Astronomy Tower
James Potter Lily Evans
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 07/08/2003
Updated: 07/08/2003
Words: 1,523
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,103

James' Proposal


Story Summary:
James has decided to ask Lily to be wife. But, something goes wrong...


James' Proposal

James had the perfect plan. He was completely in love with the girl of his dreams and he was one hundred percent sure that she felt the same way about him. He knew that they were destined to spend the rest of their lives together. Now, the only question was how he was going to ask. He pondered over this for quite a time. But, in the end, he decided that they would be in her favorite spot in the park under a gazebo. That was all he had so far. He preferred it to be snowing, being that it was December. He loved the way she looked with snowflakes in her hair and caught on her lashes. He decided that anytime would be fine, just as long as he could drag her away.

James entered the small jeweler's shop and saw Remus' mother, who owned the place. She had helped him craft the perfect diamond for Lily. With a gold band and a simple diamond in the shape of a square in the center. And, when you moved it around, you could see small specks of color inside. "Hey Mrs. Lupin," James greeted. "Moony! Hey!" he saw Remus with his long time girlfriend, Rose, in the adjourning area where you could buy chocolates and flowers. This was the store where you went to get Valentine's gifts for your sweetheart. Which it looked like what Remus was doing, even though he was a couple months early, or extremely late. But, that's what he always did, showering Rose with gifts, as if pleading her to stay with him. Which was crazy of course.

"Hey Jamesie," Mrs. Lupin said, waving a velvet box. "I've got it. Lily's engagement ring."

James breathed a sigh of relief, for reasons that he could not name. "Thanks."

"So, how are you going to do it James?" Remus asked, coming over, hand in hand with Rose.

"Perhaps when it's snowing, tonight. In her favorite spot in the park, I'm not sure yet," James fingered the ring.

"Good luck," Mrs. Lupin gave James a quick hug. "Oh this is so stupid of me to cry."

"You're supposed to cry at MY wedding Mum!" Remus reminded her.

"No, I've just watched him grow up. He's the first one of you four to propose. It's crazy," Mrs. Lupin said, wiping a tear on her sleeve.

"Well, I better be going," James put thirteen galleons on the table when Mrs. Lupin pushed them away. "James! You're getting married! You're going to need all the money you can get! Especially if you have kids. That cost a FORTUNE!" she looked at Remus.

"I didn't ask to be born, ya know," Remus rolled his eyes.

"Ok," James said, pocketing the money. "Bye!" he said, turning away. He opened the door and was greeted by a cold breeze.

That night, James let himself into Lily's parent's house for their annual Christmas Eve party. (He was spending Christmas with them since his parents decided to go to Italy and leave him here.) He first saw Lily's sister, Petunia, who greeted him with a bitter smile. "Petunia!" he exclaimed with false cheerfulness. She was the only one that he didn't like out of Lily's whole family. And, he was pretty sure that she didn't like him either. But, he told Lily this. She didn't laugh. She told him that she hated everyone who was 'her kind' referring to a witch or wizard.

Lily spotted James across the room, talking to her grandmother. She loved seeing him talk to her family so comfortably. Almost as if they were his family as much as her own. Except that they didn't have nude and embarrassing baby pictures of him. She made her way over to him, giving hugs and cheek kisses to everyone she met along the way. She crept up beside him and slid her arm through his.

"Oh! Hello Lily!" her grandmother exclaimed, hugging her, then scurrying off to mingle.

"So, what's goin on?" Jamed asked Lily, reaching into his pocket, reassuring himself that the ring was still safely there.

"Oh, noth-" Lily was interrupted by groans from children in the living room. Lily looked over her shoulder and through the door to see all of her cousins, ten and under, looking crestfallen at the television.

She made her way in there, and asked her cousin, Pansy, what had happened.

"They have assured us that there will be no snow tonight! Which means that no snow tonight means no white Christmas!!!!!"

Lily too was mildly disappointed. From the time that she could remember, there had always been a white Christmas at the Evans'. And, her family from all over would come over and have a big snowball fight after opening presents. Even her grandparents and great uncles and aunts.

James' eyes bugged out. 'What did he mean that there was going to be no snow tonight!? Was the world against him?!'

He decided that he WAS going to do it on Christmas Eve, so, he grabbed Lily by the hand and led her out the front door. "James!" Lily giggled. "What are you doing?"

"Get in the car, let's go for a walk in the park," he smiled as she got into the driver's seat and he got into the passenger seat. Of course, he didn't know how to drive.

A block away from the park, James told her to stop. She did so. He got out and she followed in suite. He grabbed her hand and they walked in a comfortable silence to the park. When they got into view of the gazebo, he realized that someone had strung lights around it. He looked around to see Remus and Sirius in the bushes. Well, not really see them, more like hear their quieted laughs and besides, one of those bushes was shaking.

Within three yards of the gazebo, a light snow started to fall, slowly turning into a heavy, thick snow. It became so thick that you could catch flakes on your tongue.

They got to the gazebo and climbed the three slippery steps of ice. James got down on one knee and fumbled with the box that had the ring inside. He cast the box aside and got the ring out. Then, a strong gust of wind came and forced James to let go of the ring. "NOOOO!" James shouted, making a mental note that the bushes were no longer laughing. He dug through the snow, absent-mindedly muttering to himself. Lily got down on her knees and started rummaging through the snow as well asking, "What are we looking for?"

"No! Just stay up there!" he said, looking around again.

Lily, ignoring his request, got down on her hands and knees.

She and James started going down the steps to find that they were covered in ice. Lily clutched James as he clutched the rail. Both of these actions were however pointless since they both came tumbling down to the Earth. James landed on his back and Lily beside him. He looked over into her deep green eyes as snowflakes were getting caught in her lashes and hair. She reached over to stroke his cheek as she put her mouth to his. They both wished that that moment could last forever, but like everything else, it had to end.

James shifted his weight to find something protruding into his back. He got up and looked down to see a diamond. A DIAMOND he realized. He quickly grabbed it and lied back down. He turned to Lily, "Close your eyes."

Lily obediently did so as her eyes closed. James threw away his plan of getting down on one knee, lying in the snow with Lily was much better.

He groped around until he felt her left hand on his right. He looked up to make sure that she wasn't peaking, but noticing the big smile on her face.

He slipped the diamond ring on her fourth finger and kissed her hand. Then, told her to open her eyes. She looked down at the ring and gasped. "Oh my gosh! James!" She exclaimed, sitting up. "Is this...is this what I think it is?"

"Well, if you're thinking of a safari in Africa then, no. But, if you're thinking of me asking you to be my wife, then yes," he said, suddenly feeling immense butterflies in his stomach.

"James," she breathed, admiring the ring. "This is so beautiful."

James tensed up. Why hadn't she responded yet?

"Of course I'll marry you! I couldn't think of spending the rest of my life with anyone else," Lily said, looking into James' deep hazel eyes as her green ones began to water.

"Lils, what's wrong?" his stomach clenched, she was having second thoughts was all James could think.

"I'm just so happy!" she said, smiling through the tears.

He breathed a sigh of relief. "So, we're engaged!"

And so it began...a beautiful life together. The wedding is set for the 19thof August, and, two years later, they are expecting a baby boy to be named Harry to be born on July 31st.