Draco Malfoy
Angst Suspense
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/08/2003
Updated: 12/23/2003
Words: 24,734
Chapters: 3
Hits: 3,048

Unfaithful Dreams


Story Summary:
Morgan is a Malfoy: she has been a player her whole life. But when she and her cousin are reunited, they will cause only heartbreak.``Draco/Ginny Harry/Ginny

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Why was Draco expelled from Drumstrang? Only for something really bad that is discovered in all the wrong ways. And who is Faith Slytherin and why is she being called Faith Black? Well look for hints. Everyone¡¦s on the train now, Ginny makes some new friends. Harry has a very bad dream in which something terrible happens to Draco and an evil is realised in the unsuspecting world. Touches on some heavy problems. The first stage of angst just to get me fired up!!!!
Author's Note:
There are plenty of shocks in this chapter. First we discover why Draco was expelled from Drumstrang, or do we??!!! It's a big shock and it¡¦s a serious accusation and please remember I haven¡¦t written it just to insult anyone.

Unfaithful Dreams

Chapter Two-surprises and lies

#bY CAÝleË#

The halls of St Mungos wizarding hospal stood empty as the young Healer apprentice named Reyna Parton walked along with her clipboard. She was doing her normal Saturday rounds of the Criminally Insane Ward and was running a little late when something caught her attention: one of the doors of an Oval Room was open.

She had only been working in this ward for a few days but she had been cautioned enough times to know for sure that Oval Rooms were designed especially for critically unstable patients and were not to be opened at any time. Reyna stopped outside the door and looked down the hall that led to room 202. She frowned and slowly stepped inside. After taking a few steps, she could hear voices coming from the other end. She paused and leaned against the wall, trying to hear what was going on.

"It is almost done. Draco, pass me that rope," hissed a man's harsh voice. There was some shuffling as somebody moved around the room. "Well hurry," hissed the voice again. After some more footsteps there was silence.

"Malfoy, hurry it up, she'll be awake soon," said a woman's cold voice.

"Bellatrix, if you don't be quiet you can leave," hissed the man called Malfoy. Bellatrix, Reyna had heard that name before.

"Voldemort will not be pleased with this mishap," hissed Bellatrix. Reyna shivered at the sound of the dark lord's name.

"Voldemort doesn't need to know!" snapped Malfoy and Bellatrix hushed. After a moments silence, Reyna decided to go and get the security guard, but she froze when she heard the next words.

"I think someone's listening father," said a boy's youthful voice said.

Malfoy sighed. "Well go and see then, and take Luke with you." Reyna's first instinct was to run, but if she ran then they would know she wasn't meant to be there. So she decided to step out into the hall and continue with her rounds. As she did so, she could hear footsteps behind her.

"Hey you!" called a voice. Reyna froze. Slowly, she turned around to face two boys, both around seventeen. She couldn't make out their features that well but could tell that they were quite tall. Bright light streamed out from the open door to the Oval Room, and as the two boys stepped forward she caught her first sight of their features. The one on the left had light blonde hair, much like his pale skin, he had sharp facial features and a lean body, rather the right build for a Quidditch seeker. The other boy had tanned skin and sandy blonde hair, his blue eyes were so dark they were black and his build was slightly more muscular.

Reyna looked at the boy with the light blonde hair; his description reminded her very much of a Malfoy, especially that set of piercing gray eyes. Reyna's eyes widened in surprise as realisation dawned on her this must be Draco Malfoy, the son of Lucius Malfoy, the Death Eater. She had heard all about Lucius and how he was locked away in Azkaban but was freed Reyna instinctively took a step back and the sandy blonde boy raised his eyebrows.

"Why so scared?" he asked smirking. He had a strong American accent.

"I'm not," Reyna blurted out, but soon realised it was a mistake. The boys looked at each other then back to her.

"You work here" said the Malfoy boy and Reyna nodded. "Why aren't you asking us why we're here then?" he asked. Reyna suddenly felt stupid.

"I-um" she paused and looked at the ground "I-what are you doing here?" she finally demanded. The American laughed and Malfoy just smirked.

"Follow me" he turned and walked though the door down to the Oval Room. Reyna remained where she was, and only moved after the American grabbed her arm and pulled her into the room.

At first she thought it was empty, but then a tall, long-haired, blonde man caught her attention. He was standing near the small hammock bed that was pushed to the side of the room. Lying on the bed was a girl, around sixteen, with long, tangled black. She was very pale, but not in the natural way that the Malfoy boy was, she looked almost dead. There were large circles under her eyes and her purple and silver robes were ripped. Her eyes were closed, and for a moment Reyna wondered if she were dead.

Then her eyes travelled to the woman in the corner. It was indeed Bellatrix Lestrange.

"And who is this?" asked Lucius Malfoy as he strode towards them.

"This, father," said Draco, "is Reyna Parton. She works here. She looks young, I think she could be helpful too," Draco nudged his head in the direction of the girl on the bed. Lucius nodded understandingly.

"Yes indeed she will be" Lucius stepped back to the black haired woman leaning on the wall behind him. The woman, who Reyna assumed was Bellatrix, smiled crookedly. Her eyes lighted up and she looked like a baby with millions of toys.

"Yes!" Bellatrix cried hysterically and her eyes flashed insanely.

Reyna suddenly felt like she'd been stabbed. She was going to be a sacrifice! She was going to be murdered! And for what?!

"Well, we really must be getting back to the manor" Lucius said lazily. "Things to do, brothers to kill."

"Please don't kill me!" Reyna cried hysterically. "Please! I'll do anything!" She fell onto her knees and started crying. It wasn't a sad cry or mournful weeping, it was the cry of a terrified, vulnerable human.

Lucius looked at her with curiosity, raising one eyebrow. "Anything? Well in that case you can come back to my mansion, have some food, a drink then you can die at the hand of Faith and make an evil wizard very, very happy."

Reyna swallowed. She felt like running, but the American boy held her arm tightly. Lucius raised his wand and pointed at her. He said something that Reyna couldn't hear, she'd gone numb. Suddenly, darkness was covering the walls and blocking her sight. She was falling and she knew she wouldn't be getting up any time soon.

* * * * *

Everywhere he looked there was darkness. He could hear somebody else amongst the darkness. More than one person, it sounded like a few moving and he could hear them all breathing. He looked to his right to see Wormtail standing beside him. He was shaking and had one hand over his face and the other, his left, extended out to Harry's. Harry had his wand pointed to the mark and Harry knew that he had just called the Death Eaters.

"We start," he said, but it wasn't his voice; it was a hissing sort of a voice and it echoed around the room in a way that hinted they were in some sort of dungeon. In reply, a blinding flash of light filled the room. Harry remained where he was standing, he had to. He knew what was going on. He was seeing things from Voldemort's view. He could remember going to sleep, so now he was just seeing though Voldemort's eyes. Harry could only hope that Voldemort didn't know he was watching.

Harry looked out to see that he was indeed in a dungeon, a very large dungeon. He, well Voldemort, was sitting on a throne on a stage that had stairs leading down to a large space around the size of two tennis courts. In that area there was a group of people in black robes and ugly snake masks. They stood in a half circle, all facing Voldemort. Behind them was a group of unmasked people that stood in a line facing Voldemort.

