again; he could make his life quite happy there.

But what of Claire, a nagging voice resounded in the darkness. What would become of her? He had made a commitment to her both as a friend and as a sometimes lover. Current circumstances did not nullify the vows they had made and James well knew that.

James turned to stare at the dark wood of his bedroom door, wondering all the while how to span the gulf that had sprung up with respect to Claire. She was somehow unattainable, as if the present knowledge left her stained somehow. James ran a hand through his hair and tried to dispel his troublesome thoughts. Claire had done absolutely nothing wrong and it would not do to blame her for things that none of them could even begin to understand.

Still, the knowledge that James now had changed things. If Lily was indeed dead, James would have to properly mourn the love of his life and if not…. he'd have to find his way back to her. James rocked back on his heels, stunned by his silent admission. If Lily was alive, he would reunite with her and if not…. would he be able to settle with Claire? Was it fair to his wife and the mother of his children that he be "settling for" and not truly in love with her? He had faced some hard decisions in the past but the children had never been involved before. Suddenly, second best wasn't good enough for James and he steeled himself for the realization that the upcoming days would be hard on himself and his marriage.

He hesitated again for a beat, struggling for something unknown before turning to the door behind which his children slept. He opened the door slowly and stood watching them. They were so different from Harry, yet they were undeniably his children, his legacy. He slipped into the room, then sank onto his daughter's bed.

"Hi daddy." Amanda's eyes popped open immediately and it was clear to James that the young girl had not yet been to sleep.

"Hello sweetheart." James reached over to tuck a lock of her hair back. "Are you having trouble sleeping?"

Amanda nodded her head then sat up, hugging her knees to her chest. "You seem sad, daddy."

Her observation was so direct, yet so honest. James settled closer to his daughter and reached for Amanda's hand. James and Amanda had always enjoyed a close relationship, one that almost transcended her young age. It wouldn't do to put her off and lies and bluffs would be easily seen through. He considered his answer carefully before speaking. "There are some things that make me sad sometimes." He told her somberly.

Amanda nodded knowingly, bringing a smile to James' face. "Do Adam and I make you sad like mommy does?"

James winced from this innocent blow. His children were far too perceptive and he had to learn to adequately shield them from his marital concerns. "No darling. No person makes me sad, not your mother, or yourself and Adam. I love all of you very much." James pulled Amanda into a tender hug and kissed the top of her head.

"Good." Amanda replied, apparently satisfied that her father's emotional health was on an even keel. She frowned in concentration as she spied a stick in her father's hand. It shone even in the sparse light that the nightlight beside her bed cast and suddenly finding out about that stick was very important to the little girl. "Daddy what is that stick for? It looks like a wand just out of the Harry Potter books. Did you make me a wand?"

James shook his head with a tender smile. "I had this lying around. It's just something I used to use occasionally for inspiration." He placed it beside his daughter and lay back on her large double bed. James had initially objected to the purchase of such a large piece of furniture, but often the children read together in bed and fell asleep together, so he soon learned the value of the large bed. He glanced over at Adam, who had burrowed under the covers at the bottom of the bed and smoothed the blankets over both children and himself. Suddenly, the emotional onslaught of the evening hit him in a crushing wave of exhaustion. "Do you mind if I stay here with you and Adam for awhile?"

"No daddy." James missed Amanda's sly smile as she reached for the stick and waved it around. His eyes were closed and his mind was drifting toward sleep as a soft popping sound heralded a hazy purple light. "This is absolutely brilliant." Amanda breathed in awe.

"What was that, love?" James queried sleepily.

"Nothing, daddy. G'nite." Amanda put the stick down with a smile of supreme satisfaction upon her face. The smile was still there as she drifted off to sleep moments later.


As Harry waited for Sirius to speak again, he felt a jolt, as if someone had shocked him. "What was that?" he asked to the room.

Sirius looked even more concerned. He cast a worried look across the room before settling his attention back to Harry. "What happened Harry? Is everything all right?"

Harry nodded rapidly. Whatever had happened was just likely a minor pain, it wasn't anywhere near his scar, and it was already gone. Anyway, he had to know what was going on. "It was nothing Sirius. Please tell me whatever I need to know."

"All right." Sirius said with almost a sigh. He glanced away again before speaking "Harry something shocking and absolutely amazing has happened, thanks to…. Professor Snape."

Harry whirled and looked at his professor in surprise. Whatever he had been thinking, he had never imagined that Snape would be instrumental in it. The professor was looking at him with a peculiar expression on his face, one very different from the anger that Snape usually projected at him.

Harry's gaze slid further and he met his friends' eyes. All Ron could do was shrug while Hermione and Ginny's shock was well evidenced in their wide eyes. Harry knew that his expression must be mirroring the girls'. He gave himself a mental shake and then turned his attention back to Sirius. "Go on." His voice sounded authoritative and strong.

"Harry this is a miracle." Sirius' voice softened to nearly a whisper. "We've just found your mother. She didn't die that night Harry. Your mother is alive and well, and she here with us right now. Are you ready to meet her?"