Visitor from the Future


Story Summary:
Post OotP, no HBP. After his horrifying fifth year, Harry is struggling to go on. However, a glimpse into the future, where Harry is all alone at the end of the Second War, gives Harry a reason to fight, and to learn to trust again. Helped by a mysterious Visitor, Harry discovers new powers, and fights to save those closest to him, lest the terrifying future he saw comes true.

Chapter 07 - Chapter 7: The Truth Will Set You Free

Chapter Summary:
Harry tells what happened at Pivet Drive, and asks Remus a question that Remus can't answer- yet. The Order discusses what will happen to Harry now, and Snape proves to be capable of emotions other than anger and hatred!
Author's Note:
Very angsty, and discusses child abuse (from victim's point of view)

Chapter 7: The Truth Will Set You Free

Later that evening, Harry was talking with Remus, who was currently telling a rather funny story from the Marauders' days, when the door to the Hospital Wing opened, and a number of people entered.

Professors Dumbledore, McGonnagall, and Snape, along with Mad-Eye Moody, Tonks, and Kingsley Shackelbot, an Auror and Order member, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and two other wizards all filed in, talking quietly. Seeing Harry awake, the procession stopped talking and gathered around Harry's bed. Madam Pompfrey, who had come out of her office when she had heard the group enter, went over and talked for a moment with Dumbledore, Kingsley, and the two wizards, before nodding slightly and going back into her office, returning a moment later with two potion vials in her hands, her face set and grim.

Professor Dumbledore walked over to Remus' side, and murmured quietly in his ear, then walked back to the group at the foot of the bed after receiving a small nod from the werewolf. Remus turned to Harry. "Pronglet? These people are here to... to talk to you. About what happened. They- they need to know, Pronglet."

Harry's face blanched slightly, and he swallowed before answering, refusing to meet Remus' eyes. "Okay."

"Pronglet? I promise you I won't go anywhere, OK? I'll be right here the whole time." Remus' voice was concerned, and he leaned forward in his chair slightly, and placed two fingers under Harry's chin, making the boy look at him. Harry nodded once, then immediately ducked his head again.

Remus sighed, then turned to Dumbledore, and nodded at the man, who in turn looked over at the two wizards, and nodded at them. One of them, a man of average height, and a kind face with light sea-green eyes and sandy, blonde hair stepped forward and addressed the teen on the bed in a kind and compassionate voice.

"Harry, my name is Healer Thompson, and this man next to me is Garrett Williams, a child services wizard. I believe you know everyone else here?" Receiving a slight nod from Harry, he turned to Kingsley, who in turned stepped forward, and in his deep voice, tinged with kindness, spoke aloud in a manner that was obviously for the technicalities of the interview.

"Mr. Potter, can you tell us what happened on the evening of 1 August, at around seven-thirty in the evening?"

Harry continued to look at his hands, and then softly began to talk. "I was in my room, reading, when I heard Uncle Vernon come home. He was downstairs talking. I-I couldn't understand what he was saying, but he sounded... he sounded mad an-and drunk. I sat really quietly, kind of hoping he wouldn't come up, but I heard him coming up the stairs. Next thing I knew, he had opened the door, and... started yelling at me..." Harry's voice had trailed off as he had talked, and if it hadn't been for the absolute silence in the room, people probably would not have been able to hear him.

"What was you uncle yelling, Harry?"

"H-He was yelling at me... like always... calling me a 'freak' and h-he asked me what I had done... t-to him... now. I-I asked him what he meant, and he... started yelling about my... 'freakish friends' and how they had embarrassed him a-at the train station at the beginning of summer."

"Why had your friends talked to your relatives at King's Cross, Harry?"

"T-they told my aunt and uncle that there would be people, checking up on me, to make sure they were being nice to me... Uncle Vernon said... he said that his bosses had seen him there, and wanted to know why he was 'hanging around w-with that sort of people,' and that it had gotten him in trouble."

"What happened next, Harry?"