"It is time" Voldemort said rising. "That we welcome some of our newest members and any other news, Lucius?" Voldemort turned to the man second on his left. The man removed his mask and Lucius Malfoy, stepped forwards. He smirked broadly.

"Master, Bellatrix and I have a gift for you. Two gifts in fact" he said, and Voldemort stepped down the stairs and stood in front of Lucius. The person next to Lucius, the first in the line, stepped forward as well and removed her mask. It was Bellatrix Lestrange. Harry felt an angry swell inside him. He wanted to murder her right now. He wanted her to pay for killing Sirius. He reached up his hands and put them around her neck. Harry glared at her and she seemed frightened. Her eyes widened in fright.

"Master why?!" she screamed. Master? Harry thought.

"I'm not your master! You killed Sirius!" he cried, except it wasn't him who said it. Voldemort stepped back instantly. Bellatrix was looking at him curiously.

"The boy?" she said and her face changed to a certain hungry look. "Master, the boy is here," she said loudly, and all the Death Eaters exchanged questioning looks.

"Obviously, Bellatrix!" hissed Voldemort. Potter this is getting ridiculous! If you wanted to come to my little party you could have asked. Harry's scar burned more and more, but he wasn't going to leave and he wasn't going to give Voldemort that kind of satisfaction. Harry needed to see what was going on. Harry didn't think, he wiped his mind and ignored his throbbing forehead.

After minutes of remaining where he was, Voldemort finally spoke. "Potter has gone so let us continue" he turned to Lucius, who had managed to keep his face passive. "What have you got?" Voldemort asked and Lucius smirked.

"Draco! Come here!" Lucius cried and in seconds Draco Malfoy was beside his father. It had been a while since Harry had seen Draco before the day at Diagon Alley. Draco had changed; he looked a lot more grown up and seemed scared of something. He also wasn't alone as he stood in front of his father. A girl around Harry's age was standing behind him. She had long uneven black hair and bright purple eyes and, looking closely, Harry noticed that she was actually handcuffed to Malfoy.

"Faith?!" Voldemort said delighted. "Lucius such a gift is priceless. Bellatrix and yourself will be rewarded greatly for this." He then turned to Malfoy. "I hope you're ready, Draco," he bent one of his long, spidery fingers and motioned for Draco to stand in the center of the circle. Harry noticed a large cauldron sitting near the center of a glowing, green star. When the girl handcuffed to Malfoy saw the setup, her eyes widened and she started squirming and pulling away from it. Malfoy grabbed her around the waist.

"Let go of me!" she screamed. "I'M NOT DOING IT! GET OFF ME!" Malfoy pulled her into the center of the star and uncuffed her. "Draco don't," the girl wept. "Don't...don't...don't" she fell onto her knees and put her face in her hands. Malfoy had to remain in the star and it seemed to Harry that once you entered it, you couldn't get out.

Voldemort walked over to the star but was careful not to enter it. "Pull her up boy" he hissed and Malfoy did so. Voldemort pulled out his wand and pointed it at the girl. "Crucio" he whispered. Green light shot from his wand tip and hit the girl in the stomach. "Faith, we must all do our part to uphold the prophecy"

Faith screamed in pain as she lay on the ground. She curled herself into a ball and shook violently. Harry looked to Malfoy who seemed to be restraining himself from running over to the girl's aid. He was breathing heavily and glaring at Voldemort, who didn't seem to notice. It was the first time Harry had ever seen him like this. Like he actually had something to live for and someone to protect.

Finally, Voldemort lowered his wand. Faith wasn't shaking any more. She wasn't even moving and she lay face down on the ground until Malfoy reached down and pulled her to her feet. Malfoy held her up as her eyes opened, they were now a steel gray. Harry was shocked. People's eyes don't just change colour.

"Very good" hissed Voldemort. "How are you feeling Faith?"

Faith looked at him earnestly. She cocked her head to one side and stepped out of Malfoys grip. She smiled evilly at Voldemort. "Let me guess" she said. He voice was different now. It seemed more of a hiss than the light pitched feminie voice she had before. "The time has come, the walrus said, to think of many things. Of-"

Harry had the sudden impression that this Faith girl was quite mad.

"What are you talking about?!" snapped Voldemort. "We are waiting-I am waiting!"

Faith held up a finger and shook her head. "Come now Tom" she said then turned to Draco, her eyes widened and she swung her gaze back to Voldemort, her face stricken with horror. "Not Draco!" she cried. "Theres no way I'm using Draco!"

Voldemort sighed and Faith glared at him. "We are not using him. You told me I needed a sacrifice of opposite gender and that's what I got" he snapped his fingers and a masked man stepped forward and dragged out a girl with short brown hair, who had to be no older than eighteen. She seemed terrified and kept trying to pull away, but the Death Eater was stronger. He pulled her over to the star and pushed her in. Faith narrowed her eyes at her; she shrugged then pulled the girl to her feet.

"Draco! Out now!" she said and pushed Malfoy from the star and he walked to the back of the Death Eaters where the unmasked people were standing. Faith watched him, then turned her gaze to the girl lying on the ground. The girl was crying and begging to be let go. Faith leaned over and whispered something to her. The girl's sobs grew louder and she started to shake. "Come now, don't be like that. Don't fear death. Fear only me" Faith said grinning. She pointed at Voldemort then to the cauldron. "In!" she snapped, and with an unimpressed look on his face, he walked over to the cauldron and stood in it. It steamed and a green gas proceeded from it. It curled around Voldemort like a snake, hissing as it weaved around him.

"Do you need a wand?" Voldemort asked Faith and she shook her head.

"Rise Reyna Parton!" cried Faith and the girl on the ground rose slowly, still shaking and sobbing. Faith raised her hand at Reyna Parton. "This is thy blood, thy bones" Faith hissed and Reyna looked confused.

"This is thy blood, thy bones" said Lucius Malfoy. Faith must've been speaking Parseltongue.

"To take thy age and remain thy self"

"To take thy age and remain thy self" Lucius repeated.

"To feed a wish and take thy life. With thy blood shall wither and trice." Harry ignored Lucius as he repeated the words. He was watching Faith's hand. There was a small ball of shimmering light protruding from the centre of her palm. Her eyes were closed and Reyna Parton's body had become ridged.

"Take thy blood and take thy youth" with those words the sphere of light extracted itself from Faith's hand and hit Reyna in the chest. The light spread though her body and she glowed. The Death Eaters in the circle took a step back. Harry felt an angry hunger towards this Reyna girl. Harry knew it wasn't his longing, it was Voldemort's, but it felt so real.

Harry stared at the girl. She was getting older. Her hair became shorter and greyed until it was white. Her face wrinkled until it looked shrivelled. Then the girl's eyes flew open and she gasped. She fell to the ground leaving a white glowing orb floating above her body.

Her youth.

Faith leaned over and picked up a ridged knife from the ground. She raised the blade into the air, grabbed Reyna's wrist and slit it open. Crimson blood rushed out of the veins and spilled all over the ground. Faith put her hands into the blood until they were completely red. She then turned Reyna onto her back and thrust the knife into the girl's chest. Then Faith raised the blade again and stabbed it into Reyna's stomach.

