Sirius Black
Drama Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 09/04/2001
Updated: 07/25/2004
Words: 32,041
Chapters: 10
Hits: 12,986

Fate's Manipulation


Story Summary:
What REALLY happened to Lily and James that fateful night? Two lost souls are trying to make their way back to Hogwarts and Harry Potter, but many obstacles stand in their way. Will the Potters get their happily ever after or is this just a cruel manipulation of fate?

Chapter 03

Author's Note:
Hi there!

Chapter 3-Nearing Synchronicity

James stared at his wand for some long silent moments. His mind churned, his stomach clenched as he tried to deny the truth of the facts before him. Somehow he must have imagined a life for himself. Somehow he must have invented a past based upon a children's book. The world of his Muggle children had always seemed a much safer place and the simpler lifestyle certainly suited him. Without the tangle that his personal relationships had become, perhaps James too could be free again, free to discover his true identity.

Even as James tried to convince himself of this reality, he quickly dismissed it. Upon opening the first book in the series, he fully expected the copyright information to read from twenty or more years ago and was surprised to find a very recent copyright date. "Well there." His sense of relief filled the room. "I didn't really think..." he trailed off. He had thought that he imagined things for one brief wild moment. There could be no denying that fact. His thoughts were running at breakneck speed and he didn't know where to turn next.

"So what do I do?" James reasoned that by talking things out he might come to some resolution about his life. This whole situation was so absurd. Hogwarts existed.... and he had a son named Harry. The rest of it...he shook his head. It was something that James wanted to experience and hear from his son's ears. He would not be a casual observer in his son's life, a voyeuristic reader. Not if he could help it! Even though a large part of him felt foolish, he continued to talk out loud in an informal tone.

James stroked the cover of one of the books gently. His son looked so very much like him! Even the cartoon drawing depicted Harry's brilliant green eyes. James could just picture his boy now. Harry would be tall and rangy, his shock of dark hair a counterpoint to the brilliant green of his eyes. Those living emeralds were Lily's legacy to Harry and they had been his most striking feature even as a baby.

"Harry." Helplessness was inflaming James' state of mind at the moment. He had always been in control as a boy; had always been the leader of his ragtag band of brothers. Unused to sitting back and letting things happen, this situation was a stern education for James Potter and he knew on sight that he detested observing from the sidelines. "Dammit I'm a man of action not some.... some .... " A furious hand slash rent the air and a shower of sparks burst forth from his wand. "Muggle." James finished weakly.

A reverent gaze focused upon his wand and he clutched it close. Holding the pliable piece of wood was comforting to him, it was a security blanket, a reminder of a magical time, a link to the James Potter of old.

Even and slow breathing stilled his racing heartbeat. "Lumos."

There it was! The tiniest ember of a glow mocked him before burning out. James smiled grimly in the darkness. The magic hadn't yet left him! While modern Muggle England was most unkind to magicians, witches, and all things magical, it would not best him. He would find his way home as soon as he could.

A sense of accomplishment stole over James as exhaustion blanketed him despite the fact that it was barely dark outside. All of a sudden he wondered if he had the energy to descend the steep staircase that removed his office from the rest of their home. Finally, the need to be with his remaining children overruled his physical objections and James closed the tower door firmly and walked toward his children's room. He was amused to find that he was still clutching his wand.


Lily swallowed hard and gave Sirius and Remus a smile that bathed the room in brilliant white light. She was finally going to see her nearly grown son. Elation and a sense of completeness were hers as she mentally considered possible outcomes of their meeting. Her arms ached to hold the teenager close and her heart soared with the thought of getting to know the remarkable young man that she had birthed. "Please send for him immediately Sirius." Her tone was breathless and expression, almost childlike in its unfettered joy

Sirius nodded and gave Lily one of his trademark roguish grins. It had been far too long since he had had anything to smile about and now he would be fortunate enough to witness Harry and Lily's reunion...for a split second Sirius felt as if all his personal sacrifices were diminished.

Sirius conferred quietly with Dumbledore for a few moments. Lily watched their heads together and for a moment, she was assured that everything would work out. Sirius and Remus along with Hogwarts' best would get James back. When done, he wound an arm around Lily's shoulders for a moment before composing his own parchment. As he fastened it and a small key to Hedwig, he let out a long held breath of air. "It's done now, Lily. Now, all we can do is wait. The key will deliver Harry to this enchanted point."