Harry was quiet for a moment or two, but just as Kingsley was about to ask the question again, Harry finally answered in a voice no more than a whisper, "H-he grabbed me by the throat, and kept on yelling at me, asking me what I had done. I-I told him I didn't do anything, but he... he... threw me at the wall, screaming, 'don't lie to me.'" Harry had started trembling, tears trickling down his cheeks. His eyes were squeezed shut, as though that way, he wouldn't see it happen all over again.

"He started kicking me, and was screaming the whole time, telling me... telling me I should have died w-with my parents, and h-how I was just ruining everyone's lives and... and then, he..." Harry broke off, silent sobs wracking his body, overwhelmed by the memories.

"Harry? What did he do then?" Kingsley's voice was soft, and the concern was evident. He hated to make Harry relive it, but it was necessary to know what Harry remembered.

"He... he took off his... his belt, and s-started beating me with it. All over my back. I-it hurt so much, I thought... I thought I was going to die." He suddenly looked up at those around him, tears pouring from his emerald green eyes, which were so haunted and filled with pain and grief, it caught everyone off guard, even the normally stoic Snape. "I-I wanted to die. I wanted it to end. Then, I remember the... power going out i-in the house, and then the window breaking. I-I think I screamed 'No!' and then, I remember Tonks' voice, tell-telling me t-to hold on." Harry looked back down at his hands, tears splashing onto them.

The healer stepped forward. "One last question, Harry. Have your relatives ever hurt you like that before?"

Harry nodded silently, refusing to look up.

Remus looked over at Dumbledore, who, after receiving a nod from the healer and the social services wizard and nodding to Madam Pompfrey, looked back at him, nodding slightly. Madam Pompfrey stepped forward, and managed to coax one of the potions, which turned out to be a calming draught, down Harry's throat. Remus, meanwhile, had sat down next to Harry. Harry turned to him, and buried his face into Remus' robes, sobbing quietly. Remus gently hugged Harry, whispering quietly in his ear. Madam Pompfrey handed the other potion, a Dreamless Sleep Potion, to Remus, and went back to her office. All the wizards congregated around Harry's bed turned and quietly walked out, each trying to come to terms with what Harry had just admitted had happened to him.

Mrs. Weasley, who had tears streaming down her face, looked at Remus, and then was gently led away by her husband, who also had tears standing in his eyes. Tonks looked at the two on the bed, and too walked out, her shaking shoulders evident of her sobs, leaving Remus alone with Harry, whose sobs had diminished, and had turned his face up to Remus'.

"W-what's going to happen now, Moony?"

"I-I don't know, Pronglet."

"C-can I... stay with you? I mean, after Madam Pompfrey lets me out?" A small amount of hope had crept into Harry's voice, obviously not wanting to leave the one adult he trusted.

"I'll see what Dumbledore says, Pronglet. But I promise you, I won't leave you alone. No matter what, I'll be there for you. I promise." Remus and Harry sat there for quite some time, each, for one reason or another, fearing the future and what it would bring.


A few hours later, while Harry was sleeping peacefully under the Dreamless Sleep Potion, Remus flooed into the kitchen of Grimmauld Place, where the group from the hospital, minus the healer and social services wizard, were talking at the kitchen table. Molly got to her feet and offered to get Remus a plate of food, which he politely accepted, and soon he was seated with a steaming bowl of stew and a bottle of butterbeer.

Dumbledore turned to Remus, and quietly asked, "How is Harry doing right now, Remus?" Everyone in the kitchen turned to see what Remus had to say.

Remus swallowed, then answered softly, "As well as can be expected, considering the fact that his whole life has been literally turned upside down, and he's honestly terrified."

"Of what?" Molly had tears in her eyes, her mind obviously on the boy she considered another son.

"What's going to happen to him now... where he's going to live... who's going to be his guardian, that sort of thing..." Remus trailed off, unsure of whether to say what Harry had asked about Remus being his guardian, especially in front of Molly, whose desire to take Harry in was well-known among all those present.