Faith stood and stepped away from the body. She raised her hands to the glowing orb and as she touched it, it changed to a deep blood red.

"With this blood, taken by force, thy will have youth. Thy will have life" Faith carried the orb over to where Voldemort who was still standing in the Cauldron. Faith put the orb into the cauldron and suddenly green liquid flew from it and twisted around Voldemort and his high pitched laugh filled the quiet dungeon. The liquid became streaked with red then slowly turned white. It clung to Voldemort's body and after a moment it was absorbed.

When he could see again, Voldemort stepped out of the cauldron. Everyone in the room, except Faith, bowed down to him on bended knee. Voldemort looked down to his hands; they were no longer long, white and spidery. Now they were tan and slightly bony, perfectly manicured. Harry felt his stomach twist back at Grimmauld Place.

Faith stepped forward holding a mirror. Voldemort took it and held it up to his face. Harry got a shock when he saw the reflection looking back. It was Tom Riddle. He had to be no older than Harry himself.

Toms cold blue eyes stared back at Harry. He had messy black hair just like Harry's and after studying his reflection carefully, the new younger Voldemort smiled.

"This, my followers, my Death Eaters" Tom announced, his voice no longer a shriek, "is the beginning of our reign. Soon we will rule the entire world and all those who oppose me will die." The Death Eaters clapped and cheered at his words.

"Unless you die first" said Faith calmly and the cheering stopped. Voldemort turned his gaze to her.

"I can't die" he assured her. "I am invincible" he whispered. Faith snorted and stepped out of the star, which now looked like it was drawn with chalk.

"There are ways. There are always ways" she hissed and after taking another step back she disappeared in a blaze of purple flames.

Voldemort sighed in annoyance. He stepped out of the star and strode over to his throne. He sat down quickly and motioned for Wormtail to come over to his side.

"It is time to start the marking, Wormtail" he hissed and Wormtail started shaking.

"Yes master...of course master......I understand master"

"Bloody hell Wormtail all you have to do is bring them forth!" shouted Voldemort and Wormtail fell to his knees.

"Sorry master!" he said and stood. He pointed to Draco Malfoy, and then skimmed his finger over the rest of the ten people. Harry soon recognized some of them as students from Hogwarts. Wormtail pointed to the space in front of him, clearly indicating that they move to stand there. Malfoy led the line to the centre and bowed down to Voldemort.

Voldemort rose from his chair and stood in front of Malfoy. "Rise, boy" he said, and Malfoy did so. Malfoy looked straight ahead and Harry noticed he seemed slightly nervous. Voldemort circled him and his eyes bore into every inch of Malfoy. Voldemort soon grabbed Malfoy's left arm and pushed up his sleeve.

"I am eternally your servant" Malfoy said in a husked voice. He must be squirming inside!

"Indeed you are, and you pledge your alliance to me?"

"I do"

"Recite what your father has taught you"

Malfoy's eyes didn't move and he remained staring ahead at the throne. "There is one way in this world. That is the way of the pure. Those who believe otherwise should be killed for their foolishness"

Harry could imagine Lucius telling Draco this as a bed time story when he was little.

"Are you pure? At heart and in blood?" Voldemort asked and Malfoy nodded.

"For always"

At Malfoy's last words Voldemort pulled out his wand and pointed it at Draco's arm. Harry could swear he saw Malfoy flinch as it touched his pale skin.

"Morsmordre mark,"

It was as though an electric shock had been sent through Voldemort's wand and straight into Malfoy's veins. Malfoy instantly fell to the ground and cried out in pain and Harry felt sorry for him. But seconds passed, then Voldemort took his wand away and stood back as though nothing had happened.

Malfoy slowly got to his feet. He swayed slightly and was staring at his left forearm which now had a black skull burned into it. Harry felt a twinge of sorrow for Malfoy. He could tell by the way his eyes widened at it that becoming a Death Eater was something he had to do, not something he wanted. But then a sleazy smirk spread across Draco's face and any sorrow Harry had felt disappeared completely.

But for some reason Harry was laughing, a low pitched cold laugh that drew attention to him. All the Death Eaters were staring at him respectfully.

"POTTER!" he cried "YOU REMAIN!"

Harry suddenly remembered where he was. Malfoy becoming a Death Eater had driven it to the back of his mind. All the Death Eaters were looking at him as if to suggest he was mad. Welcome to our ceremony Potter. Voldemort's voice hissed. If I were you I wouldn't bother wasting precious feelings on this Malfoy boy. He knows what he's gotten into. Just make sure you inform Dumbledore that things are going to happen this year, with the help of a certain distant relative of mine, things are going to change. Harry felt himself squirm back in his bed, but Voldemort's message continued.

Here's what I'm going to do first, I'm going to make you murder your friends so you can hear them scream. Then Potter, you will kill Muggles and Mudbloods and people will hate you, loathe you. Then I will torture you until you can't move then you will die in pain, knowing that it was you who destroyed your friends and their families. You Potter, you killed them, you murdered them. Your fault.

Harry was screaming now. He killed them, all of them. Harry was shaking and he wanted to kill Voldemort, wanted to make him squirm.

"Harry!" cried Ron's voice. "Harry!" Ron was calling to him. Trying to wake him. Harry remembered he was in bed, but was Ron dead?

Harry turned over and felt himself hit something hard. His green eyes shot open and the first thing he saw was cold, hard floor boards. He tried to move but for some reason he was frozen on the cold floor. His muscles seemed to be all out of energy and Harry just wanted to lye lie there on the floor for the rest of his life. He felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Harry" whispered Ron. "Are you alright?"

Harry couldn't reply, his mouth didn't seem to want to move. Ron pulled him over onto his back and was looking at him with a concerned expression. Harry could see more figures in the background.

"Harry, you alright?" Ron asked again. Harry managed a nod. He didn't know if he was going to be sick or not. His stomach was swirling around. Ron moved back and another figure walked forward. It was Mr Weasley and he was looking at Harry, his concerned face going in-and-out of focus.

"Harry, can you walk?" he asked. Harry nodded and he felt Ron pull him to his feet from behind. Harry felt his head spin and he swayed slightly. Mr Weasley held Harry on his feet and sat him onto the bed.

"Is everything alright?" asked a female voice that Harry recognised as Mrs Weasley. There were other voices but Harry was trying to concentrate on what Voldemort had just whispered and the ceremony. Voldemort had just become younger. Harry needed to see Dumbledore.

"I...." Harry gasped and all the other voices stopped.

"Yes Harry? What is it?" Mrs Weasley asked calmly.

"Dumbledore, I have to....see" choked Harry.

"Arthur he needs Dumbledore"

"I'll owl him" there was the sound of people moving around and a door closing.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing Ginny, go back to your room"

Harry sat up on a pillow someone was putting behind his back. He turned to see Hermione sitting beside him; she gave him a small smile before turning to Ron, who was sitting beside her. Harry felt a twinge of guilt. Ron had everything he wanted, a family, brothers, sisters and parents. He had a home and was brought up in the wizarding world. He also had a girlfriend, Ron had Hermione, Harry used to have Cho Chang, but he didn't know how to tell Ron that she'd broken up with him.

