Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
Harry Potter
Romance Angst
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 01/20/2007
Updated: 09/16/2007
Words: 2,662
Chapters: 4
Hits: 1,952

The Only One He Ever Feared


Story Summary:
Harry loved Quidditch. It was something that he could do to his mind off of things; problems, homework, Voldemort, things that terrify teenagers. All but one.

Chapter 03 - Chapter 3

Chapter Summary:
Hermione walks back to the Common Room and trys to figure out Harry's dream...and a few other things.
Author's Note:

The Only One He Ever Feared

Chapter 3

Hermione walked as slow as she could along the corridor, away from the Hospital Wing. Everyone was probably in bed now, which was good. It was a long corridor, and she had a lot to think about so quiet was good.

She couldn't bear to answer Harry's question about Ron and Ginny's whereabouts. She hated lying to Harry, or anyone really, so she ignored his inquiry the best she could. Ron and Ginny were probably angry because of the late win in the game that cost them the Quidditch House Cup. Ginny was already somewhat cold-shouldered towards Harry for breaking up with her. With Ron being her brother, she tried to force him to follow suit. But, he still was friendly towards Harry and Hermione.

She started to recall the events of the past afternoon. She remembered Harry's lopsided grin towards her that always warmed her heart., his look of shock on his face as he fell, and when pain and determination was etched on his face as he rounded the pitch. His expression of triumph as he caught the Snitch made her smile.

She was so worried when they brought him to the Hospital Wing. He was covered in blood all over. Hermione had rushed up to the infirmary to check on him. Ginny on the other hand practically stormed off the pitch with Ron following trying not to act concerned. She hadn't seen them since.

Another thing that was eating at her mind was Harry's dream. She didn't understand what it meant that she was the only one that died and that Ron and Ginny were left unscathed? She knew now that Harry's dreams usually meant something. Did Harry not like her?

"You know that's not right," she told herself.

Did the idea frighten Harry?

"Well, it would scare me." she thought.

Does he care for me?

"Well, yeah. I'm his friend."

Does he like me more than a friend?

"Whoa!" That was improbable. He loved her as a friend, but nothing more.

As she thought of this she started to remember Fourth Year and how Rita Skeeter wrote articles about the Harry-Hermione-Victor love triangle. Also, in Fifth Year when Cho was jealous of Harry's friendship with her. Cho thought that Harry liked Hermione instead of her.

And, Ron was always upset about her and Victor going to the Yule Ball. He was either jealous or defensive that year. She knew he must have feelings for her. He always was trying to cause a row to get her attention and argue over dumb things.

But, she was still with Victor, so now wasn't the time to be contemplating her could-be love life. Or Harry's. No matter what HE did to her. She shuddered at the thought.

She arrived at the portrait of the Fat Lady, said the password and trudged up to her bed. And without bothering to change into her pajamas, she sank into her sheets and fell asleep.

Any questions? Not much of a cliff-hanger but I have some coming up!! Please review!! I need at least 5 reviews before I add chapter 5!