Lily Evans Severus Snape
General Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 06/17/2003
Updated: 07/20/2004
Words: 18,559
Chapters: 6
Hits: 3,588

The Snape Incident

Callisto Wales

Story Summary:
Hogwarts, 1977, and much that ensues in the Marauders' sixth year. We'll see familiar people, unfamiliar people, people that would seem to be familiar ``but are in fact not at all what you expected, and some slash.

Hogwarts, 1977, and much that ensues in the Marauders' sixth year. We'll see familiar people, unfamiliar people, people that would seem to be familiar but are in fact not at all what you expected, and some slash. RL/SB. AU since OotP.

Words: 2,308
Hits: 1,539

Hogwarts, 1977, and much that ensues: Chapter the second, in which parties are planned and classes are attended. Yay for classes! RL/SB. AU since OotP.

Words: 2,602
Hits: 525

In which there is a party! Well, mostly offstage. Er. And breakfast, and the all-important outcome of the potion. Oooh. And Soprano!Snape. Hee hee hee. AU since OotP.

Words: 2,180
Hits: 487

Hogwarts, 1977, and much that ensues: Chapter the fourth, in which the moon is full and Remus is out-of-sorts. RL/SB (though not much this chapter). AU since OotP.

Words: 4,298
Hits: 440

Hogwarts, 1977, and much that ensues: Chapter the fifth. The morning after. And afternoon, evening, and night. And Lily and Arabella fight over cats. RL/SB. AU since OotP.

Words: 3,859
Hits: 250

Hogwarts, 1977, and much that ensues: Chapter the sixth, in which classes are attended, again. Divination and Defense, Remus is ill, Snape is snogged, and Our Heroes get their shiny teenaged world turned upside-down.

Words: 3,312
Hits: 346