"Dumbledore's here" announced Mr Weasley as he re-entered the bedroom.

A few minutes later, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Mr and Mrs Weasley and Dumbledore sat around the small kitchen table. Everyone eyed Harry curiously, all except Dumbledore who had his twinkling eyes gazing around the room. Finally his eyes fell on Harry and he smiled.

"Now Harry can you remember what it was you saw?" asked Dumbledore. Harry thought for a moment.

"Well you see, first," Harry paused and looked down at his feet. "Not that it matters. It's all old news basically" he mumbled. There was an uncomfortable shifting

"Harry, everything you see is vital," Dumbledore said in a husked voice. "You are definitely not old news. Nothing about you is. Now stop sulking and explain what you saw and how you saw it?"

How? "Okay, I was seeing from Voldemort's view"-there was a shiver from the Weasleys-"and we were in a dungeon, a large one and there were heaps of Death Eaters there and they were having a ceremony. Voldemort was becoming younger-he became younger"

"Younger?" asked Mrs Weasley. "How could he become younger?" she looked frantically at Dumbledore, who was nodding understandably and seemed to be working something out. "Harry, I think it was just a dream, are you feeling any better?"

"He's quite all right Molly," said Dumbledore, then he turned back to Harry. "Tell me Harry was there a girl with black hair and eyes that changed colour?"

Harry nodded. "Her eyes were purple but then they went gray. Does it mean anything?"

"Yes it means a great deal. I assume Lucius Malfoy was there?" Harry nodded.

"What does it mean professor?" asked Mr Weasley.

"It means" said Dumbledore standing. "That Voldemort has regained his youth and now has the form of Tom Riddle. It also means that a great evil has been unleashed, and for how long she had been awakened I cannot tell you, and what her name is, I can not tell you. But I must get to the ministry, I'll see you three at Hogwarts," he added to Hermione, Harry and Ron. And with a twinkle of his eyes and small smile he walked from the room followed by Mr Weasley.

A heavy silence followed Dumbledore's departure. Harry remained staring at his shoe. Hermione was frowning in concentration and Ron was staring at Harry with a bewildered look.

"So you saw all that?" asked Ron breaking the silence.

"Yeah, just then"

"What'd he see?" Mrs Weasley jumped. They all looked up to see Ginny at the door. She was dressed in Muggle clothes and had her hair tied back. She looked at her mother, but Mrs Weasley's eyes had widened.

"Oh dearest me!" she cried standing. "What is the time, we had better get a move on! You've got the train to catch!" she pointed for them to leave the kitchen. "Ginny you go pack, I'll call you all down for breakfast in a few minutes!" she cried after them as they marched from the kitchen and out into the hall.

"We better hurry" Ron said and he helped Harry up the stairs. Harry looked back to Ginny. She seemed annoyed and deep in thought.

"You alright Gin?" he asked and her eyes snapped up to him.

"I'm fine" she said and she walked past Harry and Ron. Harry looked at Ron who shrugged in reply.

* * * * *

"Wormtail" demanded a shrill voice. "The list? Do you have it?!"

"Yes-s ma-master" replied Wormtail and he handed it to the man on his left. Riddle shifted as Lucius Malfoy unrolled the parchment.

"You do realise Malfoy, that this whole arrangement would have been much more unproblematic if your son could have just revised all the students in his school year," hissed Voldemort.

"Well, he doesn't have to be friendly with everyone. He is quite a foul boy" Lucius sighed. "But this list is perfect"

"Recite it"

"Very well" hissed Lucius through his teeth. To be honest he did not want to read out a ridiculously long list when his master was quite capable of reading it himself.

"Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Lavender Brown, Ron Weasley, Parvati Patil, Seamus Finnigan, Meygan Jorkins, Dean Thomas, Jessica Moon, Neville Longbottom, Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy, Tracey Davis, Gregory Goyle, Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, Millicent Bulstrode, Vincent Crabbe, Sally-Ann Perks, Thomas Nott, Padma Patil, Terry Boot, Lisa Turpin, Stephen Cornfoot, Mandy Bruklehurst, Kevin Entwhistle, Morag MacDougal, Anthony Goldstein, Victoria Ryder, Michael Corner, Hannah Abbott, Ernie McMillan, Susan Bones, Wayne Hopkins, Megan Jones, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Isabelle Irwin, Zacharias Smith, Clara Aymers, Ian Lloyd" Lucius said, keeping his voice in a low monotone. When he finished, he rolled up the parchment and handed it to his lord.

"My lord" said Wormtail "do you really think it, um ....wise to send Potter along?" Voldemort narrowed his eyes and Wormtail whimpered slightly. "Ju-just wondering"

"Well Wormtail, I am very positive of my decision to get rid of Potter! You dare question my decision?!" hissed Voldemort. Wormtail moaned and fell back. He shook his head vigorously and his eyes filled with fearful tears.

"No-no master, ne-never. You are th-the sm-smartest. I dare not...I dare not..."

"He's quite pathetic really" commented Lucius and Voldemort turned to him.

"HE IS MY MOST LOYAL SERVANT!" cried Voldemort and Lucius flinched. "He was the one who aided me! What did you do?" It was a rhetorical question and Lucius knew Voldemort didn't need an answer. "Now it must be time" he pulled out a gleaming gold pocket watch. "Yes. Come Lucius, the hour is almost upon us and we have much to prepare." Voldemort stood from his throne and strode towards the door, Lucius following closely.

"Wormtail, go and find Snape, he will have information for you about the snitch. Some one will be murdered tonight" Lucius ordered and walked in front of Voldemort to open the door.

"We all enjoy murder" Voldemort hissed. "I can murder, I can smile as I murder" he smiled and then strode though the door, Lucius at his heals and leaving a distressed Wormtail whimpering beside the throne.

* * * * *

"Nothing Ginny, go back to your room"

Ginny stormed from Harry and Ron's room and up the stairs. Here's poor little me being treated like a baby, as per usual! Ginny flung the door open and stormed across the room and collapsed onto her bed. She tried not to cry but a few angry tears ran down her red cheeks. Just then there was a strange tapping noise, then something soft landed on Ginny's back. She gave a small scream and rolled over quickly.

There was a screech and as she looked around Ginny noticed a beautiful owl, that seemed to be almost silver. It was sitting grandly at the end of her bed and clucking its tongue impatiently. Its large golden eyes seemed to be looking Ginny up and down, seeing if she was Worthy.

"Wow, you're a gorgeous owl. You're very pretty" Ginny said politely and the owl seemed to appreciate her comment. It nodded its head and stuck out its leg. There was a role of parchment attached to it. Ginny leaned forward and untied it carefully. After she pulled it off the owl bowed its head and soared out the window.

Ginny unfolded the letter curiously. Who would be writing to her? Definitely not Lee or Emma. She opened it and raised her eyebrows at the neat, curling writing; she then felt a strange buzz in her chest as she saw a crest at the top. It was a snake, entwining itself around a fancy M. It must be a letter from Morgan Malfoy. Ginny returned her gaze to the writing,

Dear Ginny,

Hi, it's me, Morgan. I was just wondering how things are going with you. I hope your brother hasn't been giving you a hard time or anything because of Draco, he can be such a jerk. Anyway, I'm hoping that we can sit together on the train today, that's if you want to be spared the torture of those other girls you were with. If not, then please consider my offer of friendship. I've only ever really had two real friends and I was hoping we could be friends.