"Thank you, Sirius. I do hate to wait though."

"Waiting can be the hardest thing of all my dear." Dumbledore added softly. He spared the owl a smile as it glided out of the window. "Extraordinary owl, my dear, quite a good fit for your son. Harry is an extraordinary young man, Lily. He will not disappoint you."

Lily's hands were like ice despite the warmth of the cottage. Her heart raced almost uncontrollably and her mouth felt too dry to speak. "I...." She began then shrugged her shoulders in resignation." He is my son and that makes him wonderful in my eyes." Though her voice was raspy from unshed tears and sheer emotion, it was strong and determined. "Things are just moving so quickly. Perhaps we should take some time to prepare him for the shocks ahead of him."

Remus studied Lily's face carefully. "You aren't ready to meet him yet, are you?"

Ever perceptive Remus. He had cut to the heart of her uneasiness immediately. In his own quiet way he had found his way to her insecurity. Lily met his eyes and gave him a tumultuous smile. Such a counterpoint to Sirius, Remus would see that Harry wasn't rushed.

"Perhaps you can both speak to him first?" Her head swept from one man to the other. "As James' and my friends, he'll accept the news from you the best and you're not quite the authority figures that the professors are. "

"Would you prefer that?" Sirius' expression had the touch of amazement, as if he could not quite come to terms with the fact that Harry must be led gently into this. Calm and slow was never exactly Sirius' way and his years of imprisonment had lent him a hungry mien, as if all things in life should be grasped and held close in case tomorrow never came for him.

A curtain of flame red hair covered her features; the lightly freckled tip of her nose bobbing up and down was the only sign of assent to the men. "I think that it would be the best for him. It will lessen the shock. He's bound to have a lot to deal with. The uncertainty over James and..." She shook her head as if to banish the troubling thoughts. "Is there a good place for me to watch?"


Ron, Hermione, and Ginny didn't quite know what to say or do as they gathered around Harry. The subject of their worry chewed absently upon his quill and watched the photographs he had spread out over the bed. He didn't meet their gaze and they were loath to break into his thoughtful state. Sometimes the best of friends just stood silent sentry and waited to be called upon.

Ron was starting to fidget as Hedwig flew in and directly to Harry. When he did not immediately acknowledge her, she nipped his finger seeking a place to roost.

"Hedwig!" Harry's voice sounded cloudy with emotion. "That was very fast!" He met the confused looks of all of his friends as his hands fumbled with the tightly compacted piece of parchment. His clumsy grasp caused both the parchment and a small key to clatter to the floor.

"Grasp the key at exactly eight o'clock and you will be delivered to my location. I will show myself when it is safe. Don't worry Harry, everything will be just fine. Signed, Sirius." Harry read the note over a couple of times. "I guess he must be here and in hiding."

"Do you want us to come?" Ron asked quickly. Harry's thoughts rushed ahead as he consulted his watch. Though Sirius was as close as family to Harry, he didn't want to leave his best friend out of this.

"I wonder why he didn't just name a location." Hermione mused. She plucked the note from Harry's hands and she and Ginny read it over.

"Why don't we all go?" Harry didn't want to admit it, but the terms of the note bothered him as well and if there was trouble the four of them could handle it a lot more easily. An attack of conscience had him glancing toward Ginny. "You had better stay here though, Gin."

Ginny's face was quickly as red as her hair. "No way, Harry. It's not like we're going to be in any danger. And I am a part of this group!"

"And just how do you know that, young lady." Ron couldn't resist the comment.

Ginny's brown eyes hardened. "Not another word Ron. If you value your life you won't say another word." She whirled away, latching onto the one friend who made her feel as grown up as they were. "I can handle this right, Hermione?"

Hermione shrugged, caught between her loyalty to the boys and her friendship with Ginny. Finally, the friendship won; Hermione and Ginny were as close as sisters. "We don't even know there is trouble." She pointed out. "And if there is trouble, Ginny can get help. She'll be an asset. She's quick to run and thinks on her feet."

Harry looked at Ron and shrugged. "I tried." He stood up and Hedwig made for the window. "We'll meet you downstairs Hedwig," Harry called out with more confidence than he felt. Something felt strange here and Harry hated that.

"Are we ready then?" Ginny didn't wait for an answer as she reached for the key.