"Well, with... what has happened, and... Sirius' will being read, in which he left everything to be split equally between you and Harry," Dumbledore began, sparing a kind look for Remus, who had closed his eyes for a moment and taken a deep breath at the mention of his friend, "it seems that Harry is in need of a new guardian." Holding up his hand to forestall any interruptions, continued, "This guardian will obviously have to firstly be someone that Harry trusts explicitly, and would be available to him at this difficult time. While I have been informed that Harry will not be required to testify at his uncle's upcoming trial in front of the Wizenmagot, Harry will need an adult who will be able to be someone Harry can go to when he 'needs to talk,' as the saying goes. The fact that the guardian would have to be approved by the Ministry is not of concern, considering that Mr. Williams has assured me that the main concern is to get a guardian Harry trusts, not someone the Ministry 'approves of,' since I believe we all know their viewpoints on certain individuals."

Molly opened her mouth, to no doubt offer to take guardianship, when Snape of all people spoke up for the first time. "Potter will need an adult who has ample time and little other concerns. He will... need someone who he will never feel a 'burden' to, since the boy has an annoying habit of not talking to others about a problem for fear of 'inconveniencing' them. As much as it... pains me to admit this, Lupin would probably be the best choice." The Potions Master refused to meet anyone's eyes, and looked highly uncomfortable at defending the "Potter brat" as he was wont to call Harry.

Remus sat there still for a moment, thrown by his former school-enemy offering good advice to help out Harry, then turned to Dumbledore, and said hesitantly, "Harry... asked me if... he could come live with me... I-I told him I would see what I could do... I'd be happy to take him... if... that's what's decided is best for him..."

Dumbledore smiled gently to the werewolf, being able to guess why Remus was so reluctant to bring up the topic in present company. "I'm sure that Harry would enjoy that, and that it would be fine for him to visit his friends for a weekend or two during the remainder of the summer holiday?"

Remus nodded, and finally turned to look Molly in the eye. "Harry told me... that... he doesn't want to lose everyone else just because one person is assigned his guardianship. He would love to visit you lot, and I know how important you are to him. Anyway, he would... need a place to stay every month for a few days since... well, I know he would love to spend it with you." Remus had looked uncomfortable at mentioning his "furry little problem" as James and Sirius had called it during their Hogwarts years, but was desperate to assure Molly that he had no intention of "stealing" Harry away from her.

Molly, able to guess what Remus had been hinting at, smiled at him, and said quietly, "We'd love to have him, and you as well, whenever you two want to come around. You don't have to be a stranger, Remus. I understand that he needs an adult who can focus on him and him alone. I see him as another son, and I supppose that's the problem. It would be hard to put him in front of my other children, and he needs more one-on-one support right now, support that only you can really give right now." Turning to Dumbledore, the Weasley matriarch said firmly, "I see no problem with Remus having guardianship of Harry, and that the Ministry would be mad to have it any other way."

Her tone of finality sent small chuckles throughout the group, releasing some of the tension that had built up. The discussion continued, but with the assurance that, at the very least, Harry would have a guardian who would look out for him and be someone that Harry could trust. It wasn't a complete solution to the problems Harry would face, but it was a very good start.


Two days later, Harry was finally allowed out of bed, his physical injuries healing nicely. Madam Pompfrey reluctantly allowed him to walk through the castle, as long as Remus was with him, and a promise that Harry would return immediately if he felt any discomfort at all.

"So, where do you want to go, now that you're free?" Remus' tone was light, and Harry smiled in return.

"Well, I was thinking... maybe if we went to the library, we could look up some stuff about... you-know..." Harry trailed off and glanced significantly at Remus, who nodded slightly, and, bowing deeply, said, "Lead on, then!"

Four hours later, the two left the library, Remus carrying two books that had looked promising as to how to start training Harry in the use of his new powers. The problem they had faced was that there was very little they could find because Harry didn't really know what had happened in the first place, and there was generally very little information available about the awakening of powers that could possibly be related to what had happened to Harry. They remained undaunted though, both confident that they would be able to make at least some headway, or, worst case scenario, go to Dumbledore and ask for his advice and assistance about how to begin Harry's training.