I've had a pretty horrible summer and I wasn't sure where you were, so I just sent my Auntie's owl. I a hope she ill be able to find you. If you want to sit with me on the train I'll see you on the platform, well see you this arvo!

Morgan Malfoy

Ginny reread the letter again. A Malfoy wanted to be friends with her? Ginny Weasley! She laughed and jumped to her feet. She ran over to her chest of draws and pulled out a t-shirt and blue jeans. If what Morgan had said was true, then Ginny might finally have a real friend, and a Malfoy friend, a Slytherin friend?

Ginny looked at her reflection and smiled, and then she frowned at her freckles. Morgan seemed the girly type, maybe she knew make-up spells. Ginny grabbed a band and pulled her hair back in a rough ponytail, and then she skipped happily from the room.

As she reached the top of the stairs, she froze. Dumbledore was standing by the doorway talking to her father.

"-Tom Riddle" Dumbledore concluded and Ginny's father nodded.

"It will be hard, Ginny was traumatic, and her injuries seemed more mental than physical"

"I understand. She will of course be safe at Hogwarts. I will see you in a few months, Arthur" and Dumbledore nodded then walked out the door. Ginny's father stood there for a moment then walked though a dor that lead to the lounge.

Ginny ran down the rest of the stairs and just as she reached the kitchen door. As she went to open it she paused at Ron's voice.

"So you saw all that?" he asked, and Ginny opened the door.

"Yeah, just then" Harry replied. Ginny decided this a moment to announce she was there.

"What'd he see?" she asked and her mother nearly jumped from her skin.

"Oh dearest me!" she cried standing. "What is the time, we had better get a move on! You've got the train to catch!" she pointed for them to leave the kitchen. "Ginny you go pack, I'll call you all down for breakfast in a few minutes!" she cried after them as they marched from the kitchen and out into the hall.

Ginny followed Ron and Harry up the stairs, she had her thoughts on what Dumbledore had said. He had definitely said Tom Riddle. But could Tom be back or was he simply talking about Voldemort, Harry had told her that Dumbledore called Voldemort by his real name.

"You alright Gin?" Harry asked and Ginny looked up at him. He was leaning on Ron for support.

"I'm fine" Ginny said quietly and she walked past them and into her room where Hermione was just starting to pack. As Ginny entered, she looked up at Ginny and quickly looked away. "Anything wrong?" Ginny asked.

"No, everything's fine," Hermione mumbled and they packed their things in silence.

* * * * *

Drazic Malfoy peered over the top of the Sunday Morning Prophet at his unusually glum daughter. She was staring absently out the large Malfoy Manor, dinning hall windows. Her face was set and her expression vacant.

"Is anything the matter Morgan?" he asked, and she looked at him and shook her head.

"I think I'll go for a walk. I've got a letter to write" said Morgan. She stood and walked swiftly out of the hall, her breakfast left behind untouched. Drazic frowned. She was so much like her mother, so secretive and beautiful, so graceful and rebellious. In a strange way his daughter's resemblance to her mother scared him. Some days he couldn't look at her. He rarely saw a part of himself in her, only her eyes came close to his, even her long blonde hair was more like Morgana's than the well known silvery Malfoy hair.

At that moment the doors opened and in walked Draco. He was looking very smug and sat in Morgan's vacant seat, her breakfast had disappeared and been replaced with clean silver plates.

"Why so smug?" Drazic asked and Draco looked up at his uncle smirking.

"No reason."

"So your face looks like that all the time does it?" Drazic laughed at his joke and Draco smiled. Draco had always preferred his uncle over his father.

"Well I just discovered that when my father dies I get a lot of gold." Food had had now appeared on his plate and he began eating. Drazic watched him with interest. Could his young nephew be planing Lucius' death? Drazic smiled and held up the Daily Prophet to continue reading about how dragons were becoming wilder by the day.

"Where is your father anyway?" Drazic asked after he finished reading. Draco shrugged and rose from his seat.

"He was looking for you earlier" said Draco and after an understood nod from Drazic, he headed for the dinning hall doors. Just as he reached them, he stopped and turned. "And Uncle, it wasn't good, what he wanted you for. He was quite mad" and with that last comment he left the hall. Drazic raised his eyebrows. Was he found out? What would they do with Morgan? He stood quickly but just at that moment the doors opened and in stormed Lucius.

"Drazic!" he cried. His face was livid with rage and he furiously strode towards Drazic, who was frozen on the spot and trying to look surprised at his brother's outrage.

"Good morning my dear brother, now I was just having a rather interesting conversation with Draco" Drazic said keeping his gaze straight. That's when he noticed that the curtains had closed and the room was getting strangely dark, only a few candles lighted the small area where Drazic and Lucius were standing.

"And what could a traitor such as yourself, possibly find interesting to talk about with a pure hearted son such as mine?" Lucius hissed.

"Traitor? My dear brother I assure you that-"

"That what?!" Lucius spat. "That you only reported a few of our plans to that treacherous Dumbledore?! That you didn't tell him everything?! Well I have news for you! A very reliable source has told me of your ways of spying and reporting to the Order of The Phoenix, who I remind you are our enemies!" Lucius' eyes flashed. "There is only one way to settle this" Lucius pulled out his wand from his belt and pointed it at his younger brother.

"You will be imprisoned in the dungeons until we have evidence" said Lucius, and at that moment the dinning hall doors opened and Morgan and Draco wandered in. Morgan's eyes widened in alarm at seeing Lucius with his wand pointed steadily at her father.

"What is going on?" she cried and she ran to her father's side. Lucius moved his wand to her.

"Or maybe" he said through his teeth, "it was Morgan" he questioned, looking at Drazic. Drazic's expression changed from shock to anger.

"Get off it Lucius! Morgan's got nothing to do with this!" Drazic cried. Suddenly ropes shot from the end of Lucius' wand and entwined themselves tightly around Drazic. Drazic fell to the ground and Morgan kneeled down beside him.

"What did you do?!" she screamed, glaring at Lucius. Draco walked over to Morgan's side and pulled her to her feet. Morgan was staring at her father on the edge of tears. Suddenly with a swift movement, she pushed Draco away from her and ran from the hall. Draco instinctively went to follow her but Lucius grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it.

"Draco, don't spend your life chasing after the weaker of the blood chain" he hissed. Draco turned to him, then he nodded and without a word he walked slowly from the hall.

When he reached the entrance hall Draco noticed a figure standing by the door. Draco turned expecting it to be his cousin. But it was not Morgan who faced Draco with an expression of haughty dignity. It was someone from Draco's dreams, his nightmares and his memories. But how could he be real? Lucas was his long-time childhood friend that only he could see, and then, as he got older, Lucas only appeared when his eyes were closed. He was wearing the same clothes, blonde hair that matched Draco's in style; he had gray eyes though they were slightly tinged with brown and he was dressed in fine black robes and he even had a black cape that were draped over his shoulders in his old-fashioned robes. He was a prince. Draco's reminded himself, that's if he's real.

"Lucas?" Draco said in shock, his eyes widened and the boy smirked at Draco and took a step towards him nodding slowly.