"Wait." Hermione shrilled. "I read about portkeys in a book once. Let me think." She tapped her chin thoughtfully while her gaze riveted on the ancient wrought iron key. "We will all have to touch the key at the same time and then we'll be transported to the location."

"Yeah but what location?" Ron asked.

Hermione sighed. "You need to read more Ron. If you only read..."

"Yeah yeah yeah I know, " Ron interrupted. "I need to read more, thanks for the advice. Now can you tell me the location?"

Ginny arched an auburn brow. "Quit it Ron. Stop being so mean."

Hermione emitted a long-suffering sigh. "I don't know what the location is, but the portkey will get us there."

"Right then." Harry was determined to get his friends moving. "On three all of us put our hands on the key. Ready? One, Two..."

"Three," they all chorused.

Severus Snape had been returning to the cottage with food for Lily and the rest of the assembled group when he felt rather than heard a rustle. He neatly moved aside, bringing the picnic hamper away from his body. His timing was impeccable; in mere seconds four teenage bodies tumbled to the springy grass where he had just been standing.

"Potter." His derisive drawl hung in the air between the teens and Snape. He glanced at the door of the enchanted cottage and spoke a little more loudly. "What are you doing out on the


Harry gaped at the professor as his mind raced. What could he say? He wouldn't betray Sirius. If Snape knew that his godfather was on Hogwarts grounds, he would certainly alert the ministry and soon the Dementors would come. Harry shuddered at the thought of losing his godfather. He opened his mouth to speak.

"I.." Harry began, thinking rapidly for an excuse.

"What are you doing here, sir?" Ginny spoke him. When Snape turned to glare at her, she gave him an innocent wide-eyed look. "It is rather late for a picnic." She observed casually.

Snape looked down at the picnic hamper and shrugged carelessly. "Weasley what I do on these grounds is none of your concern." How could this young girl, this barely teenager have him off balance? Anger rose up from deep inside him, blotting out all rational thought. "Leave this place now. You are not wanted here."

Harry glared at the hated professor. "I don't think that's for you to decide! I don't know what you're doing here but we have a reason...." He trailed off, realizing that he had said too much.

"A reason, Potter? What sort of reason? Could it be that you are just being your arrogant odious self? As you pass through Hogwarts you remind me more and more of your father every day."

Harry wouldn't back down. "Thank you." He said quietly.

Snape returned Harry's glare with equal enmity. "It wasn't a compliment, Potter."


Lily Potter listened to the exchange between her old friend and her son in silent horror as their voices drifted through an open window. She didn't dare make a sound fearing that Harry would find out about her in a most unprepared way.

She had so many questions. Why did Severus seem to dislike Harry so much and why did he keep bringing up James? She looked up at Sirius, her emerald eyes filling with tears at the fury and hatred that passed between the unseen voices just out of her reach.

"Awww come on Lil." Sirius whispered as he held her tight. He wanted to rush outside and control the situation but for the moment Harry's mother was his first priority. "Come on sweetheart, don't cry. We have to get you hidden before Harry sees you, remember?"

Lily looked up at Sirius and nodded slowly. She had to hold her feelings in check until she could ask questions and get answers. For now, she had to hide and let the news be broken to Harry in a gentle way.

"Come with me." Professor McGonagall's words were soft and reassuring. Lily extended a hand that was clasped gently but firmly. "You can stay right here." A wave of her wand and Lily was separated from the rest of the group in a small room with a wooden door. "You can see out but we are unable to see in. Good luck, Lily. I know you'll do the right thing for Harry." She paused a beat and brushed Lily's hair back in a rare gesture of tenderness. "Welcome back Lily. You've been missed." She winced as Harry and Snape's voices rose again. "I'll leave you to it." She said hurriedly and closed the door behind Lily. "Albus please do something!"


Harry stood toe to toe with his professor. "I love and admire my father. He was a hero. He lived a hero and he died a hero. It's an honor to be compared to him even if you try to use him as an insult. It just shows what a small man that you are."

Snape's face went dark with rage and he fumbled for his wand. All self-control was gone; he could only think about wiping the smile off young Potter's face. "I'll teach you respect if I have to beat it into you."

A small cottage suddenly appeared in front of the group of students and Snape. Professor Dumbledore threw the door open and looked sternly at the feuding professor and student. "That will be enough, Severus." He turned to the students. "Come in, come in. Thank you for bringing the food, Severus. Will you be joining us?"