"Finally, we meet for real," he said, baring his sharp pointed teeth, two of them larger than the rest. His eyes flashed and he stepped back quickly. Draco looked at him with an inquiring look.

"Are you a Dreamhollow Caster?" Draco asked. He had read about the evil demons that could enter People's dreams and get them to do their evil biding. Lucas shook his head and held up a finger to indicate for Draco to stop talking.

"Who is crying?" he asked, his voice was deeper than in Draco's dreams. Draco thought for a moment.

"Morgan, most likely" Draco said shrugging, trying not to seem too worried. Lucas turned to the door to the dinning room. "Someone's coming" he hissed and grabbed Draco and shoved him in the cloak cupboard before jumping in himself. With a wave of his hand Lucas made a section of the door disappear and seeing the look on Draco's face he explained that it was a one-way mirror. They could see out but nobody could see in. Just like in his childhood adventures when they would hide from Draco's father. Had Lucas really been there all those years?

Lucius came though the dinning hall doors with his wand pointed at Drazic who was floating unconsciously in front of him. At that moment Drazic's girlfriend LeAnn came running down the stairs. She was screaming hysterically and started swearing madly.

"Lucius what have you done to him?!" she shouted and Lucius just smiled.

"My dear LeAnn, Drazic is a traitor and he will be in the dungeons if you wish to see him. But in the mean time" Lucius said moving a bunch of LeAnn's hair from her face. "If you're not too busy."

LeAnn's face lightened up and she smiled seductively. "I'm not" she said simply and then took Lucius' arm and they walked quickly up the stairs leaving the unconscious Drazic lying in the abandoned hall.

Draco immediately pushed open the cupboard door and ran over to his uncle's body. Lucas followed. Draco pulled out his wand and pointed it at Drazic and he whispered the words and the ropes untied themselves swiftly. Drazic remained unconscious but was he breathing? Draco kneeled down beside him and put his hand on his neck pulse. It was throbbing slightly under his fingers and relief swept over Draco.

"Is he dead?" Lucas asked from behind him.

"No, he's breathing" Draco replied, standing and putting his wand in his robes. "I'll call a house elf to take him to my room, Narve!" In a few moments a small house elf with large chocolate eyes was bowing at Draco's feet.

"You is calling for me master?" Narve asked standing up and shaking slightly.

"Yes, Narve I want you to take my uncle here up to my room, and don't let my father see him. You got it?"

Narve nodded and his overlarge eyes flopped around his head. "Master I is doing it right away!" and with a snap of his fingers, Drazic was floating in the air and following Narve up the stairs.

When they were out of sight, Draco turned to Lucas, but he was gone. "Shit," Draco whispered and strode over to the front door and opened it quickly. He peered out and saw Morgan running towards him.

"Draco!" she cried and Draco stepped out into the warm sunlight. She ran up the few steps and stopped in front of him, grasping her side. "I just heard Wormtail talking about Faith Slytherin" she panted and when she looked up at Draco, he could see her eyes were red and puffy. "She's escaped from the dungeons and wrote Lucius must die, on the walls in blood" she then fell down and sat on the ground.

"She escaped? But that's impossible, only people with....Malfoy blood" Draco was realising something. Malfoys were an ancient family, one of the first of the wizarding families. Was it possible that sometime before Faith was born the Slytherin and Malfoy lines of blood entwined and Faith had Malfoy blood? Well of course that would explain alot. "Did she ever say anything about her relations?" Draco asked Morgan. Draco knew that once upon a time three years Morgan had been best friends with Faith and Lyra.

They were once a strange trio and Draco had many memories with the three being happy even though they were each completely different. But whether or not Morgan could remember this was beyond Draco. The last time she remembered things that had been wiped from her brain she'd collapsed and lost a large amount of energy.

Morgan shook her head and Draco put out his hand to help her to her feet. She took his hand and Draco felt she was unnaturally light. "I've been trying to break though this mind blocking thing. It's stupid and it's driving me insane" she said harshly and followed Draco though the doors and back into the manor. "Anyway I've got more important things to worry about like where the hell Faith is and how she got out. I have to find her before your father does something just to prove" she paused, "well just to prove" Morgan hissed and she had a superior look on her face.

"Well that shouldn't be too hard" Draco said, he was trying to think of where Faith would go and by the look on Morgan's face, she was too, although she did look as though she would burst out crying at any moment. "Morgan your father's in my room. I got an elf to take him up there after you left"

Morgan looked at him shocked. "Draco-"

"Draco!" cried a voice and Morgan and Draco both looked up at Lucas standing on the bottom step. But he was also looking up the stairs towards Draco's mother who was standing at the top of the stairs with an outraged look on her face. "Draco there you are!" she said a bit more calmly. "And Morgan too and-" she had just reached the bottom step and was looking at Lucas; she swung strangely on her feet. "And your friend, Draco" she said grinning. She held up a bottle and took a swig from it.

"Mother are you drunk?" Draco asked and she nodded. She turned to Lucas and leaned on him for support.

"Draco honey son, baby cakes"-Draco exchanged a worried look with Lucas, Morgan was giggling-"sweetie pies, the funniest fing ever just happened" she sighed hysterically and swayed over to the fireplace.

"Mother I think you need to have a cold shower" Draco said slowly. She was really drunk, Draco had never seen her like this. What was she drinking?

"No Draco, just you listen" she said waving her hand at him. "I thought I'd go surprise your father with this cute little Fwooper I brought and when I got to his room, oh and heres the really good part! I walk in and heres your father with that LeAnn!" she spat and started crying. She was shaking and she dropped the bottle as she slid down the wall and sat on the floor. "Why-did-he-do-that? Why-doesn't-he-love-me?" She broke into more sobbing fits. Draco looked at Morgan then to Lucas. Lucas looked as though he'd never seen a person cry before in his life and Morgan was looking wide eyed at Narcissa.

Draco had no idea what to do. His mother had never cried like this before in front of him. "Mother, don't cry" Draco whispered. He suddenly felt horrible and he walked over to his mother and pulled her to her feet. She instantly threw her arms around him tightly.

"Draco" she whispered. "Draco I know I've never told you this, but I love you. I am your mother and Lucius took alot of your childhood away from you. He took my life away from me and I won't let him ruin yours anymore. We're leaving" she pushed herself away from Draco. "We are going to leave, we're going" she repeated this phrase over and over as she walked up the stairs. "ELVES!" she cried and five house elves were instantly by her side. "Follow me" she started walking back up the stairs, but half-way up she paused and turned back to Draco and Morgan. "You two will be leaving for Hogwarts shortly, Lucius is taking you" she then walked up the stairs.

"Lucas-" Draco started but when he looked to where he had been, he was gone.

"Draco we had better be going" Morgan said calmly. Draco looked to her. She seemed worried, most likely about her father.

"Morgan I'm sure that your father would have left by now" Draco assured her. She looked at him and smiled then nodded.

* * * * *

"Will I be returning for Christmas?" Draco asked his father as they waited on the platform.

"I'm unsure. Perhaps not," Draco nodded and turned to Morgan. She was looking around the platform. She was standing on tip-toe and looking around at faces. She looked to Draco just as Draco's father decided that he would be on his way. "I'll owl you with any news and both of you know the dark drill," Draco nodded, Morgan seemed thoughtful but nodded also "Very well then" and then Lucius turned and walked over to Logan Wister, who was standing alone nearby.

"Oh, no 'farewell son' or 'have a great year my son'?" Morgan said sarcastically. Draco sighed.

"He must have forgotten" he smiled, at that moment he lowered his head to narrowly avoid being hit in the head as Morgan's hand flew into the air.

"Lyra!" she cried, waving around her arm. "Over here!"

Draco frowned and gave her a questioning look. Morgan smiled sympathetically and nodded. She knew that Draco hated Lyra and that she would love nothing than to piss him off.

"Hi Morgan, hi there Draco" Lyra said happily as she arrived. Behind her was Lyra's elder brother Luke Wister.

"Hello Luke" Draco said completely ignoring Lyra.

"Greetings" Luke said nodding his head.

"Shall we go find Blaise?" Draco suggested and Luke nodded. They walked off leaving Morgan and Lyra.

"Well now that they're gone, let's go look for Ginny" ordered Morgan and Lyra agreed.

Being quite short, Morgan had to stand on tip toes to see over most people's heads. "I can't see her-wait! Over there!" Morgan cried pointing. She had just spotted a group of red heads and she promptly dragged Lyra towards them. She reached them and nobody seemed to notice. Ginny was standing away from the group. She seemed to be tired and thinking hard about something.

"Hey, you must be Ginny?" Lyra said as they reached her. Ginny looked up and first looked to Morgan then back to Lyra.


"I'm Lyra Wister" she said excitedly. Ginny smiled and so did Lyra.

"Hey Ginny, did you get my letter?" Morgan asked and Ginny nodded.

"I'd love to sit with you. We should go on and get a seat early, that way we won't get stuck with....anyone we hate" Ginny said quickly and with a glance at her mother and brother she grabbed Morgan and Lyra and pushed them onto the train and down the corridor.

"Hey, why the hurry," Lyra asked. To Morgan it was obvious that Ginny didn't want her brother to see her with a Malfoy.

"I just want a good seat." They reached the end of the corridor and Ginny pulled open the door. "This one's good" she said and walked in quickly. Morgan and Lyra soon followed.

They sat in silence for a moment.

"Ginny are you ashamed to be friends with me?" Morgan asked and Ginny's eyes widened.

"No! Not at all! It's just that my brother wouldn't understand and I really don't want to get into another fight with him" Ginny explained, and Lyra sighed.

"I thought you hated me!" Lyra said relieved. They all started laughing and then the doors opened. Draco was standing there with Luke and Blaise. Morgan smiled at Blaise and he smiled back. "Oh go away boys" Lyra said annoyed. Luke rolled his eyes and they stepped into the compartment.

"We were just wondering" said Draco "if you had room for one more in your apartment" he wasn't asking, he was almost demanding. Morgan looked at him questioning and Draco's eyes widened. "You have room for an extra person. A certain person, Morgan" Draco hissed and Morgan's eyes widened in realisation.

"God Draco, you coulda just said her name" Morgan said and stood up. "Well, where is she?" Draco smirked; he glanced at Ginny then pulled into view a girl with dark-almost black, purple hair and light blue eyes. She smiled and Lyra screamed.

"No! Get her away!"

The girl narrowed her eyes at Lyra and smiled sarcastically. Then she strode across the apartment and onto the seat near Ginny. She turned to Ginny and grinned.

"You must be Ginny Weasley"

"Um, yeah" Ginny said uncertainly. She had no idea who this girl was. Had they met before? "I'm sorry, I don't-"

"Know who I am?" said the girl. "Well of course you don't. I'm Faith Black."

* * * * *

After leaving the girls alone in the compartment Draco, marched down the corridor with Luke Wister and Blaise Zabini close behind him. Draco quite enjoyed his new company much more than Crabbe and Goyle. He didn't need them anymore, he was stronger now, and he could fight his own battles.

Crabbe and Goyle had always annoyed him. They were so dumb and completely out of touch with everything bar food that Draco had felt he would curse them at any moment. His abandonment of Crabbe and Goyle happened mainly because Draco realised he was much better than them. He was a Malfoy and he could do whatever he wanted, unfortunately he learnt that it wasn't always so. He left Hogwarts and went to Drumstrang for his sixth year to improve his Dark Arts skills and there he met Luke Wister.

Draco could remember the precise moment him and Luke were expelled. It was like being torn in half and stabbed repeatedly in the chest. The court threatened to snap their wands but they managed to get out of it somehow. Draco was pretty sure his father had something to do with it. Even though Lucius Malfoy had gone to Azkaban for two months and everyone knew that he was Death Eater, Draco's father was still in Lord Voldemort's highest ranks so alot of their fortune remained, but Draco and Luke were still being sued.

"Blaise!" all three of them turned swiftly to see the tall, brown haired Sally-Ann Perks accompanied by a short red haired girl with blue eyes, that Draco recognised as Tracey Davis. "I've been looking for you" Sally-Ann said sweetly to Blaise. Who shifted uncomfortably and rolled his eyes.

"Perks I thought he dumped you" Draco said in a monotone. Blaise shot him a smirk. This meant that it was now time to mess with poor little Virgin Mary, Sally-Ann.

"Dumped me?!" cried Sally-Ann and Luke took a step back from her. "Blaise, what's he talking about?" she asked, tears filling her eyes.

"Well" sighed Blaise looking at the roof. "I don't like you-at all-and, I'm dumping you" Blaise shrugged and Sally-Ann collapsed onto the ground and started bawling.

"How-could-you?! I-hate-you!" she gasped, her voice was muffled. Tracey was glaring at Blaise and she leaned over and pulled Sally-Ann to her feet.

"I wouldn't worry about him Sal, you can do so much better," Tracey whispered. Draco snorted as Tracey led Sally-Ann into a nearby compartment.

"The only thing better than Zabini would be me and guess what, its never going to happen" Draco hissed after them. Tracey looked back and stuck up her finger.

"Crawl back in your shit hole Davis!" Blaise called after them. Draco and Blaise laughed. Luke was frowning and he suddenly turned to Draco and pushed him up against the wall.

"Don't you remember what happened last time you opened you fat mouth to a girl" Luke hissed and Draco narrowed his eyes at him.

"Yeah I completely forgot" Draco said sarcastically. He pushed Luke backwards.

"Hey do you two have to fight!" cried Blaise "all you two do is beat the shit out of each other!" at Blaise's last words the compartment nearest to them opened. Five girls looked out at the scene and stared open mouthed at the boys.

"What?!" yelled Blaise causing all of the girls to jump. One of the girls stepped out and Draco recognised her straight away. It was Susan Bones and she still looked like a puppy-dog. Susan crossed her arms across her chest.

"Malfoy, you're still alive" she said grumpily. Draco rolled his eyes.

"How's your cousin going?" he asked with a smirk. Draco saw Luke tense at his side as Susan's eyes widened and she stepped forward. The other four girls came out from the compartment and stood behind Susan, all glaring at Draco. Of course they know, Susan would have told them.

"Don't you ever talk about my cousin!" shrieked Susan. "Draco Malfoy you are a piece of shit! And you should be dead!"

"Oh, don't be so nice" Draco mocked. Susan's glare was murderous ands so were her friends'.

"Look" said Luke stepping in front of Draco. "Susan Bones, right? Well you've obviously only heard half the story." Draco pulled Luke back.

"Would you shut up" Draco hissed "we're going back to Morgan." Luke nodded and told Blaise. Susan was still glaring at them but she and her friends moved across as Draco, Blaise and Luke strode back to the end compartment.

"You're gonna get it this year Malfoy!" cried Susan. "You had better watch your back!"

"Far out" hissed Luke. "She's Anna's Cousin?" Draco nodded.

"Like you need to be scared of her" Blaise said grinning. "What's she gonna do? Get her stupid club onto us?"

Draco stopped dead. "Her club? The DA? It still exists?!" Blaise nodded and Luke looked at them questioning.

"What's the DA?"

"A stupid club Potter started" Blaise explained. "We could ask Weasley about it?"

"Weasley?! He wouldn't tell us crap. We could try bribing him, but he's Potter's best friend"

"Not Ron! Ginny....," Blaise smiled evilly and Draco smirked and nodded. Suddenly the lights flicked once, then ent out completely. "Great, now we can't see,"

"It's daytime. The sun's out Blaise you dickhead" Luke alleged

Blaise smiled dumbly and pulled open the compartment. Draco followed him in just as the lunch cart arrived.

"Anything off the trolley dears?" asked the lady.

"Oh yes!" cried Morgan jumping to her feet. "Please give me lots, I'm starving!" she ran over to the cart and Lyra walked over to it as well. Draco looked around the compartment. Ginny was sitting near the window and was deep in conversation with the girl Draco and brought in earlier. Draco walked over and sat down next to her. Both the girls stopped talking and looked at Draco questioningly.

"Hello ladies" Draco said politely. "Faith, Ginny"

"Well Draco you remembered my name"

Draco looked at the purple haired girl. He knew it was Faith but she looked so unfamiliar. Those eyes were so blue, but they weren't hers. She had changed her nose as well, it was larger and pointier. Draco sighed and stretched his legs out. He noticed that Ginny was trying to avoid his eyes by looking out the window but she kept glancing back at him.

Morgan had come back now and she took a seat next to him and began eating some Bertie Blotts Every Flavoured Beans. Blaise sat next to Ginny and then Luke next to him. Lyra was the last to sit down. She kept shooting frightened looks at Faith.

"Freaking hell Lyra, sit down" snapped Morgan and Lyra sat down next to her.

"You want one?" Morgan asked Draco and he shook his head. "Ginny?"

"No thanks" Ginny said, still looking out the window.

"So Ginny" Draco said and she looked at him curiously. "What is the DA?" Ginny's eyes widened and she shifted in her seat.

"Well, it's just a group" she said quietly.

"Why so curious Draco?" Morgan asked. "You want to go join, I think you'd love it there." Morgan and Ginny both started laughing.

"You know what" Lyra said suddenly standing. She turned to Faith and put a brave face. "I don't care if you hate me or if you're 'the' Slytherin child, or that you're completely insane over Draco, god knows why, but just admit it Faith, you are so in love with him," she pointed to Draco, "and he likes being a total dick, and do you know what he did to a girl named Anna Bones? He nearly killed her in the worst way possible-"

"Lyra shut up!" cried Morgan. "Ginny's here and she doesn't know" Lyra just turned her anger to Morgan instead.

"Oh Morgan cause you're so perfect! Daddy's little girl! Miss stuck up princess! You're a Death Eater and a liar. You've always liked Faith more than me, you two always treat me like shit!" as she said this, Morgan and Faith both stood and Lyra walked backwards and out of the compartment. "What you going to do Morgan! You can't deny the fact that you always suck up to your father and gives you everything you want!" Lyra was screaming now and the people in the compartment next door came out to see what was going on. It just happened to be Potter, Weasley, Granger, Longbottom, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan. None of them seemed to want to break up the fight, all except Granger who was looking at Faith and Morgan then to Lyra.

"Lyra why don't you shut up before you get yourself into alot of trouble" Morgan said calmly.

"No Morgan. I need to say this" Lyra almost pleaded. It was about this time when Draco decided that he should at least try and break up the fight, just so Granger wouldn't yell at him for 'neglecting his head boy duties'.

"Stop yelling, you're disturbing other students" Draco said half-heartedly and Granger glared at him. "What?"

"Look Draco!" cried Lyra. "Don't even get me started on you!"

"Oh I'd love to see you try" Draco snapped and Lyra looked frightened, but she quickly covered it up and stood up tall.

"Well," Lyra said calmly "you are a jerk. And a Death Eater." Draco grunted. At this moment Susan Bones appeared to talk to Granger but she spotted Draco, who smirked. Draco looked back to Lyra and her face had lightened up. She was looking at him realisation. "And," Lyra said in an announcing type voice, "you and Luke-"

"No!" cried Morgan. She looked fearfully at Draco then to Luke who had just come out of the compartment, followed by Ginny, who looked nervously at her brother. "Shut the fuck up right now Lyra! And you're the Death Eater!"

"No Morgan, I think everyone's waiting to know why Draco was expelled from Drumstrang." She said matter-of-factly.

"Lyra," said Faith. "This is getting you nowhere."

Lyra's eyes narrowed. "Luke Wister and Draco Malfoy and a bunch of other guys," she cried pointing, and then she pointed to Susan. "Gang raped Susan Bones' cousin Anna Bones and then left her to die!"

Then Lyra's eyes widened and she grabbed her side as she fell to the ground.

Author notes: The saying: I can murder, I can smile as I murder, I heard of a friend of mine, I think she got it from a book? If anyone knows please tell me. (my friend want cause she's a biatch!!!)
The silly little comment Faith makes The time has come, the walrus said to think of many things is from Alice in Wonderland. (Faiths a little lost so bear with her people)
Thanks very much to all those who reviewed the last chapters *sniff* you guys are so great!!!!!!! I would name you all but I'm to lazy :D :D. I also recommend EVERYONE reads the prologue. If you¡¦re read it before, read it again because I've re-written it!! Yes that¡¦s right, re-written!!! If you really want to understand Morgan and her father and everything else, it¡¦s a necessity. ƒº
Just a reminder that this fic is going to get dark, pretty damn dark. So if you don¡¦t like darkness, angst than this may not be the fic for you. Theres gonna be romance and at least one main character dies. I don¡¦t want to offend anyone so please remember that this is a heavy story about things that would never make it into a real Potter book.

And the list of students that Lucius resights is something of my own discovery. It took me a few days but I couldn¡¦t find a complete list so I made a few people up-
-Clara Aymers
-Isabelle Irwin
-Victoria Ryder
-Ian Lloyd.
So the rest of the people I'm pretty sure at least exist in the Harry potter world. Thanx very much to the Harry Potter Lexicon (which is where I get alot of information from)

Please please please PLEASE r/r I love knowing peoples opinions and what you think, tell me what you hate, what you love and what annoys you. I might just reply :D

Luv you lots,
Oh and in case your wondering the first gift was Faith and the second was Reyna the sacrifice.